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765 lines
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#include "Sub.h" |
/* |
* control_auto.cpp |
* Contains the mission, waypoint navigation and NAV_CMD item implementation |
* |
* While in the auto flight mode, navigation or do/now commands can be run. |
* Code in this file implements the navigation commands |
*/ |
// auto_init - initialise auto controller |
bool Sub::auto_init() |
{ |
if (!position_ok() || mission.num_commands() < 2) { |
return false; |
} |
auto_mode = Auto_Loiter; |
// stop ROI from carrying over from previous runs of the mission |
// To-Do: reset the yaw as part of auto_wp_start when the previous command was not a wp command to remove the need for this special ROI check |
if (auto_yaw_mode == AUTO_YAW_ROI) { |
set_auto_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW_HOLD); |
} |
// initialise waypoint and spline controller |
wp_nav.wp_and_spline_init(); |
// clear guided limits |
guided_limit_clear(); |
// start/resume the mission (based on MIS_RESTART parameter) |
mission.start_or_resume(); |
return true; |
} |
// auto_run - runs the appropriate auto controller |
// according to the current auto_mode |
// should be called at 100hz or more |
void Sub::auto_run() |
{ |
mission.update(); |
// call the correct auto controller |
switch (auto_mode) { |
case Auto_WP: |
case Auto_CircleMoveToEdge: |
auto_wp_run(); |
break; |
case Auto_Circle: |
auto_circle_run(); |
break; |
case Auto_Spline: |
auto_spline_run(); |
break; |
case Auto_NavGuided: |
auto_nav_guided_run(); |
#endif |
break; |
case Auto_Loiter: |
auto_loiter_run(); |
break; |
case Auto_TerrainRecover: |
auto_terrain_recover_run(); |
break; |
} |
} |
// auto_wp_start - initialises waypoint controller to implement flying to a particular destination |
void Sub::auto_wp_start(const Vector3f& destination) |
{ |
auto_mode = Auto_WP; |
// initialise wpnav (no need to check return status because terrain data is not used) |
wp_nav.set_wp_destination(destination, false); |
// initialise yaw |
// To-Do: reset the yaw only when the previous navigation command is not a WP. this would allow removing the special check for ROI |
if (auto_yaw_mode != AUTO_YAW_ROI) { |
set_auto_yaw_mode(get_default_auto_yaw_mode(false)); |
} |
} |
// auto_wp_start - initialises waypoint controller to implement flying to a particular destination |
void Sub::auto_wp_start(const Location_Class& dest_loc) |
{ |
auto_mode = Auto_WP; |
// send target to waypoint controller |
if (!wp_nav.set_wp_destination(dest_loc)) { |
// failure to set destination can only be because of missing terrain data |
failsafe_terrain_on_event(); |
return; |
} |
// initialise yaw |
// To-Do: reset the yaw only when the previous navigation command is not a WP. this would allow removing the special check for ROI |
if (auto_yaw_mode != AUTO_YAW_ROI) { |
set_auto_yaw_mode(get_default_auto_yaw_mode(false)); |
} |
} |
// auto_wp_run - runs the auto waypoint controller |
// called by auto_run at 100hz or more |
void Sub::auto_wp_run() |
{ |
// if not armed set throttle to zero and exit immediately |
if (!motors.armed()) { |
// To-Do: reset waypoint origin to current location because vehicle is probably on the ground so we don't want it lurching left or right on take-off |
// (of course it would be better if people just used take-off) |
// call attitude controller |
// Sub vehicles do not stabilize roll/pitch/yaw when disarmed |
motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DESIRED_SPIN_WHEN_ARMED); |
attitude_control.set_throttle_out_unstabilized(0,true,g.throttle_filt); |
return; |
} |
// process pilot's yaw input |
float target_yaw_rate = 0; |
if (!failsafe.pilot_input) { |
// get pilot's desired yaw rate |
target_yaw_rate = get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(channel_yaw->get_control_in()); |
if (!is_zero(target_yaw_rate)) { |
set_auto_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW_HOLD); |
} |
} |
// set motors to full range |
motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED); |
// run waypoint controller |
// TODO logic for terrain tracking target going below fence limit |
// TODO implement waypoint radius individually for each waypoint based on cmd.p2 |
// TODO fix auto yaw heading to switch to something appropriate when mission complete and switches to loiter |
failsafe_terrain_set_status(wp_nav.update_wpnav()); |
/////////////////////// |
// update xy outputs // |
float lateral_out, forward_out; |
translate_wpnav_rp(lateral_out, forward_out); |
// Send to forward/lateral outputs |
motors.set_lateral(lateral_out); |
motors.set_forward(forward_out); |
// call z-axis position controller (wpnav should have already updated it's alt target) |
pos_control.update_z_controller(); |
//////////////////////////// |
// update attitude output // |
// get pilot desired lean angles |
float target_roll, target_pitch; |
get_pilot_desired_lean_angles(channel_roll->get_control_in(), channel_pitch->get_control_in(), target_roll, target_pitch, aparm.angle_max); |
// call attitude controller |
if (auto_yaw_mode == AUTO_YAW_HOLD) { |
// roll & pitch from waypoint controller, yaw rate from pilot |
attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(target_roll, target_pitch, target_yaw_rate, get_smoothing_gain()); |
} else { |
// roll, pitch from waypoint controller, yaw heading from auto_heading() |
attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw(target_roll, target_pitch, get_auto_heading(), true, get_smoothing_gain()); |
} |
} |
// auto_spline_start - initialises waypoint controller to implement flying to a particular destination using the spline controller |
// seg_end_type can be SEGMENT_END_STOP, SEGMENT_END_STRAIGHT or SEGMENT_END_SPLINE. If Straight or Spline the next_destination should be provided |
void Sub::auto_spline_start(const Location_Class& destination, bool stopped_at_start, |
AC_WPNav::spline_segment_end_type seg_end_type, |
const Location_Class& next_destination) |
{ |
auto_mode = Auto_Spline; |
// initialise wpnav |
if (!wp_nav.set_spline_destination(destination, stopped_at_start, seg_end_type, next_destination)) { |
// failure to set destination can only be because of missing terrain data |
failsafe_terrain_on_event(); |
return; |
} |
// initialise yaw |
// To-Do: reset the yaw only when the previous navigation command is not a WP. this would allow removing the special check for ROI |
if (auto_yaw_mode != AUTO_YAW_ROI) { |
set_auto_yaw_mode(get_default_auto_yaw_mode(false)); |
} |
} |
// auto_spline_run - runs the auto spline controller |
// called by auto_run at 100hz or more |
void Sub::auto_spline_run() |
{ |
// if not armed set throttle to zero and exit immediately |
if (!motors.armed()) { |
// To-Do: reset waypoint origin to current location because vehicle is probably on the ground so we don't want it lurching left or right on take-off |
// (of course it would be better if people just used take-off) |
// Sub vehicles do not stabilize roll/pitch/yaw when disarmed |
attitude_control.set_throttle_out_unstabilized(0,true,g.throttle_filt); |
motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DESIRED_SPIN_WHEN_ARMED); |
return; |
} |
// process pilot's yaw input |
float target_yaw_rate = 0; |
if (!failsafe.pilot_input) { |
// get pilot's desired yaw rat |
target_yaw_rate = get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(channel_yaw->get_control_in()); |
if (!is_zero(target_yaw_rate)) { |
set_auto_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW_HOLD); |
} |
} |
// set motors to full range |
motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED); |
// run waypoint controller |
wp_nav.update_spline(); |
float lateral_out, forward_out; |
translate_wpnav_rp(lateral_out, forward_out); |
// Send to forward/lateral outputs |
motors.set_lateral(lateral_out); |
motors.set_forward(forward_out); |
// call z-axis position controller (wpnav should have already updated it's alt target) |
pos_control.update_z_controller(); |
// get pilot desired lean angles |
float target_roll, target_pitch; |
get_pilot_desired_lean_angles(channel_roll->get_control_in(), channel_pitch->get_control_in(), target_roll, target_pitch, aparm.angle_max); |
// call attitude controller |
if (auto_yaw_mode == AUTO_YAW_HOLD) { |
// roll & pitch from waypoint controller, yaw rate from pilot |
attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(target_roll, target_pitch, target_yaw_rate, get_smoothing_gain()); |
} else { |
// roll, pitch from waypoint controller, yaw heading from auto_heading() |
attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw(target_roll, target_pitch, get_auto_heading(), true, get_smoothing_gain()); |
} |
} |
// auto_circle_movetoedge_start - initialise waypoint controller to move to edge of a circle with it's center at the specified location |
// we assume the caller has set the circle's circle with circle_nav.set_center() |
// we assume the caller has performed all required GPS_ok checks |
void Sub::auto_circle_movetoedge_start(const Location_Class &circle_center, float radius_m) |
{ |
// convert location to vector from ekf origin |
Vector3f circle_center_neu; |
if (!circle_center.get_vector_from_origin_NEU(circle_center_neu)) { |
// default to current position and log error |
circle_center_neu = inertial_nav.get_position(); |
} |
circle_nav.set_center(circle_center_neu); |
// set circle radius |
if (!is_zero(radius_m)) { |
circle_nav.set_radius(radius_m * 100.0f); |
} |
// check our distance from edge of circle |
Vector3f circle_edge_neu; |
circle_nav.get_closest_point_on_circle(circle_edge_neu); |
float dist_to_edge = (inertial_nav.get_position() - circle_edge_neu).length(); |
// if more than 3m then fly to edge |
if (dist_to_edge > 300.0f) { |
// set the state to move to the edge of the circle |
auto_mode = Auto_CircleMoveToEdge; |
// convert circle_edge_neu to Location_Class |
Location_Class circle_edge(circle_edge_neu); |
// convert altitude to same as command |
circle_edge.set_alt_cm(circle_center.alt, circle_center.get_alt_frame()); |
// initialise wpnav to move to edge of circle |
if (!wp_nav.set_wp_destination(circle_edge)) { |
// failure to set destination can only be because of missing terrain data |
failsafe_terrain_on_event(); |
} |
// if we are outside the circle, point at the edge, otherwise hold yaw |
const Vector3f &curr_pos = inertial_nav.get_position(); |
float dist_to_center = norm(circle_center_neu.x - curr_pos.x, circle_center_neu.y - curr_pos.y); |
if (dist_to_center > circle_nav.get_radius() && dist_to_center > 500) { |
set_auto_yaw_mode(get_default_auto_yaw_mode(false)); |
} else { |
// vehicle is within circle so hold yaw to avoid spinning as we move to edge of circle |
set_auto_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW_HOLD); |
} |
} else { |
auto_circle_start(); |
} |
} |
// auto_circle_start - initialises controller to fly a circle in AUTO flight mode |
// assumes that circle_nav object has already been initialised with circle center and radius |
void Sub::auto_circle_start() |
{ |
auto_mode = Auto_Circle; |
// initialise circle controller |
circle_nav.init(circle_nav.get_center()); |
} |
// auto_circle_run - circle in AUTO flight mode |
// called by auto_run at 100hz or more |
void Sub::auto_circle_run() |
{ |
// call circle controller |
circle_nav.update(); |
float lateral_out, forward_out; |
translate_circle_nav_rp(lateral_out, forward_out); |
// Send to forward/lateral outputs |
motors.set_lateral(lateral_out); |
motors.set_forward(forward_out); |
// call z-axis position controller |
pos_control.update_z_controller(); |
// roll & pitch from waypoint controller, yaw rate from pilot |
attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw(channel_roll->get_control_in(), channel_pitch->get_control_in(), circle_nav.get_yaw(), true, get_smoothing_gain()); |
} |
// auto_nav_guided_start - hand over control to external navigation controller in AUTO mode |
void Sub::auto_nav_guided_start() |
{ |
auto_mode = Auto_NavGuided; |
// call regular guided flight mode initialisation |
guided_init(true); |
// initialise guided start time and position as reference for limit checking |
guided_limit_init_time_and_pos(); |
} |
// auto_nav_guided_run - allows control by external navigation controller |
// called by auto_run at 100hz or more |
void Sub::auto_nav_guided_run() |
{ |
// call regular guided flight mode run function |
guided_run(); |
} |
#endif // NAV_GUIDED |
// auto_loiter_start - initialises loitering in auto mode |
// returns success/failure because this can be called by exit_mission |
bool Sub::auto_loiter_start() |
{ |
// return failure if GPS is bad |
if (!position_ok()) { |
return false; |
} |
auto_mode = Auto_Loiter; |
Vector3f origin = inertial_nav.get_position(); |
// calculate stopping point |
Vector3f stopping_point; |
pos_control.get_stopping_point_xy(stopping_point); |
pos_control.get_stopping_point_z(stopping_point); |
// initialise waypoint controller target to stopping point |
wp_nav.set_wp_origin_and_destination(origin, stopping_point); |
// hold yaw at current heading |
set_auto_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW_HOLD); |
return true; |
} |
// auto_loiter_run - loiter in AUTO flight mode |
// called by auto_run at 100hz or more |
void Sub::auto_loiter_run() |
{ |
// if not armed set throttle to zero and exit immediately |
if (!motors.armed()) { |
motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DESIRED_SPIN_WHEN_ARMED); |
// Sub vehicles do not stabilize roll/pitch/yaw when disarmed |
attitude_control.set_throttle_out_unstabilized(0,true,g.throttle_filt); |
return; |
} |
// accept pilot input of yaw |
float target_yaw_rate = 0; |
if (!failsafe.pilot_input) { |
target_yaw_rate = get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(channel_yaw->get_control_in()); |
} |
// set motors to full range |
motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DESIRED_THROTTLE_UNLIMITED); |
// run waypoint and z-axis position controller |
failsafe_terrain_set_status(wp_nav.update_wpnav()); |
/////////////////////// |
// update xy outputs // |
float lateral_out, forward_out; |
translate_wpnav_rp(lateral_out, forward_out); |
// Send to forward/lateral outputs |
motors.set_lateral(lateral_out); |
motors.set_forward(forward_out); |
// call z-axis position controller (wpnav should have already updated it's alt target) |
pos_control.update_z_controller(); |
// get pilot desired lean angles |
float target_roll, target_pitch; |
get_pilot_desired_lean_angles(channel_roll->get_control_in(), channel_pitch->get_control_in(), target_roll, target_pitch, aparm.angle_max); |
// roll & pitch from waypoint controller, yaw rate from pilot |
attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(target_roll, target_pitch, target_yaw_rate, get_smoothing_gain()); |
} |
// get_default_auto_yaw_mode - returns auto_yaw_mode based on WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR parameter |
// set rtl parameter to true if this is during an RTL |
uint8_t Sub::get_default_auto_yaw_mode(bool rtl) |
{ |
switch (g.wp_yaw_behavior) { |
return AUTO_YAW_HOLD; |
break; |
if (rtl) { |
return AUTO_YAW_HOLD; |
} else { |
} |
break; |
break; |
break; |
default: |
break; |
} |
} |
// set_auto_yaw_mode - sets the yaw mode for auto |
void Sub::set_auto_yaw_mode(uint8_t yaw_mode) |
{ |
// return immediately if no change |
if (auto_yaw_mode == yaw_mode) { |
return; |
} |
auto_yaw_mode = yaw_mode; |
// perform initialisation |
switch (auto_yaw_mode) { |
// wpnav will initialise heading when wpnav's set_destination method is called |
break; |
case AUTO_YAW_ROI: |
// point towards a location held in yaw_look_at_WP |
yaw_look_at_WP_bearing = ahrs.yaw_sensor; |
break; |
// keep heading pointing in the direction held in yaw_look_at_heading |
// caller should set the yaw_look_at_heading |
break; |
// Commanded Yaw to automatically look ahead. |
yaw_look_ahead_bearing = ahrs.yaw_sensor; |
break; |
// initial_armed_bearing will be set during arming so no init required |
break; |
} |
} |
// set_auto_yaw_look_at_heading - sets the yaw look at heading for auto mode |
void Sub::set_auto_yaw_look_at_heading(float angle_deg, float turn_rate_dps, int8_t direction, uint8_t relative_angle) |
{ |
// get current yaw target |
int32_t curr_yaw_target = attitude_control.get_att_target_euler_cd().z; |
// get final angle, 1 = Relative, 0 = Absolute |
if (relative_angle == 0) { |
// absolute angle |
yaw_look_at_heading = wrap_360_cd(angle_deg * 100); |
} else { |
// relative angle |
if (direction < 0) { |
angle_deg = -angle_deg; |
} |
yaw_look_at_heading = wrap_360_cd((angle_deg*100+curr_yaw_target)); |
} |
// get turn speed |
// TODO actually implement this, right now, yaw_look_at_heading_slew is unused |
// see AP_Float _slew_yaw in AC_AttitudeControl |
if (is_zero(turn_rate_dps)) { |
// default to regular auto slew rate |
yaw_look_at_heading_slew = AUTO_YAW_SLEW_RATE; |
} else { |
int32_t turn_rate = (wrap_180_cd(yaw_look_at_heading - curr_yaw_target) / 100) / turn_rate_dps; |
yaw_look_at_heading_slew = constrain_int32(turn_rate, 1, 360); // deg / sec |
} |
// set yaw mode |
set_auto_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW_LOOK_AT_HEADING); |
// TO-DO: restore support for clockwise and counter clockwise rotation held in cmd.content.yaw.direction. 1 = clockwise, -1 = counterclockwise |
} |
// set_auto_yaw_roi - sets the yaw to look at roi for auto mode |
void Sub::set_auto_yaw_roi(const Location &roi_location) |
{ |
// if location is zero lat, lon and altitude turn off ROI |
if (roi_location.alt == 0 && roi_location.lat == 0 && roi_location.lng == 0) { |
// set auto yaw mode back to default assuming the active command is a waypoint command. A more sophisticated method is required to ensure we return to the proper yaw control for the active command |
set_auto_yaw_mode(get_default_auto_yaw_mode(false)); |
// switch off the camera tracking if enabled |
if (camera_mount.get_mode() == MAV_MOUNT_MODE_GPS_POINT) { |
camera_mount.set_mode_to_default(); |
} |
#endif // MOUNT == ENABLED |
} else { |
// check if mount type requires us to rotate the quad |
if (!camera_mount.has_pan_control()) { |
roi_WP = pv_location_to_vector(roi_location); |
set_auto_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW_ROI); |
} |
// send the command to the camera mount |
camera_mount.set_roi_target(roi_location); |
// TO-DO: expand handling of the do_nav_roi to support all modes of the MAVLink. Currently we only handle mode 4 (see below) |
// 0: do nothing |
// 1: point at next waypoint |
// 2: point at a waypoint taken from WP# parameter (2nd parameter?) |
// 3: point at a location given by alt, lon, lat parameters |
// 4: point at a target given a target id (can't be implemented) |
#else |
// if we have no camera mount aim the quad at the location |
roi_WP = pv_location_to_vector(roi_location); |
set_auto_yaw_mode(AUTO_YAW_ROI); |
#endif // MOUNT == ENABLED |
} |
} |
// get_auto_heading - returns target heading depending upon auto_yaw_mode |
// 100hz update rate |
float Sub::get_auto_heading(void) |
{ |
switch (auto_yaw_mode) { |
case AUTO_YAW_ROI: |
// point towards a location held in roi_WP |
return get_roi_yaw(); |
break; |
// keep heading pointing in the direction held in yaw_look_at_heading with no pilot input allowed |
return yaw_look_at_heading; |
break; |
// Commanded Yaw to automatically look ahead. |
return get_look_ahead_yaw(); |
break; |
// changes yaw to be same as when quad was armed |
return initial_armed_bearing; |
break; |
// TODO return current yaw if not in appropriate mode |
// Bearing of current track (centidegrees) |
float track_bearing = get_bearing_cd(wp_nav.get_wp_origin(), wp_nav.get_wp_destination()); |
// Bearing from current position towards intermediate position target (centidegrees) |
float desired_angle = wp_nav.get_loiter_bearing_to_target(); |
float angle_error = wrap_180_cd(desired_angle - track_bearing); |
float angle_limited = constrain_float(angle_error, -g.xtrack_angle_limit * 100.0f, g.xtrack_angle_limit * 100.0f); |
return wrap_360_cd(track_bearing + angle_limited); |
} |
break; |
default: |
// point towards next waypoint. |
// we don't use wp_bearing because we don't want the vehicle to turn too much during flight |
return wp_nav.get_yaw(); |
break; |
} |
} |
// Return true if it is possible to recover from a rangefinder failure |
bool Sub::auto_terrain_recover_start() |
{ |
// Check rangefinder status to see if recovery is possible |
switch (rangefinder.status_orient(ROTATION_PITCH_270)) { |
case RangeFinder::RangeFinder_OutOfRangeLow: |
case RangeFinder::RangeFinder_OutOfRangeHigh: |
// RangeFinder_Good if just one valid sample was obtained recently, but ::rangefinder_state.alt_healthy |
// requires several consecutive valid readings for wpnav to accept rangefinder data |
case RangeFinder::RangeFinder_Good: |
auto_mode = Auto_TerrainRecover; |
break; |
// Not connected or no data |
default: |
return false; // Rangefinder is not connected, or has stopped responding |
} |
// Initialize recovery timeout time |
fs_terrain_recover_start_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); |
// Stop mission |
mission.stop(); |
// Reset xy target |
wp_nav.init_loiter_target(); |
// Reset z axis controller |
pos_control.relax_alt_hold_controllers(motors.get_throttle_hover()); |
// initialize vertical speeds and leash lengths |
pos_control.set_speed_z(wp_nav.get_speed_down(), wp_nav.get_speed_up()); |
pos_control.set_accel_z(wp_nav.get_accel_z()); |
// Reset vertical position and velocity targets |
pos_control.set_alt_target(inertial_nav.get_altitude()); |
pos_control.set_desired_velocity_z(inertial_nav.get_velocity_z()); |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "Attempting auto failsafe recovery"); |
return true; |
} |
// Attempt recovery from terrain failsafe |
// If recovery is successful resume mission |
// If recovery fails revert to failsafe action |
void Sub::auto_terrain_recover_run() |
{ |
float target_climb_rate = 0; |
static uint32_t rangefinder_recovery_ms = 0; |
// if not armed set throttle to zero and exit immediately |
if (!motors.armed()) { |
motors.set_desired_spool_state(AP_Motors::DESIRED_SPIN_WHEN_ARMED); |
attitude_control.set_throttle_out_unstabilized(0,true,g.throttle_filt); |
return; |
} |
switch (rangefinder.status_orient(ROTATION_PITCH_270)) { |
case RangeFinder::RangeFinder_OutOfRangeLow: |
target_climb_rate = wp_nav.get_speed_up(); |
rangefinder_recovery_ms = 0; |
break; |
case RangeFinder::RangeFinder_OutOfRangeHigh: |
target_climb_rate = wp_nav.get_speed_down(); |
rangefinder_recovery_ms = 0; |
break; |
case RangeFinder::RangeFinder_Good: // exit on success (recovered rangefinder data) |
target_climb_rate = 0; // Attempt to hold current depth |
if (rangefinder_state.alt_healthy) { |
// Start timer as soon as rangefinder is healthy |
if (rangefinder_recovery_ms == 0) { |
rangefinder_recovery_ms = AP_HAL::millis(); |
pos_control.relax_alt_hold_controllers(motors.get_throttle_hover()); // Reset alt hold targets |
} |
// 1.5 seconds of healthy rangefinder means we can resume mission with terrain enabled |
if (AP_HAL::millis() > rangefinder_recovery_ms + 1500) { |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_INFO, "Terrain failsafe recovery successful!"); |
failsafe_terrain_set_status(true); // Reset failsafe timers |
failsafe.terrain = false; // Clear flag |
auto_mode = Auto_Loiter; // Switch back to loiter for next iteration |
mission.resume(); // Resume mission |
rangefinder_recovery_ms = 0; // Reset for subsequent recoveries |
} |
} |
break; |
// Not connected, or no data |
default: |
// Terrain failsafe recovery has failed, terrain data is not available |
// and rangefinder is not connected, or has stopped responding |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "Terrain failsafe recovery failure: No Rangefinder!"); |
failsafe_terrain_act(); |
rangefinder_recovery_ms = 0; |
return; |
} |
// exit on failure (timeout) |
if (AP_HAL::millis() > fs_terrain_recover_start_ms + FS_TERRAIN_RECOVER_TIMEOUT_MS) { |
// Recovery has failed, revert to failsafe action |
gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_CRITICAL, "Terrain failsafe recovery timeout!"); |
failsafe_terrain_act(); |
} |
// run loiter controller |
wp_nav.update_loiter(ekfGndSpdLimit, ekfNavVelGainScaler); |
/////////////////////// |
// update xy targets // |
float lateral_out, forward_out; |
translate_wpnav_rp(lateral_out, forward_out); |
// Send to forward/lateral outputs |
motors.set_lateral(lateral_out); |
motors.set_forward(forward_out); |
///////////////////// |
// update z target // |
pos_control.set_alt_target_from_climb_rate_ff(target_climb_rate, G_Dt, true); |
pos_control.update_z_controller(); |
//////////////////////////// |
// update angular targets // |
float target_roll = 0; |
float target_pitch = 0; |
// convert pilot input to lean angles |
// To-Do: convert get_pilot_desired_lean_angles to return angles as floats |
get_pilot_desired_lean_angles(channel_roll->get_control_in(), channel_pitch->get_control_in(), target_roll, target_pitch, aparm.angle_max); |
float target_yaw_rate = 0; |
// call attitude controller |
attitude_control.input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(target_roll, target_pitch, target_yaw_rate, get_smoothing_gain()); |