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* Board_APM1.cpp
* Created on: Dec 7, 2011
#include <Wire.h>
#include <FastSerial.h>
#include <AP_Common.h>
#include <APM_RC.h>
#include <AP_RangeFinder.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink.h>
#include <AP_ADC.h>
#include <AP_DCM.h>
#include <AP_Compass.h>
#include <AP_GPS.h>
#include <AP_IMU.h>
#include <APM_BMP085.h>
#include <ModeFilter.h>
#include <APO.h>
#include <AP_AnalogSource.h>
#include <AP_InertialSensor.h>
#include <DataFlash.h>
#include "Board_APM1.h"
namespace apo {
Board_APM1::Board_APM1(mode_e mode, MAV_TYPE vehicle, options_t options) : AP_Board(mode,vehicle,options) {
const uint32_t debugBaud = 57600;
const uint32_t telemBaud = 57600;
const uint32_t gpsBaud = 38400;
const uint32_t hilBaud = 115200;
const uint8_t batteryPin = 0;
const float batteryVoltageDivRatio = 6;
const float batteryMinVolt = 10.0;
const float batteryMaxVolt = 12.4;
Matrix3f compassOrientation = AP_COMPASS_COMPONENTS_UP_PINS_FORWARD;
// debug
Serial.begin(debugBaud, 128, 128);
debug = &Serial;
debug->println_P(PSTR("initialized debug port"));
// gcs
Serial3.begin(telemBaud, 128, 128);
gcsPort = &Serial3;
gcsPort->println_P(PSTR("initialized gcs port"));
// hil
Serial1.begin(hilBaud, 128, 128);
hilPort = &Serial1;
hilPort->println_P(PSTR("initialized hil port"));
slideSwitchPin = 40;
pushButtonPin = 41;
aLedPin = 37;
bLedPin = 36;
cLedPin = 35;
eepromMaxAddr = 1024;
pinMode(aLedPin, OUTPUT); // extra led
pinMode(bLedPin, OUTPUT); // imu ledclass AP_CommLink;
pinMode(cLedPin, OUTPUT); // gps led
pinMode(slideSwitchPin, INPUT);
pinMode(pushButtonPin, INPUT);
DDRL |= B00000100; // set port L, pint 2 to output for the relay
isr_registry = new Arduino_Mega_ISR_Registry;
radio = new APM_RC_APM1;
dataFlash = new DataFlash_APM1;
scheduler = new AP_TimerProcess;
adc = new AP_ADC_ADS7844;
* Sensor initialization
if (getMode() == MODE_LIVE) {
if (_options & opt_batteryMonitor) {
batteryMonitor = new AP_BatteryMonitor(batteryPin,batteryVoltageDivRatio,batteryMinVolt,batteryMaxVolt);
if (_options & opt_gps) {
Serial1.begin(gpsBaud, 128, 16); // gps
debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing gps"));
AP_GPS_Auto gpsDriver(&Serial1, &(gps));
gps = &gpsDriver;
gps->callback = delay;
if (_options & opt_baro) {
debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing baro"));
baro = new APM_BMP085_Class;
if (_options & opt_compass) {
debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing compass"));
compass = new AP_Compass_HMC5843;
* Initialize ultrasonic sensors. If sensors are not plugged in, the navigator will not
* initialize them and NULL will be assigned to those corresponding pointers.
* On detecting NU/LL assigned to any ultrasonic sensor, its corresponding block of code
* will not be executed by the navigator.
* The coordinate system is assigned by the right hand rule with the thumb pointing down.
* In set_orientation, it is defined as (front/back,left/right,down,up)
// XXX this isn't really that general, should be a better way
if (_options & opt_rangeFinderFront) {
debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing front range finder"));
RangeFinder * rangeFinder = new AP_RangeFinder_MaxsonarXL(new AP_AnalogSource_Arduino(1),new ModeFilter);
rangeFinder->set_orientation(1, 0, 0);
if (_options & opt_rangeFinderBack) {
debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing back range finder"));
RangeFinder * rangeFinder = new AP_RangeFinder_MaxsonarXL(new AP_AnalogSource_Arduino(2),new ModeFilter);
rangeFinder->set_orientation(-1, 0, 0);
if (_options & opt_rangeFinderLeft) {
debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing left range finder"));
RangeFinder * rangeFinder = new AP_RangeFinder_MaxsonarXL(new AP_AnalogSource_Arduino(3),new ModeFilter);
rangeFinder->set_orientation(0, -1, 0);
if (_options & opt_rangeFinderRight) {
debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing right range finder"));
RangeFinder * rangeFinder = new AP_RangeFinder_MaxsonarXL(new AP_AnalogSource_Arduino(4),new ModeFilter);
rangeFinder->set_orientation(0, 1, 0);
if (_options & opt_rangeFinderUp) {
debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing up range finder"));
RangeFinder * rangeFinder = new AP_RangeFinder_MaxsonarXL(new AP_AnalogSource_Arduino(5),new ModeFilter);
rangeFinder->set_orientation(0, 0, -1);
if (_options & opt_rangeFinderDown) {
debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing down range finder"));
RangeFinder * rangeFinder = new AP_RangeFinder_MaxsonarXL(new AP_AnalogSource_Arduino(6),new ModeFilter);
rangeFinder->set_orientation(0, 0, 1);
* navigation sensors
debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing imu"));
ins = new AP_InertialSensor_Oilpan(adc);
//ins = new AP_InertialSensor_MPU6000(mpu6000SelectPin)
debug->println_P(PSTR("initializing ins"));
imu = new AP_IMU_INS(ins, k_sensorCalib);
debug->println_P(PSTR("setup completed"));
} // namespace apo
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