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<!-- ASLUAV Mavlink Message Definition File -->
<!-- Used for the ASLUAV fixed-wing autopilot (, which implements extensions to the Pixhawk ( autopilot -->
<message id="201" name="SENS_POWER">
<description>Voltage and current sensor data</description>
<field type="float" name="adc121_vspb_volt"> Power board voltage sensor reading in volts</field>
<field type="float" name="adc121_cspb_amp"> Power board current sensor reading in amps</field>
<field type="float" name="adc121_cs1_amp"> Board current sensor 1 reading in amps</field>
<field type="float" name="adc121_cs2_amp"> Board current sensor 2 reading in amps</field>
<message id="202" name="SENS_MPPT">
<description>Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) sensor data for solar module power performance tracking</description>
<field type="uint64_t" name="mppt_timestamp"> MPPT last timestamp </field>
<field type="float" name="mppt1_volt"> MPPT1 voltage </field>
<field type="float" name="mppt1_amp"> MPPT1 current </field>
<field type="uint16_t" name="mppt1_pwm"> MPPT1 pwm </field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="mppt1_status"> MPPT1 status </field>
<field type="float" name="mppt2_volt"> MPPT2 voltage </field>
<field type="float" name="mppt2_amp"> MPPT2 current </field>
<field type="uint16_t" name="mppt2_pwm"> MPPT2 pwm </field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="mppt2_status"> MPPT2 status </field>
<field type="float" name="mppt3_volt"> MPPT3 voltage </field>
<field type="float" name="mppt3_amp"> MPPT3 current </field>
<field type="uint16_t" name="mppt3_pwm"> MPPT3 pwm </field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="mppt3_status"> MPPT3 status </field>
<message id="203" name="ASLCTRL_DATA">
<description>ASL-fixed-wing controller data</description>
<field type="uint64_t" name="timestamp"> Timestamp</field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="aslctrl_mode"> ASLCTRL control-mode (manual, stabilized, auto, etc...)</field>
<field type="float" name="h"> See sourcecode for a description of these values... </field>
<field type="float" name="hRef"> </field>
<field type="float" name="hRef_t"> </field>
<field type="float" name="PitchAngle">Pitch angle [deg]</field>
<field type="float" name="PitchAngleRef">Pitch angle reference[deg] </field>
<field type="float" name="q"> </field>
<field type="float" name="qRef"> </field>
<field type="float" name="uElev"> </field>
<field type="float" name="uThrot"> </field>
<field type="float" name="uThrot2"> </field>
<field type="float" name="aZ"> </field>
<field type="float" name="AirspeedRef">Airspeed reference [m/s]</field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="SpoilersEngaged"> </field>
<field type="float" name="YawAngle">Yaw angle [deg]</field>
<field type="float" name="YawAngleRef">Yaw angle reference[deg]</field>
<field type="float" name="RollAngle">Roll angle [deg]</field>
<field type="float" name="RollAngleRef">Roll angle reference[deg]</field>
<field type="float" name="p"> </field>
<field type="float" name="pRef"> </field>
<field type="float" name="r"> </field>
<field type="float" name="rRef"> </field>
<field type="float" name="uAil"> </field>
<field type="float" name="uRud"> </field>
<message id="204" name="ASLCTRL_DEBUG">
<description>ASL-fixed-wing controller debug data</description>
<field type="uint32_t" name="i32_1"> Debug data</field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="i8_1"> Debug data</field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="i8_2"> Debug data</field>
<field type="float" name="f_1"> Debug data </field>
<field type="float" name="f_2"> Debug data</field>
<field type="float" name="f_3"> Debug data</field>
<field type="float" name="f_4"> Debug data</field>
<field type="float" name="f_5"> Debug data</field>
<field type="float" name="f_6"> Debug data</field>
<field type="float" name="f_7"> Debug data</field>
<field type="float" name="f_8"> Debug data</field>
<message id="205" name="ASLUAV_STATUS">
<description>Extended state information for ASLUAVs</description>
<field type="uint8_t" name="LED_status"> Status of the position-indicator LEDs</field>
<field type="uint8_t" name="SATCOM_status"> Status of the IRIDIUM satellite communication system</field>
<field type="uint8_t[8]" name="Servo_status"> Status vector for up to 8 servos</field>
<field type="float" name="Motor_rpm"> Motor RPM </field>
<!-- to be extended-->