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258 lines
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258 lines
9.6 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" ?> |
<!-- =================================================================================== --> |
<!-- | This document was autogenerated by xacro from /home/tridge/project/UAV/pybullet/rotors_simulator/rotors_description/urdf/iris.xacro | --> |
<!-- =================================================================================== --> |
<robot name="iris"> |
<link name="iris/base_link"/> |
<joint name="iris/base_joint" type="fixed"> |
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/> |
<parent link="iris/base_link"/> |
<child link="iris/base_link_inertia"/> |
</joint> |
<link name="iris/base_link_inertia"> |
<inertial> |
<mass value="1.5"/> |
<!-- [kg] --> |
<origin xyz="0 0 0"/> |
<inertia ixx="0.0347563" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="0.0458929" iyz="0.0" izz="0.0977"/> |
</inertial> |
<visual> |
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/> |
<geometry> |
<mesh filename="meshes/iris.dae" scale="1 1 1"/> |
</geometry> |
<material name="blue"> |
<color rgba="0 0 1 1"/> |
</material> |
</visual> |
<collision> |
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0 0 0"/> |
<geometry> |
<box size="0.47 0.47 0.11"/> |
<!-- [m] [m] [m] --> |
</geometry> |
</collision> |
</link> |
<!-- attach multirotor_base_plugin to the base_link --> |
<gazebo> |
<plugin filename="" name="multirotor_base_plugin"> |
<robotNamespace>iris</robotNamespace> |
<linkName>iris/base_link</linkName> |
<rotorVelocitySlowdownSim>10</rotorVelocitySlowdownSim> |
</plugin> |
</gazebo> |
<joint name="iris/rotor_0_joint" type="continuous"> |
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0.13 -0.22 0.023"/> |
<axis xyz="0 0 1"/> |
<!-- TODO(ff): not currently set because it's not yet supported --> |
<!-- <limit effort="2000" velocity="${max_rot_velocity}" /> --> |
<parent link="iris/base_link"/> |
<child link="iris/rotor_0"/> |
</joint> |
<link name="iris/rotor_0"> |
<inertial> |
<mass value="0.00005"/> |
<!-- [kg] --> |
<inertia ixx="9.7499961e-07" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="4.170414998500001e-05" iyz="0.0" izz="4.2604149625000006e-05"/> |
</inertial> |
<visual> |
<geometry> |
<mesh filename="meshes/propeller_ccw.dae" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"/> |
<!-- The propeller meshes have a radius of 1m --> |
<!-- <box size="${2*radius_rotor} 0.01 0.005"/> --> |
</geometry> |
<material name="green"> |
<color rgba="0 1 0 1"/> |
</material> |
</visual> |
<collision> |
<geometry> |
<cylinder length="0.005" radius="0.1"/> |
<!-- [m] --> |
</geometry> |
</collision> |
</link> |
<gazebo> |
<plugin filename="" name="iris_front_right_motor_model"> |
<robotNamespace>iris</robotNamespace> |
<jointName>iris/rotor_0_joint</jointName> |
<linkName>iris/rotor_0</linkName> |
<turningDirection>ccw</turningDirection> |
<timeConstantUp>0.0125</timeConstantUp> |
<timeConstantDown>0.025</timeConstantDown> |
<maxRotVelocity>838</maxRotVelocity> |
<motorConstant>8.54858e-06</motorConstant> |
<momentConstant>0.016</momentConstant> |
<commandSubTopic>gazebo/command/motor_speed</commandSubTopic> |
<motorNumber>0</motorNumber> |
<rotorDragCoefficient>8.06428e-05</rotorDragCoefficient> |
<rollingMomentCoefficient>1e-06</rollingMomentCoefficient> |
<motorSpeedPubTopic>motor_speed/0</motorSpeedPubTopic> |
<rotorVelocitySlowdownSim>10</rotorVelocitySlowdownSim> |
</plugin> |
</gazebo> |
<gazebo reference="iris/rotor_0"> |
<material>Gazebo/Blue</material> |
</gazebo> |
<joint name="iris/rotor_1_joint" type="continuous"> |
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="-0.13 0.2 0.023"/> |
<axis xyz="0 0 1"/> |
<!-- TODO(ff): not currently set because it's not yet supported --> |
<!-- <limit effort="2000" velocity="${max_rot_velocity}" /> --> |
<parent link="iris/base_link"/> |
<child link="iris/rotor_1"/> |
</joint> |
<link name="iris/rotor_1"> |
<inertial> |
<mass value="0.00005"/> |
<!-- [kg] --> |
<inertia ixx="9.7499961e-07" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="4.170414998500001e-05" iyz="0.0" izz="4.2604149625000006e-05"/> |
</inertial> |
<visual> |
<geometry> |
<mesh filename="meshes/propeller_ccw.dae" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"/> |
<!-- The propeller meshes have a radius of 1m --> |
<!-- <box size="${2*radius_rotor} 0.01 0.005"/> --> |
</geometry> |
<material name="green"> |
<color rgba="0 1 0 1"/> |
</material> |
</visual> |
<collision> |
<geometry> |
<cylinder length="0.005" radius="0.1"/> |
<!-- [m] --> |
</geometry> |
</collision> |
</link> |
<gazebo> |
<plugin filename="" name="iris_back_left_motor_model"> |
<robotNamespace>iris</robotNamespace> |
<jointName>iris/rotor_1_joint</jointName> |
<linkName>iris/rotor_1</linkName> |
<turningDirection>ccw</turningDirection> |
<timeConstantUp>0.0125</timeConstantUp> |
<timeConstantDown>0.025</timeConstantDown> |
<maxRotVelocity>838</maxRotVelocity> |
<motorConstant>8.54858e-06</motorConstant> |
<momentConstant>0.016</momentConstant> |
<commandSubTopic>gazebo/command/motor_speed</commandSubTopic> |
<motorNumber>1</motorNumber> |
<rotorDragCoefficient>8.06428e-05</rotorDragCoefficient> |
<rollingMomentCoefficient>1e-06</rollingMomentCoefficient> |
<motorSpeedPubTopic>motor_speed/1</motorSpeedPubTopic> |
<rotorVelocitySlowdownSim>10</rotorVelocitySlowdownSim> |
</plugin> |
</gazebo> |
<gazebo reference="iris/rotor_1"> |
<material>Gazebo/Red</material> |
</gazebo> |
<joint name="iris/rotor_2_joint" type="continuous"> |
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="0.13 0.22 0.023"/> |
<axis xyz="0 0 1"/> |
<!-- TODO(ff): not currently set because it's not yet supported --> |
<!-- <limit effort="2000" velocity="${max_rot_velocity}" /> --> |
<parent link="iris/base_link"/> |
<child link="iris/rotor_2"/> |
</joint> |
<link name="iris/rotor_2"> |
<inertial> |
<mass value="0.00005"/> |
<!-- [kg] --> |
<inertia ixx="9.7499961e-07" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="4.170414998500001e-05" iyz="0.0" izz="4.2604149625000006e-05"/> |
</inertial> |
<visual> |
<geometry> |
<mesh filename="meshes/propeller_cw.dae" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"/> |
<!-- The propeller meshes have a radius of 1m --> |
<!-- <box size="${2*radius_rotor} 0.01 0.005"/> --> |
</geometry> |
<material name="red"> |
<color rgba="1 0 0 1"/> |
</material> |
</visual> |
<collision> |
<geometry> |
<cylinder length="0.005" radius="0.1"/> |
<!-- [m] --> |
</geometry> |
</collision> |
</link> |
<gazebo> |
<plugin filename="" name="iris_front_left_motor_model"> |
<robotNamespace>iris</robotNamespace> |
<jointName>iris/rotor_2_joint</jointName> |
<linkName>iris/rotor_2</linkName> |
<turningDirection>cw</turningDirection> |
<timeConstantUp>0.0125</timeConstantUp> |
<timeConstantDown>0.025</timeConstantDown> |
<maxRotVelocity>838</maxRotVelocity> |
<motorConstant>8.54858e-06</motorConstant> |
<momentConstant>0.016</momentConstant> |
<commandSubTopic>gazebo/command/motor_speed</commandSubTopic> |
<motorNumber>2</motorNumber> |
<rotorDragCoefficient>8.06428e-05</rotorDragCoefficient> |
<rollingMomentCoefficient>1e-06</rollingMomentCoefficient> |
<motorSpeedPubTopic>motor_speed/2</motorSpeedPubTopic> |
<rotorVelocitySlowdownSim>10</rotorVelocitySlowdownSim> |
</plugin> |
</gazebo> |
<gazebo reference="iris/rotor_2"> |
<material>Gazebo/Blue</material> |
</gazebo> |
<joint name="iris/rotor_3_joint" type="continuous"> |
<origin rpy="0 0 0" xyz="-0.13 -0.2 0.023"/> |
<axis xyz="0 0 1"/> |
<!-- TODO(ff): not currently set because it's not yet supported --> |
<!-- <limit effort="2000" velocity="${max_rot_velocity}" /> --> |
<parent link="iris/base_link"/> |
<child link="iris/rotor_3"/> |
</joint> |
<link name="iris/rotor_3"> |
<inertial> |
<mass value="0.00005"/> |
<!-- [kg] --> |
<inertia ixx="9.7499961e-07" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0" iyy="4.170414998500001e-05" iyz="0.0" izz="4.2604149625000006e-05"/> |
</inertial> |
<visual> |
<geometry> |
<mesh filename="meshes/propeller_cw.dae" scale="0.1 0.1 0.1"/> |
<!-- The propeller meshes have a radius of 1m --> |
<!-- <box size="${2*radius_rotor} 0.01 0.005"/> --> |
</geometry> |
<material name="red"> |
<color rgba="1 0 0 1"/> |
</material> |
</visual> |
<collision> |
<geometry> |
<cylinder length="0.005" radius="0.1"/> |
<!-- [m] --> |
</geometry> |
</collision> |
</link> |
<gazebo> |
<plugin filename="" name="iris_back_right_motor_model"> |
<robotNamespace>iris</robotNamespace> |
<jointName>iris/rotor_3_joint</jointName> |
<linkName>iris/rotor_3</linkName> |
<turningDirection>cw</turningDirection> |
<timeConstantUp>0.0125</timeConstantUp> |
<timeConstantDown>0.025</timeConstantDown> |
<maxRotVelocity>838</maxRotVelocity> |
<motorConstant>8.54858e-06</motorConstant> |
<momentConstant>0.016</momentConstant> |
<commandSubTopic>gazebo/command/motor_speed</commandSubTopic> |
<motorNumber>3</motorNumber> |
<rotorDragCoefficient>8.06428e-05</rotorDragCoefficient> |
<rollingMomentCoefficient>1e-06</rollingMomentCoefficient> |
<motorSpeedPubTopic>motor_speed/3</motorSpeedPubTopic> |
<rotorVelocitySlowdownSim>10</rotorVelocitySlowdownSim> |
</plugin> |
</gazebo> |
<gazebo reference="iris/rotor_3"> |
<material>Gazebo/Red</material> |
</gazebo> |
</robot> |