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AntennaTracker |
Mike McCauley |
2014-03-05 |
This is the ardupilot AntennaTracker |
This software, combined with appropriate hardware, can be used to cause a |
high-gain antenna to track a mavlink equipped air or ground vehicle in real |
time, providing higher quality radio links over longer distances than a |
stationary or omnidirectional antenna. |
AntennaTracker can be a stationary installation on the ground, or can be |
mobile, mounted on a vehicle, and moving at the same time as the vehicle it is |
tracking, such as on a pursuit vehicle etc. |
Antenna Tracker Hardware |
The software works with: |
- Alt-Azimuth mounted antenna tracker, equipped with 2 servos: one for Azimuth |
(also called bearing or yaw) -180 to 180 degreees and one for Altitude (also |
called elevation, or pitch) -90 degrees (straight down) to 90 degrees |
(straight up). I used an Eagle Tree Antenna Pan-Tilt. |
- Ardupilot compatible processor such as |
-- Flymaple |
-- others tested? |
and with a radio or wired link to a source of mavlink messages with the |
tracked vehicle's position data. |
A suitable power supply is also needed, possibly battery powered. In the case |
of Flymaple, the onboard 5V regulator is not able to drive large servos |
without causing large amounts of electrical noise in the processor, so you |
would probably need an external 5V regulated supply |
Theory of Operation |
AntennaTracker receives real-time GPS position reports from the vehicle being |
tracked (in the form of GLOBAL_POSITION_INT messages sent by mavlink radio |
connection or possibly by hardwired serial connection). AntennaTracker also |
knows it own current position. Based on these 2 sets of coordinates, it |
calculates the magnetic bearing and elevation to the vehicle. It then moves |
the tracker servos until the antenna (and the AntennaTracker processor) are |
aligned with the desired bearing and elevation. At this stage the antenna is |
pointed straight at the tracked vehicle. As the vehicle (and possibly the |
antenna mount itself) move around, the servos are continually move to track |
the vehicle. |
AntennaTracker currently only supports closed loop feedback to position the |
antenna. This requires that AntennaTracker processor (including |
accelerometers and compass) be mounted on the moving part of the antenna |
tracker hardware. The servos are moved until the yaw and pitch of the processor |
(and therfore of the antenna itself) matches the bearing and elevation to the |
tracked vehicle. |
How does AntennaTracker know where it is on the earth? |
- If the tracker is equipped with a GPS and it has had a good 3D fix, the most |
recent good GPS fix is used. |
- If the tracker is equipped with a GPS and it has lost its fix, the most |
recent good GPS fix is used. |
- If there is no good GPS fix since startup (either because there is no GPS |
equipped or because the GPS has not yet got a fix), the most resently set HOME |
location is used. |
- If no HOME location has ever been set in the tracker, 0.0 Latitude, 0.0 |
Longitude, 0 Altitude are used (which is probably not very helpful) |
How does AntennaTracker get GLOBAL_POSITION_INT messages from the tracked |
vehicle? |
mavproxy, when it runs the tracker module, intercepts all GLOBAL_POSITION_INT |
messages received from its master vehicle, and sends them to the tracker. It |
knows how to connect to the tracker with the set port and set baudrate |
commands, for example to connect by a USB-Serial radio, such as the 3DR Radio |
on port /dev/ttyUSB0: |
(after starting mavproxy) |
module load tracker |
tracker set port /dev/ttyUSB0 |
tracker set baudrate 57600 |
tracker start |
Mounting |
The AntennaTracker processor must be mounted on the moving (ie the rotating, |
tilting) part of the antenna tracker hardware. Just how you do this will |
depend on your exact hardware, but if the processor is mounted in anything |
other than the default orientation (ie with the processor default 'forward' |
direction pointing in the direction the antenna points, you will have to |
configure AHRS_ORIENTATION in the AntennaTracker configuration to suit your |
mechanical mounting arrangements. |
In my case, I used a Flymaple with AHRS_ORIENTATION set to 1 (Yaw45). The |
Flymaple was mounted on the antenna tracker with component side up and the |
green pin headers horizontal and perpendicular to the antenna beam (See |
pictures???). |
Configuration |
It is vitally important that your AntennaTracker be properly configured for the |
mounting, servos and other hardware in your tracker. Unless you do this IT |
WILL PROBABLY NOT WORK AS EXPECTED. CAUTION: It might even oscillate or flap |
around. It might even damage itself. |
AntennaTracker (like other ardupilot software such as ArduPlane, APMRover2 |
etc) has configuration values that control and tailor its operation, and which |
are stored in EEPROM on the processor. The configuration is restored from |
EEPROM every time the processsor starts. |
You can use MissionPlanner, mavproxy or apm_planner or other mavlink compatible |
software to check and change the configuration of your AntennaTracker. |
You will almost certainly have to change the following configuration items to |
suit, and possibly others besides: |
(more info here about how to find the right values when the setup commands are |
available) |
You can find the complete set of configuration items I used for my Flymaple |
tracker mounted on an Eagle Tree tracker WHERE????? |
Compass Calibration |
AntennaTracker uses its internal magnetic compass to determine where North is |
and therefore where to point for each bearing to the target vehicle. (On other |
ardupilot vehicles, the yaw is also calibrated by the current GPS track. This |
is not possible for AntennaTracker, so the compass is the only possible source |
for absolute bearing) |
The compass magnetometer is exquisitely sensitive to nearby magnetic fields from |
wires, metal fittings, servos, radios etc. Therefore is it VITALLY ESSENTIAL that you |
calibrate the compass. Further, it must be calibrated outdoors, while installed |
in situ in the tracker, with all other equipment installed, fastened down and |
ready to operate. |
Failure to calibrate correctly will result in the tracker pointing in the |
wrong direction, or the azimuth/yaw and elevation/pitch drifting. |
Use Mission Planner to calibrate the tracker: |
- Assemble the completed tracker, complete and ready to operate. |
- Power up the tracker |
- Connect to it with Mission Planner |
- On Mission Planner->INITIAL SETUP->Compass, click on Live Calibration |
- click on OK |
- rotate the complete antenna tracker assembly around, in 3 dimensions, making sure to |
rotate the tracker to every possible orientation in the 1 minute you have |
available. DONT just move the yaw and pitch motors around. You will probably have to |
pick the whole thing up. |
- At the end of the minute, Mission Planner will update AntennaTrackers compass offsets. |
Levelling |
Since AntennaTracker uses its internal accelerometers (amongst other things) |
to determine the current elevation/pitch of the antenna, it is also important |
to 'level' the AntennaTracker before use so the accelerometers are |
calibrated. Failure to do this will result in the antenna constantly pointing |
a bit high or a bit low compared to the tracked vehicle. |
You can do this by connecting to the AntennaTracker with mavproxy and issuing |
these commands: |
disarm |
- manually move the antenna so the antenna is level and pointing at 0 degrees elevation |
i.e. at the horizon |
level |
- wait a minute without disturbing the antenna position |
arm throttle |
- this rearms the servos, allowing the antenna to move |
Operation |
<more here> |
After powering up AntennaTracker, it may take up to 1 minute while it |
automatially calibrates the compass before it points in the expected |
direction. Moving the tracker around will speed up this process. |
How to set the HOME location |
If your AntennaTracker is not equipped with a GPS, you can still use it to |
track vehicles. First you will have to tell AntennaTracker where it is on the |
ground by setting its HOME position. |
Connect to AntennaTracker with mavproxy |
module load map |
- the map will appear. |
- Zoom and drag the map until you can see the location where |
your AntennaTracker is located |
- Click the mouse on the location of the antenna |
wp sethome |
AntennaTracker will now remember this as its HOME location whenever it is |
started. |
Simulating an antenna tracker |
----------------------------- |
To run a full antenna tracker simulation with a simulated APM:Plane as |
the vehicle, cd to the ArduPlane directory and run this: |
../Tools/autotest/sim_arduplane.sh -T --aircraft test |
The -T flag tells sim_arduplane.sh to start an entenna tracker |
simulator and also start a virtual antenna tracker in a window. |
To start the antenna tracker running run "tracker start" in the |
mavproxy window. |
To then connect to your antenna tracker with mavproxy you would run: |
mavproxy.py --master tcp: |
then you can configure it as needed.