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// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_Math.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink.h>
#include <GCS.h>
#include "AP_Terrain.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
// table of user settable parameters
const AP_Param::GroupInfo AP_Terrain::var_info[] PROGMEM = {
// @Param: ENABLE
// @DisplayName: Terrain following enable
// @Description: enable terrain following. This enables the vehicle storing a database of terrain data on the SD card. The terrain data is requested from the ground station as needed, and stored for later use on the SD card. To be useful the ground station must support TERRAIN_REQUEST messages and have access to a terrain database, such as the SRTM database.
// @Values: 0:Disable,1:Enable
AP_GROUPINFO("ENABLE", 0, AP_Terrain, enable, 0),
// @Param: SPACING
// @DisplayName: Terrain grid spacing
// @Description: Distance between terrain grid points in meters. This controls the horizontal resolution of the terrain data that is stored on te SD card and requested from the ground station. If your GCS is using the worldwide SRTM database then a resolution of 100 meters is appropriate. Some parts of the world may have higher resolution data available, such as 30 meter data available in the SRTM database in the USA. The grid spacing also controls how much data is kept in memory during flight. A larger grid spacing will allow for a larger amount of data in memory. A grid spacing of 100 meters results in the vehicle keeping 12 grid squares in memory with each grid square having a size of 2.7 kilometers by 3.2 kilometers. Any additional grid squares are stored on the SD once they are fetched from the GCS and will be demand loaded as needed.
// @Units: meters
// @Increment: 1
AP_GROUPINFO("SPACING", 1, AP_Terrain, grid_spacing, 100),
// constructor
AP_Terrain::AP_Terrain(AP_AHRS &_ahrs) :
AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info);
memset(&home_loc, 0, sizeof(home_loc));
memset(&disk_block, 0, sizeof(disk_block));
return terrain height in meters above average sea level (WGS84) for
a given position
This is the base function that other height calculations are derived
from. The functions below are more convenient for most uses
bool AP_Terrain::height_amsl(const Location &loc, float &height)
if (!enable) {
return false;
// quick access for home altitude
if (loc.lat == home_loc.lat &&
loc.lng == home_loc.lng) {
height = home_height;
return true;
struct grid_info info;
calculate_grid_info(loc, info);
// find the grid
const struct grid_block &grid = find_grid_cache(info).grid;
note that we rely on the one square overlap to ensure these
calculations don't go past the end of the arrays
// check we have all 4 required heights
if (!check_bitmap(grid, info.idx_x, info.idx_y) ||
!check_bitmap(grid, info.idx_x, info.idx_y+1) ||
!check_bitmap(grid, info.idx_x+1, info.idx_y) ||
!check_bitmap(grid, info.idx_x+1, info.idx_y+1)) {
return false;
// hXY are the heights of the 4 surrounding grid points
int16_t h00, h01, h10, h11;
h00 = grid.height[info.idx_x+0][info.idx_y+0];
h01 = grid.height[info.idx_x+0][info.idx_y+1];
h10 = grid.height[info.idx_x+1][info.idx_y+0];
h11 = grid.height[info.idx_x+1][info.idx_y+1];
// do a simple dual linear interpolation. We could do something
// fancier, but it probably isn't worth it as long as the
// grid_spacing is kept small enough
float avg1 = (1.0f-info.frac_x) * h00 + info.frac_x * h10;
float avg2 = (1.0f-info.frac_x) * h01 + info.frac_x * h11;
float avg = (1.0f-info.frac_y) * avg1 + info.frac_y * avg2;
height = avg;
if (loc.lat == ahrs.get_home().lat &&
loc.lng == ahrs.get_home().lng) {
// remember home altitude as a special case
home_height = height;
home_loc = loc;
return true;
find difference between home terrain height and the terrain height
at a given location, in meters. A positive result means the terrain
is higher than home.
return false is terrain at the given location or at home
location is not available
bool AP_Terrain::height_terrain_difference_home(const Location &loc, float &terrain_difference)
float height_home, height_loc;
if (!height_amsl(ahrs.get_home(), height_home)) {
// we don't know the height of home
return false;
if (!height_amsl(loc, height_loc)) {
// we don't know the height of the given location
return false;
terrain_difference = height_loc - height_home;
return true;
return estimated height above the terrain given a relative-to-home
altitude (such as a barometric altitude) for a given location
return false if terrain data is not available either at the given
location or at the home location.
bool AP_Terrain::height_above_terrain(const Location &loc, float relative_home_altitude, float &terrain_altitude)
float terrain_difference;
if (!height_terrain_difference_home(loc, terrain_difference)) {
return false;
terrain_altitude = relative_home_altitude - terrain_difference;
return true;
alternative interface to height_above_terrain where
relative_altitude is taken from loc.alt (in centimeters)
bool AP_Terrain::height_above_terrain(const Location &loc, float &terrain_altitude)
float relative_home_altitude = loc.alt*0.01f;
if (!loc.flags.relative_alt) {
// loc.alt has home altitude added, remove it
relative_home_altitude -= ahrs.get_home().alt*0.01f;
return height_above_terrain(loc, relative_home_altitude, terrain_altitude);
return estimated equivalent relative-to-home altitude in meters of
a given height above the terrain for a given location.
This function allows existing height controllers which work on
barometric altitude (relative to home) to be used with terrain
based target altitude, by translating the "above terrain" altitude
into an equivalent barometric relative height.
return false if terrain data is not available either at the given
location or at the home location.
bool AP_Terrain::height_relative_home_equivalent(const Location &loc, float terrain_altitude, float &relative_home_altitude)
float terrain_difference;
if (!height_terrain_difference_home(loc, terrain_difference)) {
return false;
relative_home_altitude = terrain_altitude + terrain_difference;
return true;
convert a Location altitude to a relative-to-home altitude in meters
This obeys the relative_alt and terrain_alt flags in Location.flags
bool AP_Terrain::location_to_relative_home(const Location &loc, float &relative_altitude)
if (!loc.flags.terrain_alt) {
// its not a terrain alt
relative_altitude = loc.alt*0.01f;
if (!loc.flags.relative_alt) {
relative_altitude -= ahrs.get_home().alt*0.01f;
return true;
if (!height_relative_home_equivalent(loc, loc.alt*0.01f, relative_altitude)) {
return false;
// if terrain_alt is set and relative_alt is not set then Location
// is still offset by home alt
if (!loc.flags.relative_alt) {
relative_altitude -= ahrs.get_home().alt*0.01f;
return true;
1hz update function. This is here to ensure progress is made on disk
IO even if no MAVLink send_request() operations are called for a
void AP_Terrain::update(void)
// just schedule any needed disk IO
// try to ensure the home location is populated
float height;
height_amsl(ahrs.get_home(), height);
return status enum for health reporting
enum AP_Terrain::TerrainStatus AP_Terrain::status(void)
if (!enable) {
return TerrainStatusDisabled;
Location loc;
if (!ahrs.get_position(loc)) {
// we don't know where we are
return TerrainStatusUnhealthy;
float height;
if (!height_amsl(loc, height)) {
// we don't have terrain data at current location
return TerrainStatusUnhealthy;
return TerrainStatusOK;