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* AP_Controller.h
* Copyright (C) James Goppert 2010 <>
* This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef AP_Controller_H
#define AP_Controller_H
#include <AP_Vector.h>
#include <AP_Var.h>
#include <AP_RcChannel.h>
#include <APM_RC.h>
/// Block
class Block
Block() :
_input(), _output()
virtual void update(const float & dt = 0) = 0;
virtual void connect( Block * block)
const char * getName() { return _name; }
const Vector < AP_Var * > & getOutput() const { return _output; }
const char * _name;
Vector< AP_Var * > _input;
Vector< AP_Var * > _output;
/// Servo Block
class ToServo: public Block
ToServo(AP_RcChannel * ch) : _ch(ch)
virtual void connect(Block * block)
if (block->getOutput().getSize() > 0)
virtual void update(const float & dt = 0)
if (_input.getSize() > 0)
float _position;
AP_RcChannel * _ch;
/// SumGain
class SumGain : public Block
/// Constructor that allows 1-8 sum gain pairs, more
/// can be added if necessary
AP_Var * var1, AP_Var * gain1,
AP_Var * var2 = NULL, AP_Var * gain2 = NULL,
AP_Var * var3 = NULL, AP_Var * gain3 = NULL,
AP_Var * var4 = NULL, AP_Var * gain4 = NULL,
AP_Var * var5 = NULL, AP_Var * gain5 = NULL,
AP_Var * var6 = NULL, AP_Var * gain6 = NULL,
AP_Var * var7 = NULL, AP_Var * gain7 = NULL,
AP_Var * var8 = NULL, AP_Var * gain8 = NULL) :
_output.push_back(new AP_Float(0));
if (var1 && gain1) add(var1,gain1);
if (var2 && gain2) add(var2,gain2);
if (var3 && gain3) add(var3,gain3);
if (var4 && gain4) add(var4,gain4);
if (var5 && gain5) add(var5,gain5);
if (var6 && gain6) add(var6,gain6);
if (var7 && gain7) add(var7,gain7);
if (var8 && gain8) add(var8,gain8);
void add(AP_Var * var, AP_Var * gain)
virtual void connect(Block * block)
if (block->getOutput().getSize() > 0)
virtual void update(const float & dt = 0)
if (_output.getSize() < 1) return;
for (int i=0;i<_input.getSize();i++)
_output[0]->setF( _output[i] + _input[i]*_gain[i]);
Vector< AP_Var * > _gain;
/// PID block
class Pid : public Block
Pid(AP_Var::Key key, const prog_char * name,
float kP = 0.0,
float kI = 0.0,
float kD = 0.0,
float iMax = 0.0,
uint8_t dFcut = 20.0,
) :
_output.push_back(new AP_Float(0));
virtual void connect(Block * block)
if (block->getOutput().getSize() > 0)
virtual void update(const float & dt = 0)
if (_output.getSize() < 1) return;
// derivative
float RC = 1/(2*M_PI*_fCut->get()); // low pass filter
_eD = _eD + ( ((_e - _input[0]))/dt - _eD ) * (dt / (dt + RC));
// proportional, note must come after derivative
// because derivatve uses _e as previous value
_e = _input[0];
// integral
_eI += _e*dt;
// pid sum
_output[0]->setF(_kP*_e + _kI*_eI + _kD*_eD);
float _e; /// input
float _eI; /// integral of input
float _eD; /// derivative of input
AP_Float * _kP; /// proportional gain
AP_Float * _kI; /// integral gain
AP_Float * _kD; /// derivative gain
AP_Float * _iMax; /// integrator saturation
AP_Uint8 * _fCut; /// derivative low-pass cut freq (Hz)
/// Controller class
class AP_Controller
void addBlock(Block * block)
if (_blocks.getSize() > 0)
void addCh(AP_RcChannel * ch)
AP_RcChannel * getRc(int i)
return _rc[i];
void update()
for (int i=0;i<_blocks.getSize();i++)
Vector<Block * > _blocks;
Vector<AP_RcChannel * > _rc;
#endif // AP_Controller_H
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