537 lines
16 KiB
537 lines
16 KiB
#!/bin/bash |
# script to build the latest binaries for each vehicle type, ready to upload |
# Andrew Tridgell, March 2013 |
export PATH=$HOME/prefix/bin:$PATH:/bin:/usr/bin |
export TMPDIR=$PWD/build.tmp.binaries |
echo $TMDIR |
rm -rf $TMPDIR |
echo "Building in $TMPDIR" |
date |
git checkout -f master |
githash=$(git rev-parse HEAD) |
hdate=$(date +"%Y-%m/%Y-%m-%d-%H:%m") |
mkdir -p binaries/$hdate |
binaries=$PWD/../buildlogs/binaries |
error_count=0 |
. config.mk |
board_branch() { |
board="$1" |
case $board in |
apm1|apm2) |
echo "-AVR" |
;; |
*) |
echo "" |
;; |
esac |
} |
# add board specific options |
board_options() { |
board="$1" |
case $board in |
bebop) |
# bebop needs a static build |
echo "--static" |
;; |
*) |
echo "" |
;; |
esac |
} |
waf() { |
if [ -x ./waf ]; then |
./waf "$@" |
else |
./modules/waf/waf-light "$@" |
fi |
} |
# checkout the right version of the tree |
checkout() { |
vehicle="$1" |
ctag="$2" |
cboard="$3" |
cframe="$4" |
echo "Trying checkout $vehicle $ctag $cboard $cframe" |
git stash |
if [ "$ctag" = "latest" ]; then |
vtag="master" |
else |
vtag="$vehicle-$ctag" |
fi |
# try frame specific tag |
if [ -n "$cframe" ]; then |
vtag2="$vtag-$cframe" |
git checkout -f "$vtag2" && { |
echo "Using frame specific tag $vtag2" |
[ -f $BASEDIR/.gitmodules ] && git submodule update --recursive -f |
git log -1 |
return 0 |
} |
fi |
# try board type specific branch extension |
vtag2="$vtag"$(board_branch $cboard) |
git checkout -f "$vtag2" && { |
echo "Using board specific tag $vtag2" |
[ -f $BASEDIR/.gitmodules ] && git submodule update --recursive -f |
git log -1 |
return 0 |
} |
git checkout -f "$vtag" && { |
echo "Using generic tag $vtag" |
[ -f $BASEDIR/.gitmodules ] && git submodule update --recursive -f |
git log -1 |
return 0 |
} |
echo "Failed to find tag for $vehicle $ctag $cboard $cframe" |
return 1 |
} |
# check if we should skip this build because we don't |
# support the board in this release |
skip_board_waf() { |
b="$1" |
if grep -q "$b" $BASEDIR/Tools/ardupilotwaf/boards.py; then |
return 1 |
fi |
echo "Skipping unsupported board $b" |
return 0 |
} |
skip_frame() { |
sboard=$1 |
sframe=$2 |
if [ "$sboard" = "bebop" -o "$sboard" = "aerofc-v1" ]; then |
if [ "$sframe" != "quad" -a "$sframe" != "none" ]; then |
return 0 |
fi |
fi |
return 1 |
} |
# check if we should skip this build because we have already |
# built this version |
skip_build() { |
[ "$FORCE_BUILD" = "1" ] && return 1 |
buildtag="$1" |
builddir="$2" |
bname=$(basename $builddir) |
ldir=$(dirname $(dirname $(dirname $builddir)))/$buildtag/$bname |
[ -f $BASEDIR/.gitmodules ] || { |
echo "Skipping build without submodules" |
return 0 |
} |
[ -d "$ldir" ] || { |
echo "$ldir doesn't exist - building" |
return 1 |
} |
oldversion=$(cat "$ldir/git-version.txt" | head -1) |
newversion=$(git log -1 | head -1) |
[ "$oldversion" = "$newversion" ] && { |
echo "Skipping build - version match $newversion" |
return 0 |
} |
echo "$ldir needs rebuild" |
return 1 |
} |
addfwversion() { |
destdir="$1" |
src="$2" |
git log -1 > "$destdir/git-version.txt" |
versionfile="$src/version.h" |
[ -f $versionfile ] && { |
shopt -s nullglob |
version=$(grep 'define.THISFIRMWARE' $versionfile 2> /dev/null | cut -d'"' -f2) |
echo >> "$destdir/git-version.txt" |
echo "APMVERSION: $version" >> "$destdir/git-version.txt" |
python $BASEDIR/Tools/PrintVersion.py $src >"$destdir/firmware-version.txt" |
} |
} |
# copy the built firmware to the right directory |
copyit() { |
file="$1" |
dir="$2" |
tag="$3" |
src="$4" |
bname=$(basename $dir) |
tdir=$(dirname $(dirname $(dirname $dir)))/$tag/$bname |
if [ "$tag" = "latest" ]; then |
mkdir -p "$dir" |
/bin/cp "$file" "$dir" |
addfwversion "$dir" "$src" |
fi |
echo "Copying $file to $tdir" |
mkdir -p "$tdir" |
addfwversion "$tdir" "$src" |
rsync "$file" "$tdir" |
} |
board_extension() { |
board="$1" |
case $board in |
apm1|apm2) |
echo "hex" |
;; |
*) |
echo "elf" |
;; |
esac |
} |
# build plane binaries |
build_arduplane() { |
tag="$1" |
echo "Building ArduPlane $tag binaries from $(pwd)" |
for b in erlebrain2 navio navio2 pxf pxfmini disco; do |
checkout ArduPlane $tag $b "" || { |
echo "Failed checkout of ArduPlane $b $tag" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
skip_board_waf $b && continue |
echo "Building ArduPlane $b binaries" |
ddir=$binaries/Plane/$hdate/$b |
skip_build $tag $ddir && continue |
echo "Configuring for $b in $BUILDROOT" |
waf configure --board $b --out $BUILDROOT clean && waf plane || { |
echo "Failed build of ArduPlane $b $tag" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
copyit $BUILDROOT/$b/bin/arduplane $ddir $tag "ArduPlane" |
touch $binaries/Plane/$tag |
done |
echo "Building ArduPlane PX4 binaries" |
ddir=$binaries/Plane/$hdate/PX4 |
checkout ArduPlane $tag PX4 "" || { |
echo "Failed checkout of ArduPlane PX4 $tag" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
checkout ArduPlane "latest" "" "" |
return |
} |
skip_build $tag $ddir || { |
for v in v1 v2 v3 v4 v4pro; do |
skip_board_waf px4-$v && continue |
echo "Building plane for px4-$v in $BUILDROOT" |
waf configure --board $b --out $BUILDROOT clean && waf plane || { |
echo "Failed build of ArduPlane PX4 $tag for $v" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
cp -f $BUILDROOT/px4-$v/bin/arduplane.px4 ArduPlane-$v.px4 || { |
echo "Failed build copy of ArduPlane PX4 $tag for $v" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
copyit ArduPlane-$v.px4 $ddir $tag "ArduPlane" |
done |
} |
checkout ArduPlane "latest" "" "" |
} |
# build copter binaries |
build_arducopter() { |
tag="$1" |
echo "Building ArduCopter $tag binaries from $(pwd)" |
# work out what frames to build by looking for FRAME_CLASS parameter |
checkout ArduCopter $tag "" "" |
frames="none heli" |
echo "Building frames: $frames" |
checkout ArduCopter "latest" "" "" |
for b in erlebrain2 navio navio2 pxf pxfmini bebop aerofc-v1; do |
echo "Building board: $b" |
for f in $frames; do |
if [ "$f" = "none" ]; then |
framesuffix="" |
else |
framesuffix="-$f" |
fi |
echo "Building frame $f for board $b" |
checkout ArduCopter $tag $b $f || { |
echo "Failed checkout of ArduCopter $b $tag $f" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
skip_board_waf $b && continue |
echo "Building ArduCopter $tag $b binaries $f" |
ddir=$binaries/Copter/$hdate/$b$framesuffix |
skip_build $tag $ddir && continue |
skip_frame $b $f && continue |
options=$(board_options $b) |
waf configure --board $b $options --out $BUILDROOT clean && \ |
waf build --targets bin/arducopter$framesuffix || { |
echo "Failed build of ArduCopter $b$framesuffix $tag" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
extension="" |
if [ -f $BUILDROOT/$b/bin/arducopter${framesuffix}.px4 ]; then |
extension=".px4" |
fi |
copyit $BUILDROOT/$b/bin/arducopter${framesuffix}${extension} $ddir $tag "ArduCopter" |
touch $binaries/Copter/$tag |
done |
done |
for f in $frames; do |
echo "Building frame $f for board PX4" |
if [ "$f" = "none" ]; then |
framesuffix="" |
else |
framesuffix="-$f" |
fi |
checkout ArduCopter $tag PX4 $f || { |
echo "Failed checkout of ArduCopter PX4 $tag $f" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
checkout ArduCopter "latest" "" "" |
continue |
} |
rm -rf ../Build.ArduCopter |
echo "Building ArduCopter $tag PX4$framesuffix binaries" |
ddir="$binaries/Copter/$hdate/PX4$framesuffix" |
skip_build $tag $ddir && continue |
for v in v1 v2 v3 v4 v4pro; do |
skip_board_waf px4-$v && continue |
waf configure --board $b --out $BUILDROOT clean && \ |
waf build --target bin/arducopter$framesuffix || { |
echo "Failed build of ArduCopter$framesuffix PX4 $tag for $v" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
cp -f $BUILDROOT/px4-$v/bin/arducopter"$framesuffix".px4 ArduCopter-$v.px4 || { |
echo "Failed build copy of ArduCopter$framesuffix PX4 $tag for $v" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
copyit ArduCopter-$v.px4 $ddir $tag "ArduCopter" |
done |
done |
checkout ArduCopter "latest" "" "" |
} |
# build rover binaries |
build_rover() { |
tag="$1" |
echo "Building APMrover2 $tag binaries from $(pwd)" |
pushd APMrover2 |
for b in apm1 apm2; do |
echo "Building APMrover2 $tag $b binaries" |
checkout APMrover2 $tag $b "" || continue |
skip_board_waf $b && continue |
ddir=$binaries/Rover/$hdate/$b |
skip_build $tag $ddir && continue |
make clean || continue |
make $b -j4 || { |
echo "Failed build of APMrover2 $b $tag" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
extension=$(board_extension $b) |
copyit $BUILDROOT/APMrover2.$extension $ddir $tag "APMrover2" |
touch $binaries/Rover/$tag |
done |
popd |
for b in erlebrain2 navio navio2 pxf pxfmini; do |
echo "Building APMrover2 $tag $b binaries" |
checkout APMrover2 $tag $b "" || continue |
skip_board_waf $b && continue |
ddir=$binaries/Rover/$hdate/$b |
skip_build $tag $ddir && continue |
waf configure --board $b --out $BUILDROOT clean rover || { |
echo "Failed build of APMrover2 $b $tag" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
copyit $BUILDROOT/$b/bin/ardurover $ddir $tag "APMrover2" |
touch $binaries/Rover/$tag |
done |
echo "Building APMrover2 $tag PX4 binaries" |
ddir=$binaries/Rover/$hdate/PX4 |
checkout APMrover2 $tag PX4 "" || { |
checkout APMrover2 "latest" "" "" |
return |
} |
skip_build $tag $ddir || { |
for v in v1 v2 v3 v4 v4pro; do |
skip_board_waf px4-$v && continue |
echo "Building rover for px4-$v in $BUILDROOT" |
waf configure --board $b --out $BUILDROOT clean && waf rover || { |
echo "Failed build of rover PX4 $tag for $v" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
cp -f $BUILDROOT/px4-$v/bin/ardurover.px4 APMrover2-$v.px4 || { |
echo "Failed build copy of rover PX4 $tag for $v" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
copyit APMrover2-$v.px4 $ddir $tag "APMrover2" |
done |
} |
checkout APMrover2 "latest" "" "" |
} |
# build antenna tracker binaries |
build_antennatracker() { |
tag="$1" |
echo "Building AntennaTracker $tag binaries from $(pwd)" |
pushd AntennaTracker |
for b in apm2; do |
echo "Building AntennaTracker $tag $b binaries" |
checkout AntennaTracker $tag $b "" || continue |
ddir=$binaries/AntennaTracker/$hdate/$b |
skip_build $tag $ddir && continue |
make clean || continue |
make $b -j4 || { |
echo "Failed build of AntennaTracker $b $tag" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
extension=$(board_extension $b) |
copyit $BUILDROOT/AntennaTracker.$extension $ddir $tag "AntennaTracker" |
touch $binaries/AntennaTracker/$tag |
done |
popd |
for b in navio navio2; do |
checkout AntennaTracker $tag $b "" || { |
echo "Failed checkout of AntennaTracker $b $tag" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
skip_board_waf $b && continue |
echo "Building AntennaTracker $tag $b binaries" |
ddir=$binaries/AntennaTracker/$hdate/$b |
skip_build $tag $ddir && continue |
waf configure --board $b --out $BUILDROOT clean antennatracker || { |
echo "Failed build of AntennaTracker $b $tag" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
copyit $BUILDROOT/$b/bin/antennatracker $ddir $tag "AntennaTracker" |
touch $binaries/AntennaTracker/$tag |
done |
echo "Building AntennaTracker $tag PX4 binaries" |
ddir=$binaries/AntennaTracker/$hdate/PX4 |
checkout AntennaTracker $tag PX4 "" || { |
checkout AntennaTracker "latest" "" "" |
return |
} |
skip_build $tag $ddir || { |
for v in v1 v2 v3 v4 v4pro; do |
skip_board_waf px4-$v && continue |
echo "Building antennatracker for px4-$v in $BUILDROOT" |
waf configure --board $b --out $BUILDROOT clean && waf antennatracker || { |
echo "Failed build of antennatracker PX4 $tag for $v" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
cp -f $BUILDROOT/px4-$v/bin/antennatracker.px4 AntennaTracker-$v.px4 || { |
echo "Failed build copy of antennatracker PX4 $tag for $v" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
copyit AntennaTracker-$v.px4 $ddir $tag "AntennaTracker" |
done |
} |
checkout AntennaTracker "latest" "" "" |
} |
# build ardusub binaries |
build_ardusub() { |
tag="$1" |
echo "Building ArduSub $tag binaries from $(pwd)" |
for b in erlebrain2 navio navio2 pxf pxfmini; do |
echo "Building ArduSub $tag $b binaries" |
checkout ArduSub $tag $b "" || continue |
skip_board_waf $b && continue |
ddir=$binaries/Sub/$hdate/$b |
skip_build $tag $ddir && continue |
waf configure --board $b --out $BUILDROOT clean sub || { |
echo "Failed build of ArduSub $b $tag" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
copyit $BUILDROOT/$b/bin/ardusub $ddir $tag "ArduSub" |
touch $binaries/Sub/$tag |
done |
echo "Building ArduSub $tag PX4 binaries" |
ddir=$binaries/Sub/$hdate/PX4 |
checkout ArduSub $tag PX4 "" || { |
checkout ArduSub "latest" "" "" |
return |
} |
skip_build $tag $ddir || { |
for v in v1 v2 v3 v4 v4pro; do |
skip_board_waf px4-$v && continue |
echo "Building ArduSub for px4-$v in $BUILDROOT" |
waf configure --board $b --out $BUILDROOT clean && waf sub || { |
echo "Failed build of ArduSub PX4 $tag for $v" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
cp -f $BUILDROOT/px4-$v/bin/ardusub.px4 ArduSub-$v.px4 || { |
echo "Failed build copy of ArduSub PX4 $tag for $v" |
error_count=$((error_count+1)) |
continue |
} |
copyit ArduSub-$v.px4 $ddir $tag "ArduSub" |
done |
} |
checkout ArduSub "latest" "" "" |
} |
[ -f .gitmodules ] && { |
git submodule init |
git submodule update --recursive -f |
} |
export BUILDROOT="$TMPDIR/binaries.build" |
rm -rf $BUILDROOT |
for build in stable beta latest; do |
build_arduplane $build |
build_arducopter $build |
build_rover $build |
build_antennatracker $build |
build_ardusub $build |
done |
rm -rf $TMPDIR |
if ./Tools/scripts/generate_manifest.py $binaries http://firmware.ardupilot.org >$binaries/manifest.json.new; then |
echo "Manifest generation succeeded" |
# provide a pre-compressed manifest. For reference, a 7M manifest |
# "gzip -9"s to 300k in 1 second, "xz -e"s to 80k in 26 seconds |
gzip -9 <$binaries/manifest.json.new >$binaries/manifest.json.gz.new |
mv $binaries/manifest.json.new $binaries/manifest.json |
mv $binaries/manifest.json.gz.new $binaries/manifest.json.gz |
else |
echo "Manifest generation failed" |
fi |
exit $error_count