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/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- |
#define CONTROL_SWITCH_COUNTER 10 // 10 iterations at 100hz (i.e. 1/10th of a second) at a new switch position will cause flight mode change |
static void read_control_switch() |
{ |
static uint8_t switch_counter = 0; |
uint8_t switchPosition = readSwitch(); |
if (oldSwitchPosition != switchPosition) { |
switch_counter++; |
if(switch_counter >= CONTROL_SWITCH_COUNTER) { |
oldSwitchPosition = switchPosition; |
switch_counter = 0; |
// ignore flight mode changes if in failsafe |
if( !ap.failsafe_radio ) { |
set_mode(flight_modes[switchPosition]); |
if(g.ch7_option != AUX_SWITCH_SIMPLE_MODE && g.ch8_option != AUX_SWITCH_SIMPLE_MODE) { |
// set Simple mode using stored paramters from Mission planner |
// rather than by the control switch |
set_simple_mode(BIT_IS_SET(g.simple_modes, switchPosition)); |
} |
} |
} |
}else{ |
// reset switch_counter if there's been no change |
// we don't want 10 intermittant blips causing a flight mode change |
switch_counter = 0; |
} |
} |
static uint8_t readSwitch(void){ |
int16_t pulsewidth = g.rc_5.radio_in; // default for Arducopter |
if (pulsewidth < 1231) return 0; |
if (pulsewidth < 1361) return 1; |
if (pulsewidth < 1491) return 2; |
if (pulsewidth < 1621) return 3; |
if (pulsewidth < 1750) return 4; // Software Manual |
return 5; // Hardware Manual |
} |
static void reset_control_switch() |
{ |
oldSwitchPosition = -1; |
read_control_switch(); |
} |
// read_aux_switches - checks aux switch positions and invokes configured actions |
static void read_aux_switches() |
{ |
// check if ch7 switch has changed position |
if (ap_system.CH7_flag != (g.rc_7.radio_in >= AUX_SWITCH_PWM_TRIGGER)) { |
// set the ch7 flag |
ap_system.CH7_flag = (g.rc_7.radio_in >= AUX_SWITCH_PWM_TRIGGER); |
// invoke the appropriate function |
do_aux_switch_function(g.ch7_option, ap_system.CH7_flag); |
} |
// safety check to ensure we ch7 and ch8 have different functions |
if (g.ch7_option == g.ch8_option) { |
return; |
} |
// check if ch8 switch has changed position |
if (ap_system.CH8_flag != (g.rc_8.radio_in >= AUX_SWITCH_PWM_TRIGGER)) { |
// set the ch8 flag |
ap_system.CH8_flag = (g.rc_8.radio_in >= AUX_SWITCH_PWM_TRIGGER); |
// invoke the appropriate function |
do_aux_switch_function(g.ch8_option, ap_system.CH8_flag); |
} |
} |
// do_aux_switch_function - implement the function invoked by the ch7 or ch8 switch |
static void do_aux_switch_function(int8_t ch_function, bool ch_flag) |
{ |
int8_t tmp_function = ch_function; |
// multi mode check |
if(ch_function == AUX_SWITCH_MULTI_MODE) { |
if (g.rc_6.radio_in < CH6_PWM_TRIGGER_LOW) { |
tmp_function = AUX_SWITCH_FLIP; |
}else if (g.rc_6.radio_in > CH6_PWM_TRIGGER_HIGH) { |
tmp_function = AUX_SWITCH_SAVE_WP; |
}else{ |
tmp_function = AUX_SWITCH_RTL; |
} |
} |
switch(tmp_function) { |
// flip if switch is on, positive throttle and we're actually flying |
if(ch_flag && g.rc_3.control_in >= 0 && ap.takeoff_complete) { |
init_flip(); |
} |
break; |
set_simple_mode(ch_flag); |
break; |
if (ch_flag) { |
// engage RTL |
set_mode(RTL); |
}else{ |
// disengage RTL to previous flight mode if we are currently in RTL or loiter |
if (control_mode == RTL || control_mode == LOITER) { |
reset_control_switch(); |
} |
} |
break; |
if(ch_flag && control_mode <= ACRO && g.rc_3.control_in == 0) { |
save_trim(); |
} |
break; |
// save waypoint when switch is switched off |
if (ch_flag == false) { |
// if in auto mode, reset the mission |
if(control_mode == AUTO) { |
aux_switch_wp_index = 0; |
g.command_total.set_and_save(1); |
set_mode(RTL); |
return; |
} |
if(aux_switch_wp_index == 0) { |
// this is our first WP, let's save WP 1 as a takeoff |
// increment index to WP index of 1 (home is stored at 0) |
aux_switch_wp_index = 1; |
Location temp = home; |
// set our location ID to 16, MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT |
temp.alt = current_loc.alt; |
// save command: |
// we use the current altitude to be the target for takeoff. |
// only altitude will matter to the AP mission script for takeoff. |
// If we are above the altitude, we will skip the command. |
set_cmd_with_index(temp, aux_switch_wp_index); |
} |
// increment index |
aux_switch_wp_index++; |
// set the next_WP (home is stored at 0) |
// max out at 100 since I think we need to stay under the EEPROM limit |
aux_switch_wp_index = constrain_int16(aux_switch_wp_index, 1, 100); |
if(g.rc_3.control_in > 0) { |
// set our location ID to 16, MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT |
}else{ |
// set our location ID to 21, MAV_CMD_NAV_LAND |
} |
// save command |
set_cmd_with_index(current_loc, aux_switch_wp_index); |
// Cause the CopterLEDs to blink twice to indicate saved waypoint |
copter_leds_nav_blink = 10; |
} |
break; |
if(ch_flag) { |
do_take_picture(); |
} |
break; |
#endif |
// enable or disable the sonar |
g.sonar_enabled = ch_flag; |
break; |
// enable or disable the fence |
fence.enable(ch_flag); |
break; |
#endif |
} |
} |
// save_trim - adds roll and pitch trims from the radio to ahrs |
static void save_trim() |
{ |
// save roll and pitch trim |
float roll_trim = ToRad((float)g.rc_1.control_in/100.0f); |
float pitch_trim = ToRad((float)g.rc_2.control_in/100.0f); |
ahrs.add_trim(roll_trim, pitch_trim); |
} |
// auto_trim - slightly adjusts the ahrs.roll_trim and ahrs.pitch_trim towards the current stick positions |
// meant to be called continuously while the pilot attempts to keep the copter level |
static void auto_trim() |
{ |
if(auto_trim_counter > 0) { |
auto_trim_counter--; |
// flash the leds |
led_mode = SAVE_TRIM_LEDS; |
// calculate roll trim adjustment |
float roll_trim_adjustment = ToRad((float)g.rc_1.control_in / 4000.0f); |
// calculate pitch trim adjustment |
float pitch_trim_adjustment = ToRad((float)g.rc_2.control_in / 4000.0f); |
// make sure accelerometer values impact attitude quickly |
ahrs.set_fast_gains(true); |
// add trim to ahrs object |
// save to eeprom on last iteration |
ahrs.add_trim(roll_trim_adjustment, pitch_trim_adjustment, (auto_trim_counter == 0)); |
// on last iteration restore leds and accel gains to normal |
if(auto_trim_counter == 0) { |
ahrs.set_fast_gains(false); |
led_mode = NORMAL_LEDS; |
} |
} |
} |