113 lines
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113 lines
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% IMPORTANT - This script requires the Matlab symbolic toolbox |
% Author: Paul Riseborough |
% Last Modified: 16 Feb 2014 |
% Derivation of a navigation EKF using a local NED earth Tangent Frame for |
% the initial alignment and gyro bias estimation from a moving platform |
% Uses quaternions for attitude propagation |
% State vector: |
% quaternions |
% Velocity - North, East, Down (m/s) |
% Delta Angle bias - X,Y,Z (rad) |
% Observations: |
% NED velocity - N,E,D (m/s) |
% body fixed magnetic field vector - X,Y,Z |
% Time varying parameters: |
% XYZ delta angle measurements in body axes - rad |
% XYZ delta velocity measurements in body axes - m/sec |
% magnetic declination |
clear all; |
%% define symbolic variables and constants |
syms dax day daz real % IMU delta angle measurements in body axes - rad |
syms dvx dvy dvz real % IMU delta velocity measurements in body axes - m/sec |
syms q0 q1 q2 q3 real % quaternions defining attitude of body axes relative to local NED |
syms vn ve vd real % NED velocity - m/sec |
syms dax_b day_b daz_b real % delta angle bias - rad |
syms dvx_b dvy_b dvz_b real % delta velocity bias - m/sec |
syms dt real % IMU time step - sec |
syms gravity real % gravity - m/sec^2 |
syms daxNoise dayNoise dazNoise dvxNoise dvyNoise dvzNoise real; % IMU delta angle and delta velocity measurement noise |
syms vwn vwe real; % NE wind velocity - m/sec |
syms magX magY magZ real; % XYZ body fixed magnetic field measurements - milligauss |
syms magN magE magD real; % NED earth fixed magnetic field components - milligauss |
syms R_VN R_VE R_VD real % variances for NED velocity measurements - (m/sec)^2 |
syms R_MAG real % variance for magnetic flux measurements - milligauss^2 |
%% define the process equations |
% define the measured Delta angle and delta velocity vectors |
dAngMeas = [dax; day; daz]; |
dVelMeas = [dvx; dvy; dvz]; |
% define the delta angle bias errors |
dAngBias = [dax_b; day_b; daz_b]; |
% define the quaternion rotation vector for the state estimate |
quat = [q0;q1;q2;q3]; |
% derive the truth body to nav direction cosine matrix |
Tbn = Quat2Tbn(quat); |
% define the truth delta angle |
% ignore coning acompensation as these effects are negligible in terms of |
% covariance growth for our application and grade of sensor |
dAngTruth = dAngMeas - dAngBias; |
% Define the truth delta velocity |
dVelTruth = dVelMeas; |
% define the attitude update equations |
% use a first order expansion of rotation to calculate the quaternion increment |
% acceptable for propagation of covariances |
deltaQuat = [1; |
0.5*dAngTruth(1); |
0.5*dAngTruth(2); |
0.5*dAngTruth(3); |
]; |
quatNew = QuatMult(quat,deltaQuat); |
% define the velocity update equations |
% ignore coriolis terms for linearisation purposes |
vNew = [vn;ve;vd] + [0;0;gravity]*dt + Tbn*dVelTruth; |
% define the IMU bias error update equations |
dabNew = [dax_b; day_b; daz_b]; |
% Define the state vector & number of states |
stateVector = [quat;vn;ve;vd;dAngBias]; |
nStates=numel(stateVector); |
%% derive the covariance prediction equation |
% This reduces the number of floating point operations by a factor of 6 or |
% more compared to using the standard matrix operations in code |
% Define the control (disturbance) vector. Use the measured delta angles |
% and velocities (not truth) to simplify the derivation |
distVector = [dAngMeas;dVelMeas]; |
% derive the control(disturbance) influence matrix |
G = jacobian([quatNew;vNew;dabNew], distVector); |
f = matlabFunction(G,'file','calcG.m'); |
% derive the state error matrix |
imuNoise = diag([daxNoise dayNoise dazNoise dvxNoise dvyNoise dvzNoise]); |
Q = G*imuNoise*transpose(G); |
f = matlabFunction(Q,'file','calcQ.m'); |
% derive the state transition matrix |
F = jacobian([quatNew;vNew;dabNew], stateVector); |
f = matlabFunction(F,'file','calcF.m'); |
%% derive equations for fusion of magnetic deviation measurement |
% rotate body measured field into earth axes |
magMeasNED = Tbn*[magX;magY;magZ]; |
% the predicted measurement is the angle wrt true north of the horizontal |
% component of the measured field |
angMeas = tan(magMeasNED(2)/magMeasNED(1)); |
H_MAG = jacobian(angMeas,stateVector); % measurement Jacobian |
f = matlabFunction(H_MAG,'file','calcH_MAG.m');