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/* |
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or |
(at your option) any later version. |
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
GNU General Public License for more details. |
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
*/ |
/* |
Sailboat simulator class |
see explanation of lift and drag explained here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forces_on_sails |
To-Do: add heel handling by calculating lateral force from wind vs gravity force from heel to arrive at roll rate or acceleration |
*/ |
#include "SIM_Sailboat.h" |
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h> |
#include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; |
namespace SITL { |
#define STEERING_SERVO_CH 0 // steering controlled by servo output 1 |
#define MAINSAIL_SERVO_CH 3 // main sail controlled by servo output 4 |
#define THROTTLE_SERVO_CH 2 // throttle controlled by servo output 3 |
// very roughly sort of a stability factors for waves |
#define WAVE_ANGLE_GAIN 1 |
#define WAVE_HEAVE_GAIN 1 |
Sailboat::Sailboat(const char *frame_str) : |
Aircraft(frame_str), |
steering_angle_max(35), |
turning_circle(1.8), |
sail_area(1.0) |
{ |
motor_connected = (strcmp(frame_str, "sailboat-motor") == 0); |
} |
// calculate the lift and drag as values from 0 to 1 |
// given an apparent wind speed in m/s and angle-of-attack in degrees |
void Sailboat::calc_lift_and_drag(float wind_speed, float angle_of_attack_deg, float& lift, float& drag) const |
{ |
const uint16_t index_width_deg = 10; |
const uint8_t index_max = ARRAY_SIZE(lift_curve) - 1; |
// check extremes |
if (angle_of_attack_deg <= 0.0f) { |
lift = lift_curve[0]; |
drag = drag_curve[0]; |
} else if (angle_of_attack_deg >= index_max * index_width_deg) { |
lift = lift_curve[index_max]; |
drag = drag_curve[index_max]; |
} else { |
uint8_t index = constrain_int16(angle_of_attack_deg / index_width_deg, 0, index_max); |
float remainder = angle_of_attack_deg - (index * index_width_deg); |
lift = linear_interpolate(lift_curve[index], lift_curve[index+1], remainder, 0.0f, index_width_deg); |
drag = linear_interpolate(drag_curve[index], drag_curve[index+1], remainder, 0.0f, index_width_deg); |
} |
// apply scaling by wind speed |
lift *= wind_speed * sail_area; |
drag *= wind_speed * sail_area; |
} |
// return turning circle (diameter) in meters for steering angle proportion in the range -1 to +1 |
float Sailboat::get_turn_circle(float steering) const |
{ |
if (is_zero(steering)) { |
return 0; |
} |
return turning_circle * sinf(radians(steering_angle_max)) / sinf(radians(steering * steering_angle_max)); |
} |
// return yaw rate in deg/sec given a steering input (in the range -1 to +1) and speed in m/s |
float Sailboat::get_yaw_rate(float steering, float speed) const |
{ |
if (is_zero(steering) || is_zero(speed)) { |
return 0; |
} |
float d = get_turn_circle(steering); |
float c = M_PI * d; |
float t = c / speed; |
float rate = 360.0f / t; |
return rate; |
} |
// return lateral acceleration in m/s/s given a steering input (in the range -1 to +1) and speed in m/s |
float Sailboat::get_lat_accel(float steering, float speed) const |
{ |
float yaw_rate = get_yaw_rate(steering, speed); |
float accel = radians(yaw_rate) * speed; |
return accel; |
} |
// simulate basic waves / swell |
void Sailboat::update_wave(float delta_time) |
{ |
const float wave_heading = sitl->wave.direction; |
const float wave_speed = sitl->wave.speed; |
const float wave_lenght = sitl->wave.length; |
const float wave_amp = sitl->wave.amp; |
// apply rate propositional to error between boat angle and water angle |
// this gives a 'stability' effect |
float r, p, y; |
dcm.to_euler(&r, &p, &y); |
// if not armed don't do waves, to allow gyro init |
if (sitl->wave.enable == 0 || !hal.util->get_soft_armed() || is_zero(wave_amp) ) { |
wave_gyro = Vector3f(-r,-p,0.0f) * WAVE_ANGLE_GAIN; |
wave_heave = -velocity_ef.z * WAVE_HEAVE_GAIN; |
wave_phase = 0.0f; |
return; |
} |
// calculate the sailboat speed in the direction of the wave |
const float boat_speed = velocity_ef.x * sinf(radians(wave_heading)) + velocity_ef.y * cosf(radians(wave_heading)); |
// update the wave phase |
const float aprarent_wave_distance = (wave_speed - boat_speed) * delta_time; |
const float apparent_wave_phase_change = (aprarent_wave_distance / wave_lenght) * M_2PI; |
wave_phase += apparent_wave_phase_change; |
wave_phase = wrap_2PI(wave_phase); |
// calculate the angles at this phase on the wave |
// use basic sine wave, dy/dx of sine = cosine |
// atan( cosine ) = wave angle |
const float wave_slope = (wave_amp * 0.5f) * (M_2PI / wave_lenght) * cosf(wave_phase); |
const float wave_angle = atanf(wave_slope); |
// convert wave angle to vehicle frame |
const float heading_dif = wave_heading - y; |
float angle_error_x = (sinf(heading_dif) * wave_angle) - r; |
float angle_error_y = (cosf(heading_dif) * wave_angle) - p; |
// apply gain |
wave_gyro.x = angle_error_x * WAVE_ANGLE_GAIN; |
wave_gyro.y = angle_error_y * WAVE_ANGLE_GAIN; |
wave_gyro.z = 0.0f; |
// calculate wave height (NED) |
if (sitl->wave.enable == 2) { |
wave_heave = (wave_slope - velocity_ef.z) * WAVE_HEAVE_GAIN; |
} else { |
wave_heave = 0.0f; |
} |
} |
/* |
update the sailboat simulation by one time step |
*/ |
void Sailboat::update(const struct sitl_input &input) |
{ |
// update wind |
update_wind(input); |
// in sailboats the steering controls the rudder, the throttle controls the main sail position |
float steering = 2*((input.servos[STEERING_SERVO_CH]-1000)/1000.0f - 0.5f); |
// calculate mainsail angle from servo output 4, 0 to 90 degrees |
float mainsail_angle_bf = constrain_float((input.servos[MAINSAIL_SERVO_CH]-1000)/1000.0f * 90.0f, 0.0f, 90.0f); |
// calculate apparent wind in earth-frame (this is the direction the wind is coming from) |
// Note than the SITL wind direction is defined as the direction the wind is travelling to |
// This is accounted for in these calculations |
Vector3f wind_apparent_ef = wind_ef + velocity_ef; |
const float wind_apparent_dir_ef = degrees(atan2f(wind_apparent_ef.y, wind_apparent_ef.x)); |
const float wind_apparent_speed = safe_sqrt(sq(wind_apparent_ef.x)+sq(wind_apparent_ef.y)); |
const float wind_apparent_dir_bf = wrap_180(wind_apparent_dir_ef - degrees(AP::ahrs().yaw)); |
// set RPM and airspeed from wind speed, allows to test RPM and Airspeed wind vane back end in SITL |
rpm1 = wind_apparent_speed; |
airspeed_pitot = wind_apparent_speed; |
// calculate angle-of-attack from wind to mainsail |
float aoa_deg = MAX(fabsf(wind_apparent_dir_bf) - mainsail_angle_bf, 0); |
// calculate Lift force (perpendicular to wind direction) and Drag force (parallel to wind direction) |
float lift_wf, drag_wf; |
calc_lift_and_drag(wind_apparent_speed, aoa_deg, lift_wf, drag_wf); |
// rotate lift and drag from wind frame into body frame |
const float sin_rot_rad = sinf(radians(wind_apparent_dir_bf)); |
const float cos_rot_rad = cosf(radians(wind_apparent_dir_bf)); |
const float force_fwd = fabsf(lift_wf * sin_rot_rad) - (drag_wf * cos_rot_rad); |
// how much time has passed? |
float delta_time = frame_time_us * 1.0e-6f; |
// speed in m/s in body frame |
Vector3f velocity_body = dcm.transposed() * velocity_ef_water; |
// speed along x axis, +ve is forward |
float speed = velocity_body.x; |
// yaw rate in degrees/s |
float yaw_rate = get_yaw_rate(steering, speed); |
gyro = Vector3f(0,0,radians(yaw_rate)) + wave_gyro; |
// update attitude |
dcm.rotate(gyro * delta_time); |
dcm.normalize(); |
// hull drag |
float hull_drag = sq(speed) * 0.5f; |
if (!is_positive(speed)) { |
hull_drag *= -1.0f; |
} |
// throttle force (for motor sailing) |
// gives throttle force == hull drag at 10m/s |
float throttle_force = 0.0f; |
if (motor_connected) { |
const uint16_t throttle_out = constrain_int16(input.servos[THROTTLE_SERVO_CH], 1000, 2000); |
throttle_force = (throttle_out-1500) * 0.1f; |
} |
// accel in body frame due acceleration from sail and deceleration from hull friction |
accel_body = Vector3f((throttle_force + force_fwd) - hull_drag, 0, 0); |
accel_body /= mass; |
// add in accel due to direction change |
accel_body.y += radians(yaw_rate) * speed; |
// now in earth frame |
// remove roll and pitch effects from waves |
float r, p, y; |
dcm.to_euler(&r, &p, &y); |
Matrix3f temp_dcm; |
temp_dcm.from_euler(0.0f, 0.0f, y); |
Vector3f accel_earth = temp_dcm * accel_body; |
// we are on the ground, so our vertical accel is zero |
accel_earth.z = 0 + wave_heave; |
// work out acceleration as seen by the accelerometers. It sees the kinematic |
// acceleration (ie. real movement), plus gravity |
accel_body = dcm.transposed() * (accel_earth + Vector3f(0, 0, -GRAVITY_MSS)); |
// tide calcs |
Vector3f tide_velocity_ef; |
if (hal.util->get_soft_armed() && !is_zero(sitl->tide.speed) ) { |
tide_velocity_ef.x = -cosf(radians(sitl->tide.direction)) * sitl->tide.speed; |
tide_velocity_ef.y = -sinf(radians(sitl->tide.direction)) * sitl->tide.speed; |
tide_velocity_ef.z = 0.0f; |
} |
// new velocity vector |
velocity_ef_water += accel_earth * delta_time; |
velocity_ef = velocity_ef_water + tide_velocity_ef; |
// new position vector |
position += velocity_ef * delta_time; |
// update lat/lon/altitude |
update_position(); |
time_advance(); |
// update magnetic field |
update_mag_field_bf(); |
// update wave calculations |
update_wave(delta_time); |
} |
} // namespace SITL