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/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- |
#include "Copter.h" |
// get_smoothing_gain - returns smoothing gain to be passed into attitude_control.angle_ef_roll_pitch_rate_ef_yaw_smooth |
// result is a number from 2 to 12 with 2 being very sluggish and 12 being very crisp |
float Copter::get_smoothing_gain() |
{ |
return (2.0f + (float)g.rc_feel_rp/10.0f); |
} |
// get_pilot_desired_angle - transform pilot's roll or pitch input into a desired lean angle |
// returns desired angle in centi-degrees |
void Copter::get_pilot_desired_lean_angles(float roll_in, float pitch_in, float &roll_out, float &pitch_out, float angle_max) |
{ |
// sanity check angle max parameter |
aparm.angle_max = constrain_int16(aparm.angle_max,1000,8000); |
// limit max lean angle |
angle_max = constrain_float(angle_max, 1000, aparm.angle_max); |
// scale roll_in, pitch_in to ANGLE_MAX parameter range |
float scaler = aparm.angle_max/(float)ROLL_PITCH_INPUT_MAX; |
roll_in *= scaler; |
pitch_in *= scaler; |
// do circular limit |
float total_in = pythagorous2((float)pitch_in, (float)roll_in); |
if (total_in > angle_max) { |
float ratio = angle_max / total_in; |
roll_in *= ratio; |
pitch_in *= ratio; |
} |
// do lateral tilt to euler roll conversion |
roll_in = (18000/M_PI_F) * atanf(cosf(pitch_in*(M_PI_F/18000))*tanf(roll_in*(M_PI_F/18000))); |
// return |
roll_out = roll_in; |
pitch_out = pitch_in; |
} |
// get_pilot_desired_heading - transform pilot's yaw input into a |
// desired yaw rate |
// returns desired yaw rate in centi-degrees per second |
float Copter::get_pilot_desired_yaw_rate(int16_t stick_angle) |
{ |
// convert pilot input to the desired yaw rate |
return stick_angle * g.acro_yaw_p; |
} |
// check for ekf yaw reset and adjust target heading |
void Copter::check_ekf_yaw_reset() |
{ |
float yaw_angle_change_rad = 0.0f; |
uint32_t new_ekfYawReset_ms = ahrs.get_NavEKF().getLastYawResetAngle(yaw_angle_change_rad); |
if (new_ekfYawReset_ms != ekfYawReset_ms) { |
attitude_control.shift_ef_yaw_target(ToDeg(yaw_angle_change_rad) * 100.0f); |
ekfYawReset_ms = new_ekfYawReset_ms; |
} |
} |
/************************************************************* |
* yaw controllers |
*************************************************************/ |
// get_roi_yaw - returns heading towards location held in roi_WP |
// should be called at 100hz |
float Copter::get_roi_yaw() |
{ |
static uint8_t roi_yaw_counter = 0; // used to reduce update rate to 100hz |
roi_yaw_counter++; |
if (roi_yaw_counter >= 4) { |
roi_yaw_counter = 0; |
yaw_look_at_WP_bearing = pv_get_bearing_cd(inertial_nav.get_position(), roi_WP); |
} |
return yaw_look_at_WP_bearing; |
} |
float Copter::get_look_ahead_yaw() |
{ |
const Vector3f& vel = inertial_nav.get_velocity(); |
float speed = pythagorous2(vel.x,vel.y); |
// Commanded Yaw to automatically look ahead. |
if (position_ok() && (speed > YAW_LOOK_AHEAD_MIN_SPEED)) { |
yaw_look_ahead_bearing = degrees(atan2f(vel.y,vel.x))*100.0f; |
} |
return yaw_look_ahead_bearing; |
} |
/************************************************************* |
* throttle control |
****************************************************************/ |
// update_thr_average - update estimated throttle required to hover (if necessary) |
// should be called at 100hz |
void Copter::update_thr_average() |
{ |
// ensure throttle_average has been initialised |
if( is_zero(throttle_average) ) { |
throttle_average = g.throttle_mid; |
// update position controller |
pos_control.set_throttle_hover(throttle_average); |
} |
// if not armed or landed exit |
if (!motors.armed() || ap.land_complete) { |
return; |
} |
// get throttle output |
float throttle = motors.get_throttle(); |
// calc average throttle if we are in a level hover |
if (throttle > g.throttle_min && abs(climb_rate) < 60 && labs(ahrs.roll_sensor) < 500 && labs(ahrs.pitch_sensor) < 500) { |
throttle_average = throttle_average * 0.99f + throttle * 0.01f; |
// update position controller |
pos_control.set_throttle_hover(throttle_average); |
} |
} |
// set_throttle_takeoff - allows parents to tell throttle controller we are taking off so I terms can be cleared |
void Copter::set_throttle_takeoff() |
{ |
// tell position controller to reset alt target and reset I terms |
pos_control.init_takeoff(); |
// tell motors to do a slow start |
motors.slow_start(true); |
} |
// get_pilot_desired_throttle - transform pilot's throttle input to make cruise throttle mid stick |
// used only for manual throttle modes |
// returns throttle output 0 to 1000 |
int16_t Copter::get_pilot_desired_throttle(int16_t throttle_control) |
{ |
int16_t throttle_out; |
int16_t mid_stick = channel_throttle->get_control_mid(); |
// ensure reasonable throttle values |
throttle_control = constrain_int16(throttle_control,0,1000); |
g.throttle_mid = constrain_int16(g.throttle_mid,g.throttle_min+50,700); |
// check throttle is above, below or in the deadband |
if (throttle_control < mid_stick) { |
// below the deadband |
throttle_out = g.throttle_min + ((float)(throttle_control-g.throttle_min))*((float)(g.throttle_mid - g.throttle_min))/((float)(mid_stick-g.throttle_min)); |
}else if(throttle_control > mid_stick) { |
// above the deadband |
throttle_out = g.throttle_mid + ((float)(throttle_control-mid_stick)) * (float)(1000-g.throttle_mid) / (float)(1000-mid_stick); |
}else{ |
// must be in the deadband |
throttle_out = g.throttle_mid; |
} |
return throttle_out; |
} |
// get_pilot_desired_climb_rate - transform pilot's throttle input to |
// climb rate in cm/s. we use radio_in instead of control_in to get the full range |
// without any deadzone at the bottom |
float Copter::get_pilot_desired_climb_rate(float throttle_control) |
{ |
// throttle failsafe check |
if( ) { |
return 0.0f; |
} |
float desired_rate = 0.0f; |
float mid_stick = channel_throttle->get_control_mid(); |
float deadband_top = mid_stick + g.throttle_deadzone; |
float deadband_bottom = mid_stick - g.throttle_deadzone; |
// ensure a reasonable throttle value |
throttle_control = constrain_float(throttle_control,g.throttle_min,1000.0f); |
// ensure a reasonable deadzone |
g.throttle_deadzone = constrain_int16(g.throttle_deadzone, 0, 400); |
// check throttle is above, below or in the deadband |
if (throttle_control < deadband_bottom) { |
// below the deadband |
desired_rate = g.pilot_velocity_z_max * (throttle_control-deadband_bottom) / (deadband_bottom-g.throttle_min); |
}else if (throttle_control > deadband_top) { |
// above the deadband |
desired_rate = g.pilot_velocity_z_max * (throttle_control-deadband_top) / (1000.0f-deadband_top); |
}else{ |
// must be in the deadband |
desired_rate = 0.0f; |
} |
// desired climb rate for logging |
desired_climb_rate = desired_rate; |
return desired_rate; |
} |
// get_non_takeoff_throttle - a throttle somewhere between min and mid throttle which should not lead to a takeoff |
float Copter::get_non_takeoff_throttle() |
{ |
return (g.throttle_mid / 2.0f); |
} |
float Copter::get_takeoff_trigger_throttle() |
{ |
return channel_throttle->get_control_mid() + g.takeoff_trigger_dz; |
} |
// get_throttle_pre_takeoff - convert pilot's input throttle to a throttle output before take-off |
// used only for althold, loiter, hybrid flight modes |
// returns throttle output 0 to 1000 |
float Copter::get_throttle_pre_takeoff(float input_thr) |
{ |
// exit immediately if input_thr is zero |
if (input_thr <= 0.0f) { |
return 0.0f; |
} |
// TODO: does this parameter sanity check really belong here? |
g.throttle_mid = constrain_int16(g.throttle_mid,g.throttle_min+50,700); |
float in_min = g.throttle_min; |
float in_max = get_takeoff_trigger_throttle(); |
// helicopters swash will move from bottom to 1/2 of mid throttle |
float out_min = 0; |
#else |
// multicopters will output between spin-when-armed and 1/2 of mid throttle |
float out_min = motors.get_throttle_warn(); |
#endif |
float out_max = get_non_takeoff_throttle(); |
if ((g.throttle_behavior & THR_BEHAVE_FEEDBACK_FROM_MID_STICK) != 0) { |
in_min = channel_throttle->get_control_mid(); |
} |
float input_range = in_max-in_min; |
float output_range = out_max-out_min; |
// sanity check ranges |
if (input_range <= 0.0f || output_range <= 0.0f) { |
return 0.0f; |
} |
return constrain_float(out_min + (input_thr-in_min)*output_range/input_range, out_min, out_max); |
} |
// get_surface_tracking_climb_rate - hold copter at the desired distance above the ground |
// returns climb rate (in cm/s) which should be passed to the position controller |
float Copter::get_surface_tracking_climb_rate(int16_t target_rate, float current_alt_target, float dt) |
{ |
static uint32_t last_call_ms = 0; |
float distance_error; |
float velocity_correction; |
float current_alt = inertial_nav.get_altitude(); |
uint32_t now = millis(); |
// reset target altitude if this controller has just been engaged |
if (now - last_call_ms > SONAR_TIMEOUT_MS) { |
target_sonar_alt = sonar_alt + current_alt_target - current_alt; |
} |
last_call_ms = now; |
// adjust sonar target alt if motors have not hit their limits |
if ((target_rate<0 && !motors.limit.throttle_lower) || (target_rate>0 && !motors.limit.throttle_upper)) { |
target_sonar_alt += target_rate * dt; |
} |
// do not let target altitude get too far from current altitude above ground |
// Note: the 750cm limit is perhaps too wide but is consistent with the regular althold limits and helps ensure a smooth transition |
target_sonar_alt = constrain_float(target_sonar_alt,sonar_alt-pos_control.get_leash_down_z(),sonar_alt+pos_control.get_leash_up_z()); |
// calc desired velocity correction from target sonar alt vs actual sonar alt (remove the error already passed to Altitude controller to avoid oscillations) |
distance_error = (target_sonar_alt - sonar_alt) - (current_alt_target - current_alt); |
velocity_correction = distance_error * g.sonar_gain; |
velocity_correction = constrain_float(velocity_correction, -THR_SURFACE_TRACKING_VELZ_MAX, THR_SURFACE_TRACKING_VELZ_MAX); |
// return combined pilot climb rate + rate to correct sonar alt error |
return (target_rate + velocity_correction); |
} |
// set_accel_throttle_I_from_pilot_throttle - smoothes transition from pilot controlled throttle to autopilot throttle |
void Copter::set_accel_throttle_I_from_pilot_throttle(int16_t pilot_throttle) |
{ |
// shift difference between pilot's throttle and hover throttle into accelerometer I |
g.pid_accel_z.set_integrator(pilot_throttle-throttle_average); |
} |
// updates position controller's maximum altitude using fence and EKF limits |
void Copter::update_poscon_alt_max() |
{ |
float alt_limit_cm = 0.0f; // interpreted as no limit if left as zero |
// set fence altitude limit in position controller |
if ((fence.get_enabled_fences() & AC_FENCE_TYPE_ALT_MAX) != 0) { |
alt_limit_cm = pv_alt_above_origin(fence.get_safe_alt()*100.0f); |
} |
#endif |
// get alt limit from EKF (limited during optical flow flight) |
float ekf_limit_cm = 0.0f; |
if (inertial_nav.get_hgt_ctrl_limit(ekf_limit_cm)) { |
if ((alt_limit_cm <= 0.0f) || (ekf_limit_cm < alt_limit_cm)) { |
alt_limit_cm = ekf_limit_cm; |
} |
} |
// pass limit to pos controller |
pos_control.set_alt_max(alt_limit_cm); |
} |
// rotate vector from vehicle's perspective to North-East frame |
void Copter::rotate_body_frame_to_NE(float &x, float &y) |
{ |
float ne_x = x*ahrs.cos_yaw() - y*ahrs.sin_yaw(); |
float ne_y = x*ahrs.sin_yaw() + y*ahrs.cos_yaw(); |
x = ne_x; |
y = ne_y; |