198 lines
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198 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python |
# Dive ArduSub in SITL |
from __future__ import print_function |
import os |
import pexpect |
from pymavlink import mavutil |
from pysim import util |
from common import AutoTest |
from common import NotAchievedException |
SITL_START_LOCATION = mavutil.location(33.810313, -118.393867, 0, 185) |
class Joystick(): |
Pitch = 1 |
Roll = 2 |
Throttle = 3 |
Yaw = 4 |
Forward = 5 |
Lateral = 6 |
class AutoTestSub(AutoTest): |
def log_name(self): |
return "ArduSub" |
def test_filepath(self): |
return os.path.realpath(__file__) |
def default_mode(self): |
return 'MANUAL' |
def sitl_start_location(self): |
def default_frame(self): |
return 'vectored' |
def init(self): |
super(AutoTestSub, self).init() |
# FIXME: |
self.set_parameter("FS_GCS_ENABLE", 0) |
def is_sub(self): |
return True |
def dive_manual(self): |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.set_rc(Joystick.Throttle, 1600) |
self.set_rc(Joystick.Forward, 1600) |
self.set_rc(Joystick.Lateral, 1550) |
self.wait_distance(50, accuracy=7, timeout=200) |
self.set_rc(Joystick.Yaw, 1550) |
self.wait_heading(0) |
self.set_rc(Joystick.Yaw, 1500) |
self.wait_distance(50, accuracy=7, timeout=100) |
self.set_rc(Joystick.Yaw, 1550) |
self.wait_heading(0) |
self.set_rc(Joystick.Yaw, 1500) |
self.set_rc(Joystick.Forward, 1500) |
self.set_rc(Joystick.Lateral, 1100) |
self.wait_distance(75, accuracy=7, timeout=100) |
self.set_rc_default() |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
self.progress("Manual dive OK") |
def dive_mission(self, filename): |
self.progress("Executing mission %s" % filename) |
self.load_mission(filename) |
self.set_rc_default() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.mavproxy.send('mode auto\n') |
self.wait_mode('AUTO') |
self.wait_waypoint(1, 5, max_dist=5) |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
self.progress("Mission OK") |
def test_gripper_mission(self): |
self.context_push() |
ex = None |
try: |
try: |
self.get_parameter("GRIP_ENABLE", timeout=5) |
except NotAchievedException as e: |
self.progress("Skipping; Gripper not enabled in config?") |
return |
self.load_mission("sub-gripper-mission.txt") |
self.mavproxy.send('mode loiter\n') |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
self.mavproxy.send('mode auto\n') |
self.wait_mode('AUTO') |
self.mavproxy.expect("Gripper Grabbed") |
self.mavproxy.expect("Gripper Released") |
except Exception as e: |
self.progress("Exception caught") |
ex = e |
self.context_pop() |
if ex is not None: |
raise ex |
def dive_set_position_target(self): |
self.change_mode('GUIDED') |
self.wait_ready_to_arm() |
self.arm_vehicle() |
startpos = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', |
blocking=True) |
lat = 5 |
lon = 5 |
alt = 10 |
tstart = self.get_sim_time() |
while True: |
if self.get_sim_time_cached() - tstart > 200: |
raise NotAchievedException("Did not move far enough") |
# send a position-control command |
self.mav.mav.set_position_target_global_int_send( |
0, # timestamp |
1, # target system_id |
1, # target component id |
0b1111111111111000, # mask specifying use-only-lat-lon-alt |
lat, # lat |
lon, # lon |
alt, # alt |
0, # vx |
0, # vy |
0, # vz |
0, # afx |
0, # afy |
0, # afz |
0, # yaw |
0, # yawrate |
) |
pos = self.mav.recv_match(type='GLOBAL_POSITION_INT', |
blocking=True) |
delta = self.get_distance_int(startpos, pos) |
self.progress("delta=%f (want >10)" % delta) |
if delta > 10: |
break |
self.change_mode('MANUAL') |
self.disarm_vehicle() |
def reboot_sitl(self): |
"""Reboot SITL instance and wait it to reconnect.""" |
self.mavproxy.send("reboot\n") |
self.mavproxy.expect("Init ArduSub") |
# empty mav to avoid getting old timestamps: |
while self.mav.recv_match(blocking=False): |
pass |
self.initialise_after_reboot_sitl() |
def tests(self): |
'''return list of all tests''' |
ret = super(AutoTestSub, self).tests() |
ret.extend([ |
("DiveManual", "Dive manual", self.dive_manual), |
("DiveMission", |
"Dive mission", |
lambda: self.dive_mission("sub_mission.txt")), |
("GripperMission", |
"Test gripper mission items", |
self.test_gripper_mission), |
"Move vehicle using SET_POSITION_TARGET_GLOBAL_INT", |
self.dive_set_position_target), |
("DownLoadLogs", "Download logs", lambda: |
self.log_download( |
self.buildlogs_path("ArduSub-log.bin"), |
upload_logs=len(self.fail_list) > 0)), |
]) |
return ret