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381 lines
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381 lines
7.8 KiB
#include <> |
list p=16f690 |
; |
; This program will read until eight pwm inputs and will send its values |
; through serial port at 115200bps. |
; |
; |
; +5V -| VDD VSS |- GND |
; input 6 -| RA5 RA0 |- input 1 |
; input 5 -| RA4 RA1 |- input 2 |
; input 4 -| RA3 RA2 |- input 3 |
; output 4 -| RC5 RC0 |- n. c. |
; output 3 -| RC4 RC1 |- status led |
; output 2 -| RC3 RC2 |- output 1 |
; n.c. -| RC6 RB4 |- input 8 |
; n.c. -| RC7 RB5 |- rx |
; tx* -| RB7 RB6 |- input 7 |
; |
; |
; * In order to keep IO voltage at 3.3V use a voltage divider on TX. |
; |
; PS: outputs are not covered by this program yet. |
; |
; The INPUT_NUM is attached to input_mask and the |
; interruption. Do not change this value without |
; changing the interruption and mask. |
#define INPUT_NUM 8 |
#define MAGIC 0x55AA |
cblock 0x020 |
; input_value, input_rise and input_mirror |
; are at the bank's beginning to make easy |
; the exchange of data between them. |
input_value:(INPUT_NUM * 2) |
input_previous |
input_current |
input_changed |
input_mask |
input_updated |
sent_update |
endc |
cblock 0x72 |
save_w |
save_status |
save_fsr |
timer_l |
timer_h |
count |
tmr1if_count |
endc |
cblock 0x0a0 |
; see input_value |
input_rise:(INPUT_NUM * 2) |
endc |
cblock 0x120 |
; see input_value |
input_mirror:(INPUT_NUM * 2) |
endc |
; Reset Vector |
org 0x0000 |
nop |
nop |
nop |
goto Main |
; Interrupts Vector |
org 0x0004 |
; save the current context |
movwf save_w |
swapf STATUS, w |
clrf STATUS |
movwf save_status |
movf FSR, w |
movwf save_fsr |
; it's a input event |
goto IntInputDone |
; capture timer 1 |
movf TMR1H, w |
movwf timer_h |
movf TMR1L, w |
movwf timer_l |
movf TMR1H, w |
subwf timer_h, w |
btfsc STATUS, Z |
goto IntTMR1Done |
movf TMR1H, w |
movwf timer_h |
movf TMR1L, w |
movwf timer_l |
IntTMR1Done: |
; capture the current input state |
movf PORTA, w |
btfsc PORTB, RB6 |
iorlw (1<<6) |
btfsc PORTB, RB4 |
iorlw (1<<7) |
; identify the changed inputs |
movwf input_current |
xorwf input_previous, w |
movwf input_changed |
movf input_current, w |
movwf input_previous |
; prepare for loop |
movlw .1 |
movwf input_mask |
movlw input_rise |
movwf FSR |
goto IntInputLoop |
IntInputNext: |
incf FSR, f |
IntInputNextHalf: |
; ... and ensure bank 0 selection |
incf FSR, f |
bsf FSR, 7 |
; done if no more channels |
bcf STATUS, C |
rlf input_mask, f |
btfsc STATUS, C |
goto IntInputDone |
IntInputLoop: |
; skip if channel not changed |
movf input_mask, w |
andwf input_changed, w |
btfsc STATUS, Z |
goto IntInputNext |
; check if it is raising or falling |
andwf input_current, w |
btfss STATUS, Z |
goto IntInputRise |
; calculate and move the lsb to input_value |
movf INDF, w |
subwf timer_l, w |
bcf FSR, 7 |
movwf INDF |
; calculate and move the msb to input_value |
bsf FSR, 7 |
incf FSR, f |
movf INDF, w |
btfss STATUS, C |
incf INDF, w |
subwf timer_h, w |
bcf FSR, 7 |
movwf INDF |
goto IntInputNextHalf |
IntInputRise: |
; tell main loop we have all channels |
btfsc input_mask, 1 |
incf input_updated, f |
; save the rise instant |
movf timer_l, w |
movwf INDF |
incf FSR, f |
movf timer_h, w |
movwf INDF |
goto IntInputNextHalf |
IntInputDone: |
; restore the previous context |
movf save_fsr, w |
movwf FSR |
swapf save_status, w |
movwf STATUS |
swapf save_w, f |
swapf save_w, w |
retfie |
Main: |
; bank 0 |
clrf STATUS |
clrf PORTA |
clrf PORTB |
clrf PORTC |
; bank 1 |
bsf STATUS, RP0 |
movlw (b'111'<<IRCF0) |
movwf OSCCON ; set internal oscillator frequency to 8 MHz |
movlw (0<<NOT_RABPU) |
movwf OPTION_REG |
; ,------ input 6 |
; |,----- input 5 |
; ||,---- input 4 |
; |||,--- input 3 |
; ||||,-- input 2 |
; |||||,- input 1 |
movlw b'11111111' |
movwf TRISA ; set PORTA as input |
movwf WPUA ; enable weak pull-up |
movwf IOCA ; enable interrupt-on-change |
; ,-------- tx |
; |,------- input 6 |
; ||,------ rx |
; |||,----- input 7 |
movlw b'01111111' |
movwf TRISB |
; ,------ output 4 |
; |,----- output 3 |
; ||,---- output 2 |
; |||,--- output 1 |
; ||||,-- status |
; |||||,- n. c. |
movlw b'11000001' |
movwf TRISC |
movlw (1<<TXEN|1<<BRGH) |
movwf TXSTA ; enable async transmitter and select high baud rate |
movlw (1<<BRG16) |
movwf BAUDCTL ; 16-bit baud rate generator |
movlw .16 ; use value 16 for SPBRG:SPBRGH to get 115200bps baud rate |
movwf SPBRG |
clrf SPBRGH |
; Bank 2 |
bcf STATUS, RP0 |
bsf STATUS, RP1 |
clrf ANSEL |
clrf ANSELH |
; ,------- input 6 |
; | ,----- input 7 |
movlw b'01010000' |
movwf WPUB |
movwf IOCB |
; bank 0 |
clrf STATUS |
; clear the first two banks |
movlw 0x020 |
call ClearBank |
movlw 0x0A0 |
call ClearBank |
movlw (1<<SPEN|1<<CREN) |
movwf RCSTA |
movlw (1<<T1CKPS0|1<<TMR1ON) |
movwf T1CON ; enable timer and set frequency to 1MHz (=8Mhz/4/2) |
movlw (1<<GIE|1<<PEIE|1<<RABIE) |
movwf INTCON |
MainLoopNoUpdate: |
; toggle status led if idle for more than INPUT_NUM * 2000 usec |
movf timer_h, w |
subwf TMR1H, w |
sublw high(.2000 * INPUT_NUM) |
btfsc STATUS, C |
goto MainLoop |
; toggle status led at each 8 timer1 overflows, i.e., about 0.52 sec |
btfss PIR1, TMR1IF |
goto MainLoop |
bcf PIR1, TMR1IF |
incf tmr1if_count, f |
movlw H'07' |
andwf tmr1if_count, w |
btfss STATUS, Z |
goto MainLoop |
; toggle status led |
movf PORTC, w |
xorlw (1<<RC1) |
movwf PORTC |
MainLoop: |
; loop if no updates |
movf sent_update, w |
subwf input_updated, w |
btfsc STATUS, Z |
goto MainLoopNoUpdate |
; prepare for mirroring |
addwf sent_update, f |
movlw (INPUT_NUM * 2) |
movwf count |
movlw input_value |
movwf FSR |
MirrorLoop: |
movf INDF, w |
movwf INDF |
incf FSR, f |
decfsz count, f |
goto MirrorLoop |
; restart if there was update while mirroring |
movf input_updated, w |
subwf sent_update, w |
btfss STATUS, Z |
goto MainLoop |
; finally send the captured values |
; send a magic number to sync |
movlw low(MAGIC) |
call Send |
movlw high(MAGIC) |
call Send |
; prepare for send loop |
movlw (INPUT_NUM * 2) |
movwf count |
movlw low(input_mirror) |
movwf FSR |
SendLoop: |
movf INDF, w |
call Send |
incf FSR, f |
decfsz count, f |
goto SendLoop |
; set led on |
bcf PORTC, RC1 |
goto MainLoop |
Send: |
btfss PIR1, TXIF |
goto $ - 1 |
movwf TXREG |
return |
ClearBank: |
; clears the gpr bank pointed by w plus irp, |
; but preserves the common 16 bytes. |
; ensure the beginning of the bank |
andlw b'10100000' |
movwf FSR |
movlw .80 |
movwf count |
ClearBankLoop: |
clrf INDF |
incf FSR, f |
decfsz count, f |
goto ClearBankLoop |
return |
end |