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ArduPilot Copter Release Notes: |
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Copter 4.0.0-rc5 23-Dec-2019 |
Changes from 4.0.0-rc4 |
1) RM3100 compass enabled on all boards |
2) GCS failsafe disabled by default (see FS_GCS_ENABLE parameter) |
3) Bug Fixes |
a) Bootloader fix for H7 boards (could brick CubeOrange, CUAV V5 Nano, etc) |
b) OmnibusF4pro GPS fix |
c) MatekF405-Wing missing serial ports restored |
d) MatekF765-Wing RTSCTS parameter defaults set correctly |
e) CUAV V5 Nano battery monitor param defaults improved |
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Copter 4.0.0-rc4 20-Dec-2019 |
Changes from 4.0.0-rc3 |
1) Compiler updated to gcc 6.3.1 |
2) Solo default parameters updated |
3) Bug Fix to RCMAP channel number sanity check |
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Copter 4.0.0-rc3 16-Dec-2019 |
Changes from 4.0.0-rc2 |
1) Flight mode and control improvements: |
a) Auto mode Takeoff getting stuck fixed (very rare) |
b) AutoTune protection against ESC sync loss at beginning of a twitch |
c) SystemID mode parameters hidden by default (set SID_AXIS to non-zero to see all) |
d) Takeoff from slanted surfaces improved by reducing I-term build-up in attitude controllers |
2) Lua Script related enhancements: |
a) MAV FTP support to ease uploading and downloading Lua scripts |
b) NeoPixel/WS2812 LED control from Lua scripts |
c) Pre-arm check that Lua scripting feature has enough memory |
3) TradHeli enhancements: |
a) Autonomous autorotation (compile time option, not available in stable firmware) |
b) CCW Direct Drive Fixed Pitch tail support (see H_TAIL_TYPE parameter) |
c) Parameter description improvements |
d) STAB_COL_1/2/3 param range changed to 0 to 100 (was 0 to 1000) |
4) Lightware SF40c driver for latest sensors with "streaming" protocol |
5) Board/Frame specfic fixes: |
a) Hex CubeOrange IMU heater control gain tuning improvement |
b) Holybro Durandal IMUs ordering fix so EKx_IMU_MASK bits are intuitive |
c) Holybro Pixhawk4 B/E LED fix (was flickering) |
d) MatekF765 PWM outputs 5 and 6 now functional |
e) MatekF765, MatekF405 time wrap CRITICAL fix for vehicles flying more than 72min |
f) MatekF765 LED fixes |
g) mRobotics ControlZeroF7 I2C bus numbering fix |
h) Solo default params updated for 4.0.0 |
i) Bootloaders for boards using STM32H7 CPUs |
j) Bootloader protection against line noise that could cause the board to get stuck during bootup |
k) LED timing fix for FMUv5 boards with LEDs on one of first four auxiliary PWM outputs |
6) Minor Enhancements and Bug Fixes |
a) I2C storm High level protection |
b) Internal errors (like I2C storms) reported to GCS by setting Heartbeat status to Critical |
c) Dataflash Logging CTUN.TAlt and SAlt scaling fixed |
d) DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL messages are sent using Mavlink1/2 as specified by SERIALx_PROTOCOL |
e) DO_SET_SPEED sanity check fixed to protect against negative speeds |
f) FrSky telemetry scheduling improvement (fixes issue in which GPS data would not be sent) |
g) GPS auto configuration fix for non-Ublox-F9 (F9 config was interfering with other Ublox GPSs) |
h) Landing gear DEPLOY message fix (could be displayed multiple times or when gear not configured) |
i) Pre-arm check of position estimate when arming in Loiter even if arming is "forced" |
j) Pre-arm check that Terrain database has enough memory |
k) RangeFinder parameter conversion fix (some parameters were not upgraded from 3.6.x to 4.0.0) |
l) RangeFinder TYPE parameter descriptions clarified for LidarLite and Benewake Lidars |
m) Serial parameters hidden if they do not exist on the particular board |
n) UAVCAN GPS fix for GPSs that don't provide "Aux" message (like the Here2) |
o) NMEA Output bug fix (output was stopping after 90 seconds) |
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Copter 4.0.0-rc2 04-Nov-2019 |
Changes from 4.0.0-rc1 |
1) Failsafe changes: |
a) GCS failsafe triggers when telemetry connection is lost (previously only triggered when using joystick) |
b) FS_OPTION parameter allows continue-in-auto and continue-in-pilot-modes for RC/Radio and GCS failsafe |
2) Dynamic Notch Filter supports filter range based on BLHeli ESC feedback |
3) Improved protection against high roll/pitch gains affecting altitude control |
4) Bug Fixes: |
a) Altitude control param conversion fix (PSC_ACCZ_FILT converted to PSC_ACCZ_FLTE) |
b) BLHeli fix to RPM calcs and telemetry (aka 0x8000 error) |
c) ChibiOS SPI timeout fix (non-critical) |
d) Fence upload is less strict about altitude types (fences don't have altitudes) |
e) Motor loss detection bug fix (would sometimes think the wrong motor had failed) |
f) Pre-arm message fix to reports AHRS/EKF issue (was blank) |
g) Sparky2 autopilot firmware available |
h) Startup message "AK09916: Unable to get bus semaphore" removed (was not an error) |
i) Yaw control fix for fast descent and after large attitude disturbances |
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Copter 4.0.0-rc1 25-Oct-2019 |
Changes from 3.6.11 |
1) Path Planning for Object Avoidance (aka Bendy Ruler and Dijkstra's) replaces "Dodge" avoidance |
2) Complex Fence support (aka stay-out zones) |
3) Lua scripting support on the flight controller |
4) New flight controllers: |
a) Hex Cube Orange |
b) Holybro Durandal |
5) Attitude Control changes: |
a) Attitude Control filters on target, Error and D-term (see ATC_RAT_x_FLTT/FLTE/FLTD) |
b) Harmonic notch filter |
6) Flight mode changes: |
a) ZigZag mode (designed for crop spraying) |
b) SystemId for "chirping" attitude controllers to determine vehicle response |
c) StandBy mode for vehicles with multiple flight controllers |
d) SmartRTL provides warnings when buffer is nearly full |
e) Follow mode offsets reset to zero when vehicle leaves follow mode |
f) Upward facing surface tracking using lidar |
g) Circle mode points more accurately towards center |
7) Traditional Heli: |
a) Removed the parameter H_LAND_COL_MIN and functionality now uses H_COL_MID. CAUTION: ensure H_COL_MID is set to collective blade pitch that produces zero thrust |
b) Incorporated a rotor speed governor in rotor speed control (RSC) |
c) Moved all RSC parameters to the RSC library |
d) Converted throttle curve parameters to percent |
e) Converted RSC_CRITICAL, RSC_IDLE, and RSC_SETPOINT to percent |
f) Created swashplate library that has presaved swashplate types for use with Heli_Single and Heli_Dual frames |
g) Motor interlock with passthrough settable through RC option feature |
h) Removed collective too high pre-arm check |
i) Added virtual flybar for Acro flight mode |
j) Fixed H_SV_MAN minimum and maximum settings for Heli_Dual |
8) Frames: |
a) BiCopter support |
b) OctoV mixing improvements |
9) RC input/output changes: |
a) Serial protocols supported on any serial port |
b) IBUS R/C input support |
c) DO_SET_SERVO and manual passthrough can operate on the same channel |
10) Battery improvements: |
a) Up to 10 batteries can be monitored |
b) "Sum" type consolidates monitoring across batteries |
c) Fuel flow battery (for use with gas tanks) |
11) Sensor/Accessory changes: |
a) Robotis servo support |
c) ToshibaCAN ESCs |
d) BenewakeTF03 lidar |
e) SD Card reliability improvements (if card removed, logging restarts) |
f) Yaw from some GPS (including uBlox RTK GPS with moving baseline) |
g) WS2812 LEDs (aka NeoPixel LEDs) |
h) NTF_BUZZ_VOLUME allows controlling buzzer volume |
12) Landing Gear: |
a) Retracts automatically after Takeoff in Auto completes |
b) Deployed automatically using SRTM database or Lidar |
13) UAVCAN improvements: |
a) dynamic node allocation |
b) SLCAN pass-through |
c) support for UAVCAN rangefinders, buzzers, safety switch, safety LED |
14) Serial and Telemetry: |
a) MAVLink Message-Interval allows reducing telemetry bandwidth requirements |
b) SERIALn_OPTIONS for inversion, half-duplex and swap |
15) Safety Improvements: |
a) Vibration failsafe (switches to vibration resistant estimation and control) |
b) Independent WatchDog gets improved logging |
c) EKF failsafe triggers slightly more quickly |
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Copter 3.6.12 13-Dec-2019 / 3.6.12-rc1 06-Dec-2019 |
Changes from 3.6.11 |
1) More ChibiOS fixes for I2C storm |
2) COMPASS_SCALE param to allow manual correction of compass scaling |
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Copter 3.6.11 01-Oct-2019 / 3.6.11-rc1 16-Sep-2019 |
Changes from 3.6.10 |
1) EKF and IMU improvements: |
a) IMU3 enabled by default if present |
b) IMU3 fast sampling enabled by default on Cube autopilots |
c) EKF protection against large baro spikes causing attitude error |
d) EKF origin fixes (consistent across cores, set externally only when not using GPS) |
e) EKF logging of 3rd core |
2) Minor enhancements: |
a) Land mode supports heading requests (ie. ROI) |
b) Support Hexa-H frame |
c) MatekF405-STD binaries created |
d) Benewake TFminiPlus lidar support |
3) Bug Fixes |
a) Barometer health checks include sanity check of temperature |
b) Lightware serial driver handles invalid distances |
c) IO firmware fix involving delayed writes to serial ports (ChibiOS only) |
d) CAN Compass fis to for unintialised device IDs |
e) mRo x2.1-777 USB ID fix |
f) ChibiOS fix for I2C storm |
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Copter 3.6.10 29-Jul-2019 / 3.6.10-rc2 2-Jul-2019 |
Changes from 3.6.10-rc1 |
1) mRobotics ControlZeroF7 board support |
2) Motor Test fixed by removing delay that triggered CPU Watch Dog |
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Copter 3.6.10-rc1 08-Jul-2019 |
Changes from 3.6.9 |
1) EKF improvements: |
a) learns biases even for inactive IMUs |
b) EKF uses earth magnetic field model to reduce in-flight compass errors |
c) EKF switches to first healthy IMU when disarmed |
d) IMU fix for dropped samples during high CPU usage |
e) Optical flow fusion start fix when some gyros disabled |
2) Ublox F9 GPS support |
3) Integrated CPU Watch Dog for STM boards including logging of reset reason |
4) ChibiOS I/O firmware for ChibiOS builds to support Spektrum binding |
5) Auxiliary switch changes always logged |
6) CUAVv5 Nano LED fix |
7) Solo Gimbal fix when some gyros disabled |
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Copter 3.6.9 27-May-2019 / 3.6.9-rc1/rc2 30-Apr-2019 |
Changes from 3.6.8 |
1) CX-OF flow sensor enabled on all boards |
2) CUAVv5 Nano board support added |
3) RangeFinders supported on all I2C ports |
4) Compass maximum acceptable offsets increased |
5) Septentrio GPS driver loses logging of camera feedback which could cause lag |
6) Bug Fixes: |
a) Acro mode leveling fix for when ACRO_TRAINER was 1 |
b) Tradheli collective position pre-arm check removed |
c) Fallback to microSD for storage fixed |
d) GPS blending memory access fix that could lead to unhealthy GPS |
e) fixed POWR flags for 2nd power module on fmuv3 boards |
7) bootloader binary update for many boards |
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Copter 3.6.8 26-Apr-2019 / 3.6.8-rc1 24-Apr-2019 |
Changes from 3.6.7 |
1) Safety fixes |
a) Prevent loss of active IMU from causing loss of attitude control |
b) Added startup check for Hex CubeBlack sensor failure |
c) don't reset INS_ENABLE_MASK based on found IMUs |
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Copter 3.6.7 06-Mar-2019 / 3.6.7-rc1 28-Feb-2019 |
Changes from 3.6.6 |
1) Bug fixes and minor enhancements |
a) Matek405-Wing compass fix (thread initialisation fix) |
b) Landing flips reduced by reducing I-term build-up |
c) Land mission command slows down less aggressively |
d) Lightware LW20 lidar more reliably switches to serial mode |
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Copter 3.6.6 15-Feb-2019 / Copter 3.6.6-rc2 09-Feb-2019 |
Changes from 3.6.6-rc1 |
1) Bug fixes |
a) EKF compass switching fix for vehicles with 3 compasses |
b) CAN fixed on Pixhawk4 and PH4-mini |
c) Mini-pix uart telem1 and telem2 reversed |
d) Divide-by-zero protection if _FILT_HZ params set to zero |
e) Guided_NoGPS skips GPS pre-arm check |
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Copter 3.6.6-rc1 02-Feb-2019 |
Changes from 3.6.5 |
1) AP_RSSI fixes and minor enhancements |
a) RSSI pwm input driver for ChibiOS |
b) add V5 Nano to RSSI_ANA_PIN parameter description |
2) Bug fixes and minor enhancements |
a) TradHeli roll trim ramp time fix |
b) First Spline waypoint no longer skipped |
c) RC override (from GCS Joystick) disable fix (command to disable overrides could be interpreted as real input) |
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Copter 3.6.5 24-Jan-2019 / 3.6.5-rc3 21-Jan-2019 |
Changes from 3.6.5-rc2 |
1) Bug fixes: |
a) Pixhawk4 SBUS input and Serial6 pin mapping conflict resolved |
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Copter 3.6.5-rc2 15-Jan-2019 |
Changes from 3.6.5-rc1 |
1) Bug fixes and minor enhancements |
a) RC DSM sync bug fix (channel 8 could temporarily become zero, ChibiOS only) |
b) Pixhawk board LED fix (ChibiOS only) |
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Copter 3.6.5-rc1 11-Jan-2019 |
Changes from 3.6.4 |
1) Bug fixes and minor enhancements |
a) SD Card reliability improvement (BRD_SD_SLOWDOWN param) and allow re-inserting card after boot |
b) Mode and Auxiliary switch range check to protect during FrSky SBUS failsafe recovery |
c) Follow mode reports target distance and heading to ground station |
d) Pixhawk4-mini safety switch and LED fix |
e) Bebop2 build fix |
2) RC protocol decoding for SRXL, SUMD and ST24 extended to all boards including pixracer and ChibiOS-only boards |
3) DrotekP3 Pro support |
4) Cube Purple support |
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Copter 3.6.4 27-Dec-2018 / 3.6.4-rc1 20-Dec-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.3 |
1) Bug fixes and minor enhancements |
a) Detect and clear stuck I2C bus when using ChibiOS |
b) Pixhawk4 fix for battery monitor voltage scaling |
c) TradHeli Dual (aka Chinook) fix for scaling of second swashplate movement |
d) Omnibus F7 IMU orientation fix |
e) Gimbal fix to avoid extreme movement if pilot's transmitter is off at startup |
f) Follow mode fix to obey FOLL_SYSID parameter (controls which vehicle to follow) |
2) Cheerson CX-OF optical flow sensor support |
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Copter 3.6.3 04-Dec-2018 / 3.6.3-rc1 01-Dec-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.2 |
1) Bug fixes and minor enhancements |
a) Pixhawk4 RC input fix |
b) TradHeli parameter default fixes for Loiter and PosHold |
c) Onboard OSD fix for MatekSys 405 |
d) Solo power off button delay time increased |
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Copter 3.6.2 24-Nov-2018 / 3.6.2-rc4 22-Nov-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.2-rc3 |
1) Bug fixes and minor changes: |
a) Benewake TFmini short range scaling fix |
b) Fix alt drop after quick switch from RTL to stabilize to RTL |
c) Winch removed from build by default |
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Copter 3.6.2-rc3 19-Nov-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.2-rc2 |
1) Bug fixes: |
a) Benewake TFmini and TF02 driver reliability fix |
b) Spektrum RC parsing fix when more than 7 channels |
2) remove bootloader from px4-v2 builds (reduces firmware size) |
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Copter 3.6.2-rc1/rc2 15-Nov-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.1 |
1) Bug fixes: |
a) Benewake TFmini and TF02 driver checksum fix (was missing many sensor readings) |
b) Range finders report healthy to GCS when out-of-range |
c) RPM sensor reliability fix by initialising analog input pin |
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Copter 3.6.1 10-Nov-2018 / 3.6.1-rc1 06-Nov-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.0 |
1) Garmin LidarLite V3HP support |
2) VFR HUD messages send relative altitude if DEV_OPTIONS = 2. Useful for older OSDs and GCSs |
3) Bug fixes: |
a) Battery failsafe voltage parameter conversion fix |
b) Safety switch startup fix (was occasionally not initialised properly) |
c) Benewake TFmini and TF02 driver discards distances over 327m (avoids reporting 655m when can't read distance) |
d) Dataflash erase only availabled when disarmed (avoids crash if user attempted to erase logs while flying) |
4) ChibiOS fixes and enhancements: |
a) Pixracer LEDs colours fixed |
b) Terrain support fixed on Pixracer, MindPx-v2, Radiolink mini-pix |
c) RC input processing fix to avoid memory corruption in some rare cases |
d) FuriousFPV F-35 Lightning board support |
e) SpeedyBee F4 board support |
f) Bootloaders for OmnibusF4v6, mRoX2.1-777, Radiolink mini-pix |
g) Revo-mini support for external barometer |
h) Pins numbers made consistent across boards (setup of some features now more consistent across boards) |
i) enable safety switch on Pixhawk family f7 boards |
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Copter 3.6.0 26-Oct-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.0-rc12 |
1) Bug Fixes: |
a) Object avoidance fix when using 360 Lidar (mini fence was not including first distance) |
b) Flowhold mode descending fix |
2) ChibiOS related fixes: |
a) Kakutef7 support pin mapping fixes |
b) PixRacer LED fix |
c) I2C Lidar driver fix to avoid freeze at startup if sensor not connected |
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Copter 3.6.0-rc12 05-Oct-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.0-rc11 |
1) Bug Fixes: |
a) DSHot ESC driver race condition fix (could result in board freezing up) |
b) EKF fix to rounding off home altitude (could result in slightly inaccurate home altitude) |
c) Pixracer safety switch fix (BRD_SAFETYOPTION parameter was handled incorrectly) |
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Copter 3.6.0-rc11 01-Oct-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.0-rc10 |
1) Bug Fixes: |
a) PosHold fix to initialise desired accelerations |
b) Automatic compass orientation fix to account for equivalent rotations |
c) ChibiOS fix to RSSI voltage reading |
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Copter 3.6.0-rc10 15-Sep-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.0-rc9 |
1) Arming/disarming from transmitter can be disabled with ARMING_RUDDER parameter |
2) ChibiOS fixes: |
a) UART baud rate rounding fix (allow 921600 baud to work) |
b) ADC fix to allow more simultaneous channels |
3) Bug Fixes: |
a) Lean angle limit (to maintain altitude) always allows at least 10deg of lean |
b) Attitude Control and PID initialisation fix to reduce twitches when switching modes |
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Copter 3.6.0-rc9 08-Sep-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.0-rc8 |
1) Landing gear can be operated using AIRFRAME_CONFIGURATION mavlink messages |
2) Support playing tunes received via MAVLink (i.e. from GCS) |
3) Bug Fixes: |
a) Twitch reduced when entering Loiter at high speed |
b) Safety switch state fix when Pixhawk/Cube I/O board reset in flight |
c) External display fix to allow plugging into either I2C port |
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Copter 3.6.0-rc8 28-Aug-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.0-rc7 |
1) TeraRanger Tower EVO lidar support added |
2) PCA9685 and NCA5623 LED support added (replacements for Toshiba LED that is becoming end-of-life) |
3) Missions can start with DO_ commands (first NAV command must still be takeoff) |
4) ChibiOS fixes: |
a) DShot and BLHeli stability improvements |
b) added OmnibusNanoV6 bootloader |
5) Bug fixes: |
a) AP_Stat only saves values to eeprom if they change (reduces CPU impact) |
b) boost throttle respects safety switch |
c) TradHeli reduce chance of tip-over when landed in Loiter |
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Copter 3.6.0-rc7 01-Aug-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.0-rc6 |
1) Compass rotation detection during calibration (see COMPASS_AUTO_ROT param) |
2) Tone alarm system consistent on all boards and support for playing tones from GCS |
3) OnBoard OSD improvements including showing dir to home (ChibiOS only) |
4) External compass support and microSD improvements for many ChibiOS-only boards including Kakute F4, Mateksys F405-Wing, Airbot F4, Crazyflie2, MindPXv2, Mini-PIX, Omnibus F7 |
5) Bug fixes: |
a) Battery monitor parameter fix to support BLHeli ESCs |
b) Ch12 auxiliary function fixed |
c) compassmot fix |
d) Pixracer external compass fix |
e) Pre-arm failure regarding RCx_TRIM removed for non critical channels |
f) SBUS failsafe fix when receiver configured to "hold" |
g) UART flow control fixes (ChibiOS only) |
h) VL53L0X lidar fix |
6) Minor enhancements: |
a) Compass device IDs (i.e. COMPASS_DEVID) set to zero if no compass detected |
b) Fence action "Always Land" option added |
c) Motor test maximum time extended to 10min |
d) Receiver RSSI pwm input on AUX5,6 |
e) USB Serial port protocol default set to Mavlink2 |
7) TradHeli fixes: |
a) "Channel already assigned" message fixed |
b) External gyro output method PWM based |
c) Swash servo output properly accounts for servo trim |
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Copter 3.6.0-rc6 16-Jul-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.0-rc5 |
1) ChibiOS small enhancement and fixes: |
a) KakuteF4 UART order fix |
b) mRobotics bootloader and autobuild of binaries for AUAV2.1 and Pixracer |
c) Mateksys F405-Wing uart reorder to better match labels on board |
2) Improve telemetry/GPS detection by only clearing UART when baud rate changes |
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Copter 3.6.0-rc5 07-Jul-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.0-rc4 |
1) Support new boards CubeBlack and HolyBro Pixhawk4-mini |
2) ChibiOS small enhancement and fixes: |
a) make board serial number match NuttX |
b) relay fix for Pixhawk boards by defaulting BRD_PWM_COUNT to 4 (same as NuttX) |
c) MatekF405-Wing default compass orientation fix |
d) Pixhawk4 default compass orientation fix |
e) Omnibus F4 Pro I2C fix |
3) Bug fixes: |
a) Telemetry baud rate fix |
b) RC failsafe fix to RTL in all modes except Auto when FS_THR_ENABLE is continue-with-mission |
c) waypoint navigation related safety check that PSC_POS_XY_P is non-zero |
d) aerofc-v1 update bootloader utility fix |
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Copter 3.6.0-rc4 05-Jul-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.0-rc3 |
1) add support for Cube Black and Cube Orange |
2) Built-in OSD improvements including home direction fix, altitude fix |
3) Bug fixes: |
a) ESC Telemetry current scaling fix |
b) LED pre-arm GPS colour fix if glitch occurs |
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Copter 3.6.0-rc3 02-Jul-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.0-rc2 |
1) ChibiOS: |
a) airbotf4, matekF405, matekF405-wing, omnibusf4pro, mini-pix, omnibusf7v2, revo-mini, sparky2 binaries built on |
b) STM32F7 support including the CUAV v5 Autopilot and the PixHawk 4 (aka fmuv5) |
c) fixed dataflash logfile dates |
d) bootloader included in firmware for easier uploading |
e) additional UART added to fmuv4 and fmuv5 (STM32 F7 boards) |
f) ChibiOS version written to dataflash log files |
2) TradHeli |
a) fix collective jump on rotor shutdown in AltHold and Loiter |
b) fix interlock pre-arm check |
3) Follow uses relative altitudes (FOLL_ALT_TYPE param allows specifying relative or absolute alts) |
4) Auxiliary switch de-bounced to avoid false positives |
5) Bug fixes and minor enhancements: |
a) ESC calibration fix |
b) ESC_TELEMETRY messages sent to ground station |
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Copter 3.6.0-rc2 01-Jun-2018 |
Changes from 3.6.0-rc1 |
1) ChibiOS support for Holybro Kakute F4 |
2) Range finders: |
a) Benewake TFmini and TF02 support |
b) WASP200 laser range finder support |
3) D-Shot and ESC telemetry support |
4) Vision-position-estimate support for use with ROS |
5) Bug fixes and minor enhancements: |
a) TradHeli swash plate servo trim fixes |
b) SmartRTL gives pilot yaw control |
c) marvelmind reliability improvements |
d) CoaxCopter and SingleCopter output fixes |
e) Maxbotics I2C sonar health fix |
6) Safety fixes/improvements: |
a) GPS/EKF failsafe disabled in Acro/Stabilize modes |
b) interlock switch arming check fixed |
c) Auxiliary switch de-bouncing |
d) pre-arm check for GPS/AHRS difference changed to 2D (to avoid false positives) |
e) startup crash fixed when VL53L0X lidar configured but not connected |
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Copter 3.6.0-rc1 19-Apr-2018 |
Changes from 3.5.5 |
1) ChibiOS support including F4BY, OpenPilot Revo Mini, TauLabs Sparky2 boards |
2) Flight mode changes: |
a) New Loiter with faster roll and pitch response, braking |
b) SmartRTL (returns home using outgoing path) |
c) Follow mode (allows following without relying on ground station commands) |
d) FlowHold (position hold with optical flow without lidar) |
3) Battery failsafe allows two stages of actions and monitoring of multiple batteries |
4) New sensors/drivers: |
a) Marvelmind for Non-GPS navigation |
b) RPLidarA2/A3 for object avoidance |
c) Winch for lowering packages without landing |
d) Septentrio GPS driver robustness improved |
5) New frames: |
a) dodeca-hexa copter (12 motors on 6 arms) |
b) Variable pitch quadcopter support (aka HeliQuad) |
c) multicopters with vertical boosting motor (see MOT_BOOST_SCALE parameter) |
6) Miscellaneous changes and enhancements: |
a) Auxiliary switch to enable/disable RC overrides from ground station joystick |
b) Barometer temperature calibration learning (see TCAL_ENABLED parameter) |
c) Camera triggering by distance only in Auto mode if CAM_AUTO_ONLY set to 1 |
d) Compass noise rejection using COMPASS_FLTR_RNG parameter |
e) Compass interference compensation for up to 4 motors (see COMPASS_PMOT parameters) |
f) Command Line Interface (aka CLI) removed to reduce firmware size |
g) Flight mode channel can be changed using FLTMODE_CH parameter |
h) IMU notch filter to ignore specific frequencies (use INS_NOTCH_ENABLE parameter) |
i) LAND_ALT_LOW parameter allows setting altitude at which vehicle slows to LAND_SPEED in Land and RTL modes |
j) Mission cleared automatically on each reboot if MIS_OPTIONS parameter set to 1 |
k) Object avoidance configurable to "stick" to barriers (previously would always slide past) |
l) PILOT_SPEED_UP, PILOT_SPEED_DN allow different max climb and descent rates in AltHold, Loiter, PosHold |
m) Safety switch configurable (i.e. only allow arming but not disarming via switch) |
n) Servo output rate configurable (see SERVO_RATE parameter) |
o) Vehicle rotation rate limits (see ATC_RATE_P/R/Y_MAX parameters) |
p) SI units in parameters, mavlink messages and dataflash logs |
7) TradHeli improvements: |
a) H3-135/140 swashplate support |
b) Reversed collective option for leading/trailing edge control |
c) AltHold angle limiter fix |
d) Five point spline-smoothed throttle curve |
8) parameter and log message name changes: |
a) ACCEL_Z_ renamed to PSC_ACCZ_ |
b) ACC_ parameters renamed to PSC_ACC |
c) POS_ parameters renamed to PSC_POS |
d) VEL_ parameters renamed to PSC_VEL |
e) FS_BATT_ renamed to BATT_FS_ |
h) RC_FEEL_RP replaced with ATC_INPUT_TC (functionality is same, scaling is different) |
i) WPNAV_LOIT_ params renamed to LOIT_ |
j) NTUN dataflash message renamed to PSC |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Copter 3.5.7 17-Jul-2018 / 3.5.7-rc1 12-Jul-2018 |
Changes from 3.5.6 |
1) Bug fix to ESC calibration safety switch issue |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Copter 3.5.6 11-Jul-2018 / 3.5.6-rc1 07-Jul-2018 |
Changes from 3.5.5 |
1) Safety switch fix to refuse presses once armed (BRD_SAFETYOPTION controls behaviour) |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Copter 3.5.5 31-Jan-2018 / 3.5.5-rc1 24-Jan-2018 |
Changes from 3.5.4 |
1) ICM20948 compass orientation fix |
2) LIS3MDL compass support on Pixracer |
3) support for easy embedding of defaults in firmware binary |
4) do-mount-control control command sets copter yaw when using 2-axis gimbal |
5) TradHeli fix for direct drive variable pitch tail rotors |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Copter 3.5.4 23-Nov-2017 / 3.5.4-rc2 17-Nov-2017 |
Changes from 3.5.3 |
1) Compass improvements / bug fixes: |
a) probe for LIS3MDL on I2C address 0x1e |
b) bug fix pixracer compass detection |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Copter 3.5.4-rc1 08-Nov-2017 |
Changes from 3.5.3 |
1) Compass improvements: |
a) support added for QMC5883L, LIS3MDL, IST8310 |
b) COMPASS_TYPEMASK parameter allows enabling/disabling individual compass drivers |
2) LightWare and MaxBotix range finders supported on both I2C buses |
3) Serial port 5 can be used for telemetry or sensors (previously was only for NuttX console) |
4) px4pro flight controller supported |
5) TradHeli fixes: |
a) motor runup check applies to all flight modes (previously only loiter, poshold, althold) |
b) swashplate behaviour changes when on ground in acro, stabilize and althold |
c) servo test function fixed |
d) direct drive fixed pitch tail fix |
e) Z-axis Accel P gain default lowered to 0.3 |
6) EKF origin set using SET_GPS_GLOBAL_ORIGIN mavlink message instead of SET_HOME_POSITION |
7) Intel Aero supports 921600 baud rate between main flight controller and companion computer |
8) Bug fix to I2C race condition on Pixhawk that could occasionally cause I2C device to not be detected |
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Copter 3.5.3 21-Sep-2017 / Copter 3.5.3-rc1 12-Sep-2017 |
Changes from 3.5.2 |
1) Guided mode support yaw and yaw-rate fields from set-position-target message |
2) Optical Flow startup retries 10 times |
3) Bug fixes: |
a) Septentrio RTK GPS driver robustness improvements for long messages |
b) dataflash not-logging checks if not initialised |
c) fix reporting of relative-position-NE-to-home (most users will not notice this difference) |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Copter 3.5.2 14-Aug-2017 / Copter 3.5.2-rc1 05-Aug-2017 |
Changes from 3.5.1 |
1) GPS glitch arming check and notification (flashing blue-yellow LED, message on HUD) |
2) Arming check for minimum voltage (see ARMING_VOLT_MIN parameter) |
3) Landing Gear startup behaviour now configurable (see LGR_STARTUP parameter) |
4) Solo LED fix when using "boat" mode |
5) Intel Aero RTF gets one more I2C bus |
6) Bug fixes: |
a) resolve barometer floating point exception when ground pressure set to be negative |
b) resolve freeze if SERVOx_FUNCTION is set above 80 |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Copter 3.5.1 31-July-2017 / 3.5.1-rc1 24-July-2017 |
Changes from 3.5.0 |
1) fix to RC input corruption when using Spektrum DSMx with Pixracer |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Copter 3.5.0 17-July-2017 / 3.5.0-rc11 12-July-2017 |
Changes from 3.5-rc10 |
1) GPS fixes: |
a) Re-enable auto detection of NMEA GPS (revert change from -rc9) |
b) Fix SBF race condition on start (this should resolve SBF GPS detection issues for some users) |
2) SF40c driver fix to ignore zero distances |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Copter 3.5.0-rc10 08-July-2017 |
Changes from 3.5-rc9 |
1) Intel Aero build and default parameter updates |
2) EKF final yaw reset lowered from 5m to 2.5m to speed up bad compass detection after takeoff |
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Copter 3.5.0-rc9 03-July-2017 |
Changes from 3.5-rc8 |
1) AutoTune improvement when using position hold (twitches in body-frame instead of earth-frame) |
2) GPS fixes: |
a) RTK GPS fix when large RTK correction messages are sent |
b) auto-detection for NMEA disabled (NMEA users must explicitly set GPS_TYPE to 5) |
3) EKF bug fixes: |
a) fix bug preventing use of optical flow for terrain height estimation |
b) fix bug affecting accuracy of optical flow estimated height during climb/descent |
c) fix range beacon fusion bugs |
4) return accel filter (INS_ACCEL_FILT) to 20hz (some users were seeing oscillations at 10hz) |
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Copter 3.5.0-rc8 15-Jun-2017 |
Changes from 3.5-rc7 |
1) Solo on Master: |
a) add/fix tones and LED support |
b) resolve dataflash health reporting issue |
2) Allow flight controller to boot even if critical sensors fail (previously stopped at startup and displayed message people could rarely see) |
3) Minor enhancements: |
a) Landing Gear retracts/deploys only when pilot first moves switch (previously would always deploy on startup) |
b) BeagleBoneBlue supports external compass, OLED display |
4) Bug fixes: |
a) increase pilot stick dead zones for roll, pitch and yaw (still slightly more narrow than AC3.4) |
b) increase default roll, pitch and yaw rate IMAX values to 0.5, reduce default yaw rate filter to 2.5hz |
c) reduce accel filter from 20hz to 10hz (smoothes throttle in AltHold) |
d) fix EKF declination fusion |
e) object avoidance fix to ignore old distance measurements and out-of-range distances from range finder |
f) fix poxyz west-east processing (it was backwards) |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Copter 3.5-rc7 25-May-2017 |
Changes from 3.5-rc6 |
1) Bug fixes and minor enhancements: |
a) fix OneShot ESC calibration and compass-mot calibration |
b) fix Navio2 and ErleBrain crashes caused by insufficient memory allocated to scheduler |
c) AutoTune with position hold only resets target position when roll and/or pitch sticks moved |
d) fix Acro, Sport trainer mode to stop attitude targets going beyond angle limits |
e) sanity check WPNAV_RADIUS is non-zero |
f) MarvelMind driver fixes (still a work-in-progress) |
g) Sanity check command when resuming mission in Auto |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Copter 3.5-rc6 15-May-2017 |
Changes from 3.5-rc5 |
1) Bug fixes and minor enhancements: |
a) ESC calibration fix when not using safety switch (was waiting for safety switch to be pushed) |
b) Parameter loading improvements (responds sooner after startup, counts parameters in separate thread) |
c) Pilot radio passthrough fix for tradheli, single copter, coax copter |
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Copter 3.5-rc5 03-May-2017 |
Changes from 3.5-rc4 |
1) Intel Aero RTF support |
2) Smart battery fetches serial number, temperature and individual cell voltages |
3) Vehicle heads towards target point instead of next waypoint during straight line waypoint mission commands in AUTO |
4) Visual Odometry supported using VISION_POSITION_DELTA mavlink message |
5) Do-Set-Home sets EKF origin allowing user to specify vehicle starting position without GPS |
6) Object avoidance parameter (AVOID_MARGIN) allows configuring distance to maintain from objects |
7) Motor output can be duplicated to multiple channels |
8) IRLock can be connected to any I2C bus |
9) Piksi "Multi" GPS support |
10) Performance Improvements: |
a) inter-EKF scheduling cooperation (improves load balancing when using multiple EKFs) |
b) parameter requests from GCS processed asynchronously (resolves bad flight behaviour when fetching params in-flight) |
c) display performance improvements |
1) Bug fixes including: |
a) LSM303D (Pixhawk's backup IMU) timing fixes |
b) auxiliary PWM outputs update even when RC input stops |
c) dataflash log over mavlink fixes |
d) EKF recovery from severe errors |
e) reduce twitch when transitioning from spline to straight line waypoints in AUTO |
f) enable motors after initialisation completes (resolves some BLHeli ESC initialisation and calibration issues) |
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Copter 3.5-rc4 08-Apr-2017 |
Changes from 3.5-rc3 |
1) Bug fixes including: |
a) Baro based altitude estimate fixes including limiting ground temperature to reasonable value |
b) Fix 0.6ms lag reduction |
c) Fix Invensense IMU driver temperature reading |
d) Fix semaphore take during interrupts that may have caused very occasional main loop rate issues |
e) Return Home if GCS asks for first (i.e. zero-ith) mission command (required for Solo) |
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Copter 3.5-rc3 24-Mar-2017 |
Changes from 3.5-rc2 |
1) OLED Display fixes: |
a) can be connected to either I2C bus |
b) last character on line correctly cleared |
2) bug fix to detect SBUS failsafe on Pixracer |
3) bug fix to Gimbal servo reversing |
4) ensure WPNAV_LOIT_SPEED is non-zero to avoid divide-by-zero |
5) Fence pre-arm check failure messages clarified |
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Copter 3.5-rc2 13-Mar-2017 |
Changes from 3.5-rc1 |
1) Improved dual GPS support including blending (set GPS_TYPE2=1, GPS_AUTO_SWITCH=2) |
2) AutoTune with position hold (enter AutoTune from Loiter or PosHold modes to enable light position hold) |
3) New boards/drivers: |
a) PixhawkMini support |
b) AUAV2.1 board support (for AUAV2.1 set BRD_TYPE to 20 to distinguish from PixhawkMini) |
c) Garmin LidarLiteV3 support |
d) Maxell Smart Battery support |
e) Invensense ICM-20602 IMU and ST L3GD20H gyro drivers added |
4) IMU to Motor lag reduced by 0.6ms |
5) Object Avoidance: |
a) support TeraRanger Tower sensor |
b) support using normal (1-dimensional lidar/sonar) |
6) Minor changes/enhancements: |
a) add MOT_SPOOL_TIME parameter to allow users to control spool-up time of motors |
b) remove Solo gimbal from -v2 because of 1MB Flash limit on many Pixhawk1s |
c) altitude check for Guided mode takeoff (must be at least 1m) |
d) auxiliary switch to arm/disarm vehicle (set CH7_OPT to 41) |
e) change battery alarm tone to reduce impact on IMU |
f) add battery monitor health reporting |
g) support DO-FENCE-ENABLE mission command to enable/disable fence during missions |
7) Bug Fixes: |
a) OLED Display clears messages after 10seconds |
b) Servo Gimbal output range fix (could attempt to push servos beyond their limits) |
c) fix do-set-servo |
d) fix dataflash log time (was always appearing as 1970) |
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Copter 3.5-rc1 28-Jan-2017 |
Changes from 3.4.4 |
1) Multicopter firmware consolidated into single binary, users must set FRAME_CLASS parameter (1:Quad, 2:Hexa, 3:Octa, 4:OctaQuad, 5:Y6, 7:Tri) |
2) PixRacer specific items: |
a) board LEDs supported |
b) ESC calibration start problem resolved (was sometimes not detecting high throttle from pilot) |
3) Relaxed compass calibration and compass consistency checks |
4) Sensor and Optional Hardware Improvements: |
a) IMU sampling rate for MPU9250, ICM20608 IMUs to 8kHz for improved vibration resistance (Pixracer, Pixhawk2) |
b) Onboard Display ( |
c) Here+ RTK GPS (UBlox M8P RTK) support |
d) LightWare I2C drivers usable on Copter (thanks to in-tree drivers below) |
e) MaxBotix sonar with serial interface now supported |
f) Bebop optical flow (but sonar not yet operational making this feature currently impossible to use) |
5) Precision Loiter using IRLock sensor (set CH7_OPT to 39) |
6) Delivery improvements: |
a) Servo gripper ( |
b) Package_Place mission command (drops package without vehicle landing) |
7) Pozyx support for Non-GPS flight ( |
8) EKF improvements: |
a) improved blending of optical flow and GPS |
b) EKF3 added in ride-along. Enable by setting EK3_ENABLE=1 |
c) improvements when using range finder as primary height reference |
9) Object Avoidance improvements ( |
a) uses mini-fence |
b) accepts MAVLink distance-sensor messages |
c) simple avoidance in AltHold mode |
10) Other improvements: |
a) pre-arm check that logging is working |
b) better reporting of battery failsafe to ground stations |
c) reduced minimum waypoint speed to 20cm/s |
d) Flight time recorder ( |
e) UBlox GPS baud rate fix (was occasionally selecting wrong rate) |
11) Technical improvements (users may not see a functional change): |
a) in-tree drivers lead to improved sharing of drivers with Linux boards |
b) copter arming checks consolidated with other vehicles |
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Copter 3.4.6 15-Mar-2017 |
Changes from 3.4.5 |
1) ensure WPNAV_LOIT_SPEED is non-zero to avoid divide-by-zero |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Copter 3.4.5 11-Feb-2017 |
Changes from 3.4.4 |
1) Bug fix to Guided mode that could lead to crash after take-off completes if MOT_THST_HOVER too high |
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Copter 3.4.4 06-Jan-2017 / Copter 3.4.4-rc1 21-Dec-2016 |
Changes from 3.4.3 |
1) Bug Fixes / Minor Enhancements: |
a) prevent unwanted EKF core switching at startup |
b) helicopter prevented from taking off in position hold mode before rotors at full speed |
c) battery resistance calculations fixed |
d) avoid unnecessary parameter change notifications to ground station |
e) default power module definitions for Navio boards |
f) on-board compass calibration capability bit added (tells ground stations that onboard calibration is supported) |
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Copter 3.4.3 08-Dec-2016 / Copter 3.4.3-rc1 01-Dec-2016 |
Changes from 3.4.2 |
1) Bug Fixes: |
a) reduce unnecessary EKF core switching and fix position reset |
b) attitude control does not limit rate if ATC_ACCEL_MAX is zero |
c) ignore arm command from GCS if already armed |
d) set land-complete to false during auto takeoff |
e) onboard compass calibration memory init fix that could lead to failure to complete |
2) Minor Improvements: |
a) LeddarOne driver robustness improvements |
b) allow MOT_THR_MIX_MAX to be as high as 2.0 |
c) uavcan bus settle time increased to 2sec |
d) helicopters do not hold position during auto takeoff until rotor is at full speed |
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Copter 3.4.2 16-Nov-2016 / Copter 3.4.2-rc1/rc2 07-Nov-2016 |
Changes from 3.4.1 |
1) Minor Improvements: |
a) ACRO_Y_EXPO applies to all flight modes (but is defaulted to zero) |
b) Autotune timeout increased (helps with large copters) |
c) AltHold filter applied to P (was previously only for D) |
d) arming check for compass health (was previously only a pre-arm check) |
2) Bug Fixes: |
a) compass calibration (onboard) fix to return completion status |
b) LeddarOne driver busy-wait fix |
c) SBF GPS altitude and accuracy reporting fix |
d) MAV GPS uses existing configured baud rate instead of auto detecting |
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Copter 3.4.1 01-Nov-2016 |
Changes from 3.4.0 |
1) Pixracer PPM RC input fix |
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Copter 3.4.0 31-Oct-2016 |
Changes from 3.4.0-rc7 |
1) Disabled LeddarOne driver (will be fixed in AC3.4.1 within a couple of weeks) |
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Copter 3.4.0-rc7 25-Oct-2016 |
Changes from 3.4.0-rc6 |
1) Bug fixes, minor improvements: |
a) more DSM binding fixes for pixracer |
b) allow non-motor channels to move before safety switch is pressed |
c) fix Bebop motor order |
d) fix MAVLink system id for first few messages |
e) fix throw mode throttle while rotating to level |
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Copter 3.4.0-rc6 15-Oct-2016 |
Changes from 3.4.0-rc5 |
1) Object Avoidance with SF40c 360 lidar |
2) ACRO_Y_EXPO parameter allows exponential yaw in ACRO mode (slow yaw at mid stick but fast response at full stick) |
3) ACRO_THR_MID parameter allows custom mid throttle for ACRO mode |
4) Precision Landing reliability and accuracy improvements using mini EKF and adding IRLock lens distortion correction |
5) Bug fixes, minor improvements: |
a) fix DSM binding on Pixracer |
b) resolved position jump caused by EKF core change (also added logging and reporting to GCS) |
c) EKF failsafe while in LAND triggers non-GPS LAND |
d) small throttle jump removed when switching between AltHold, Loiter |
6) Safety: |
a) EKF falls back to optical flow if GPS fails |
b) pre-arm check that GPS configuration has completed |
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Copter 3.4.0-rc5 14-Sep-2016 |
Changes from 3.4.0-rc4 |
1) Sprayer enabled by default |
2) Bug fixes, minor improvements: |
a) EKF fix for yaw angle reset fix when switching between cores (AC3.4 runs multiple EKFs simultaneously) |
b) EKF fixes when fusing range finder into height estimate |
c) pixracer clone board IMU hardware issue work around |
d) dataflash time-going-backwards fix |
e) fix rate PID conversion (AC3.3->AC3.4) for single, coax and tricopters |
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Copter 3.4.0-rc4 06-Sep-2016 |
Changes from 3.4.0-rc3 |
1) Intel Aero flight controller support (not Intel Aero RTF, that was done in a later release) |
2) Bug fixes, minor improvements: |
a) resolve unlikely endless-climb in AltHold, Loiter by ensuring Z-axis accelerometer IMAX can always overpower hover throttle |
b) fix auto build issue that could lead to parameter corruption |
c) fix EKF2 gyro estimation error when switching between IMUs |
d) sanity check MOT_THST_MIX_MIN, MAX parameters |
e) increase likelihood that parachute will release by reducing counter instead of resetting counter if vehicle becomes temporarily upright |
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Copter 3.4.0-rc3 31-Aug-2016 |
Changes from 3.4.0-rc2 |
1) Landing detector improvements: |
a) checks that descent rate is less than 1m/s (avoids disarms when vehicle is obviously still descending) |
b) tradheli fix for landing detector |
2) WP_NAVALT_MIN parameter limits maximum lean angle when vehicle is below the specified alt while taking off or landing. Only applies in LAND mode, final stage of RTL and during take-off in AUTO mode |
3) GND_EFFECT_COMP parameter allows turning on EKF compensation for ground effect during take-off and landing |
4) Advanced Failsafe for use in OutBack challenge (see |
5) AutoTune minor improvement to reduce step size on vehicles with very low hover throttle (i.e. high power-to-weight ratio) |
6) Bug fixes, minor improvement: |
a) OneShot ESC calibration fix |
b) LAND_SPEED_HIGH allows specifying vertical descent speed separate from WPNAV_SPEED_DN during the initial descent in LAND mode (and final stage of RTL) |
c) improved USB driver reliability for windows users (NuttX change) |
d) report dataflash logging health to ground station |
e) Guided mode accepts yaw rate from SET_ATTITUDE_TARGET message |
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Copter 3.4.0-rc2 08-Aug-2016 |
Changes from 3.4.0-rc1 |
1) ADSB based avoidance of manned aircraft |
2) Polygon fence (works seamlessly with circular and altitude fences) |
3) Throttle related changes: |
a) motors speed feedback to pilot while landed - motors only spin up to minimum throttle as throttle stick is brought to mid (previously spun up to 25%) |
b) MOT_HOVER_LEARN allows MOT_THST_HOVER to be learned in flight |
c) THR_MIN becomes MOT_SPIN_MIN |
4) Precision landing: |
a) control improved by reducing lag from sensor and correcting math errors |
b) descent rate slows to allow time to correct horizontal position error |
5) Guided mode: |
a) velocity controller accelerates/decelerates smoothly to target |
b) Guided_NoGPS flight mode added to allow companion computer control in non-GPS environments |
c) stop at fence if using velocity controller, reject points outside fence if using position controller |
6) Throw Mode: |
a) THROW_NEXTMODE parameter allows copter to switch to Auto, Guided, RTL, Land or Brake after throw is complete |
b) Throw mode fixes so motors reliably start |
7) Attitude controller: |
a) use Quaternions instead of Euler angles |
b) ATC_ANG_LIM_TC allows controlling rate at which lean angles are limited to preserve altitude in AltHold, Loiter |
8) EKF can use range finder as primary height source if EKF2_RNG_USE_HGT parameter is set to 70 |
9) Bug fixes |
a) AutoTune fix so that gains don't fall too low |
b) Rally points with altitudes no longer cause vehicle to climb above fence during RTL |
c) various EKF fixes including bug in initialisation of declination co-variances |
d) SingleCopter, CoaxCopter flag gains |
10) Small enhancements: |
a) Rally points outside fence are ignored |
b) AP_Button support added to allow ground station to see if user has pushed a button on the flight controller |
c) support for PLAY_TUNE and LED_CONTROL mavlink messages to cause vehicle to play tune or change colour of LED |
d) support for GPS_INPUT mavlink message to allow supplying vehicle position data from other sources |
e) NAV_DELAY mission command to delay start of mission (or individual command) until a specified absolute time |
e) TKOFF_NAV_ALT param allows take-off with no horizontal position hold until vehicle reaches specified altitude (intended mostly for helicopters) |
f) SCHED_LOOP_RATE param allows slowing main loop rate from default of 400 (intended for developers only) |
11) Safety (in addition to Fence improvements above): |
a) Motors begin spinning 2 seconds after arming (previously motors spun immediately) |
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Copter 3.4.0-rc1 28-May-2016 |
Changes from 3.3.3 |
1) EKF2 allows "boat mode" (attitude initialisation without gyro calibration) |
2) Throw mode |
3) Terrain following: |
a) support terrain altitudes during missions using GCS's map data or rangefinder (i.e. Lidar) |
b) LightWare range finder driver fixes (I2C works) |
c) Bebop sonar support |
4) Precision Landing using IRLock sensor |
5) Attitude controller re-organisation (all parameter changes automatically moved and scales adjusted) |
a) RATE_ parameters become ATC_RAT_ (i.e. RATE_RLL_P becomes ATC_RAT_RLL_P) |
b) Rate Roll, Pitch, Yaw P, D are reduced by 10% for X, V, H frames, increased by 27% for all other frames |
c) STB_ parameters becomes ATC_ANG_ (i.e. STB_RLL_P becomes ATC_ANG_RLL_P) |
6) Motors library improvements: |
a) support OneShot ESCs (set MOT_PWM_TYPE to 0 for Normal, 1 for OneShot or 2 for OneShot125) |
b) TriCopter compensates for tail servo angle |
c) SingleCopter, CoaxCopter adjust control surfaces based on throttle output |
d) MOT_PWM_MIN, MAX allow specifying output ranges to ESCs which are difference from throttle input channel (i.e. RC3) |
e) TradHeli servo objects moved into heli class (HSV_ parameters become H_SV_) |
7) uAvionix Ping sensor support (ADS-B vehicles appear on GCS, avoidance will come in future release) |
8) Safety: |
a) warning if GPS update rate is slow (under 5hz, does not stop arming) |
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Copter 3.3.3 24-Feb-2016 / 3.3.3-rc2 27-Jan-2016 |
Changes from 3.3.3-rc1 |
1) bug fix to Guided mode's velocity controller to run at 400hz |
2) bug fix to MAVLink routing to allow camera messages to reach MAVLink enabled cameras and gimbals (including SToRM32) |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Copter 3.3.3-rc1 4-Jan-2016 |
Changes from 3.3.2 |
1) Restrict mode changes in helicopter when rotor is not at speed |
2) add ATC_ANGLE_BOOST param to allow disabling angle boost for all flight modes |
3) add LightWare range finder support |
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Copter 3.3.2 01-Dec-2015 / 3.3.2-rc2 18-Nov-2015 |
Changes from 3.3.2-rc1 |
1) Bug fix for desired climb rate initialisation that could lead to drop when entering AltHold, Loiter, PosHold |
2) Fix to hard landings when WPNAV_SPEED_DN set high in RTL, Auto (resolved by using non-feedforward alt hold) |
3) Reduce Bad AHRS by filtering innovations |
4) Allow arming without GPS if using Optical Flow |
5) Smoother throttle output in Guided mode's velocity control (z-axis now 400hz) |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Copter 3.3.2-rc1 4-Nov-2015 |
Changes from 3.3.1 |
1) Helicopter Improvements: |
a) Fix Arming race condition |
b) Fix servos to move after arming in Stabilize and Acro |
c) Implement Pirouette Compensation |
d) Add Rate I-Leak-Min functionality |
e) Add new Stab Collective and Acro Expo Col functions |
f) Add circular swashplate limits (Cyclic Ring) |
g) Add new H_SV_Man functions |
h) Add Hover Roll Trim function |
i) Add Engine Run Enable Aux Channel function |
j) Add servo boot test function |
h) Add Disarm Delay parameter |
------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Copter 3.3.1 26-Oct-2015 / 3.3.1-rc1 20-Oct-2015 |
Changes from 3.3 |
1) Bug fix to prevent potential crash if Follow-Me is used after an aborted takeoff |
2) compiler upgraded to 4.9.3 (runs slightly faster than 4.7.2 which was used previously) |
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Copter 3.3 29-Sep-2015 / 3.3-rc12 22-Sep-2015 |
Changes from 3.3-rc11 |
1) EKF recovers from pre-arm "Compass variance" failure if compasses are consistent |
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Copter 3.3-rc11 10-Sep-2015 |
Changes from 3.3-rc10 |
1) PreArm "Need 3D Fix" message replaced with detailed reason from EKF |
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Copter 3.3-rc10 28-Aug-2015 |
Changes from 3.3-rc9 |
1) EKF improvements: |
a) simpler optical flow takeoff check |
2) Bug Fixes/Minor enhancements: |
a) fix INS3_USE parameter eeprom location |
b) fix SToRM32 serial protocol driver to work with recent versions |
c) increase motor pwm->thrust conversion (aka MOT_THST_EXPO) to 0.65 (was 0.50) |
d) Firmware version sent to GCS in AUTOPILOT_VERSION message |
3) Safety: |
a) pre-arm check of compass variance if arming in Loiter, PosHold, Guided |
b) always check GPS before arming in Loiter (previously could be disabled if ARMING_CHECK=0) |
c) sanity check locations received from GCS for follow-me, do-set-home, do-set-ROI |
d) fix optical flow failsafe (was not always triggering LAND when optical flow failed) |
e) failsafe RTL vs LAND decision based on hardcoded 5m from home check (previously used WPNAV_RADIUS parameter) |
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Copter 3.3-rc9 19-Aug-2015 |
Changes from 3.3-rc8 |
1) EKF improvements: |
a) IMU weighting based on vibration levels (previously used accel clipping) |
b) fix blended acceleration (used for altitude control) in cases where first IMU fails |
c) ensure unhealthy barometer values are never consumed |
2) TradHeli: remove acceleration feed forward |
3) Safety: |
a) check accel, gyro and baro are healthy when arming (previously was only checked pre-arm) |
b) Guided mode velocity controller timeout (vehicle stops) after 3 seconds with no update from GCS |
4) Minor enhancements: |
a) fix for AUAV board's usb-connected detection |
b) add Lidar-Lite-V2 support |
c) MOT_THR_MIN_MAX param added to control prioritisation of throttle vs attitude during dynamic flight |
d) RALLY_INCL_HOME param allows always including home when using rally points |
e) DO_FLIGHT_TERMINATION message from GCS acts as kill switch |
5) Bug Fixes: |
a) fix to ensure motors start slowly on 2nd spin-up |
b) fix RTL_CLIMB_MIN feature (vehicle climbed too high above home) |
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Copter 3.3-rc8 25-Jul-2015 |
Changes from 3.3-rc7 |
1) EKF improvements: |
a) de-weight accelerometers that are clipping to improve resistance to high vibration |
b) fix EKF to use primary compass instead of first compass (normally the same) |
2) UBlox "HDOP" corrected to actually be hdop (was pdop) which leads to 40% lower value reported |
3) TradHeli: |
a) Motors library split into "Multicopter" and "TradHeli" so TradHeli does not see multicopter parameters |
b) Heading target reset during landing to reduce vehicle fighting to rotate while on the ground |
4) Minor enhancements: |
a) SToRM32 gimbal can be connected to any serial port |
b) log when baro, compass become unhealthy |
c) ESC_CALIBRATION parameter can be set to "9" to disable esc calibration startup check |
d) Circle rate adjustment with ch6 takes effect immediately |
e) log home and origin |
f) pre-arm check of battery voltage and fence |
g) RTL_CLIMB_MIN parameter forces vehicle to climb at least this many cm when RTL is engaged (default is zero) |
5) Bug fixes: |
a) fix THR_MIN being incorrectly scaled as pwm value during low-throttle check |
b) fence distance calculated from home (was incorrectly calculated from ekf-origin) |
c) When flying with joystick and joystick is disconnected, control returns immediately to regular TX |
d) dataflash's ATT yaw fixed to report heading as 0 ~ 360 |
e) fix to mission's first command being run multiple times during mission if it was a do-command |
f) ekf-check is enabled only after ekf-origin is set (stops red-yellow flashing led when flying without GPS lock) |
g) fix initialisation of mount's mode |
h) start-up logging so parameters only logged once, mission always written |
6) Linux: |
a) bebop support |
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Copter 3.3-rc7 28-Jun-2015 |
Changes from 3.3-rc6 |
1) reduce EKF gyro bias uncertainty that caused attitude estimate errors |
2) force 400hz IMU logging on (temporary for release candidate testing) |
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Copter 3.3-rc6 25-Jun-2015 |
Changes from 3.3-rc5 |
1) EKF related changes: |
a) reset altitude even when arming without GPS lock |
b) fix yaw twitch caused by EKF heading estimate reset |
c) fix IMU time scaling bug that caused height estimate to deviate from the baro |
2) AutoTune improvements: |
a) improved yaw tuning by increasing yaw step magnitude |
b) added logging of accelerations |
c) improvements to step tests |
3) Improved crash check: |
a) allow triggering even if pilot doesn't move throttle to zero |
b) easier triggering by removing baro check and using angle error instead of absolute tilt angle |
4) TradHeli: |
a) swash moves while landed in AltHold mode |
b) improvements to land detector |
c) fixed RSC Runup Time calculation |
d) Rate FF Low-pass Filter changed from 5Hz to 10Hz, more responsive |
5) support Linux builds for NAVIO+ and Erle-Brain ( |
6) Other improvements / Bug Fixes: |
a) sonar pre-arm checks only enforced if using optical flow |
b) fix EKF failsafe bug that would not allow recovery |
c) full rate IMU logging for improved vibration analysis (set LOG_BITMASK to All+FullIMU) |
d) new VIBE dataflash message records vibration levels |
e) default MNT_TYPE to "1" if servo gimbal rc outputs were defined |
f) RC_FEEL defaults to medium |
g) addition of SToRM32 serial support (supports mount angle feedback to GCS) |
h) new tricopter's tail servo parameters (MOT_YAW_SV_MIN, MAX, TRIM, REV) |
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Copter 3.3-rc5 23-May-2015 |
Changes from 3.3-rc4 |
1) Fix AHRS bad gyro health message caused by timing jitter and log IMU health |
2) TradHeli: |
a) better default rate PIDs |
b) Collective pitch output now operates even when disarmed |
3) Small changes/fixes: |
a) GCS can use MAV_CMD_MISSION_START to start mission in AUTO even without pilot raising throttle |
b) GCS can force disarming even in flight by setting param2 to "21196" |
c) rc-override timeout reduced from 2 seconds to 1 (applies when using GCS joysticks to control vehicle) |
d) do-set-speed fix so it takes effect immediately during missions |
e) GCS failsafe disarms vehicle if already landed (previously it could RTL) |
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Copter 3.3-rc4 17-May-2015 |
Changes from 3.3-rc3 |
1) AutoTune: |
a) save roll, pitch, yaw rate acceleration limits along with gains |
b) more conservative gains |
2) Roll, pitch rate control feed-forward now on by default (set ATC_RATE_FF_ENAB to "0" to disable) |
3) Serial ports increased to maximum of 4 (set SERIALX_PROTOCOL to 1) |
4) MOT_THR_MIX_MIN param to control minimum throttle vs attitude during landing (higher = more attitude control but bumpier landing) |
5) EKF fixes/improvements |
a) prevent yaw errors during fast spins |
b) bug fix preventing external selection of optical flow mode |
6) Parachute: |
a) servo/relay held open for 2sec when deploying (was 1sec) |
b) fix altitude check to be alt-above-home (was alt-above ekf origin which could be slightly different) |
7) TradHeli: |
a) parameters moved to stop possibility of corruption if board is switched between tradheli and multicopter firmware. Heli users may need to re-setup some heli-specific params. |
b) H_COLYAW param can be float |
8) Small Improvements / Bug Fixes: |
a) reduced spline overshoot after very long track followed by very short track |
b) log entire mission to dataflash whenever it's uploaded |
c) altitude reported if vehicle takes off before GPS lock |
d) high speed logging of IMU |
e) STOP flight mode renamed to BRAKE and aux switch option added |
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Copter 3.3-rc2/rc3 02-May-2015 |
Changes from 3.3-rc1 |
1) AutoTune reliability fixes (improved filtering to reduce noise interference) |
2) Optical flow improvements: |
a) Range Finder pre-arm check - lift vehicle between 50cm ~ 2m before arming. Can be disabled by setting ARMING_CHECK to "Skip Params/Sonar" |
b) Vehicle altitude limited to range finder altitude when optical flow is enabled |
3) AltHold & Take-off changes: |
a) feed-forward controller and jerk limiting should result in slightly snappier performance and smoother take-offs |
b) vehicle climbs automatically to PILOT_TKOFF_ALT alt when taking off in Loiter, AltHold, PosHold, Sport (disabled by default, pilot's throttle input overrides takeoff) |
c) PILOT_THR_FILT allows enforcing smoother throttle response in manual flight modes (defaults to 0 = off) |
d) TX with sprung throttle can set PILOT_THR_BHV to "1" so motor feedback when landed starts from mid-stick instead of bottom of stick |
e) GCS can initiate takeoff even in Loiter, AltHold, PosHold and sport by issuing NAV_TAKEOFF mavlink command |
4) Stop flight mode - causes vehicle to stop quickly, and does not respond to user input or waypoint movement via MAVLink. Requires GPS, will be renamed to Brake mode. |
5) Aux channel features: |
a) Emergency Stop - stops all motors immediately and disarms in 5 seconds |
b) Motor Interlock - opposite of Emergency Stop, must be on to allow motors to spin motors, must be off to arm |
6) Air pressure gain scaling (of roll, pitch, yaw) should mostly remove need to re-tune when flying at very different altitudes |
7) landing detector simplified to only check vehicle is not accelerating & motors have hit their lower limit |
8) Loiter tuning params to remove "freight train" stops: |
raising WPNAV_LOIT_MAXA makes vehicle start and stop faster |
raising WPNAV_LOIT_MINA makes vehicle stop more quickly when sticks centered |
9) Other items: |
a) faster EKF startup |
b) Camera control messages sent via MAVLink to smart cameras. Allow control of camera zoom for upcoming IntelEdison/Sony QX1 camera control board |
c) Lost Copter Alarm can be triggered by holding throttle down, roll right, pitch back |
10) Bug fixes: |
a) Home position set to latest arm position (it was being set to previous disarm location or first GPS lock position) |
b) bug fix to mission Jump to command zero |
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Copter 3.3-rc1 11-Apr-2015 |
Changes from 3.2.1 |
1) Only support fast CPUs boards (Pixhawk, VRBrain, etc) and drop support for APM1, APM2 (sorry!) |
2) AutoTune for yaw |
3) Smooth throttle curve which should reduce wobbles during fast climbs and descents |
4) ch7/ch8 aux switches expanded to ch9 ~ ch12 (see CH9_OPT ~ CH12_OPT params) |
5) PX4Flow support in Loiter mode (still somewhat experimental) |
6) Safety features: |
a) EKF on by default replacing DCM/InertialNav which should improve robustness |
b) increased accelerometer range from 8G to 16G to reduce chance of climb due to high vibrations (requires accel calibration) |
7) Landing features: |
a) improved landing on slopes |
b) retractable landing gear (see LGR_ parameters) |
8) Camera Gimbal features: |
a) SToRM32 gimbal support (using MAVLink) |
b) AlexMos gimbal support (using AlexMos serial interface) |
c) do-mount-control commands supported in missions (allows controlling gimbal angle in missions) |
9) Battery related features: |
a) PID scaling for battery voltage (disabled by default, see MOT_THST_BAT_ parameters) |
b) smart battery support |
10) Other: |
a) support do-set-home command (allows return-to-me and locked home position once GCS enhancements are completed) |
b) performance improvements for Pixhawk reduce CPU load from 80% to 15% |
c) firmware string name changed from ArduCopter to APM:Copter |
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ArduCopter 3.2.1 11-Feb-2015 / 3.2.1-rc2 30-Jan-2015 |
Changes from 3.2.1-rc1 |
1) Bug Fixes: |
a) prevent infinite loop with linked jump commands |
b) Pixhawk memory corruption fix when connecting via USB |
c) vehicle stops at fence altitude limit in Loiter, AltHold, PosHold |
d) protect against multiple arming messages from GCS causing silent gyro calibration failure |
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ArduCopter 3.2.1-rc1 08-Jan-2015 |
Changes from 3.2 |
1) Enhancements: |
a) reduced twitch when passing Spline waypoints |
b) Faster disarm after landing in Auto, Land, RTL |
c) Pixhawk LED turns green before arming only after GPS HDOP falls below 2.3 (only in flight modes requiring GPS) |
2) Safety Features: |
a) Add desired descent rate check to reduce chance of false-positive on landing check |
b) improved MPU6k health monitoring and re-configuration in case of in-flight failure |
c) Rally point distance check reduced to 300m (reduces chance of RTL to far away forgotten Rally point) |
d) auto-disarm if vehicle is landed for 15seconds even in Auto, Guided, RTL, Circle |
e) fence breach while vehicle is landed causes vehicle to disarm (previously did RTL) |
3) Bug Fixes: |
a) Check flight mode even when arming from GCS (previously it was possible to arm in RTL mode if arming was initiated from GCS) |
b) Send vehicle target destination in RTL, Guided (allows GCS to show where vehicle is flying to in these modes) |
c) PosHold wind compensation fix |
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ArduCopter 3.2 07-Nov2014 / 3.2-rc14 31-Oct-2014 |
Changes from 3.2-rc13 |
1) Safety Features: |
a) fail to arm if second gyro calibration fails (can be disabled with ARMING_CHECK) |
2) Bug fixes: |
a) DCM-check to require one continuous second of bad heading before triggering LAND |
b) I2C bug that could lead to Pixhawk freezing up if I2C bus is noisy |
c) reset DCM and EKF gyro bias estimates after gyro calibration (DCM heading could drift after takeoff due to sudden change in gyro values) |
d) use primary GPS for LED status (instead of always using first GPS) |
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ArduCopter 3.2-rc13 23-Oct-2014 |
Changes from 3.2-rc12 |
1) DCM check triggers LAND if yaw disagrees with GPS by > 60deg (configure with DCM_CHECK_THRESH param) and in Loiter, PosHold, Auto, etc |
2) Safety features: |
a) landing detector checks baro climbrate between -1.5 ~ +1.5 m/s |
b) sanity check AHRS_RP_P and AHRS_YAW_P are never less than 0.05 |
c) check set-mode requests from GCS are for this vehicle |
3) Bug fixes: |
a) fix ch6 tuning of wp-speed (was getting stuck at zero) |
b) parachute servo set to off position on startup |
c) Auto Takeoff timing bug fix that could cause severe lean on takeoff |
d) timer fix for "slow start" of motors on Pixhawk (timer was incorrectly based on 100hz APM2 main loop speed) |
4) reduced number of relays from 4 to 2 (saves memory and flash required on APM boards) |
5) reduced number of range finders from 2 to 1 (saves memory and flash on APM boards) |
6) allow logging from startup when LOG_BITMASK set to "All+DisarmedLogging" |
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ArduCopter 3.2-rc12 10-Oct-2014 |
Changes from 3.2-rc11 |
1) disable sonar on APM1 and TradHeli (APM1 & APM2) to allow code to fit |
2) Add pre-arm and health check that gyro calibration succeeded |
3) Bug fix to EKF reporting invalid position and velocity when switched on in flight with Ch7/Ch8 switch |
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ArduCopter 3.2-rc11 06-Oct-2014 |
Changes from 3.2-rc10 |
1) reduce lean on take-off in Auto by resetting horizontal position targets |
2) TradHeli landing check ignores overall throttle output |
3) reduce AHRS bad messages by delaying 20sec after init to allow EKF to settle (Pixhawk only) |
4) Bug fixes: |
a) fix THR_MIN scaling issue that could cause landing-detector to fail to detect landing when ch3 min~max > 1000 pwm |
b) fix Mediatek GPS configuration so update rate is set correctly to 5hz |
c) fix to Condition-Yaw mission command to support relative angles |
d) EKF bug fixes when recovering from GPS glitches (affects only Pixhawks using EKF) |
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ArduCopter 3.2-rc10 24-Sep-2014 |
Changes from 3.2-rc9 |
1) two-stage land-detector to reduce motor run-up when landing in Loiter, PosHold, RTL, Auto |
2) Allow passthrough from input to output of channels 9 ~ 14 (thanks Emile!) |
3) Add 4hz filter to vertical velocity error during AltHold |
4) Safety Feature: |
a) increase Alt Disparity pre-arm check threshold to 2m (was 1m) |
b) reset battery failsafe after disarming/arming (thanks AndKe!) |
c) EKF only apply centrifugal corrections when GPS has at least 6 satellites (Pixhawk with EKF enabled only) |
5) Bug fixes: |
a) to default compass devid to zero when no compass connected |
b) reduce motor run-up while landing in RTL |
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ArduCopter 3.2-rc9 11-Sep-2014 |
Changes from 3.2-rc8 |
1) FRAM bug fix that could stop Mission or Parameter changes from being saved (Pixhawk, VRBrain only) |
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ArduCopter 3.2-rc8 11-Sep-2014 |
Changes from 3.2-rc7 |
1) EKF reduced ripple to resolve copter motor pulsing |
2) Default Param changes: |
a) AltHold Rate P reduced from 6 to 5 |
b) AltHold Accel P reduced from 0.75 to 0.5, I from 1.5 to 1.0 |
c) EKF check threshold increased from 0.6 to 0.8 to reduce false positives |
3) sensor health flags sent to GCS only after initialisation to remove false alerts |
4) suppress bad terrain data alerts |
5) Bug Fix: |
a)PX4 dataflash RAM usage reduced to 8k so it works again |
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ArduCopter 3.2-rc7 04-Sep-2014 |
Changes from 3.2-rc6 |
1) Safety Items: |
a) Landing check made more strict (climb rate requirement reduced to 30cm/s, overall throttle < 25%, rotation < 20deg/sec) |
b) pre-arm check that accels are consistent (Pixhawk only, must be within 1m/sec/sec of each other) |
c) pre-arm check that gyros are consistent (Pixhawk only, must be within 20deg/sec of each other) |
d) report health of all accels and gyros (not just primary) to ground station |
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ArduCopter 3.2-rc6 31-Aug-2014 |
Changes from 3.2-rc5 |
1) Spline twitch when passing through a waypoint largely resolved |
2) THR_DZ param added to allow user configuration of throttle deadzone during AltHold, Loiter, PosHold |
3) Landing check made more strict (climb rate must be -40~40cm/s for 1 full second) |
4) LAND_REPOSITION param default set to 1 |
5) TradHeli with flybar passes through pilot inputs directly to swash when in ACRO mode |
6) Safety Items: |
a) EKF check disabled when using inertial nav (caused too many false positives) |
b) pre-arm check of internal vs external compass direction (must be within 45deg of each other) |
7) Bug Fixes: |
a) resolve NaN in angle targets when vehicle hits gimbal lock in ACRO mode |
b) resolve GPS driver buffer overflow that could lead to missed GPS messages on Pixhawk/PX4 boards |
c) resolve false "compass not calibrated" warnings on Pixhawk/PX4 caused by missing device id initialisation |
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ArduCopter 3.2-rc5 15-Aug-2014 |
Changes from 3.2-rc4 |
1) Pixhawk's max num waypoints increased to 718 |
2) Smoother take-off in AltHold, Loiter, PosHold (including removing initial 20cm jump when taking off) |
3) ACRO mode roll, pitch, yaw EXPO added for faster rotation when sticks are at extremes (see ACRO_EXPO parameter) |
4) ch7/ch8 relay option replaces ch6 option (ch6 is reserved for tuning not switching things on/off) |
5) Safety Items: |
a) Baro glitch check relaxed to 5m distance, 15m/s/s max acceleration |
b) EKF/INav check relaxed to 80cm/s/s acceleration correct (default remains as 0.6 but this now means 80cm/s/s) |
c) When GPS or Baro glitch clears, the inertial nav velocities are *not* reset reducing chance of sudden vehicle lean |
d) Baro altitude calculation checked for divide-by-zero and infinity |
6) Bug Fixes: |
a) AltHold jump bug fixed (altitude target reset when landed) |
b) Rally point bug fix so it does not climb excessively before flying to rally point |
c) body-frame rate controller z-axis bug fix (fast rotation in z-axis would cause wobble in roll, pitch) |
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ArduCopter 3.2-rc4 01-Aug-2014 |
Changes from 3.2-rc3 |
1) Pre-takeoff throttle feedback in AltHold, Loiter, PosHold |
2) Terrain altitude retrieval from ground station (informational purposes only so far, Pixhawk only) |
3) Safety Items: |
a) "EKF check" will switch to LAND mode if EKF's compass or velocity variance over 0.6 (configurable with EKFCHECK_THRESH param) |
When EKF is not used inertial nav's accelerometer corrections are used as a substitute |
b) Barometer glitch protection added. BAROGLTCH_DIST and BAROGLTCH_ACCEL parameters control sensitivity similar to GPSGLITCH protection |
When glitching occurs barometer values are temporarily ignored |
c) Throttle/radio and battery failsafes now disarm vehicle when landed regardless of pilot's throttle position |
d) auto-disarm extended to Drift, Sport and OF_Loiter flight modes |
e) APM2 buzzer notification added for arming failure |
f) APM2 arming buzz made longer (now matches Pixhawk) |
g) do-set-servo commands cannot interfere with motor output |
4) Bug Fixes: |
a) Drift slow yaw response fixed |
b) AC3.2-rc3 failsafe bug resolved. In -rc3 the throttle failsafe could be triggered even when disabled or motors armed (although vehicle would not takeoff) |
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ArduCopter 3.2-rc3 16-Jul-2014 |
Changes from 3.2-rc2 |
1) Hybrid renamed to PosHold |
2) Sonar (analog, i2c) and PulsedLight Range Finders enabled on Pixhawk (Allyson, Tridge) |
3) Landing changes: |
a) disable pilot repositioning while landing in RTL, Auto (set LAND_REPOSITION to 1 to re-enable) (JonathanC) |
b) delay 4 seconds before landing due to failsafe (JonathanC) |
4) Secondary compass calibration enabled, pre-arm check that offsets match current devices (Randy, Tridge, MichaelO) |
5) Control improvements: |
a) use bias adjusted gyro rates - helps in cases of severe gyro drift (Jonathan) |
b) bug-fixes when feed-forward turned off (Leonard) |
6) TradHeli improvements (RobL): |
a) bug fix to use full collective range in stabilize and acro flight modes |
b) filter added to main rotor input (ch8) to ensure momentary blip doesn't affect main rotor speed |
7) Safety items: |
a) increased default circular Fence radius to 300m to reduce chance of breach when GPS lock first acquired |
b) radio failsafe timeout for late frames reduced to 0.5sec for normal receivers or 2.0sec when flying with joystick (Craig) |
c) accelerometer pre-arm check for all active accelerometers (previously only checked the primary accelerometer) |
8) Other features: |
a) ch7/ch8 option to retract mount (svefro) |
b) Do-Set-ROI supported in Guided, RTL mode |
c) Condition-Yaw accepted in Guided, RTL modes (MoussSS) |
d) CAMERA dataflash message includes relative and absolute altitude (Craig) |
9) Red Balloon Popper support (Randy, Leonard): |
a) Velocity controller added to Guided mode |
b) NAV_GUIDED mission command added |
10) Bug fixes: |
a) bug fix to flip on take-off in stabilize mode when landing flag cleared slowly (JonathanC) |
b) allow disarming in AutoTune (JonathanC) |
c) bug fix to unpredictable behaviour when two spline points placed directly ontop of each other |
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ArduCopter 3.2-rc2 27-May-2014 |
Changes from 3.2-rc1 |
1) Hybrid mode initialisation bug fix |
2) Throttle pulsing bug fix on Pixhawk |
3) Parachute enabled on Pixhawk |
4) Rally Points enabled on Pixhawk |
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ArduCopter 3.2-rc1 9-May-2014 |
Changes from 3.1.4 |
1) Hybrid mode - position hold mode but with direct response to pilot input during repositioning (JulienD, SandroT) |
2) Spline waypoints (created by David Dewey, modified and integrated by Leonard, Randy) |
3) Drift mode uses "throttle assist" for altitude control (Jason) |
4) Extended Kalman Filter for potentially more reliable attitude and position control (Pixhawk only) (Paul Riseborough). Set AHRS_EKF_USE to 1 to enable or use Ch7/8 switch to enable/disable in flight. |
5) Manual flight smoothness: |
a) Smoother roll, pitch response using RC_FEEL_RP parameter (100 = crisp, 0 = extremely soft) |
b) Adjustable max rotation rate (ATC_RATE_RP_MAX, ATC_RATE_Y_MAX) and acceleration (ATC_ACCEL_RP_MAX, ATC_ACCEL_Y_MAX) |
6) Autopilot smoothness: |
a) Vertical acceleration in AltHold, Loiter, Hybrid modes can be configured with PILOT_ACCEL_Z parameter (higher = faster acceleration) |
b) Maximum roll and pitch angle acceleration in Loiter mode can be configured with WPNAV_LOIT_JERK (higher = more responsive but potentially jerky) |
c) Yaw speed can be adjusted with ATC_SLEW_YAW parameter (higher = faster) |
d) smoother takeoff with configurable acceleration using WPNAV_ACCEL_Z parameter |
e) Twitches removed during guided mode or when entering Loiter or RTL from high speeds |
7) Mission improvements: |
a) mission will be resumed from last active command when pilot switches out and then back into Auto mode (prev behaviour can be restored by setting MIS_RESTART param to 1) |
b) DO_SET_ROI persistent across waypoints. All-zero DO_SET_ROI command restores default yaw behaviour |
c) do-jump fixed |
d) conditional_distance fixed |
e) conditional_delay fixed |
f) do-change-speed command takes effect immediately during mission |
g) vehicle faces directly at next waypoint (previously it could be about 10deg off) |
h) loiter turns fix to ensure it will circle around lat/lon point specified in mission command (previously it could be off by CIRCLE_RADIUS) |
8) Safety improvements: |
a) After a fence breach, if the pilot re-takes control he/she will be given a minimum of 10 seconds and 20m to recover before the autopilot will invoke RTL or LAND |
b) Parachute support including automatic deployment during mechanical failures |
9) Other enhancements: |
a) V-tail quad support |
b) Dual GPS support (secondary GPS output is simply logged, not actually used yet) |
c) Electro Permanent Magnet (aka Gripper) support |
d) Servo pass through for channels 6 ~ 8 (set RC6_FUNCTION to 1) |
e) Remove 80m limit on RTL's return altitude but never let it be above fence's max altitude |
10) Other bug fixes: |
a) Bug fix for LAND sometimes getting stuck at 10m |
b) During missions, vehicle will maintain altitude even if WPNAV_SPEED is set above the vehicle's capabilities |
c) when autopilot controls throttle (i.e. Loiter, Auto, etc) vehicle will reach speeds specified in PILOT_VELZ_MAX and WPNAV_SPEED_UP, WPNAV_SPEED_DN parameters |
11) CLI removed from APM1/2 to save flash space, critical functions moved to MAVLink: |
a) Individual motor tests (see MP's Initial Setup > Optional Hardware > Motor Test) |
b) compassmot (see MP's Initial Setup > Optional Hardware > Compass/Motor Calib) |
c) parameter reset to factory defautls (see MP's Config/Tuning > Full Parameter List > Reset to Default) |
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ArduCopter 3.1.5 27-May-2014 / 3.1.5-rc2 20-May-2014 |
Changes from 3.1.5-rc1 |
1) Bug Fix to broken loiter (pixhawk only) |
2) Workaround to read from FRAM in 128byte chunks to resolve a few users boot issues (Pixhawk only) |
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ArduCopter 3.1.5-rc1 14-May-2014 |
Changes from 3.1.4 |
1) Bug Fix to ignore roll and pitch inputs to loiter controller when in radio failsafe |
2) Bug Fix to allow compassmot to work on Pixhawk |
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ArduCopter 3.1.4 8-May-2014 / 3.1.4-rc1 2-May-2014 |
Changes from 3.1.3 |
1) Bug Fix for Pixhawk/PX4 NuttX I2C memory corruption when errors are found on I2C bus |
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ArduCopter 3.1.3 7-Apr-2014 |
Changes from 3.1.2 |
1) Stability patch fix which could cause motors to go to min at full throttle and with large roll/pitch inputs |
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ArduCopter 3.1.2 13-Feb-2014 / ArduCopter 3.1.2-rc2 12-Feb-2014 |
Changes from 3.1.2-rc1 |
1) GPS Glitch detection disabled when connected via USB |
2) RC_FEEL_RP param added for adjusting responsiveness to pilot roll/pitch input in Stabilize, Drift, AltHold modes |
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ArduCopter 3.1.2-rc1 30-Jan-2014 |
Changes from 3.1.1 |
1) Pixhawk baro bug fix to SPI communication which could cause large altitude estimate jumps at high temperatures |
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ArduCopter 3.1.1 26-Jan-2014 / ArduCopter 3.1.1-rc2 21-Jan-2014 |
Changes from 3.1.1-rc1 |
1) Pixhawk improvements (available for APM2 when AC3.2 is released): |
a) Faster arming |
b) AHRS_TRIM fix - reduces movement in loiter when yawing |
c) AUX Out 5 & 6 turned into general purpose I/O pins |
d) Three more relays added (relays are pins that can be set to 0V or 5V) |
e) do-set-servo fix to allow servos to be controlled from ground station |
f) Motorsync CLI test |
g) PX4 parameters moved from SD card to eeprom |
h) additional pre-arm checks for baro & inertial nav altitude and lean angle |
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ArduCopter 3.1.1-rc1 14-Jan-2014 |
Changes from 3.1 |
1) Pixhawk improvements: |
a) Telemetry port 2 enabled (for MinimOSD) |
b) SD card reliability improvements |
c) parameters moved to FRAM |
d) faster parameter loading via USB |
e) Futaba SBUS receiver support |
2) Bug fixes: |
a) Loiter initialisation fix (Loiter would act like AltHold until flight mode switch changed position) |
b) ROI commands were not returning Lat, Lon, Alt to mission planner when mission was loaded from APM |
3) TradHeli only fixes: |
a) Drift now uses same (reduced) collective range as stabilize mode |
b) AutoTune disabled (for tradheli only) |
c) Landing collective (smaller than normal collective) used whenever copter is not moving |
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ArduCopter 3.1 14-Dec-2013 |
Changes from 3.1-rc8 |
1) Pixhawk improvements: |
a) switch to use MPU6k as main accel/gyro |
b) auto loading of IO-board firmware on startup |
2) RTL fixes: |
a) initialise waypoint leash length (first RTL stop would be more aggressive than 2nd) |
b) reduce projected stopping distance for higher speed stops |
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ArduCopter 3.1-rc8 9-Dec-2013 |
Changes from 3.1-rc7 |
1) add Y6 motor mapping with all top props CW, bottom pros CCW (set FRAME = 10) |
2) Safety Changes: |
a) ignore yaw input during radio failsafe (previously the copter could return home spinning if yaw was full over at time of failsafe) |
b) Reduce GPSGLITCH_RADIUS to 2m (was 5m) to catch glitches faster |
3) Bug fixes: |
a) Optical flow SPI bus rates |
b) TradHeli main rotor ramp up speed fix |
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ArduCopter 3.1-rc7 22-Nov-2013 |
Changes from 3.1-rc6 |
1) MOT_SPIN_ARMED default to 70 |
2) Smoother inertial nav response to missed GPS messages |
3) Safety related changes |
a) radio and battery failsafe disarm copter if landed in Loiter or AltHold (previously they would RTL) |
b) Pre-Arm check failure warning output to ground station every 30 seconds until they pass |
c) INS and inertial nav errors logged to dataflash's PM message |
d) pre-arm check for ACRO_BAL_ROLL, ACRO_BAL_PITCH |
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ArduCopter 3.1-rc6 16-Nov-2013 |
Improvements over 3.1-rc5 |
1) Heli improvements: |
a) support for direct drive tails (uses TAIL_TYPE and TAIL_SPEED parameters) |
b) smooth main rotor ramp-up for those without external govenor (RSC_RAMP_TIME) |
c) internal estimate of rotor speed configurable with RSC_RUNUP_TIME parameter to ensure rotor at top speed before starting missions |
d) LAND_COL_MIN collective position used when landed (reduces chance copter will push too hard into the ground when landing or before starting missions) |
e) reduced collective while in stabilize mode (STAB_COL_MIN, STAB_COL_MAX) for more precise throttle control |
f) external gyro parameter range changed from 1000~2000 to 0~1000 (more consistent with other parameters) |
g) dynamic flight detector switches on/off leaky-i term depending on copter speed |
2) SingleCopter airframe support (contribution from Bill King) |
3) Drift mode replaces TOY |
4) MPU6k SPI bus speed decreased to 500khz after 4 errors |
5) Safety related changes: |
a) crash detector cuts motors if copter upside down for more than 2 seconds |
b) INS (accel and gyro) health check in pre-arm checks |
c) ARMING_CHECK allows turning on/off individual checks for baro, GPS, compass, parameters, board voltage, radio |
d) detect Ublox GPS running at less than 5hz and resend configuration |
e) GPSGlitch acceptable radius reduced to 5m (stricter detection of glitches) |
f) range check roll, pitch input to ensure crazy radio values don't get through to stabilize controller |
g) GPS failsafe options to trigger AltHold instead of LAND or to trigger LAND even if in flight mode that does not require GPS |
h) Battery failsafe option to trigger RTL instead of LAND |
i) MOT_SPIN_ARMED set to zero by default |
6) Bug fixes: |
a) missing throttle controller initialisation would mean Stabilize mode's throttle could be non-tilt-compensated |
b) inertial nav baro and gps delay compensation fix (contribution from Neurocopter) |
c) GPS failsafe was invoking LAND mode which still used GPS for horizontal control |
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ArduCopter 3.1-rc5 22-Oct-2013 |
Improvements over 3.1-rc4 |
1) Pixhawk USB reliability improvements |
2) AutoTune changes: |
a) enabled by default |
b) status output to GCS |
c) use 2 pos switch only |
3) ch7/ch8 LAND |
4) Tricopter stability patch improvements [thanks to texlan] |
5) safety improvements: |
a) slower speed up of motors after arming |
b) pre-arm check that copter is moving less than 50cm/s if arming in Loiter or fence enabled |
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ArduCopter 3.1-rc4 13-Oct-2013 |
Improvements over 3.1-rc3 |
1) Performance improvements to resolve APM alt hold issues for Octacopters: |
a) SPI bus speed increased from 500khz to 8Mhz |
b) Telemetry buffer increased to 512bytes |
c) broke up medium and slow loops into individual scheduled tasks and increased priority of alt hold tasks |
2) Bug fix for Pixhawk USB connection |
3) GPS Glitch improvements: |
a) added GPS glitch check to arming check |
b) parameters for vehicle max acceleration (GPSGLITCH_ACCEL) and always-ok radius (GPSGLICH_RADIUS) |
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ArduCopter 3.1-rc3 09-Oct-2013 |
Improvements over 3.1-rc2 |
1) GPS Glitch protection - gps positions are compared with the previous gps position. Position accepted if within 10m or copter could have reached the position with max accel of 10m/s/s. |
2) Bug fix for pixhawk SPI bus contention that could lead to corrupted accelerometer values on pixhawk resolved |
3) Auto Tuning (compile time option only add "#define AUTOTUNE ENABLED" to APM_Config.h and set CH7_Opt or CH8_Opt parameter to 17) |
4) CPU Performance improvement when reading from MPU6k for APM |
5) SUPER_SIMPLE parameter changed to a bit map to allow some flight modes to use super simpler while others use regular simple (MP release to allow easier selection will go out with AC3.1 official release) |
6) Safety changes: |
a) safety button must be pushed before arming on pixhawk |
b) RGB LED (aka toshiba led) changed so that disarmed flashes, armed is either blue (if no gps lock) or green (if gps lock) |
c) sensor health bitmask sent to groundstations |
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ArduCopter 3.1-rc2 18-Sep-2013 |
Improvements over 3.1-rc1 |
1) bug fix for MOT_SPIN_ARMED to allow it to be higher than 127 |
2) PX4/pixhawk auto-detect internal/external compass so COMPASS_ORIENT should be set to ORIENTATION_NONE if using GPS+compass module |
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ArduCopter 3.1-rc1 9-Sep-2013 |
Improvements over 3.0.1 |
1) Support for Pixhawks board |
2) Arm, Disarm, Land and Takeoff in Loiter and AltHold |
3) Improved Acro |
a) ACRO_RP_P, ACRO_YAW_P parameters added to control speed of rotation |
b) ACRO_BAL_ROLL, ACRO_BAL_PITCH controls speed at which copter returns to level |
c) ACRO_TRAINER can be set to 0:disable trainer, 1:auto leveling when sticks released, 2:auto leveling and lean angle limited to ANGLE_MAX |
d) Ch7 & Ch8 switch to set ACRO_TRAINER options in-flight |
4) SPORT mode - equivalent of earth frame Acro with support for simple mode |
5) Sonar ground tracking improvements and bug fixes that reduce reaction to bad sonar data |
6) Safety improvements |
a) motors always spin when armed (speed can be controlled with MOT_SPIN_ARMED, set to 0 to disable) |
b) vehicle's maximum lean angle can be reduced (or increased) with the ANGLE_MAX parameter |
c) arming check that GPS hdop is > 2.0 (disable by setting GPS_HDOP parameter to 900) |
d) slow take-off in AUTO, LOITER, ALTHOLD to reduce chance of motor/esc burn-out on large copters |
7) Bug fixes: |
a) Optical flow sensor initialisation fix |
b) altitude control fix for Loiter_turns mission command (i.e. mission version of CIRCLE mode) |
c) DO_SET_ROI fix (do not use "ROI") |
8) Distribute Loiter & Navigation calcs over 4 cycles to reduce impact on a single 100hz loop |
9) RCMAP_ parameters allow remapping input channels 1 ~ 4 |
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ArduCopter 3.0.1-rc2 / 3.0.1 11-Jul-2013 |
Improvements over 3.0.1-rc1 |
1) Rate Roll, Pitch and Yaw I fix when we hit motor limits |
2) pre-arm check changes: |
a) double flash arming light when pre-arm checks fail |
b) relax mag field checks to 35% min, 165% max of expected field |
3) loiter and auto changes: |
a) reduced Loiter speed to 5 m/s |
b) reduced WP_ACCEL to 1 m/s/s (was 2.5 m/s/s) |
c) rounding error fix in loiter controller |
d) bug fix to stopping point calculation for RTL and loiter during missions |
4) Stability Patch fix which was freezing Rate Taw I term and allowing uncommanded Yaw |
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ArduCopter 3.0.1-rc1 26-Jun-2013 |
Improvements over 3.0.0 |
1) bug fix to Fence checking position after GPS lock was lost |
2) bug fix to LAND so that it does not attempt to maintain horizontal position without GPS lock |
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ArduCopter 3.0.0 / 3.0.0-rc6 16-Jun-2013 |
Improvements over 3.0.0-rc5 |
1) bug fix to Circle mode's start position (was moving to last loiter target) |
2) WP_ACCEL parameter added to allow user to adjust acceleration during missions |
3) loiter acceleration set to half of LOIT_SPEED parameter value (was hard-coded) |
4) reduce AltHold P to 1.0 (was 2.0) |
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ArduCopter 3.0.0-rc5 04-Jun-2013 |
Improvements over 3.0.0-rc4 |
1) bug fix to LAND flight mode in which it could try to fly to mission's next waypoint location |
2) bug fix to Circle mode to allow counter-clockwise rotation |
3) bug fix to heading change in Loiter, RTL, Missions when pilot's throttle is zero |
4) bug fix for mission sticking at take-off command when pilot's throttle is zero |
5) bug fix for parameters not saving when new value is same as default value |
6) reduce pre-arm board min voltage check to 4.3V (was 4.5V) |
7) remove throttle controller's ability to limit lean angle in loiter, rtl, auto |
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ArduCopter 3.0.0-rc4 02-Jun-2013 |
Improvements over 3.0.0-rc3 |
1) loiter improvements: |
i) repositioning enhanced with feed forward |
ii) use tan to convert desired accel to lean angle |
2) stability patch improvements for high powered copters or those with roll-pitch rate gains set too high |
3) auto mode vertical speed fix (it was not reaching the desired speeds) |
4) alt hold smoothed by filtering feed forward input |
5) circle mode fix to initial position and smoother initialisation |
6) RTL returns to initial yaw heading before descending |
7) safe features: |
i) check for gps lock when entering failsafe |
ii) pre-arm check for mag field length |
iii) pre-arm check for board voltage between 4.5v ~ 5.8V |
iv) beep twice during arming |
v) GPS failsafe enabled by default (will LAND if loses GPS in Loiter, AUTO, Guided modes) |
vi) bug fix for alt-hold mode spinning motors before pilot has raised throttle |
8) bug fixes: |
i) fixed position mode so it responding to pilot input |
ii) baro cli test |
iii) moved cli motor test to test sub menu and minor change to throttle output |
iv) guided mode yaw control fix |
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ArduCopter 3.0.0-rc3 22-May-2013 |
Improvements over 3.0.0-rc2 |
1) bug fix for dataflash erasing unnecessarily |
2) smoother transition to waypoints, loiter: |
intermediate point's speed initialised from copter's current speed |
3) Ch8 auxiliary function switch (same features as Ch7) |
4) safety checks: |
Warning to GCS of reason for pre-arm check failure |
ARMING_CHECK parameter added to allow disabling pre-arm checks |
Added compass health and offset check to pre-arm check |
compassmot procedure displays interference as percentage of total mag field |
5) WPNAV dataflash message combined into NTUN message |
6) allow TriCopters to use ESC calibration |
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ArduCopter 3.0.0-rc2 13-May-2013 |
Improvements over 3.0.0-rc1: |
1) smoother transition to waypoints, loiter: |
reduced loiter max acceleration to smooth waypoints |
bug fix to uninitialised roll/pitch when entering RTL, AUTO, LOITER |
2) fast waypoints - copter does not stop at waypoints unless delay is specified |
3) WPNAV_LOIT_SPEED added to allow faster/slower loiter repositioning |
4) removed speed limits on auto missions |
5) enhance LAND mission command takes lat/lon coordinates |
6) bug fix for RTL not pointing home sometimes |
7) centrifugal correction disabled when copter is disarmed to stop HUD moving |
8) centrifugal correction disabled when sat count less than 6 (AHRS_GPS_MINSATS) |
9) compass calibration reliability improvements when run from mission planner |
10) bug fix to allow compassmot to be run from mission planner terminal screen |
11) add support for H-quad frame |
12) add COMPASS_ORIENT parameter to support external compass in any orientation |
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ArduCopter 3.0.0-rc1 01-May-2013 |
Improvements over 2.9.1b: |
1) Inertial navigation for X & Y axis (Randy/Leonard/Jonathan) |
2) 3D waypoint navigation library (Leonard/Randy) |
WPNAV_SPEED, WPNAV_SPEED_UP, WPNAV_SPEED_DN control target speeds during missions and RTL |
WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR to allow disabling yaw during missions and RTL |
3) PX4 support (some features still not available) (Tridge/Pat/PX4Dev Team) |
4) Safety improvements: |
Tin-can shaped fence (set FENCE_ENABLED to 1 and copter will RTL if alt > 150m or horizontal distance from home > 300m) (Randy/Tridge/Leonard) |
GCS failsafe (set FS_GCS_ENABLED to 1 and if you are using a tablet to fly your copter it will RTL and return control to the radio 3 seconds after losing telemetry) (Randy) |
pre-arm checks to ensure accelerometer and radio calibration has been performed before arming (Randy) |
5) motor interference compensation for compass (Jonathan/Randy) |
6) Circle mode improvements: |
set CIRCLE_RADIUS to zero to do panorama shots in circle mode (copter does not move in a circle but instead slowly rotates) |
CIRCLE_RATE parameter allows controlling direction and speed of rotation in CIRCLE mode and LOITER_TURNS (can also be adjusted in flight from CH6 knob) |
7) SONAR_GAIN parameter add to allow reducing the response to objects sensed by sonar (Randy) |
8) support for trapezoidal quads (aka V shaped or FPV quads) (Leonard/Craig) |
9) performance improvements to dataflash logging (Tridge) |
10) bug-fix to analog read which could cause bad sonar reads when using voltage or current monitor (Tridge) |
11) bug-fix to motors going to minimum when throttle is low while switching into Loiter, AUTO, RTL, ALT_HOLD (Jason/Randy) |
12) bug-fix for auto disarm sometimes disarming shortly after arming (Jason/SirAlex) |
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ArduCopter 2.9.1b 30-Feb-2013 |
Improvements over 2.9.1: |
1) reduce INS_MPU6K_FILTER to 20hz |
2) reduce InertialNav Z-axis time constant to 5 (was 7) |
3) increased max InertialNav accel correction to 3 m/s (was 1m/s) |
4) bug fix for alt_hold being passed as int16_t to get_throttle_althold_with_slew |
5) bug fix for throttle after acro flip (was being kept at min throttle if pilot switched out of ACRO mode while inverted) |
6) reduce yaw_rate P default to 0.20 (was 0.25) |
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ArduCopter 2.9.1 & 2.9.1-rc2 01-Feb-2013 |
Improvements over 2.9.1-rc1: |
1) small corretion to use of THR_MID to scale lower end of manual throttle between THR_MIN and 500 instead of 0 and 500 |
2) bug fix for longitude scaling being incorrectly calculated using Next Waypoint instead of home which could lead to scaling being 1 |
3) ESC calibration change to set update rate to ESCs to 50hz to allow simonk ESC to be calibrated |
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ArduCopter 2.9.1-rc1 31-Jan-2013 |
Improvements over 2.9: |
1) THR_MID parameter added to allow users to adjust the manual throttle so that vehicle hovers at about mid stick |
2) bug fix for autotrim - roll axis was backwards |
3) bug fix to set sonar_alt_health to zero when sonar is disabled |
4) capture level roll and pitch trims as part of accel calibration |
5) bug fix to ppm encoder false positives |
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ArduCopter 2.9 & 2.9-rc5 14-Jan-2013 |
Improvements over 2.9-rc4: |
1) add constraint to loiter commanded roll and pitch angles |
2) relax altitude requirement for take-off command to complete |
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ArduCopter 2.9-rc4 12-Jan-2013 |
Improvements over 2.9-rc3: |
1) Smoother transition between manual and auto flight modes (Leonard) |
2) bug fix for LAND not actually landing when initiated from failsafe (Randy/Craig) |
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ArduCopter 2.9-rc3 11-Jan-2013 |
Improvements over 2.9-rc2: |
1) alt hold with sonar improvements - now on by default (Leonard/Randy) |
2) performance and memory usage improvements (Tridge/Randy) |
3) increase APM1 baro pressure read from 5hz to 8.3hz to improve alt hold (Randy) |
4) bug fix: altitude error reported to GCS (Randy) |
5) limit inertial nav's max accel offset correction to 100cm/s/s to speed up recovery after hard impacts (Randy)_ |
6) moved rate controllers to run after ins read (Tridge/Randy) |
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ArduCopter 2.9-rc2 31-Dec-2012 |
Improvements over 2.9-rc1: |
1) increased throttle rate gains from 1.0 to 6.0 |
2) APM1 fix so it works with inertial nav (5hz update rate of baro was beyond the tolerance set in the inav library) |
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ArduCopter 2.9-rc1 23-Dec-2012 |
Improvements over 2.8.1: |
1) altitude hold improvements: |
a)inertial navigation for vertical axis [Randy/Jonathan/Leonard/Jason] |
b)accel based throttle controller [Leonard/Randy] |
c)accelerometer calibration routine updated to use gauss-newton method [Randy/Tridge/Rolfe Schmidt] |
d)parameters to control climb rate: |
AUTO_VELZ_MIN, AUTO_VELZ_MAX - allows you to control the maximum climb and descent rates of the autopilot (in cm/s) |
PILOT_VELZ_MAX - allows you to control the maximum climb/descent rate when in alt hold or loiter (in cm/s) |
2) landing improvements [Leonard/Randy] |
LAND_SPEED - allows you to set the landing speed in cm/s |
3) camera related improvements: |
a) AP_Relay enabled for APM2 and integrated with AP_Camera [Sandro Benigno] |
b) camera trigger with channel 7 switch or DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL mission command [Randy] |
c) allow yaw override by pilot or with CONDITIONAL_YAW command during missions [Randy] |
YAW_OVR_BEHAVE - Controls when autopilot takes back normal control of yaw after pilot overrides (0=after next wp, 1=never) |
4) trad heli improvements [Rob] |
a) code tested and brought back into the fold (2.8.1 was never released for trad helis) |
b) enabled rate controller (previously only used angle controllers) |
c) fix to rotor speed controllers - now operates by switching off channel 8 |
d) allow wider collective pitch range in acro and alt hold modes vs stabilize mode |
e) removed angle boost function because it created more problems than it solved |
f) bug fix to allow collective pitch to use the entire range of servos |
5) mediatek gps driver improvements [Craig] |
a) added support for 1.9 firmware |
b) bug fix to start-up routine so sbas can be enabled |
6) failsafe improvements (both throttle and battery) [Randy/Craig/John Arne Birkeland] |
a) RTL will not trigger if your throttle is zero - reduces risk of accidentally invoking RTL if you switch off your receiver before disarming |
b) failsafe triggered in unlikely case of a PPM encoder failure |
c) bug fix to resolve motors momentarily reducing to zero after failsafe is triggered |
7) mpu6k filtering made configurable and default changed to 42hz for copters [Leonard/Tridge] |
8) support ppm sum for transmitters with as few as 5 channels [Randy/John Arne Birkeland] |
9) acro trainer - copter will return to be generally upright if you release the sticks in acro mode [Leonard] |
ACRO_BAL_ROLL, ACRO_BAL_PITCH - controls rate at which roll returns to level |
ACRO_TRAINER - 1 to enable the auto-bring-upright feature |
10) other changes and bug fixes: |
a) allow >45 degrees when in stabilize mode by adding lines like below to APM_Config (compile time option only) [Jason] |
#define MAX_INPUT_ROLL_ANGLE 6000 // 60 degrees |
#define MAX_INPUT_PITCH_ANGLE 6000 // 60 degrees |
b) bug fix to stop RTL from ever climbing to an unreasonable height (i.e. >80m) [Jason] |
c) event and state logging [Jason] |
d) allow cli to be used over telemetry link [Tridge] |
e) bug fix to allow compass accumulate to run when we have spare cpu cycles [Randy] |
f) bug fix so do_set_servo command works [Randy] |
g) bug fix to PID controller's so they don't calculate crazy D term on the first call [Tridge] |
h) bug fix to initialise navigation parameter to resolve twitch when entering some navigation modes [Jason] |
i) performance improvement to copter leds - use DigitalFastWrite and DigitalFastRead instead of native arduino functions [Randy] |
j) removed unused stab_d from roll and pitch controller [Jason] |
k) bug fix for guided mode not reaching target altitude if it reaches horizontal target first [Randy] |
l) code clean-up, parameter documentation improvements [Randy/Jason/Rob/others] |
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ArduCopter 2.8.1 22-Oct-2012 |
Improvements over 2.8: |
- 430 bytes of RAM freed up to resolve APM1 level issue and reduce chance of memory corruption on both APM1 and APM2 |
Improvements over 2.7.3: |
- Improved ACRO mode (Leonard Hall) |
- Improved stability patch to reduce "climb-on-yaw" problem (Leonard, Rob Lefebvre, Randy) |
- Rate controller targets moved to body frames (yaw control now works properly when copter is inverted) (Leonard/Randy) |
- Less bouncy Stabilize yaw control (Leonard) |
- OpticalFlow sensor support for APM2.5 (Randy) |
- DMP works again by adding "#define DMP_ENABLED ENABLED" to APM_Config.h You can also log DMP vs DCM to the dataflash by adding "#define SECONDARY_DMP_ENABLED ENABLED" (Randy) |
- Watch dog added to shutdown motors if main loop feezes for 2 seconds (Randy) |
- Thrust curve added to linearize pwm->thrust. Removes deadzone found above 90% throttle in most ESC/motors (Randy) |
- More timing improvements (main loop is now tied to MPU6000s interrupt) (Randy) |
- GPS NMEA bug fix (Alexey Kozin) |
- Logging improvements (log I terms, dump all settings at head of dataflash log) (Jason) |
Bug Fixes / Parameter changes: |
- fixed skipping of last waypoint (Jason) |
- resolved twitching when no GPS attached (Tridge) |
- fixed loss of altitude if alt hold is engaged before first GPS lock (Randy/Jason) |
- moved Roll-Pitch I terms from Stabilize controllers to Rate controllers |
- TILT_COMPENSATION param tuned for TradHeli (Rob) |
Code Cleanup: |
- HAL changes for platform portability (Pat Hickey) |
- Removed INSTANT_PWM (Randy) |