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/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- |
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h> |
/* |
optionally turn down optimisation for debugging |
*/ |
// #pragma GCC optimize("O0") |
#include "AP_NavEKF2.h" |
#include "AP_NavEKF2_core.h" |
#include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h> |
#include <AP_Vehicle/AP_Vehicle.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal; |
#define earthRate 0.000072921f // earth rotation rate (rad/sec) |
// when the wind estimation first starts with no airspeed sensor, |
// assume 3m/s to start |
#define STARTUP_WIND_SPEED 3.0f |
// initial imu bias uncertainty (deg/sec) |
// constructor |
NavEKF2_core::NavEKF2_core(NavEKF2 &_frontend, const AP_AHRS *ahrs, AP_Baro &baro, const RangeFinder &rng) : |
frontend(_frontend), |
_ahrs(ahrs), |
_baro(baro), |
_rng(rng), |
stateStruct(*reinterpret_cast<struct state_elements *>(&statesArray)), |
//variables |
lastRngMeasTime_ms(0), // time in msec that the last range measurement was taken |
rngMeasIndex(0) // index into ringbuffer of current range measurement |
,_perf_UpdateFilter(perf_alloc(PC_ELAPSED, "EKF_UpdateFilter")), |
_perf_CovariancePrediction(perf_alloc(PC_ELAPSED, "EKF_CovariancePrediction")), |
_perf_FuseVelPosNED(perf_alloc(PC_ELAPSED, "EKF_FuseVelPosNED")), |
_perf_FuseMagnetometer(perf_alloc(PC_ELAPSED, "EKF_FuseMagnetometer")), |
_perf_FuseAirspeed(perf_alloc(PC_ELAPSED, "EKF_FuseAirspeed")), |
_perf_FuseSideslip(perf_alloc(PC_ELAPSED, "EKF_FuseSideslip")) |
#endif |
{ |
} |
// Check basic filter health metrics and return a consolidated health status |
bool NavEKF2_core::healthy(void) const |
{ |
uint8_t faultInt; |
getFilterFaults(faultInt); |
if (faultInt > 0) { |
return false; |
} |
if (frontend._fallback && velTestRatio > 1 && posTestRatio > 1 && hgtTestRatio > 1) { |
// all three metrics being above 1 means the filter is |
// extremely unhealthy. |
return false; |
} |
// Give the filter a second to settle before use |
if ((imuSampleTime_ms - ekfStartTime_ms) < 1000 ) { |
return false; |
} |
// barometer and position innovations must be within limits when on-ground |
float horizErrSq = sq(innovVelPos[3]) + sq(innovVelPos[4]); |
if (!filterArmed && (fabsf(innovVelPos[5]) > 1.0f || horizErrSq > 1.0f)) { |
return false; |
} |
// all OK |
return true; |
} |
// resets position states to last GPS measurement or to zero if in constant position mode |
void NavEKF2_core::ResetPosition(void) |
{ |
if (constPosMode || (PV_AidingMode != AID_ABSOLUTE)) { |
stateStruct.position.x = 0; |
stateStruct.position.y = 0; |
} else if (!gpsNotAvailable) { |
// write to state vector and compensate for offset between last GPs measurement and the EKF time horizon |
stateStruct.position.x = gpsDataNew.pos.x + gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.x + 0.001f*gpsDataNew.vel.x*(float(imuDataDelayed.time_ms) - float(lastTimeGpsReceived_ms)); |
stateStruct.position.y = gpsDataNew.pos.y + gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.y + 0.001f*gpsDataNew.vel.y*(float(imuDataDelayed.time_ms) - float(lastTimeGpsReceived_ms)); |
} |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<IMU_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) { |
storedOutput[i].position.x = stateStruct.position.x; |
storedOutput[i].position.y = stateStruct.position.y; |
} |
outputDataNew.position.x = stateStruct.position.x; |
outputDataNew.position.y = stateStruct.position.y; |
outputDataDelayed.position.x = stateStruct.position.x; |
outputDataDelayed.position.y = stateStruct.position.y; |
} |
// Reset velocity states to last GPS measurement if available or to zero if in constant position mode or if PV aiding is not absolute |
// Do not reset vertical velocity using GPS as there is baro alt available to constrain drift |
void NavEKF2_core::ResetVelocity(void) |
{ |
if (constPosMode || PV_AidingMode != AID_ABSOLUTE) { |
|; |
} else if (!gpsNotAvailable) { |
// reset horizontal velocity states, applying an offset to the GPS velocity to prevent the GPS position being rejected when the GPS position offset is being decayed to zero. |
stateStruct.velocity.x = gpsDataNew.vel.x + gpsVelGlitchOffset.x; // north velocity from blended accel data |
stateStruct.velocity.y = gpsDataNew.vel.y + gpsVelGlitchOffset.y; // east velocity from blended accel data |
} |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<IMU_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) { |
storedOutput[i].velocity.x = stateStruct.velocity.x; |
storedOutput[i].velocity.y = stateStruct.velocity.y; |
} |
outputDataNew.velocity.x = stateStruct.velocity.x; |
outputDataNew.velocity.y = stateStruct.velocity.y; |
outputDataDelayed.velocity.x = stateStruct.velocity.x; |
outputDataDelayed.velocity.y = stateStruct.velocity.y; |
} |
// reset the vertical position state using the last height measurement |
void NavEKF2_core::ResetHeight(void) |
{ |
// read the altimeter |
readHgtData(); |
// write to the state vector |
stateStruct.position.z = -baroDataNew.hgt; // down position from blended accel data |
terrainState = stateStruct.position.z + rngOnGnd; |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<IMU_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) { |
storedOutput[i].position.z = stateStruct.position.z; |
} |
outputDataNew.position.z = stateStruct.position.z; |
outputDataDelayed.position.z = stateStruct.position.z; |
} |
// Initialise the states from accelerometer and magnetometer data (if present) |
// This method can only be used when the vehicle is static |
bool NavEKF2_core::InitialiseFilterBootstrap(void) |
{ |
// If we are a plane and don't have GPS lock then don't initialise |
if (assume_zero_sideslip() && _ahrs->get_gps().status() < AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D) { |
statesInitialised = false; |
return false; |
} |
// set re-used variables to zero |
InitialiseVariables(); |
// Initialise IMU data |
dtIMUavg = 1.0f/_ahrs->get_ins().get_sample_rate(); |
readIMUData(); |
StoreIMU_reset(); |
// acceleration vector in XYZ body axes measured by the IMU (m/s^2) |
Vector3f initAccVec; |
// TODO we should average accel readings over several cycles |
initAccVec = _ahrs->get_ins().get_accel(); |
// read the magnetometer data |
readMagData(); |
// normalise the acceleration vector |
float pitch=0, roll=0; |
if (initAccVec.length() > 0.001f) { |
initAccVec.normalize(); |
// calculate initial pitch angle |
pitch = asinf(initAccVec.x); |
// calculate initial roll angle |
roll = -asinf(initAccVec.y / cosf(pitch)); |
} |
// calculate initial roll and pitch orientation |
stateStruct.quat.from_euler(roll, pitch, 0.0f); |
// initialise static process state model states |
|; |
stateStruct.gyro_scale.x = 1.0f; |
stateStruct.gyro_scale.y = 1.0f; |
stateStruct.gyro_scale.z = 1.0f; |
stateStruct.accel_zbias = 0.0f; |
|; |
// read the GPS and set the position and velocity states |
readGpsData(); |
ResetVelocity(); |
ResetPosition(); |
// read the barometer and set the height state |
readHgtData(); |
ResetHeight(); |
// define Earth rotation vector in the NED navigation frame |
calcEarthRateNED(earthRateNED, _ahrs->get_home().lat); |
// initialise the covariance matrix |
CovarianceInit(); |
// reset output states |
StoreOutputReset(); |
// set to true now that states have be initialised |
statesInitialised = true; |
return true; |
} |
// Update Filter States - this should be called whenever new IMU data is available |
void NavEKF2_core::UpdateFilter() |
{ |
// zero the delta quaternion used by the strapdown navigation because it is published |
// and we need to return a zero rotation of the INS fails to update it |
correctedDelAngQuat.initialise(); |
// don't run filter updates if states have not been initialised |
if (!statesInitialised) { |
return; |
} |
// start the timer used for load measurement |
perf_begin(_perf_UpdateFilter); |
// TODO - in-flight restart method |
//get starting time for update step |
imuSampleTime_ms = hal.scheduler->millis(); |
// read IMU data and convert to delta angles and velocities |
readIMUData(); |
// check if on ground |
SetFlightAndFusionModes(); |
// Check arm status and perform required checks and mode changes |
performArmingChecks(); |
// run the strapdown INS equations every IMU update |
UpdateStrapdownEquationsNED(); |
// sum delta angles and time used by covariance prediction |
summedDelAng = summedDelAng + correctedDelAng; |
summedDelVel = summedDelVel + correctedDelVel; |
dt += imuDataDelayed.delAngDT; |
// perform a covariance prediction if the total delta angle has exceeded the limit |
// or the time limit will be exceeded at the next IMU update |
if (((dt >= (frontend.covTimeStepMax - dtIMUavg)) || (summedDelAng.length() > frontend.covDelAngMax))) { |
CovariancePrediction(); |
} else { |
covPredStep = false; |
} |
// Read range finder data which is used by both position and optical flow fusion |
readRangeFinder(); |
// Update states using GPS and altimeter data |
SelectVelPosFusion(); |
// Update states using optical flow data |
SelectFlowFusion(); |
// Check for tilt convergence |
float alpha = 1.0f*dtIMUavg; |
float temp=tiltErrVec.length(); |
tiltErrFilt = alpha*temp + (1.0f-alpha)*tiltErrFilt; |
if (tiltErrFilt < 0.005f && !tiltAlignComplete) { |
tiltAlignComplete = true; |
hal.console->printf("EKF tilt alignment complete\n"); |
} |
// once tilt has converged, align yaw using magnetic field measurements |
if (tiltAlignComplete && !yawAlignComplete) { |
Vector3f eulerAngles; |
getEulerAngles(eulerAngles); |
stateStruct.quat = calcQuatAndFieldStates(eulerAngles.x, eulerAngles.y); |
StoreQuatReset(); |
yawAlignComplete = true; |
hal.console->printf("EKF yaw alignment complete\n"); |
} |
// Update states using magnetometer data |
SelectMagFusion(); |
// Update states using airspeed data |
SelectTasFusion(); |
// Update states using sideslip constraint assumption for fly-forward vehicles |
SelectBetaFusion(); |
// Wind output forward from the fusion to output time horizon |
calcOutputStatesFast(); |
// stop the timer used for load measurement |
perf_end(_perf_UpdateFilter); |
} |
// select fusion of velocity, position and height measurements |
void NavEKF2_core::SelectVelPosFusion() |
{ |
// check for and read new GPS data |
readGpsData(); |
if (RecallGPS() && PV_AidingMode != AID_RELATIVE) { |
fuseVelData = true; |
fusePosData = true; |
// If a long time since last GPS update, then reset position and velocity and reset stored state history |
if ((imuSampleTime_ms - secondLastGpsTime_ms > 5000) && (PV_AidingMode == AID_ABSOLUTE)) { |
// Apply an offset to the GPS position so that the position can be corrected gradually |
gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.x = stateStruct.position.x - gpsDataDelayed.pos.x; |
gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.y = stateStruct.position.y - gpsDataDelayed.pos.y; |
// limit the radius of the offset to 100m and decay the offset to zero radially |
decayGpsOffset(); |
ResetPosition(); |
ResetVelocity(); |
CovarianceInit(); |
// record the fail time |
lastPosFailTime = imuSampleTime_ms; |
// Reset the normalised innovation to avoid false failing the bad position fusion test |
posTestRatio = 0.0f; |
} |
} else { |
fuseVelData = false; |
fusePosData = false; |
} |
// check for and read new height data |
readHgtData(); |
// If we haven't received height data for a while, then declare the height data as being timed out |
// set timeout period based on whether we have vertical GPS velocity available to constrain drift |
hgtRetryTime = (useGpsVertVel && !velTimeout) ? frontend.hgtRetryTimeMode0 : frontend.hgtRetryTimeMode12; |
if (imuSampleTime_ms - lastHgtReceived_ms > hgtRetryTime) { |
hgtTimeout = true; |
} |
// command fusion of height data |
// wait until the EKF time horizon catches up with the measurement |
if (RecallBaro()) { |
// enable fusion |
fuseHgtData = true; |
} |
// perform fusion |
if (fuseVelData || fusePosData || fuseHgtData) { |
// ensure that the covariance prediction is up to date before fusing data |
if (!covPredStep) CovariancePrediction(); |
FuseVelPosNED(); |
} |
// Detect and declare bad GPS aiding status for minimum 10 seconds if a GPS rejection occurs after |
// rejection of GPS and reset to GPS position. This addresses failure case where errors cause ongoing rejection |
// of GPS and severe loss of position accuracy. |
uint32_t gpsRetryTime; |
if (useAirspeed()) { |
gpsRetryTime = frontend.gpsRetryTimeUseTAS; |
} else { |
gpsRetryTime = frontend.gpsRetryTimeNoTAS; |
} |
if ((posTestRatio > 2.0f) && ((imuSampleTime_ms - lastPosFailTime) < gpsRetryTime) && ((imuSampleTime_ms - lastPosFailTime) > gpsRetryTime/2) && fusePosData) { |
lastGpsAidBadTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
gpsAidingBad = true; |
} |
gpsAidingBad = gpsAidingBad && ((imuSampleTime_ms - lastGpsAidBadTime_ms) < 10000); |
} |
// select fusion of magnetometer data |
void NavEKF2_core::SelectMagFusion() |
{ |
// start performance timer |
perf_begin(_perf_FuseMagnetometer); |
// check for and read new magnetometer measurements |
readMagData(); |
// If we are using the compass and the magnetometer has been unhealthy for too long we declare a timeout |
if (magHealth) { |
magTimeout = false; |
lastHealthyMagTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
} else if ((imuSampleTime_ms - lastHealthyMagTime_ms) > frontend.magFailTimeLimit_ms && use_compass()) { |
magTimeout = true; |
} |
bool temp = RecallMag(); |
// determine if conditions are right to start a new fusion cycle |
// wait until the EKF time horizon catches up with the measurement |
bool dataReady = (temp && statesInitialised && use_compass() && yawAlignComplete); |
if (dataReady) { |
// ensure that the covariance prediction is up to date before fusing data |
if (!covPredStep) CovariancePrediction(); |
// If we haven't performed the first airborne magnetic field update or have inhibited magnetic field learning, then we use the simple method of declination to maintain heading |
if(inhibitMagStates) { |
fuseCompass(); |
magHealth = true; |
magTimeout = false; |
} else { |
// fuse the three magnetometer componenents sequentially |
for (mag_state.obsIndex = 0; mag_state.obsIndex <= 2; mag_state.obsIndex++) FuseMagnetometer(); |
} |
} |
// stop performance timer |
perf_end(_perf_FuseMagnetometer); |
} |
// select fusion of true airspeed measurements |
void NavEKF2_core::SelectTasFusion() |
{ |
// get true airspeed measurement |
readAirSpdData(); |
// If we haven't received airspeed data for a while, then declare the airspeed data as being timed out |
if (imuSampleTime_ms - tasDataNew.time_ms > frontend.tasRetryTime) { |
tasTimeout = true; |
} |
// if the filter is initialised, wind states are not inhibited and we have data to fuse, then perform TAS fusion |
tasDataWaiting = (statesInitialised && !inhibitWindStates && newDataTas); |
if (tasDataWaiting) |
{ |
// ensure that the covariance prediction is up to date before fusing data |
if (!covPredStep) CovariancePrediction(); |
FuseAirspeed(); |
TASmsecPrev = imuSampleTime_ms; |
tasDataWaiting = false; |
newDataTas = false; |
} |
} |
// select fusion of synthetic sideslip measurements |
// synthetic sidelip fusion only works for fixed wing aircraft and relies on the average sideslip being close to zero |
// it requires a stable wind for best results and should not be used for aerobatic flight with manoeuvres that induce large sidslip angles (eg knife-edge, spins, etc) |
void NavEKF2_core::SelectBetaFusion() |
{ |
// set true when the fusion time interval has triggered |
bool f_timeTrigger = ((imuSampleTime_ms - BETAmsecPrev) >= frontend.msecBetaAvg); |
// set true when use of synthetic sideslip fusion is necessary because we have limited sensor data or are dead reckoning position |
bool f_required = !(use_compass() && useAirspeed() && ((imuSampleTime_ms - lastPosPassTime) < frontend.gpsRetryTimeNoTAS)); |
// set true when sideslip fusion is feasible (requires zero sideslip assumption to be valid and use of wind states) |
bool f_feasible = (assume_zero_sideslip() && !inhibitWindStates); |
// use synthetic sideslip fusion if feasible, required and enough time has lapsed since the last fusion |
if (f_feasible && f_required && f_timeTrigger) { |
// ensure that the covariance prediction is up to date before fusing data |
if (!covPredStep) CovariancePrediction(); |
FuseSideslip(); |
BETAmsecPrev = imuSampleTime_ms; |
} |
} |
// select fusion of optical flow measurements |
void NavEKF2_core::SelectFlowFusion() |
{ |
// start performance timer |
perf_begin(_perf_FuseOptFlow); |
// Perform Data Checks |
// Check if the optical flow data is still valid |
flowDataValid = ((imuSampleTime_ms - flowValidMeaTime_ms) < 1000); |
// Check if the optical flow sensor has timed out |
bool flowSensorTimeout = ((imuSampleTime_ms - flowValidMeaTime_ms) > 5000); |
// Check if the fusion has timed out (flow measurements have been rejected for too long) |
bool flowFusionTimeout = ((imuSampleTime_ms - prevFlowFuseTime_ms) > 5000); |
// check is the terrain offset estimate is still valid |
gndOffsetValid = ((imuSampleTime_ms - gndHgtValidTime_ms) < 5000); |
// Perform tilt check |
bool tiltOK = (Tnb_flow.c.z > frontend.DCM33FlowMin); |
// Constrain measurements to zero if we are using optical flow and are on the ground |
if (frontend._fusionModeGPS == 3 && !takeOffDetected && filterArmed) { |
|; |
|; |
flowDataValid = true; |
} |
// If the flow measurements have been rejected for too long and we are relying on them, then revert to constant position mode |
if ((flowSensorTimeout || flowFusionTimeout) && PV_AidingMode == AID_RELATIVE) { |
constVelMode = false; // always clear constant velocity mode if constant velocity mode is active |
constPosMode = true; |
PV_AidingMode = AID_NONE; |
// reset the velocity |
ResetVelocity(); |
// store the current position to be used to keep reporting the last known position |
lastKnownPositionNE.x = stateStruct.position.x; |
lastKnownPositionNE.y = stateStruct.position.y; |
// reset the position |
ResetPosition(); |
} |
// if we do have valid flow measurements, fuse data into a 1-state EKF to estimate terrain height |
// we don't do terrain height estimation in optical flow only mode as the ground becomes our zero height reference |
if ((newDataFlow || newDataRng) && tiltOK) { |
// fuse range data into the terrain estimator if available |
fuseRngData = newDataRng; |
// fuse optical flow data into the terrain estimator if available and if there is no range data (range data is better) |
fuseOptFlowData = (newDataFlow && !fuseRngData); |
// Estimate the terrain offset (runs a one state EKF) |
EstimateTerrainOffset(); |
// Indicate we have used the range data |
newDataRng = false; |
} |
// Fuse optical flow data into the main filter if not excessively tilted and we are in the correct mode |
if (newDataFlow && tiltOK && PV_AidingMode == AID_RELATIVE) |
{ |
// Set the flow noise used by the fusion processes |
R_LOS = sq(max(frontend._flowNoise, 0.05f)); |
// ensure that the covariance prediction is up to date before fusing data |
if (!covPredStep) CovariancePrediction(); |
// Fuse the optical flow X and Y axis data into the main filter sequentially |
FuseOptFlow(); |
// reset flag to indicate that no new flow data is available for fusion |
newDataFlow = false; |
} |
// stop the performance timer |
perf_end(_perf_FuseOptFlow); |
} |
// update the quaternion, velocity and position states using delayed IMU measurements |
// because the EKF is running on a delayed time horizon |
void NavEKF2_core::UpdateStrapdownEquationsNED() |
{ |
Vector3f delVelNav; // delta velocity vector |
// remove gyro scale factor errors |
correctedDelAng.x = imuDataDelayed.delAng.x * stateStruct.gyro_scale.x; |
correctedDelAng.y = imuDataDelayed.delAng.y * stateStruct.gyro_scale.y; |
correctedDelAng.z = imuDataDelayed.delAng.z * stateStruct.gyro_scale.z; |
// remove sensor bias errors |
correctedDelAng -= stateStruct.gyro_bias; |
correctedDelVel = imuDataDelayed.delVel; |
correctedDelVel.z -= stateStruct.accel_zbias; |
// apply correction for earths rotation rate |
// % * - and + operators have been overloaded |
correctedDelAng = correctedDelAng - prevTnb * earthRateNED*imuDataDelayed.delAngDT; |
// convert the rotation vector to its equivalent quaternion |
correctedDelAngQuat.from_axis_angle(correctedDelAng); |
// update the quaternion states by rotating from the previous attitude through |
// the delta angle rotation quaternion and normalise |
stateStruct.quat *= correctedDelAngQuat; |
stateStruct.quat.normalize(); |
// calculate the body to nav cosine matrix |
Matrix3f Tbn_temp; |
stateStruct.quat.rotation_matrix(Tbn_temp); |
prevTnb = Tbn_temp.transposed(); |
// transform body delta velocities to delta velocities in the nav frame |
// * and + operators have been overloaded |
delVelNav = Tbn_temp*correctedDelVel; |
delVelNav.z += GRAVITY_MSS*imuDataDelayed.delVelDT; |
// calculate the rate of change of velocity (used for launch detect and other functions) |
velDotNED = delVelNav / imuDataDelayed.delVelDT; |
// apply a first order lowpass filter |
velDotNEDfilt = velDotNED * 0.05f + velDotNEDfilt * 0.95f; |
// calculate a magnitude of the filtered nav acceleration (required for GPS |
// variance estimation) |
accNavMag = velDotNEDfilt.length(); |
accNavMagHoriz = pythagorous2(velDotNEDfilt.x , velDotNEDfilt.y); |
// save velocity for use in trapezoidal intergration for position calcuation |
Vector3f lastVelocity = stateStruct.velocity; |
// sum delta velocities to get velocity |
stateStruct.velocity += delVelNav; |
// apply a trapezoidal integration to velocities to calculate position |
stateStruct.position += (stateStruct.velocity + lastVelocity) * (imuDataDelayed.delVelDT*0.5f); |
// accumulate the bias delta angle and time since last reset by an OF measurement arrival |
delAngBodyOF += imuDataNew.delAng - stateStruct.gyro_bias; |
delTimeOF += imuDataNew.delAngDT; |
// limit states to protect against divergence |
ConstrainStates(); |
} |
// Propagate PVA solution forward from the fusion time horizon to the current time horizon |
// using buffered IMU data |
void NavEKF2_core::calcOutputStates() { |
// initialise the store access at the fusion time horizon (it will be advanced later) |
uint8_t imuStoreAccessIndex = fifoIndexDelayed; |
imu_elements imuData; |
// Counter used to ensure the while loop always exits |
uint8_t watchdog = 0; |
// initialise to the solution at the fusion time horizon |
outputDataNew.quat = stateStruct.quat; |
outputDataNew.velocity = stateStruct.velocity; |
outputDataNew.position = stateStruct.position; |
// Iterate through the buffered IMU data, using the strapdown equations to wind forward from the fusion time horizon to current time |
// we stop iterating when we have reached the current imu Data |
do { |
// If the loop cannot exit, force exit |
if (watchdog > IMU_BUFFER_LENGTH+2) { |
return; |
} |
watchdog++; |
// advance to the next index |
imuStoreAccessIndex++; |
// if we have got to the end of the array, return to the start |
if (imuStoreAccessIndex >= IMU_BUFFER_LENGTH) { |
imuStoreAccessIndex = 0; |
} |
imuData = storedIMU[imuStoreAccessIndex]; |
// remove gyro bias errors |
Vector3f delAng = imuData.delAng - stateStruct.gyro_bias; |
// remove Z accel bias error |
Vector3f delVel = imuData.delVel; |
delVel.z -= stateStruct.accel_zbias; |
// convert the rotation vector to its equivalent quaternion |
Quaternion deltaQuat; |
deltaQuat.from_axis_angle_fast(delAng); |
// update the quaternion states by rotating from the previous attitude through |
// the delta angle rotation quaternion and normalise |
outputDataNew.quat *= deltaQuat; |
outputDataNew.quat.normalize(); |
// calculate the body to nav cosine matrix |
Matrix3f Tbn_temp; |
outputDataNew.quat.rotation_matrix(Tbn_temp); |
// transform body delta velocities to delta velocities in the nav frame |
// * and + operators have been overloaded |
Vector3f delVelNav = Tbn_temp*delVel; |
delVelNav.z += GRAVITY_MSS*imuData.delVelDT; |
// use a simple Euler integration |
outputDataNew.position += outputDataNew.velocity*imuData.delVelDT; |
} |
while (imuStoreAccessIndex != fifoIndexNow); |
} |
// Propagate PVA solution forward from the fusion time horizon to the current time horizon |
// using simple observer. This also applies an LPF to fusion corrections |
void NavEKF2_core::calcOutputStatesFast() { |
// Calculate strapdown solution at the current time horizon |
// remove gyro scale factor errors |
Vector3f delAng; |
delAng.x = imuDataNew.delAng.x * stateStruct.gyro_scale.x; |
delAng.y = imuDataNew.delAng.y * stateStruct.gyro_scale.y; |
delAng.z = imuDataNew.delAng.z * stateStruct.gyro_scale.z; |
// remove sensor bias errors |
delAng -= stateStruct.gyro_bias; |
Vector3f delVel; |
delVel = imuDataNew.delVel; |
delVel.z -= stateStruct.accel_zbias; |
// apply corections to track EKF solution |
delAng += delAngCorrection; |
// convert the rotation vector to its equivalent quaternion |
Quaternion deltaQuat; |
deltaQuat.from_axis_angle(delAng); |
// update the quaternion states by rotating from the previous attitude through |
// the delta angle rotation quaternion and normalise |
outputDataNew.quat *= deltaQuat; |
outputDataNew.quat.normalize(); |
// calculate the body to nav cosine matrix |
Matrix3f Tbn_temp; |
outputDataNew.quat.rotation_matrix(Tbn_temp); |
// transform body delta velocities to delta velocities in the nav frame |
// Add the earth frame correction required to track the EKF states |
// * and + operators have been overloaded |
Vector3f delVelNav = Tbn_temp*delVel + delVelCorrection; |
delVelNav.z += GRAVITY_MSS*imuDataNew.delVelDT; |
// save velocity for use in trapezoidal intergration for position calcuation |
Vector3f lastVelocity = outputDataNew.velocity; |
// sum delta velocities to get velocity |
outputDataNew.velocity += delVelNav; |
// apply a trapezoidal integration to velocities to calculate position, applying correction required to track EKF solution |
outputDataNew.position += (outputDataNew.velocity + lastVelocity) * (imuDataNew.delVelDT*0.5f) + velCorrection * imuDataNew.delVelDT; |
// store the output in the FIFO buffer |
StoreOutput(); |
// extract data at the fusion time horizon from the FIFO buffer |
RecallOutput(); |
// compare quaternion data with EKF quaternion at the fusion time horizon and calculate correction |
// divide the demanded quaternion by the estimated to get the error |
Quaternion quatErr = stateStruct.quat / outputDataDelayed.quat; |
// Convert to a delta rotation using a small angle approximation |
quatErr.normalize(); |
Vector3f deltaAngErr; |
float scaler; |
if (quatErr[0] >= 0.0f) { |
scaler = 2.0f; |
} else { |
scaler = -2.0f; |
} |
deltaAngErr.x = scaler * quatErr[1]; |
deltaAngErr.y = scaler * quatErr[2]; |
deltaAngErr.z = scaler * quatErr[3]; |
// multiply the angle error vector by a gain to calculate the delta angle correction required to track the EKF solution |
const float Kang = 1.0f; |
delAngCorrection = deltaAngErr * imuDataNew.delAngDT * Kang; |
// multiply velocity error by a gain to calculate the delta velocity correction required to track the EKF solution |
const float Kvel = 1.0f; |
delVelCorrection = (stateStruct.velocity - outputDataDelayed.velocity) * imuDataNew.delVelDT * Kvel; |
// multiply position error by a gain to calculate the velocity correction required to track the EKF solution |
const float Kpos = 1.0f; |
velCorrection = (stateStruct.position - outputDataDelayed.position) * Kpos; |
} |
// calculate the predicted state covariance matrix |
void NavEKF2_core::CovariancePrediction() |
{ |
perf_begin(_perf_CovariancePrediction); |
float windVelSigma; // wind velocity 1-sigma process noise - m/s |
float dAngBiasSigma;// delta angle bias 1-sigma process noise - rad/s |
float dVelBiasSigma;// delta velocity bias 1-sigma process noise - m/s |
float dAngScaleSigma;// delta angle scale factor 1-Sigma process noise |
float magEarthSigma;// earth magnetic field 1-sigma process noise |
float magBodySigma; // body magnetic field 1-sigma process noise |
float daxNoise; // X axis delta angle noise (rad) |
float dayNoise; // Y axis delta angle noise (rad) |
float dazNoise; // Z axis delta angle noise (rad) |
float dvxNoise; // X axis delta velocity noise (m/s) |
float dvyNoise; // Y axis delta velocity noise (m/s) |
float dvzNoise; // Z axis delta velocity noise (m/s) |
float dvx; // X axis delta velocity (m/s) |
float dvy; // Y axis delta velocity (m/s) |
float dvz; // Z axis delta velocity (m/s) |
float dax; // X axis delta angle (rad) |
float day; // Y axis delta angle (rad) |
float daz; // Z axis delta angle (rad) |
float q0; // attitude quaternion |
float q1; // attitude quaternion |
float q2; // attitude quaternion |
float q3; // attitude quaternion |
float dax_b; // X axis delta angle measurement bias (rad) |
float day_b; // Y axis delta angle measurement bias (rad) |
float daz_b; // Z axis delta angle measurement bias (rad) |
float dax_s; // X axis delta angle measurement scale factor |
float day_s; // Y axis delta angle measurement scale factor |
float daz_s; // Z axis delta angle measurement scale factor |
float dvz_b; // Z axis delta velocity measurement bias (rad) |
// calculate covariance prediction process noise |
// use filtered height rate to increase wind process noise when climbing or descending |
// this allows for wind gradient effects. |
// filter height rate using a 10 second time constant filter |
float alpha = 0.1f * dt; |
hgtRate = hgtRate * (1.0f - alpha) - stateStruct.velocity.z * alpha; |
// use filtered height rate to increase wind process noise when climbing or descending |
// this allows for wind gradient effects. |
windVelSigma = dt * constrain_float(frontend._windVelProcessNoise, 0.01f, 1.0f) * (1.0f + constrain_float(frontend._wndVarHgtRateScale, 0.0f, 1.0f) * fabsf(hgtRate)); |
dAngBiasSigma = dt * constrain_float(frontend._gyroBiasProcessNoise, 1e-8f, 1e-4f); |
dVelBiasSigma = dt * constrain_float(frontend._accelBiasProcessNoise, 1e-6f, 1e-2f); |
dAngScaleSigma = dt * constrain_float(frontend._gyroScaleProcessNoise,1e-8f,1e-5f); |
magEarthSigma = dt * constrain_float(frontend._magProcessNoise, 1e-4f, 1e-2f); |
magBodySigma = dt * constrain_float(frontend._magProcessNoise, 1e-4f, 1e-2f); |
for (uint8_t i= 0; i<=8; i++) processNoise[i] = 1.0e-9f; |
for (uint8_t i=9; i<=11; i++) processNoise[i] = dAngBiasSigma; |
for (uint8_t i=10; i<=12; i++) processNoise[i] = dAngBiasSigma; |
for (uint8_t i=12; i<=14; i++) processNoise[i] = dAngScaleSigma; |
if (expectGndEffectTakeoff) { |
processNoise[15] = 0.0f; |
} else if (!filterArmed) { |
processNoise[15] = dVelBiasSigma * frontend.accelBiasNoiseScaler; |
} else { |
processNoise[15] = dVelBiasSigma; |
} |
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=18; i++) processNoise[i] = magEarthSigma; |
for (uint8_t i=19; i<=21; i++) processNoise[i] = magBodySigma; |
for (uint8_t i=22; i<=23; i++) processNoise[i] = windVelSigma; |
for (uint8_t i= 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) processNoise[i] = sq(processNoise[i]); |
// set variables used to calculate covariance growth |
dvx = summedDelVel.x; |
dvy = summedDelVel.y; |
dvz = summedDelVel.z; |
dax = summedDelAng.x; |
day = summedDelAng.y; |
daz = summedDelAng.z; |
q0 = stateStruct.quat[0]; |
q1 = stateStruct.quat[1]; |
q2 = stateStruct.quat[2]; |
q3 = stateStruct.quat[3]; |
dax_b = stateStruct.gyro_bias.x; |
day_b = stateStruct.gyro_bias.y; |
daz_b = stateStruct.gyro_bias.z; |
dax_s = stateStruct.gyro_scale.x; |
day_s = stateStruct.gyro_scale.y; |
daz_s = stateStruct.gyro_scale.z; |
dvz_b = stateStruct.accel_zbias; |
float _gyrNoise = constrain_float(frontend._gyrNoise, 1e-3f, 5e-2f); |
daxNoise = dt*_gyrNoise; |
dayNoise = dt*_gyrNoise; |
// Account for 3% scale factor error on Z angular rate. This reduces chance of continuous fast rotations causing loss of yaw reference. |
dazNoise = dt*(pythagorous2(_gyrNoise,0.03f*yawRateFilt)); |
float _accNoise = constrain_float(frontend._accNoise, 5e-2f, 1.0f); |
dvxNoise = dt*_accNoise; |
dvyNoise = dt*_accNoise; |
dvzNoise = dt*_accNoise; |
// calculate the predicted covariance due to inertial sensor error propagation |
// we calculate the upper diagonal and copy to take advantage of symmetry |
SF[0] = daz_b/2 + dazNoise/2 - (daz*daz_s)/2; |
SF[1] = day_b/2 + dayNoise/2 - (day*day_s)/2; |
SF[2] = dax_b/2 + daxNoise/2 - (dax*dax_s)/2; |
SF[3] = q3/2 - (q0*SF[0])/2 + (q1*SF[1])/2 - (q2*SF[2])/2; |
SF[4] = q0/2 - (q1*SF[2])/2 - (q2*SF[1])/2 + (q3*SF[0])/2; |
SF[5] = q1/2 + (q0*SF[2])/2 - (q2*SF[0])/2 - (q3*SF[1])/2; |
SF[6] = q3/2 + (q0*SF[0])/2 - (q1*SF[1])/2 - (q2*SF[2])/2; |
SF[7] = q0/2 - (q1*SF[2])/2 + (q2*SF[1])/2 - (q3*SF[0])/2; |
SF[8] = q0/2 + (q1*SF[2])/2 - (q2*SF[1])/2 - (q3*SF[0])/2; |
SF[9] = q2/2 + (q0*SF[1])/2 + (q1*SF[0])/2 + (q3*SF[2])/2; |
SF[10] = q2/2 - (q0*SF[1])/2 - (q1*SF[0])/2 + (q3*SF[2])/2; |
SF[11] = q2/2 + (q0*SF[1])/2 - (q1*SF[0])/2 - (q3*SF[2])/2; |
SF[12] = q1/2 + (q0*SF[2])/2 + (q2*SF[0])/2 + (q3*SF[1])/2; |
SF[13] = q1/2 - (q0*SF[2])/2 + (q2*SF[0])/2 - (q3*SF[1])/2; |
SF[14] = q3/2 + (q0*SF[0])/2 + (q1*SF[1])/2 + (q2*SF[2])/2; |
SF[15] = - sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) - sq(q3); |
SF[16] = dvz_b - dvz + dvzNoise; |
SF[17] = dvx - dvxNoise; |
SF[18] = dvy - dvyNoise; |
SF[19] = sq(q2); |
SF[20] = SF[19] - sq(q0) + sq(q1) - sq(q3); |
SF[21] = SF[19] + sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q3); |
SF[22] = 2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3; |
SF[23] = SF[19] - sq(q0) - sq(q1) + sq(q3); |
SF[24] = 2*q1*q2; |
SG[0] = - sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) - sq(q3); |
SG[1] = sq(q3); |
SG[2] = sq(q2); |
SG[3] = sq(q1); |
SG[4] = sq(q0); |
SQ[0] = - dvyNoise*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3)*(SG[1] - SG[2] + SG[3] - SG[4]) - dvzNoise*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3)*(SG[1] - SG[2] - SG[3] + SG[4]) - dvxNoise*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3)*(2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2); |
SQ[1] = dvxNoise*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3)*(SG[1] + SG[2] - SG[3] - SG[4]) + dvzNoise*(2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3)*(SG[1] - SG[2] - SG[3] + SG[4]) - dvyNoise*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3)*(2*q0*q3 - 2*q1*q2); |
SQ[2] = dvyNoise*(2*q0*q3 - 2*q1*q2)*(SG[1] - SG[2] + SG[3] - SG[4]) - dvxNoise*(2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2)*(SG[1] + SG[2] - SG[3] - SG[4]) - dvzNoise*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3)*(2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3); |
SQ[3] = sq(SG[0]); |
SQ[4] = 2*q2*q3; |
SQ[5] = 2*q1*q3; |
SQ[6] = 2*q1*q2; |
SQ[7] = SG[4]; |
SPP[0] = SF[17]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SF[18]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3); |
SPP[1] = SF[18]*(2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3) + SF[16]*(SF[24] - 2*q0*q3); |
SPP[2] = 2*q3*SF[8] + 2*q1*SF[11] - 2*q0*SF[14] - 2*q2*SF[13]; |
SPP[3] = 2*q1*SF[7] + 2*q2*SF[6] - 2*q0*SF[12] - 2*q3*SF[10]; |
SPP[4] = 2*q0*SF[6] - 2*q3*SF[7] - 2*q1*SF[10] + 2*q2*SF[12]; |
SPP[5] = 2*q0*SF[8] + 2*q2*SF[11] + 2*q1*SF[13] + 2*q3*SF[14]; |
SPP[6] = 2*q0*SF[7] + 2*q3*SF[6] + 2*q2*SF[10] + 2*q1*SF[12]; |
SPP[7] = SF[18]*SF[20] - SF[16]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3); |
SPP[8] = 2*q1*SF[3] - 2*q2*SF[4] - 2*q3*SF[5] + 2*q0*SF[9]; |
SPP[9] = 2*q0*SF[5] - 2*q1*SF[4] - 2*q2*SF[3] + 2*q3*SF[9]; |
SPP[10] = SF[17]*SF[20] + SF[16]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3); |
SPP[11] = SF[17]*SF[21] - SF[18]*(SF[24] + 2*q0*q3); |
SPP[12] = SF[17]*SF[22] - SF[16]*(SF[24] + 2*q0*q3); |
SPP[13] = 2*q0*SF[4] + 2*q1*SF[5] + 2*q3*SF[3] + 2*q2*SF[9]; |
SPP[14] = 2*q2*SF[8] - 2*q0*SF[11] - 2*q1*SF[14] + 2*q3*SF[13]; |
SPP[15] = SF[18]*SF[23] + SF[17]*(SF[24] - 2*q0*q3); |
SPP[16] = daz*SF[19] + daz*sq(q0) + daz*sq(q1) + daz*sq(q3); |
SPP[17] = day*SF[19] + day*sq(q0) + day*sq(q1) + day*sq(q3); |
SPP[18] = dax*SF[19] + dax*sq(q0) + dax*sq(q1) + dax*sq(q3); |
SPP[19] = SF[16]*SF[23] - SF[17]*(2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3); |
SPP[20] = SF[16]*SF[21] - SF[18]*SF[22]; |
SPP[21] = 2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3; |
SPP[22] = SF[15]; |
if (inhibitMagStates) { |
zeroRows(P,16,21); |
zeroCols(P,16,21); |
} else if (inhibitWindStates) { |
zeroRows(P,22,23); |
zeroCols(P,22,23); |
} |
nextP[0][0] = daxNoise*SQ[3] + SPP[5]*(P[0][0]*SPP[5] - P[1][0]*SPP[4] + P[9][0]*SPP[22] + P[12][0]*SPP[18] + P[2][0]*(2*q1*SF[3] - 2*q2*SF[4] - 2*q3*SF[5] + 2*q0*SF[9])) - SPP[4]*(P[0][1]*SPP[5] - P[1][1]*SPP[4] + P[9][1]*SPP[22] + P[12][1]*SPP[18] + P[2][1]*(2*q1*SF[3] - 2*q2*SF[4] - 2*q3*SF[5] + 2*q0*SF[9])) + SPP[8]*(P[0][2]*SPP[5] + P[2][2]*SPP[8] + P[9][2]*SPP[22] + P[12][2]*SPP[18] - P[1][2]*(2*q0*SF[6] - 2*q3*SF[7] - 2*q1*SF[10] + 2*q2*SF[12])) + SPP[22]*(P[0][9]*SPP[5] - P[1][9]*SPP[4] + P[9][9]*SPP[22] + P[12][9]*SPP[18] + P[2][9]*(2*q1*SF[3] - 2*q2*SF[4] - 2*q3*SF[5] + 2*q0*SF[9])) + SPP[18]*(P[0][12]*SPP[5] - P[1][12]*SPP[4] + P[9][12]*SPP[22] + P[12][12]*SPP[18] + P[2][12]*(2*q1*SF[3] - 2*q2*SF[4] - 2*q3*SF[5] + 2*q0*SF[9])); |
nextP[0][1] = SPP[6]*(P[0][1]*SPP[5] - P[1][1]*SPP[4] + P[2][1]*SPP[8] + P[9][1]*SPP[22] + P[12][1]*SPP[18]) - SPP[2]*(P[0][0]*SPP[5] - P[1][0]*SPP[4] + P[2][0]*SPP[8] + P[9][0]*SPP[22] + P[12][0]*SPP[18]) + SPP[22]*(P[0][10]*SPP[5] - P[1][10]*SPP[4] + P[2][10]*SPP[8] + P[9][10]*SPP[22] + P[12][10]*SPP[18]) + SPP[17]*(P[0][13]*SPP[5] - P[1][13]*SPP[4] + P[2][13]*SPP[8] + P[9][13]*SPP[22] + P[12][13]*SPP[18]) - (2*q0*SF[5] - 2*q1*SF[4] - 2*q2*SF[3] + 2*q3*SF[9])*(P[0][2]*SPP[5] - P[1][2]*SPP[4] + P[2][2]*SPP[8] + P[9][2]*SPP[22] + P[12][2]*SPP[18]); |
nextP[1][1] = dayNoise*SQ[3] - SPP[2]*(P[1][0]*SPP[6] - P[0][0]*SPP[2] - P[2][0]*SPP[9] + P[10][0]*SPP[22] + P[13][0]*SPP[17]) + SPP[6]*(P[1][1]*SPP[6] - P[0][1]*SPP[2] - P[2][1]*SPP[9] + P[10][1]*SPP[22] + P[13][1]*SPP[17]) - SPP[9]*(P[1][2]*SPP[6] - P[0][2]*SPP[2] - P[2][2]*SPP[9] + P[10][2]*SPP[22] + P[13][2]*SPP[17]) + SPP[22]*(P[1][10]*SPP[6] - P[0][10]*SPP[2] - P[2][10]*SPP[9] + P[10][10]*SPP[22] + P[13][10]*SPP[17]) + SPP[17]*(P[1][13]*SPP[6] - P[0][13]*SPP[2] - P[2][13]*SPP[9] + P[10][13]*SPP[22] + P[13][13]*SPP[17]); |
nextP[0][2] = SPP[13]*(P[0][2]*SPP[5] - P[1][2]*SPP[4] + P[2][2]*SPP[8] + P[9][2]*SPP[22] + P[12][2]*SPP[18]) - SPP[3]*(P[0][1]*SPP[5] - P[1][1]*SPP[4] + P[2][1]*SPP[8] + P[9][1]*SPP[22] + P[12][1]*SPP[18]) + SPP[22]*(P[0][11]*SPP[5] - P[1][11]*SPP[4] + P[2][11]*SPP[8] + P[9][11]*SPP[22] + P[12][11]*SPP[18]) + SPP[16]*(P[0][14]*SPP[5] - P[1][14]*SPP[4] + P[2][14]*SPP[8] + P[9][14]*SPP[22] + P[12][14]*SPP[18]) + (2*q2*SF[8] - 2*q0*SF[11] - 2*q1*SF[14] + 2*q3*SF[13])*(P[0][0]*SPP[5] - P[1][0]*SPP[4] + P[2][0]*SPP[8] + P[9][0]*SPP[22] + P[12][0]*SPP[18]); |
nextP[1][2] = SPP[13]*(P[1][2]*SPP[6] - P[0][2]*SPP[2] - P[2][2]*SPP[9] + P[10][2]*SPP[22] + P[13][2]*SPP[17]) - SPP[3]*(P[1][1]*SPP[6] - P[0][1]*SPP[2] - P[2][1]*SPP[9] + P[10][1]*SPP[22] + P[13][1]*SPP[17]) + SPP[22]*(P[1][11]*SPP[6] - P[0][11]*SPP[2] - P[2][11]*SPP[9] + P[10][11]*SPP[22] + P[13][11]*SPP[17]) + SPP[16]*(P[1][14]*SPP[6] - P[0][14]*SPP[2] - P[2][14]*SPP[9] + P[10][14]*SPP[22] + P[13][14]*SPP[17]) + (2*q2*SF[8] - 2*q0*SF[11] - 2*q1*SF[14] + 2*q3*SF[13])*(P[1][0]*SPP[6] - P[0][0]*SPP[2] - P[2][0]*SPP[9] + P[10][0]*SPP[22] + P[13][0]*SPP[17]); |
nextP[2][2] = dazNoise*SQ[3] - SPP[3]*(P[0][1]*SPP[14] - P[1][1]*SPP[3] + P[2][1]*SPP[13] + P[11][1]*SPP[22] + P[14][1]*SPP[16]) + SPP[14]*(P[0][0]*SPP[14] - P[1][0]*SPP[3] + P[2][0]*SPP[13] + P[11][0]*SPP[22] + P[14][0]*SPP[16]) + SPP[13]*(P[0][2]*SPP[14] - P[1][2]*SPP[3] + P[2][2]*SPP[13] + P[11][2]*SPP[22] + P[14][2]*SPP[16]) + SPP[22]*(P[0][11]*SPP[14] - P[1][11]*SPP[3] + P[2][11]*SPP[13] + P[11][11]*SPP[22] + P[14][11]*SPP[16]) + SPP[16]*(P[0][14]*SPP[14] - P[1][14]*SPP[3] + P[2][14]*SPP[13] + P[11][14]*SPP[22] + P[14][14]*SPP[16]); |
nextP[0][3] = P[0][3]*SPP[5] - P[1][3]*SPP[4] + P[2][3]*SPP[8] + P[9][3]*SPP[22] + P[12][3]*SPP[18] + SPP[1]*(P[0][0]*SPP[5] - P[1][0]*SPP[4] + P[2][0]*SPP[8] + P[9][0]*SPP[22] + P[12][0]*SPP[18]) + SPP[15]*(P[0][2]*SPP[5] - P[1][2]*SPP[4] + P[2][2]*SPP[8] + P[9][2]*SPP[22] + P[12][2]*SPP[18]) - SPP[21]*(P[0][15]*SPP[5] - P[1][15]*SPP[4] + P[2][15]*SPP[8] + P[9][15]*SPP[22] + P[12][15]*SPP[18]) + (SF[16]*SF[23] - SF[17]*SPP[21])*(P[0][1]*SPP[5] - P[1][1]*SPP[4] + P[2][1]*SPP[8] + P[9][1]*SPP[22] + P[12][1]*SPP[18]); |
nextP[1][3] = P[1][3]*SPP[6] - P[0][3]*SPP[2] - P[2][3]*SPP[9] + P[10][3]*SPP[22] + P[13][3]*SPP[17] + SPP[1]*(P[1][0]*SPP[6] - P[0][0]*SPP[2] - P[2][0]*SPP[9] + P[10][0]*SPP[22] + P[13][0]*SPP[17]) + SPP[15]*(P[1][2]*SPP[6] - P[0][2]*SPP[2] - P[2][2]*SPP[9] + P[10][2]*SPP[22] + P[13][2]*SPP[17]) - SPP[21]*(P[1][15]*SPP[6] - P[0][15]*SPP[2] - P[2][15]*SPP[9] + P[10][15]*SPP[22] + P[13][15]*SPP[17]) + (SF[16]*SF[23] - SF[17]*SPP[21])*(P[1][1]*SPP[6] - P[0][1]*SPP[2] - P[2][1]*SPP[9] + P[10][1]*SPP[22] + P[13][1]*SPP[17]); |
nextP[2][3] = P[0][3]*SPP[14] - P[1][3]*SPP[3] + P[2][3]*SPP[13] + P[11][3]*SPP[22] + P[14][3]*SPP[16] + SPP[1]*(P[0][0]*SPP[14] - P[1][0]*SPP[3] + P[2][0]*SPP[13] + P[11][0]*SPP[22] + P[14][0]*SPP[16]) + SPP[15]*(P[0][2]*SPP[14] - P[1][2]*SPP[3] + P[2][2]*SPP[13] + P[11][2]*SPP[22] + P[14][2]*SPP[16]) - SPP[21]*(P[0][15]*SPP[14] - P[1][15]*SPP[3] + P[2][15]*SPP[13] + P[11][15]*SPP[22] + P[14][15]*SPP[16]) + (SF[16]*SF[23] - SF[17]*SPP[21])*(P[0][1]*SPP[14] - P[1][1]*SPP[3] + P[2][1]*SPP[13] + P[11][1]*SPP[22] + P[14][1]*SPP[16]); |
nextP[3][3] = P[3][3] + P[0][3]*SPP[1] + P[1][3]*SPP[19] + P[2][3]*SPP[15] - P[15][3]*SPP[21] + dvyNoise*sq(SQ[6] - 2*q0*q3) + dvzNoise*sq(SQ[5] + 2*q0*q2) + SPP[1]*(P[3][0] + P[0][0]*SPP[1] + P[1][0]*SPP[19] + P[2][0]*SPP[15] - P[15][0]*SPP[21]) + SPP[19]*(P[3][1] + P[0][1]*SPP[1] + P[1][1]*SPP[19] + P[2][1]*SPP[15] - P[15][1]*SPP[21]) + SPP[15]*(P[3][2] + P[0][2]*SPP[1] + P[1][2]*SPP[19] + P[2][2]*SPP[15] - P[15][2]*SPP[21]) - SPP[21]*(P[3][15] + P[0][15]*SPP[1] + P[2][15]*SPP[15] - P[15][15]*SPP[21] + P[1][15]*(SF[16]*SF[23] - SF[17]*SPP[21])) + dvxNoise*sq(SG[1] + SG[2] - SG[3] - SQ[7]); |
nextP[0][4] = P[0][4]*SPP[5] - P[1][4]*SPP[4] + P[2][4]*SPP[8] + P[9][4]*SPP[22] + P[12][4]*SPP[18] + SF[22]*(P[0][15]*SPP[5] - P[1][15]*SPP[4] + P[2][15]*SPP[8] + P[9][15]*SPP[22] + P[12][15]*SPP[18]) + SPP[12]*(P[0][1]*SPP[5] - P[1][1]*SPP[4] + P[2][1]*SPP[8] + P[9][1]*SPP[22] + P[12][1]*SPP[18]) + SPP[20]*(P[0][0]*SPP[5] - P[1][0]*SPP[4] + P[2][0]*SPP[8] + P[9][0]*SPP[22] + P[12][0]*SPP[18]) + SPP[11]*(P[0][2]*SPP[5] - P[1][2]*SPP[4] + P[2][2]*SPP[8] + P[9][2]*SPP[22] + P[12][2]*SPP[18]); |
nextP[1][4] = P[1][4]*SPP[6] - P[0][4]*SPP[2] - P[2][4]*SPP[9] + P[10][4]*SPP[22] + P[13][4]*SPP[17] + SF[22]*(P[1][15]*SPP[6] - P[0][15]*SPP[2] - P[2][15]*SPP[9] + P[10][15]*SPP[22] + P[13][15]*SPP[17]) + SPP[12]*(P[1][1]*SPP[6] - P[0][1]*SPP[2] - P[2][1]*SPP[9] + P[10][1]*SPP[22] + P[13][1]*SPP[17]) + SPP[20]*(P[1][0]*SPP[6] - P[0][0]*SPP[2] - P[2][0]*SPP[9] + P[10][0]*SPP[22] + P[13][0]*SPP[17]) + SPP[11]*(P[1][2]*SPP[6] - P[0][2]*SPP[2] - P[2][2]*SPP[9] + P[10][2]*SPP[22] + P[13][2]*SPP[17]); |
nextP[2][4] = P[0][4]*SPP[14] - P[1][4]*SPP[3] + P[2][4]*SPP[13] + P[11][4]*SPP[22] + P[14][4]*SPP[16] + SF[22]*(P[0][15]*SPP[14] - P[1][15]*SPP[3] + P[2][15]*SPP[13] + P[11][15]*SPP[22] + P[14][15]*SPP[16]) + SPP[12]*(P[0][1]*SPP[14] - P[1][1]*SPP[3] + P[2][1]*SPP[13] + P[11][1]*SPP[22] + P[14][1]*SPP[16]) + SPP[20]*(P[0][0]*SPP[14] - P[1][0]*SPP[3] + P[2][0]*SPP[13] + P[11][0]*SPP[22] + P[14][0]*SPP[16]) + SPP[11]*(P[0][2]*SPP[14] - P[1][2]*SPP[3] + P[2][2]*SPP[13] + P[11][2]*SPP[22] + P[14][2]*SPP[16]); |
nextP[3][4] = P[3][4] + SQ[2] + P[0][4]*SPP[1] + P[1][4]*SPP[19] + P[2][4]*SPP[15] - P[15][4]*SPP[21] + SF[22]*(P[3][15] + P[0][15]*SPP[1] + P[1][15]*SPP[19] + P[2][15]*SPP[15] - P[15][15]*SPP[21]) + SPP[12]*(P[3][1] + P[0][1]*SPP[1] + P[1][1]*SPP[19] + P[2][1]*SPP[15] - P[15][1]*SPP[21]) + SPP[20]*(P[3][0] + P[0][0]*SPP[1] + P[1][0]*SPP[19] + P[2][0]*SPP[15] - P[15][0]*SPP[21]) + SPP[11]*(P[3][2] + P[0][2]*SPP[1] + P[1][2]*SPP[19] + P[2][2]*SPP[15] - P[15][2]*SPP[21]); |
nextP[4][4] = P[4][4] + P[15][4]*SF[22] + P[0][4]*SPP[20] + P[1][4]*SPP[12] + P[2][4]*SPP[11] + dvxNoise*sq(SQ[6] + 2*q0*q3) + dvzNoise*sq(SQ[4] - 2*q0*q1) + SF[22]*(P[4][15] + P[15][15]*SF[22] + P[0][15]*SPP[20] + P[1][15]*SPP[12] + P[2][15]*SPP[11]) + SPP[12]*(P[4][1] + P[15][1]*SF[22] + P[0][1]*SPP[20] + P[1][1]*SPP[12] + P[2][1]*SPP[11]) + SPP[20]*(P[4][0] + P[15][0]*SF[22] + P[0][0]*SPP[20] + P[1][0]*SPP[12] + P[2][0]*SPP[11]) + SPP[11]*(P[4][2] + P[15][2]*SF[22] + P[0][2]*SPP[20] + P[1][2]*SPP[12] + P[2][2]*SPP[11]) + dvyNoise*sq(SG[1] - SG[2] + SG[3] - SQ[7]); |
nextP[0][5] = P[0][5]*SPP[5] - P[1][5]*SPP[4] + P[2][5]*SPP[8] + P[9][5]*SPP[22] + P[12][5]*SPP[18] + SF[20]*(P[0][15]*SPP[5] - P[1][15]*SPP[4] + P[2][15]*SPP[8] + P[9][15]*SPP[22] + P[12][15]*SPP[18]) - SPP[7]*(P[0][0]*SPP[5] - P[1][0]*SPP[4] + P[2][0]*SPP[8] + P[9][0]*SPP[22] + P[12][0]*SPP[18]) + SPP[0]*(P[0][2]*SPP[5] - P[1][2]*SPP[4] + P[2][2]*SPP[8] + P[9][2]*SPP[22] + P[12][2]*SPP[18]) + SPP[10]*(P[0][1]*SPP[5] - P[1][1]*SPP[4] + P[2][1]*SPP[8] + P[9][1]*SPP[22] + P[12][1]*SPP[18]); |
nextP[1][5] = P[1][5]*SPP[6] - P[0][5]*SPP[2] - P[2][5]*SPP[9] + P[10][5]*SPP[22] + P[13][5]*SPP[17] + SF[20]*(P[1][15]*SPP[6] - P[0][15]*SPP[2] - P[2][15]*SPP[9] + P[10][15]*SPP[22] + P[13][15]*SPP[17]) - SPP[7]*(P[1][0]*SPP[6] - P[0][0]*SPP[2] - P[2][0]*SPP[9] + P[10][0]*SPP[22] + P[13][0]*SPP[17]) + SPP[0]*(P[1][2]*SPP[6] - P[0][2]*SPP[2] - P[2][2]*SPP[9] + P[10][2]*SPP[22] + P[13][2]*SPP[17]) + SPP[10]*(P[1][1]*SPP[6] - P[0][1]*SPP[2] - P[2][1]*SPP[9] + P[10][1]*SPP[22] + P[13][1]*SPP[17]); |
nextP[2][5] = P[0][5]*SPP[14] - P[1][5]*SPP[3] + P[2][5]*SPP[13] + P[11][5]*SPP[22] + P[14][5]*SPP[16] + SF[20]*(P[0][15]*SPP[14] - P[1][15]*SPP[3] + P[2][15]*SPP[13] + P[11][15]*SPP[22] + P[14][15]*SPP[16]) - SPP[7]*(P[0][0]*SPP[14] - P[1][0]*SPP[3] + P[2][0]*SPP[13] + P[11][0]*SPP[22] + P[14][0]*SPP[16]) + SPP[0]*(P[0][2]*SPP[14] - P[1][2]*SPP[3] + P[2][2]*SPP[13] + P[11][2]*SPP[22] + P[14][2]*SPP[16]) + SPP[10]*(P[0][1]*SPP[14] - P[1][1]*SPP[3] + P[2][1]*SPP[13] + P[11][1]*SPP[22] + P[14][1]*SPP[16]); |
nextP[3][5] = P[3][5] + SQ[1] + P[0][5]*SPP[1] + P[1][5]*SPP[19] + P[2][5]*SPP[15] - P[15][5]*SPP[21] + SF[20]*(P[3][15] + P[0][15]*SPP[1] + P[1][15]*SPP[19] + P[2][15]*SPP[15] - P[15][15]*SPP[21]) - SPP[7]*(P[3][0] + P[0][0]*SPP[1] + P[1][0]*SPP[19] + P[2][0]*SPP[15] - P[15][0]*SPP[21]) + SPP[0]*(P[3][2] + P[0][2]*SPP[1] + P[1][2]*SPP[19] + P[2][2]*SPP[15] - P[15][2]*SPP[21]) + SPP[10]*(P[3][1] + P[0][1]*SPP[1] + P[1][1]*SPP[19] + P[2][1]*SPP[15] - P[15][1]*SPP[21]); |
nextP[4][5] = P[4][5] + SQ[0] + P[15][5]*SF[22] + P[0][5]*SPP[20] + P[1][5]*SPP[12] + P[2][5]*SPP[11] + SF[20]*(P[4][15] + P[15][15]*SF[22] + P[0][15]*SPP[20] + P[1][15]*SPP[12] + P[2][15]*SPP[11]) - SPP[7]*(P[4][0] + P[15][0]*SF[22] + P[0][0]*SPP[20] + P[1][0]*SPP[12] + P[2][0]*SPP[11]) + SPP[0]*(P[4][2] + P[15][2]*SF[22] + P[0][2]*SPP[20] + P[1][2]*SPP[12] + P[2][2]*SPP[11]) + SPP[10]*(P[4][1] + P[15][1]*SF[22] + P[0][1]*SPP[20] + P[1][1]*SPP[12] + P[2][1]*SPP[11]); |
nextP[5][5] = P[5][5] + P[15][5]*SF[20] - P[0][5]*SPP[7] + P[1][5]*SPP[10] + P[2][5]*SPP[0] + dvxNoise*sq(SQ[5] - 2*q0*q2) + dvyNoise*sq(SQ[4] + 2*q0*q1) + SF[20]*(P[5][15] + P[15][15]*SF[20] - P[0][15]*SPP[7] + P[1][15]*SPP[10] + P[2][15]*SPP[0]) - SPP[7]*(P[5][0] + P[15][0]*SF[20] - P[0][0]*SPP[7] + P[1][0]*SPP[10] + P[2][0]*SPP[0]) + SPP[0]*(P[5][2] + P[15][2]*SF[20] - P[0][2]*SPP[7] + P[1][2]*SPP[10] + P[2][2]*SPP[0]) + SPP[10]*(P[5][1] + P[15][1]*SF[20] - P[0][1]*SPP[7] + P[1][1]*SPP[10] + P[2][1]*SPP[0]) + dvzNoise*sq(SG[1] - SG[2] - SG[3] + SQ[7]); |
nextP[0][6] = P[0][6]*SPP[5] - P[1][6]*SPP[4] + P[2][6]*SPP[8] + P[9][6]*SPP[22] + P[12][6]*SPP[18] + dt*(P[0][3]*SPP[5] - P[1][3]*SPP[4] + P[2][3]*SPP[8] + P[9][3]*SPP[22] + P[12][3]*SPP[18]); |
nextP[1][6] = P[1][6]*SPP[6] - P[0][6]*SPP[2] - P[2][6]*SPP[9] + P[10][6]*SPP[22] + P[13][6]*SPP[17] + dt*(P[1][3]*SPP[6] - P[0][3]*SPP[2] - P[2][3]*SPP[9] + P[10][3]*SPP[22] + P[13][3]*SPP[17]); |
nextP[2][6] = P[0][6]*SPP[14] - P[1][6]*SPP[3] + P[2][6]*SPP[13] + P[11][6]*SPP[22] + P[14][6]*SPP[16] + dt*(P[0][3]*SPP[14] - P[1][3]*SPP[3] + P[2][3]*SPP[13] + P[11][3]*SPP[22] + P[14][3]*SPP[16]); |
nextP[3][6] = P[3][6] + P[0][6]*SPP[1] + P[1][6]*SPP[19] + P[2][6]*SPP[15] - P[15][6]*SPP[21] + dt*(P[3][3] + P[0][3]*SPP[1] + P[1][3]*SPP[19] + P[2][3]*SPP[15] - P[15][3]*SPP[21]); |
nextP[4][6] = P[4][6] + P[15][6]*SF[22] + P[0][6]*SPP[20] + P[1][6]*SPP[12] + P[2][6]*SPP[11] + dt*(P[4][3] + P[15][3]*SF[22] + P[0][3]*SPP[20] + P[1][3]*SPP[12] + P[2][3]*SPP[11]); |
nextP[5][6] = P[5][6] + P[15][6]*SF[20] - P[0][6]*SPP[7] + P[1][6]*SPP[10] + P[2][6]*SPP[0] + dt*(P[5][3] + P[15][3]*SF[20] - P[0][3]*SPP[7] + P[1][3]*SPP[10] + P[2][3]*SPP[0]); |
nextP[6][6] = P[6][6] + P[3][6]*dt + dt*(P[6][3] + P[3][3]*dt); |
nextP[0][7] = P[0][7]*SPP[5] - P[1][7]*SPP[4] + P[2][7]*SPP[8] + P[9][7]*SPP[22] + P[12][7]*SPP[18] + dt*(P[0][4]*SPP[5] - P[1][4]*SPP[4] + P[2][4]*SPP[8] + P[9][4]*SPP[22] + P[12][4]*SPP[18]); |
nextP[1][7] = P[1][7]*SPP[6] - P[0][7]*SPP[2] - P[2][7]*SPP[9] + P[10][7]*SPP[22] + P[13][7]*SPP[17] + dt*(P[1][4]*SPP[6] - P[0][4]*SPP[2] - P[2][4]*SPP[9] + P[10][4]*SPP[22] + P[13][4]*SPP[17]); |
nextP[2][7] = P[0][7]*SPP[14] - P[1][7]*SPP[3] + P[2][7]*SPP[13] + P[11][7]*SPP[22] + P[14][7]*SPP[16] + dt*(P[0][4]*SPP[14] - P[1][4]*SPP[3] + P[2][4]*SPP[13] + P[11][4]*SPP[22] + P[14][4]*SPP[16]); |
nextP[3][7] = P[3][7] + P[0][7]*SPP[1] + P[1][7]*SPP[19] + P[2][7]*SPP[15] - P[15][7]*SPP[21] + dt*(P[3][4] + P[0][4]*SPP[1] + P[1][4]*SPP[19] + P[2][4]*SPP[15] - P[15][4]*SPP[21]); |
nextP[4][7] = P[4][7] + P[15][7]*SF[22] + P[0][7]*SPP[20] + P[1][7]*SPP[12] + P[2][7]*SPP[11] + dt*(P[4][4] + P[15][4]*SF[22] + P[0][4]*SPP[20] + P[1][4]*SPP[12] + P[2][4]*SPP[11]); |
nextP[5][7] = P[5][7] + P[15][7]*SF[20] - P[0][7]*SPP[7] + P[1][7]*SPP[10] + P[2][7]*SPP[0] + dt*(P[5][4] + P[15][4]*SF[20] - P[0][4]*SPP[7] + P[1][4]*SPP[10] + P[2][4]*SPP[0]); |
nextP[6][7] = P[6][7] + P[3][7]*dt + dt*(P[6][4] + P[3][4]*dt); |
nextP[7][7] = P[7][7] + P[4][7]*dt + dt*(P[7][4] + P[4][4]*dt); |
nextP[0][8] = P[0][8]*SPP[5] - P[1][8]*SPP[4] + P[2][8]*SPP[8] + P[9][8]*SPP[22] + P[12][8]*SPP[18] + dt*(P[0][5]*SPP[5] - P[1][5]*SPP[4] + P[2][5]*SPP[8] + P[9][5]*SPP[22] + P[12][5]*SPP[18]); |
nextP[1][8] = P[1][8]*SPP[6] - P[0][8]*SPP[2] - P[2][8]*SPP[9] + P[10][8]*SPP[22] + P[13][8]*SPP[17] + dt*(P[1][5]*SPP[6] - P[0][5]*SPP[2] - P[2][5]*SPP[9] + P[10][5]*SPP[22] + P[13][5]*SPP[17]); |
nextP[2][8] = P[0][8]*SPP[14] - P[1][8]*SPP[3] + P[2][8]*SPP[13] + P[11][8]*SPP[22] + P[14][8]*SPP[16] + dt*(P[0][5]*SPP[14] - P[1][5]*SPP[3] + P[2][5]*SPP[13] + P[11][5]*SPP[22] + P[14][5]*SPP[16]); |
nextP[3][8] = P[3][8] + P[0][8]*SPP[1] + P[1][8]*SPP[19] + P[2][8]*SPP[15] - P[15][8]*SPP[21] + dt*(P[3][5] + P[0][5]*SPP[1] + P[1][5]*SPP[19] + P[2][5]*SPP[15] - P[15][5]*SPP[21]); |
nextP[4][8] = P[4][8] + P[15][8]*SF[22] + P[0][8]*SPP[20] + P[1][8]*SPP[12] + P[2][8]*SPP[11] + dt*(P[4][5] + P[15][5]*SF[22] + P[0][5]*SPP[20] + P[1][5]*SPP[12] + P[2][5]*SPP[11]); |
nextP[5][8] = P[5][8] + P[15][8]*SF[20] - P[0][8]*SPP[7] + P[1][8]*SPP[10] + P[2][8]*SPP[0] + dt*(P[5][5] + P[15][5]*SF[20] - P[0][5]*SPP[7] + P[1][5]*SPP[10] + P[2][5]*SPP[0]); |
nextP[6][8] = P[6][8] + P[3][8]*dt + dt*(P[6][5] + P[3][5]*dt); |
nextP[7][8] = P[7][8] + P[4][8]*dt + dt*(P[7][5] + P[4][5]*dt); |
nextP[8][8] = P[8][8] + P[5][8]*dt + dt*(P[8][5] + P[5][5]*dt); |
nextP[0][9] = P[0][9]*SPP[5] - P[1][9]*SPP[4] + P[2][9]*SPP[8] + P[9][9]*SPP[22] + P[12][9]*SPP[18]; |
nextP[1][9] = P[1][9]*SPP[6] - P[0][9]*SPP[2] - P[2][9]*SPP[9] + P[10][9]*SPP[22] + P[13][9]*SPP[17]; |
nextP[2][9] = P[0][9]*SPP[14] - P[1][9]*SPP[3] + P[2][9]*SPP[13] + P[11][9]*SPP[22] + P[14][9]*SPP[16]; |
nextP[3][9] = P[3][9] + P[0][9]*SPP[1] + P[1][9]*SPP[19] + P[2][9]*SPP[15] - P[15][9]*SPP[21]; |
nextP[4][9] = P[4][9] + P[15][9]*SF[22] + P[0][9]*SPP[20] + P[1][9]*SPP[12] + P[2][9]*SPP[11]; |
nextP[5][9] = P[5][9] + P[15][9]*SF[20] - P[0][9]*SPP[7] + P[1][9]*SPP[10] + P[2][9]*SPP[0]; |
nextP[6][9] = P[6][9] + P[3][9]*dt; |
nextP[7][9] = P[7][9] + P[4][9]*dt; |
nextP[8][9] = P[8][9] + P[5][9]*dt; |
nextP[9][9] = P[9][9]; |
nextP[0][10] = P[0][10]*SPP[5] - P[1][10]*SPP[4] + P[2][10]*SPP[8] + P[9][10]*SPP[22] + P[12][10]*SPP[18]; |
nextP[1][10] = P[1][10]*SPP[6] - P[0][10]*SPP[2] - P[2][10]*SPP[9] + P[10][10]*SPP[22] + P[13][10]*SPP[17]; |
nextP[2][10] = P[0][10]*SPP[14] - P[1][10]*SPP[3] + P[2][10]*SPP[13] + P[11][10]*SPP[22] + P[14][10]*SPP[16]; |
nextP[3][10] = P[3][10] + P[0][10]*SPP[1] + P[1][10]*SPP[19] + P[2][10]*SPP[15] - P[15][10]*SPP[21]; |
nextP[4][10] = P[4][10] + P[15][10]*SF[22] + P[0][10]*SPP[20] + P[1][10]*SPP[12] + P[2][10]*SPP[11]; |
nextP[5][10] = P[5][10] + P[15][10]*SF[20] - P[0][10]*SPP[7] + P[1][10]*SPP[10] + P[2][10]*SPP[0]; |
nextP[6][10] = P[6][10] + P[3][10]*dt; |
nextP[7][10] = P[7][10] + P[4][10]*dt; |
nextP[8][10] = P[8][10] + P[5][10]*dt; |
nextP[9][10] = P[9][10]; |
nextP[10][10] = P[10][10]; |
nextP[0][11] = P[0][11]*SPP[5] - P[1][11]*SPP[4] + P[2][11]*SPP[8] + P[9][11]*SPP[22] + P[12][11]*SPP[18]; |
nextP[1][11] = P[1][11]*SPP[6] - P[0][11]*SPP[2] - P[2][11]*SPP[9] + P[10][11]*SPP[22] + P[13][11]*SPP[17]; |
nextP[2][11] = P[0][11]*SPP[14] - P[1][11]*SPP[3] + P[2][11]*SPP[13] + P[11][11]*SPP[22] + P[14][11]*SPP[16]; |
nextP[3][11] = P[3][11] + P[0][11]*SPP[1] + P[1][11]*SPP[19] + P[2][11]*SPP[15] - P[15][11]*SPP[21]; |
nextP[4][11] = P[4][11] + P[15][11]*SF[22] + P[0][11]*SPP[20] + P[1][11]*SPP[12] + P[2][11]*SPP[11]; |
nextP[5][11] = P[5][11] + P[15][11]*SF[20] - P[0][11]*SPP[7] + P[1][11]*SPP[10] + P[2][11]*SPP[0]; |
nextP[6][11] = P[6][11] + P[3][11]*dt; |
nextP[7][11] = P[7][11] + P[4][11]*dt; |
nextP[8][11] = P[8][11] + P[5][11]*dt; |
nextP[9][11] = P[9][11]; |
nextP[10][11] = P[10][11]; |
nextP[11][11] = P[11][11]; |
nextP[0][12] = P[0][12]*SPP[5] - P[1][12]*SPP[4] + P[2][12]*SPP[8] + P[9][12]*SPP[22] + P[12][12]*SPP[18]; |
nextP[1][12] = P[1][12]*SPP[6] - P[0][12]*SPP[2] - P[2][12]*SPP[9] + P[10][12]*SPP[22] + P[13][12]*SPP[17]; |
nextP[2][12] = P[0][12]*SPP[14] - P[1][12]*SPP[3] + P[2][12]*SPP[13] + P[11][12]*SPP[22] + P[14][12]*SPP[16]; |
nextP[3][12] = P[3][12] + P[0][12]*SPP[1] + P[1][12]*SPP[19] + P[2][12]*SPP[15] - P[15][12]*SPP[21]; |
nextP[4][12] = P[4][12] + P[15][12]*SF[22] + P[0][12]*SPP[20] + P[1][12]*SPP[12] + P[2][12]*SPP[11]; |
nextP[5][12] = P[5][12] + P[15][12]*SF[20] - P[0][12]*SPP[7] + P[1][12]*SPP[10] + P[2][12]*SPP[0]; |
nextP[6][12] = P[6][12] + P[3][12]*dt; |
nextP[7][12] = P[7][12] + P[4][12]*dt; |
nextP[8][12] = P[8][12] + P[5][12]*dt; |
nextP[9][12] = P[9][12]; |
nextP[10][12] = P[10][12]; |
nextP[11][12] = P[11][12]; |
nextP[12][12] = P[12][12]; |
nextP[0][13] = P[0][13]*SPP[5] - P[1][13]*SPP[4] + P[2][13]*SPP[8] + P[9][13]*SPP[22] + P[12][13]*SPP[18]; |
nextP[1][13] = P[1][13]*SPP[6] - P[0][13]*SPP[2] - P[2][13]*SPP[9] + P[10][13]*SPP[22] + P[13][13]*SPP[17]; |
nextP[2][13] = P[0][13]*SPP[14] - P[1][13]*SPP[3] + P[2][13]*SPP[13] + P[11][13]*SPP[22] + P[14][13]*SPP[16]; |
nextP[3][13] = P[3][13] + P[0][13]*SPP[1] + P[1][13]*SPP[19] + P[2][13]*SPP[15] - P[15][13]*SPP[21]; |
nextP[4][13] = P[4][13] + P[15][13]*SF[22] + P[0][13]*SPP[20] + P[1][13]*SPP[12] + P[2][13]*SPP[11]; |
nextP[5][13] = P[5][13] + P[15][13]*SF[20] - P[0][13]*SPP[7] + P[1][13]*SPP[10] + P[2][13]*SPP[0]; |
nextP[6][13] = P[6][13] + P[3][13]*dt; |
nextP[7][13] = P[7][13] + P[4][13]*dt; |
nextP[8][13] = P[8][13] + P[5][13]*dt; |
nextP[9][13] = P[9][13]; |
nextP[10][13] = P[10][13]; |
nextP[11][13] = P[11][13]; |
nextP[12][13] = P[12][13]; |
nextP[13][13] = P[13][13]; |
nextP[0][14] = P[0][14]*SPP[5] - P[1][14]*SPP[4] + P[2][14]*SPP[8] + P[9][14]*SPP[22] + P[12][14]*SPP[18]; |
nextP[1][14] = P[1][14]*SPP[6] - P[0][14]*SPP[2] - P[2][14]*SPP[9] + P[10][14]*SPP[22] + P[13][14]*SPP[17]; |
nextP[2][14] = P[0][14]*SPP[14] - P[1][14]*SPP[3] + P[2][14]*SPP[13] + P[11][14]*SPP[22] + P[14][14]*SPP[16]; |
nextP[3][14] = P[3][14] + P[0][14]*SPP[1] + P[1][14]*SPP[19] + P[2][14]*SPP[15] - P[15][14]*SPP[21]; |
nextP[4][14] = P[4][14] + P[15][14]*SF[22] + P[0][14]*SPP[20] + P[1][14]*SPP[12] + P[2][14]*SPP[11]; |
nextP[5][14] = P[5][14] + P[15][14]*SF[20] - P[0][14]*SPP[7] + P[1][14]*SPP[10] + P[2][14]*SPP[0]; |
nextP[6][14] = P[6][14] + P[3][14]*dt; |
nextP[7][14] = P[7][14] + P[4][14]*dt; |
nextP[8][14] = P[8][14] + P[5][14]*dt; |
nextP[9][14] = P[9][14]; |
nextP[10][14] = P[10][14]; |
nextP[11][14] = P[11][14]; |
nextP[12][14] = P[12][14]; |
nextP[13][14] = P[13][14]; |
nextP[14][14] = P[14][14]; |
nextP[0][15] = P[0][15]*SPP[5] - P[1][15]*SPP[4] + P[2][15]*SPP[8] + P[9][15]*SPP[22] + P[12][15]*SPP[18]; |
nextP[1][15] = P[1][15]*SPP[6] - P[0][15]*SPP[2] - P[2][15]*SPP[9] + P[10][15]*SPP[22] + P[13][15]*SPP[17]; |
nextP[2][15] = P[0][15]*SPP[14] - P[1][15]*SPP[3] + P[2][15]*SPP[13] + P[11][15]*SPP[22] + P[14][15]*SPP[16]; |
nextP[3][15] = P[3][15] + P[0][15]*SPP[1] + P[1][15]*SPP[19] + P[2][15]*SPP[15] - P[15][15]*SPP[21]; |
nextP[4][15] = P[4][15] + P[15][15]*SF[22] + P[0][15]*SPP[20] + P[1][15]*SPP[12] + P[2][15]*SPP[11]; |
nextP[5][15] = P[5][15] + P[15][15]*SF[20] - P[0][15]*SPP[7] + P[1][15]*SPP[10] + P[2][15]*SPP[0]; |
nextP[6][15] = P[6][15] + P[3][15]*dt; |
nextP[7][15] = P[7][15] + P[4][15]*dt; |
nextP[8][15] = P[8][15] + P[5][15]*dt; |
nextP[9][15] = P[9][15]; |
nextP[10][15] = P[10][15]; |
nextP[11][15] = P[11][15]; |
nextP[12][15] = P[12][15]; |
nextP[13][15] = P[13][15]; |
nextP[14][15] = P[14][15]; |
nextP[15][15] = P[15][15]; |
if (stateIndexLim > 15) { |
nextP[0][16] = P[0][16]*SPP[5] - P[1][16]*SPP[4] + P[2][16]*SPP[8] + P[9][16]*SPP[22] + P[12][16]*SPP[18]; |
nextP[1][16] = P[1][16]*SPP[6] - P[0][16]*SPP[2] - P[2][16]*SPP[9] + P[10][16]*SPP[22] + P[13][16]*SPP[17]; |
nextP[2][16] = P[0][16]*SPP[14] - P[1][16]*SPP[3] + P[2][16]*SPP[13] + P[11][16]*SPP[22] + P[14][16]*SPP[16]; |
nextP[3][16] = P[3][16] + P[0][16]*SPP[1] + P[1][16]*SPP[19] + P[2][16]*SPP[15] - P[15][16]*SPP[21]; |
nextP[4][16] = P[4][16] + P[15][16]*SF[22] + P[0][16]*SPP[20] + P[1][16]*SPP[12] + P[2][16]*SPP[11]; |
nextP[5][16] = P[5][16] + P[15][16]*SF[20] - P[0][16]*SPP[7] + P[1][16]*SPP[10] + P[2][16]*SPP[0]; |
nextP[6][16] = P[6][16] + P[3][16]*dt; |
nextP[7][16] = P[7][16] + P[4][16]*dt; |
nextP[8][16] = P[8][16] + P[5][16]*dt; |
nextP[9][16] = P[9][16]; |
nextP[10][16] = P[10][16]; |
nextP[11][16] = P[11][16]; |
nextP[12][16] = P[12][16]; |
nextP[13][16] = P[13][16]; |
nextP[14][16] = P[14][16]; |
nextP[15][16] = P[15][16]; |
nextP[16][16] = P[16][16]; |
nextP[0][17] = P[0][17]*SPP[5] - P[1][17]*SPP[4] + P[2][17]*SPP[8] + P[9][17]*SPP[22] + P[12][17]*SPP[18]; |
nextP[1][17] = P[1][17]*SPP[6] - P[0][17]*SPP[2] - P[2][17]*SPP[9] + P[10][17]*SPP[22] + P[13][17]*SPP[17]; |
nextP[2][17] = P[0][17]*SPP[14] - P[1][17]*SPP[3] + P[2][17]*SPP[13] + P[11][17]*SPP[22] + P[14][17]*SPP[16]; |
nextP[3][17] = P[3][17] + P[0][17]*SPP[1] + P[1][17]*SPP[19] + P[2][17]*SPP[15] - P[15][17]*SPP[21]; |
nextP[4][17] = P[4][17] + P[15][17]*SF[22] + P[0][17]*SPP[20] + P[1][17]*SPP[12] + P[2][17]*SPP[11]; |
nextP[5][17] = P[5][17] + P[15][17]*SF[20] - P[0][17]*SPP[7] + P[1][17]*SPP[10] + P[2][17]*SPP[0]; |
nextP[6][17] = P[6][17] + P[3][17]*dt; |
nextP[7][17] = P[7][17] + P[4][17]*dt; |
nextP[8][17] = P[8][17] + P[5][17]*dt; |
nextP[9][17] = P[9][17]; |
nextP[10][17] = P[10][17]; |
nextP[11][17] = P[11][17]; |
nextP[12][17] = P[12][17]; |
nextP[13][17] = P[13][17]; |
nextP[14][17] = P[14][17]; |
nextP[15][17] = P[15][17]; |
nextP[16][17] = P[16][17]; |
nextP[17][17] = P[17][17]; |
nextP[0][18] = P[0][18]*SPP[5] - P[1][18]*SPP[4] + P[2][18]*SPP[8] + P[9][18]*SPP[22] + P[12][18]*SPP[18]; |
nextP[1][18] = P[1][18]*SPP[6] - P[0][18]*SPP[2] - P[2][18]*SPP[9] + P[10][18]*SPP[22] + P[13][18]*SPP[17]; |
nextP[2][18] = P[0][18]*SPP[14] - P[1][18]*SPP[3] + P[2][18]*SPP[13] + P[11][18]*SPP[22] + P[14][18]*SPP[16]; |
nextP[3][18] = P[3][18] + P[0][18]*SPP[1] + P[1][18]*SPP[19] + P[2][18]*SPP[15] - P[15][18]*SPP[21]; |
nextP[4][18] = P[4][18] + P[15][18]*SF[22] + P[0][18]*SPP[20] + P[1][18]*SPP[12] + P[2][18]*SPP[11]; |
nextP[5][18] = P[5][18] + P[15][18]*SF[20] - P[0][18]*SPP[7] + P[1][18]*SPP[10] + P[2][18]*SPP[0]; |
nextP[6][18] = P[6][18] + P[3][18]*dt; |
nextP[7][18] = P[7][18] + P[4][18]*dt; |
nextP[8][18] = P[8][18] + P[5][18]*dt; |
nextP[9][18] = P[9][18]; |
nextP[10][18] = P[10][18]; |
nextP[11][18] = P[11][18]; |
nextP[12][18] = P[12][18]; |
nextP[13][18] = P[13][18]; |
nextP[14][18] = P[14][18]; |
nextP[15][18] = P[15][18]; |
nextP[16][18] = P[16][18]; |
nextP[17][18] = P[17][18]; |
nextP[18][18] = P[18][18]; |
nextP[0][19] = P[0][19]*SPP[5] - P[1][19]*SPP[4] + P[2][19]*SPP[8] + P[9][19]*SPP[22] + P[12][19]*SPP[18]; |
nextP[1][19] = P[1][19]*SPP[6] - P[0][19]*SPP[2] - P[2][19]*SPP[9] + P[10][19]*SPP[22] + P[13][19]*SPP[17]; |
nextP[2][19] = P[0][19]*SPP[14] - P[1][19]*SPP[3] + P[2][19]*SPP[13] + P[11][19]*SPP[22] + P[14][19]*SPP[16]; |
nextP[3][19] = P[3][19] + P[0][19]*SPP[1] + P[1][19]*SPP[19] + P[2][19]*SPP[15] - P[15][19]*SPP[21]; |
nextP[4][19] = P[4][19] + P[15][19]*SF[22] + P[0][19]*SPP[20] + P[1][19]*SPP[12] + P[2][19]*SPP[11]; |
nextP[5][19] = P[5][19] + P[15][19]*SF[20] - P[0][19]*SPP[7] + P[1][19]*SPP[10] + P[2][19]*SPP[0]; |
nextP[6][19] = P[6][19] + P[3][19]*dt; |
nextP[7][19] = P[7][19] + P[4][19]*dt; |
nextP[8][19] = P[8][19] + P[5][19]*dt; |
nextP[9][19] = P[9][19]; |
nextP[10][19] = P[10][19]; |
nextP[11][19] = P[11][19]; |
nextP[12][19] = P[12][19]; |
nextP[13][19] = P[13][19]; |
nextP[14][19] = P[14][19]; |
nextP[15][19] = P[15][19]; |
nextP[16][19] = P[16][19]; |
nextP[17][19] = P[17][19]; |
nextP[18][19] = P[18][19]; |
nextP[19][19] = P[19][19]; |
nextP[0][20] = P[0][20]*SPP[5] - P[1][20]*SPP[4] + P[2][20]*SPP[8] + P[9][20]*SPP[22] + P[12][20]*SPP[18]; |
nextP[1][20] = P[1][20]*SPP[6] - P[0][20]*SPP[2] - P[2][20]*SPP[9] + P[10][20]*SPP[22] + P[13][20]*SPP[17]; |
nextP[2][20] = P[0][20]*SPP[14] - P[1][20]*SPP[3] + P[2][20]*SPP[13] + P[11][20]*SPP[22] + P[14][20]*SPP[16]; |
nextP[3][20] = P[3][20] + P[0][20]*SPP[1] + P[1][20]*SPP[19] + P[2][20]*SPP[15] - P[15][20]*SPP[21]; |
nextP[4][20] = P[4][20] + P[15][20]*SF[22] + P[0][20]*SPP[20] + P[1][20]*SPP[12] + P[2][20]*SPP[11]; |
nextP[5][20] = P[5][20] + P[15][20]*SF[20] - P[0][20]*SPP[7] + P[1][20]*SPP[10] + P[2][20]*SPP[0]; |
nextP[6][20] = P[6][20] + P[3][20]*dt; |
nextP[7][20] = P[7][20] + P[4][20]*dt; |
nextP[8][20] = P[8][20] + P[5][20]*dt; |
nextP[9][20] = P[9][20]; |
nextP[10][20] = P[10][20]; |
nextP[11][20] = P[11][20]; |
nextP[12][20] = P[12][20]; |
nextP[13][20] = P[13][20]; |
nextP[14][20] = P[14][20]; |
nextP[15][20] = P[15][20]; |
nextP[16][20] = P[16][20]; |
nextP[17][20] = P[17][20]; |
nextP[18][20] = P[18][20]; |
nextP[19][20] = P[19][20]; |
nextP[20][20] = P[20][20]; |
nextP[0][21] = P[0][21]*SPP[5] - P[1][21]*SPP[4] + P[2][21]*SPP[8] + P[9][21]*SPP[22] + P[12][21]*SPP[18]; |
nextP[1][21] = P[1][21]*SPP[6] - P[0][21]*SPP[2] - P[2][21]*SPP[9] + P[10][21]*SPP[22] + P[13][21]*SPP[17]; |
nextP[2][21] = P[0][21]*SPP[14] - P[1][21]*SPP[3] + P[2][21]*SPP[13] + P[11][21]*SPP[22] + P[14][21]*SPP[16]; |
nextP[3][21] = P[3][21] + P[0][21]*SPP[1] + P[1][21]*SPP[19] + P[2][21]*SPP[15] - P[15][21]*SPP[21]; |
nextP[4][21] = P[4][21] + P[15][21]*SF[22] + P[0][21]*SPP[20] + P[1][21]*SPP[12] + P[2][21]*SPP[11]; |
nextP[5][21] = P[5][21] + P[15][21]*SF[20] - P[0][21]*SPP[7] + P[1][21]*SPP[10] + P[2][21]*SPP[0]; |
nextP[6][21] = P[6][21] + P[3][21]*dt; |
nextP[7][21] = P[7][21] + P[4][21]*dt; |
nextP[8][21] = P[8][21] + P[5][21]*dt; |
nextP[9][21] = P[9][21]; |
nextP[10][21] = P[10][21]; |
nextP[11][21] = P[11][21]; |
nextP[12][21] = P[12][21]; |
nextP[13][21] = P[13][21]; |
nextP[14][21] = P[14][21]; |
nextP[15][21] = P[15][21]; |
nextP[16][21] = P[16][21]; |
nextP[17][21] = P[17][21]; |
nextP[18][21] = P[18][21]; |
nextP[19][21] = P[19][21]; |
nextP[20][21] = P[20][21]; |
nextP[21][21] = P[21][21]; |
if (stateIndexLim > 21) { |
nextP[0][22] = P[0][22]*SPP[5] - P[1][22]*SPP[4] + P[2][22]*SPP[8] + P[9][22]*SPP[22] + P[12][22]*SPP[18]; |
nextP[1][22] = P[1][22]*SPP[6] - P[0][22]*SPP[2] - P[2][22]*SPP[9] + P[10][22]*SPP[22] + P[13][22]*SPP[17]; |
nextP[2][22] = P[0][22]*SPP[14] - P[1][22]*SPP[3] + P[2][22]*SPP[13] + P[11][22]*SPP[22] + P[14][22]*SPP[16]; |
nextP[3][22] = P[3][22] + P[0][22]*SPP[1] + P[1][22]*SPP[19] + P[2][22]*SPP[15] - P[15][22]*SPP[21]; |
nextP[4][22] = P[4][22] + P[15][22]*SF[22] + P[0][22]*SPP[20] + P[1][22]*SPP[12] + P[2][22]*SPP[11]; |
nextP[5][22] = P[5][22] + P[15][22]*SF[20] - P[0][22]*SPP[7] + P[1][22]*SPP[10] + P[2][22]*SPP[0]; |
nextP[6][22] = P[6][22] + P[3][22]*dt; |
nextP[7][22] = P[7][22] + P[4][22]*dt; |
nextP[8][22] = P[8][22] + P[5][22]*dt; |
nextP[9][22] = P[9][22]; |
nextP[10][22] = P[10][22]; |
nextP[11][22] = P[11][22]; |
nextP[12][22] = P[12][22]; |
nextP[13][22] = P[13][22]; |
nextP[14][22] = P[14][22]; |
nextP[15][22] = P[15][22]; |
nextP[16][22] = P[16][22]; |
nextP[17][22] = P[17][22]; |
nextP[18][22] = P[18][22]; |
nextP[19][22] = P[19][22]; |
nextP[20][22] = P[20][22]; |
nextP[21][22] = P[21][22]; |
nextP[22][22] = P[22][22]; |
nextP[0][23] = P[0][23]*SPP[5] - P[1][23]*SPP[4] + P[2][23]*SPP[8] + P[9][23]*SPP[22] + P[12][23]*SPP[18]; |
nextP[1][23] = P[1][23]*SPP[6] - P[0][23]*SPP[2] - P[2][23]*SPP[9] + P[10][23]*SPP[22] + P[13][23]*SPP[17]; |
nextP[2][23] = P[0][23]*SPP[14] - P[1][23]*SPP[3] + P[2][23]*SPP[13] + P[11][23]*SPP[22] + P[14][23]*SPP[16]; |
nextP[3][23] = P[3][23] + P[0][23]*SPP[1] + P[1][23]*SPP[19] + P[2][23]*SPP[15] - P[15][23]*SPP[21]; |
nextP[4][23] = P[4][23] + P[15][23]*SF[22] + P[0][23]*SPP[20] + P[1][23]*SPP[12] + P[2][23]*SPP[11]; |
nextP[5][23] = P[5][23] + P[15][23]*SF[20] - P[0][23]*SPP[7] + P[1][23]*SPP[10] + P[2][23]*SPP[0]; |
nextP[6][23] = P[6][23] + P[3][23]*dt; |
nextP[7][23] = P[7][23] + P[4][23]*dt; |
nextP[8][23] = P[8][23] + P[5][23]*dt; |
nextP[9][23] = P[9][23]; |
nextP[10][23] = P[10][23]; |
nextP[11][23] = P[11][23]; |
nextP[12][23] = P[12][23]; |
nextP[13][23] = P[13][23]; |
nextP[14][23] = P[14][23]; |
nextP[15][23] = P[15][23]; |
nextP[16][23] = P[16][23]; |
nextP[17][23] = P[17][23]; |
nextP[18][23] = P[18][23]; |
nextP[19][23] = P[19][23]; |
nextP[20][23] = P[20][23]; |
nextP[21][23] = P[21][23]; |
nextP[22][23] = P[22][23]; |
nextP[23][23] = P[23][23]; |
} |
} |
// Copy upper diagonal to lower diagonal taking advantage of symmetry |
for (uint8_t colIndex=0; colIndex<=stateIndexLim; colIndex++) |
{ |
for (uint8_t rowIndex=0; rowIndex<colIndex; rowIndex++) |
{ |
nextP[colIndex][rowIndex] = nextP[rowIndex][colIndex]; |
} |
} |
// add the general state process noise variances |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) |
{ |
nextP[i][i] = nextP[i][i] + processNoise[i]; |
} |
// if the total position variance exceeds 1e4 (100m), then stop covariance |
// growth by setting the predicted to the previous values |
// This prevent an ill conditioned matrix from occurring for long periods |
// without GPS |
if ((P[6][6] + P[7][7]) > 1e4f) |
{ |
for (uint8_t i=6; i<=7; i++) |
{ |
for (uint8_t j=0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) |
{ |
nextP[i][j] = P[i][j]; |
nextP[j][i] = P[j][i]; |
} |
} |
} |
// copy covariances to output |
CopyCovariances(); |
// constrain diagonals to prevent ill-conditioning |
ConstrainVariances(); |
// set the flag to indicate that covariance prediction has been performed and reset the increments used by the covariance prediction |
covPredStep = true; |
|; |
|; |
dt = 0.0f; |
perf_end(_perf_CovariancePrediction); |
} |
// fuse selected position, velocity and height measurements |
void NavEKF2_core::FuseVelPosNED() |
{ |
// start performance timer |
perf_begin(_perf_FuseVelPosNED); |
// health is set bad until test passed |
velHealth = false; |
posHealth = false; |
hgtHealth = false; |
// declare variables used to check measurement errors |
Vector3f velInnov; |
// declare variables used to control access to arrays |
bool fuseData[6] = {false,false,false,false,false,false}; |
uint8_t stateIndex; |
uint8_t obsIndex; |
// declare variables used by state and covariance update calculations |
float posErr; |
Vector6 R_OBS; // Measurement variances used for fusion |
Vector6 R_OBS_DATA_CHECKS; // Measurement variances used for data checks only |
Vector6 observation; |
float SK; |
// perform sequential fusion of GPS measurements. This assumes that the |
// errors in the different velocity and position components are |
// uncorrelated which is not true, however in the absence of covariance |
// data from the GPS receiver it is the only assumption we can make |
// so we might as well take advantage of the computational efficiencies |
// associated with sequential fusion |
if (fuseVelData || fusePosData || fuseHgtData) { |
// set the GPS data timeout depending on whether airspeed data is present |
uint32_t gpsRetryTime; |
if (useAirspeed()) gpsRetryTime = frontend.gpsRetryTimeUseTAS; |
else gpsRetryTime = frontend.gpsRetryTimeNoTAS; |
// form the observation vector and zero velocity and horizontal position observations if in constant position mode |
// If in constant velocity mode, hold the last known horizontal velocity vector |
if (!constPosMode && !constVelMode) { |
observation[0] = gpsDataDelayed.vel.x + gpsVelGlitchOffset.x; |
observation[1] = gpsDataDelayed.vel.y + gpsVelGlitchOffset.y; |
observation[2] = gpsDataDelayed.vel.z; |
observation[3] = gpsDataDelayed.pos.x + gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.x; |
observation[4] = gpsDataDelayed.pos.y + gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.y; |
} else if (constPosMode) { |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=4; i++) observation[i] = 0.0f; |
} else if (constVelMode) { |
observation[0] = heldVelNE.x; |
observation[1] = heldVelNE.y; |
for (uint8_t i=2; i<=4; i++) observation[i] = 0.0f; |
} |
observation[5] = -baroDataDelayed.hgt; |
// calculate additional error in GPS position caused by manoeuvring |
posErr = frontend.gpsPosVarAccScale * accNavMag; |
// estimate the GPS Velocity, GPS horiz position and height measurement variances. |
// if the GPS is able to report a speed error, we use it to adjust the observation noise for GPS velocity |
// otherwise we scale it using manoeuvre acceleration |
if (gpsSpdAccuracy > 0.0f) { |
// use GPS receivers reported speed accuracy - floor at value set by gps noise parameter |
R_OBS[0] = sq(constrain_float(gpsSpdAccuracy, frontend._gpsHorizVelNoise, 50.0f)); |
R_OBS[2] = sq(constrain_float(gpsSpdAccuracy, frontend._gpsVertVelNoise, 50.0f)); |
} else { |
// calculate additional error in GPS velocity caused by manoeuvring |
R_OBS[0] = sq(constrain_float(frontend._gpsHorizVelNoise, 0.05f, 5.0f)) + sq(frontend.gpsNEVelVarAccScale * accNavMag); |
R_OBS[2] = sq(constrain_float(frontend._gpsVertVelNoise, 0.05f, 5.0f)) + sq(frontend.gpsDVelVarAccScale * accNavMag); |
} |
R_OBS[1] = R_OBS[0]; |
R_OBS[3] = sq(constrain_float(frontend._gpsHorizPosNoise, 0.1f, 10.0f)) + sq(posErr); |
R_OBS[4] = R_OBS[3]; |
R_OBS[5] = sq(constrain_float(frontend._baroAltNoise, 0.1f, 10.0f)); |
// reduce weighting (increase observation noise) on baro if we are likely to be in ground effect |
if ((getTakeoffExpected() || getTouchdownExpected()) && filterArmed) { |
R_OBS[5] *= frontend.gndEffectBaroScaler; |
} |
// For data integrity checks we use the same measurement variances as used to calculate the Kalman gains for all measurements except GPS horizontal velocity |
// For horizontal GPs velocity we don't want the acceptance radius to increase with reported GPS accuracy so we use a value based on best GPs perfomrance |
// plus a margin for manoeuvres. It is better to reject GPS horizontal velocity errors early |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=1; i++) R_OBS_DATA_CHECKS[i] = sq(constrain_float(frontend._gpsHorizVelNoise, 0.05f, 5.0f)) + sq(frontend.gpsNEVelVarAccScale * accNavMag); |
for (uint8_t i=2; i<=5; i++) R_OBS_DATA_CHECKS[i] = R_OBS[i]; |
// if vertical GPS velocity data is being used, check to see if the GPS vertical velocity and barometer |
// innovations have the same sign and are outside limits. If so, then it is likely aliasing is affecting |
// the accelerometers and we should disable the GPS and barometer innovation consistency checks. |
if (useGpsVertVel && fuseVelData && (imuSampleTime_ms - lastHgtReceived_ms) < (2 * frontend.msecHgtAvg)) { |
// calculate innovations for height and vertical GPS vel measurements |
float hgtErr = stateStruct.position.z - observation[5]; |
float velDErr = stateStruct.velocity.z - observation[2]; |
// check if they are the same sign and both more than 3-sigma out of bounds |
if ((hgtErr*velDErr > 0.0f) && (sq(hgtErr) > 9.0f * (P[8][8] + R_OBS_DATA_CHECKS[5])) && (sq(velDErr) > 9.0f * (P[5][5] + R_OBS_DATA_CHECKS[2]))) { |
badIMUdata = true; |
} else { |
badIMUdata = false; |
} |
} |
// calculate innovations and check GPS data validity using an innovation consistency check |
// test position measurements |
if (fusePosData) { |
// test horizontal position measurements |
innovVelPos[3] = stateStruct.position.x - observation[3]; |
innovVelPos[4] = stateStruct.position.y - observation[4]; |
varInnovVelPos[3] = P[6][6] + R_OBS_DATA_CHECKS[3]; |
varInnovVelPos[4] = P[7][7] + R_OBS_DATA_CHECKS[4]; |
// apply an innovation consistency threshold test, but don't fail if bad IMU data |
float maxPosInnov2 = sq(frontend._gpsPosInnovGate)*(varInnovVelPos[3] + varInnovVelPos[4]); |
posTestRatio = (sq(innovVelPos[3]) + sq(innovVelPos[4])) / maxPosInnov2; |
posHealth = ((posTestRatio < 1.0f) || badIMUdata); |
// declare a timeout condition if we have been too long without data or not aiding |
posTimeout = (((imuSampleTime_ms - lastPosPassTime) > gpsRetryTime) || PV_AidingMode == AID_NONE); |
// use position data if healthy, timed out, or in constant position mode |
if (posHealth || posTimeout || constPosMode) { |
posHealth = true; |
// only reset the failed time and do glitch timeout checks if we are doing full aiding |
if (PV_AidingMode == AID_ABSOLUTE) { |
lastPosPassTime = imuSampleTime_ms; |
// if timed out or outside the specified uncertainty radius, increment the offset applied to GPS data to compensate for large GPS position jumps |
if (posTimeout || ((varInnovVelPos[3] + varInnovVelPos[4]) > sq(float(frontend._gpsGlitchRadiusMax)))) { |
gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.x += innovVelPos[3]; |
gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.y += innovVelPos[4]; |
// limit the radius of the offset and decay the offset to zero radially |
decayGpsOffset(); |
// reset the position to the current GPS position which will include the glitch correction offset |
ResetPosition(); |
// reset the velocity to the GPS velocity |
ResetVelocity(); |
// don't fuse data on this time step |
fusePosData = false; |
// record the fail time |
lastPosFailTime = imuSampleTime_ms; |
// Reset the normalised innovation to avoid false failing the bad position fusion test |
posTestRatio = 0.0f; |
} |
} |
} else { |
posHealth = false; |
} |
} |
// test velocity measurements |
if (fuseVelData) { |
// test velocity measurements |
uint8_t imax = 2; |
if (frontend._fusionModeGPS == 1 || constVelMode) { |
imax = 1; |
} |
float innovVelSumSq = 0; // sum of squares of velocity innovations |
float varVelSum = 0; // sum of velocity innovation variances |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=imax; i++) { |
// velocity states start at index 3 |
stateIndex = i + 3; |
// calculate innovations using blended and single IMU predicted states |
velInnov[i] = stateStruct.velocity[i] - observation[i]; // blended |
// calculate innovation variance |
varInnovVelPos[i] = P[stateIndex][stateIndex] + R_OBS_DATA_CHECKS[i]; |
// sum the innovation and innovation variances |
innovVelSumSq += sq(velInnov[i]); |
varVelSum += varInnovVelPos[i]; |
} |
// apply an innovation consistency threshold test, but don't fail if bad IMU data |
// calculate the test ratio |
velTestRatio = innovVelSumSq / (varVelSum * sq(frontend._gpsVelInnovGate)); |
// fail if the ratio is greater than 1 |
velHealth = ((velTestRatio < 1.0f) || badIMUdata); |
// declare a timeout if we have not fused velocity data for too long or not aiding |
velTimeout = (((imuSampleTime_ms - lastVelPassTime) > gpsRetryTime) || PV_AidingMode == AID_NONE); |
// if data is healthy or in constant velocity mode we fuse it |
if (velHealth || velTimeout || constVelMode) { |
velHealth = true; |
// restart the timeout count |
lastVelPassTime = imuSampleTime_ms; |
} else if (velTimeout && !posHealth && PV_AidingMode == AID_ABSOLUTE) { |
// if data is not healthy and timed out and position is unhealthy and we are using aiding, we reset the velocity, but do not fuse data on this time step |
ResetVelocity(); |
fuseVelData = false; |
} else { |
// if data is unhealthy and position is healthy, we do not fuse it |
velHealth = false; |
} |
} |
// test height measurements |
if (fuseHgtData) { |
// calculate height innovations |
innovVelPos[5] = stateStruct.position.z - observation[5]; |
varInnovVelPos[5] = P[8][8] + R_OBS_DATA_CHECKS[5]; |
// calculate the innovation consistency test ratio |
hgtTestRatio = sq(innovVelPos[5]) / (sq(frontend._hgtInnovGate) * varInnovVelPos[5]); |
// fail if the ratio is > 1, but don't fail if bad IMU data |
hgtHealth = ((hgtTestRatio < 1.0f) || badIMUdata); |
hgtTimeout = (imuSampleTime_ms - lastHgtPassTime) > hgtRetryTime; |
// Fuse height data if healthy or timed out or in constant position mode |
if (hgtHealth || hgtTimeout || constPosMode) { |
hgtHealth = true; |
lastHgtPassTime = imuSampleTime_ms; |
// if timed out, reset the height, but do not fuse data on this time step |
if (hgtTimeout) { |
ResetHeight(); |
fuseHgtData = false; |
} |
} |
else { |
hgtHealth = false; |
} |
} |
// set range for sequential fusion of velocity and position measurements depending on which data is available and its health |
if (fuseVelData && velHealth) { |
fuseData[0] = true; |
fuseData[1] = true; |
if (useGpsVertVel) { |
fuseData[2] = true; |
} |
|; |
} |
if (fusePosData && posHealth) { |
fuseData[3] = true; |
fuseData[4] = true; |
|; |
} |
if (fuseHgtData && hgtHealth) { |
fuseData[5] = true; |
} |
if (constVelMode) { |
fuseData[0] = true; |
fuseData[1] = true; |
|; |
} |
// fuse measurements sequentially |
for (obsIndex=0; obsIndex<=5; obsIndex++) { |
if (fuseData[obsIndex]) { |
stateIndex = 3 + obsIndex; |
// calculate the measurement innovation, using states from a different time coordinate if fusing height data |
// adjust scaling on GPS measurement noise variances if not enough satellites |
if (obsIndex <= 2) |
{ |
innovVelPos[obsIndex] = stateStruct.velocity[obsIndex] - observation[obsIndex]; |
R_OBS[obsIndex] *= sq(gpsNoiseScaler); |
} |
else if (obsIndex == 3 || obsIndex == 4) { |
innovVelPos[obsIndex] = stateStruct.position[obsIndex-3] - observation[obsIndex]; |
R_OBS[obsIndex] *= sq(gpsNoiseScaler); |
} else { |
innovVelPos[obsIndex] = stateStruct.position[obsIndex-3] - observation[obsIndex]; |
if (obsIndex == 5) { |
const float gndMaxBaroErr = 4.0f; |
const float gndBaroInnovFloor = -0.5f; |
if(getTouchdownExpected()) { |
// when a touchdown is expected, floor the barometer innovation at gndBaroInnovFloor |
// constrain the correction between 0 and gndBaroInnovFloor+gndMaxBaroErr |
// this function looks like this: |
// |/ |
//---------|--------- |
// ____/| |
// / | |
// / | |
innovVelPos[5] += constrain_float(-innovVelPos[5]+gndBaroInnovFloor, 0.0f, gndBaroInnovFloor+gndMaxBaroErr); |
} |
} |
} |
// calculate the Kalman gain and calculate innovation variances |
varInnovVelPos[obsIndex] = P[stateIndex][stateIndex] + R_OBS[obsIndex]; |
SK = 1.0f/varInnovVelPos[obsIndex]; |
for (uint8_t i= 0; i<=15; i++) { |
Kfusion[i] = P[i][stateIndex]*SK; |
} |
// inhibit magnetic field state estimation by setting Kalman gains to zero |
if (!inhibitMagStates) { |
for (uint8_t i = 16; i<=21; i++) { |
Kfusion[i] = P[i][stateIndex]*SK; |
} |
} else { |
for (uint8_t i = 16; i<=21; i++) { |
Kfusion[i] = 0.0f; |
} |
} |
// inhibit wind state estimation by setting Kalman gains to zero |
if (!inhibitWindStates) { |
Kfusion[22] = P[22][stateIndex]*SK; |
Kfusion[23] = P[23][stateIndex]*SK; |
} else { |
Kfusion[22] = 0.0f; |
Kfusion[23] = 0.0f; |
} |
// zero the attitude error state - by definition it is assumed to be zero before each observaton fusion |
|; |
// calculate state corrections and re-normalise the quaternions for states predicted using the blended IMU data |
// Don't apply corrections to Z bias state as this has been done already as part of the single IMU calculations |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
statesArray[i] = statesArray[i] - Kfusion[i] * innovVelPos[obsIndex]; |
} |
// the first 3 states represent the angular misalignment vector. This is |
// is used to correct the estimated quaternion |
stateStruct.quat.rotate(stateStruct.angErr); |
// sum the attitude error from velocity and position fusion only |
// used as a metric for convergence monitoring |
if (obsIndex != 5) { |
tiltErrVec += stateStruct.angErr; |
} |
// update the covariance - take advantage of direct observation of a single state at index = stateIndex to reduce computations |
// this is a numerically optimised implementation of standard equation P = (I - K*H)*P; |
for (uint8_t i= 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
for (uint8_t j= 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) |
{ |
KHP[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * P[stateIndex][j]; |
} |
} |
for (uint8_t i= 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
for (uint8_t j= 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) { |
P[i][j] = P[i][j] - KHP[i][j]; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// force the covariance matrix to be symmetrical and limit the variances to prevent ill-condiioning. |
ForceSymmetry(); |
ConstrainVariances(); |
// stop performance timer |
perf_end(_perf_FuseVelPosNED); |
} |
// fuse magnetometer measurements and apply innovation consistency checks |
// fuse each axis on consecutive time steps to spread computional load |
void NavEKF2_core::FuseMagnetometer() |
{ |
// declarations |
ftype &q0 = mag_state.q0; |
ftype &q1 = mag_state.q1; |
ftype &q2 = mag_state.q2; |
ftype &q3 = mag_state.q3; |
ftype &magN = mag_state.magN; |
ftype &magE = mag_state.magE; |
ftype &magD = mag_state.magD; |
ftype &magXbias = mag_state.magXbias; |
ftype &magYbias = mag_state.magYbias; |
ftype &magZbias = mag_state.magZbias; |
uint8_t &obsIndex = mag_state.obsIndex; |
Matrix3f &DCM = mag_state.DCM; |
Vector3f &MagPred = mag_state.MagPred; |
ftype &R_MAG = mag_state.R_MAG; |
ftype *SH_MAG = &mag_state.SH_MAG[0]; |
Vector24 H_MAG; |
Vector6 SK_MX; |
Vector6 SK_MY; |
Vector6 SK_MZ; |
// perform sequential fusion of magnetometer measurements. |
// this assumes that the errors in the different components are |
// uncorrelated which is not true, however in the absence of covariance |
// data fit is the only assumption we can make |
// so we might as well take advantage of the computational efficiencies |
// associated with sequential fusion |
// calculate observation jacobians and Kalman gains |
if (obsIndex == 0) |
{ |
// copy required states to local variable names |
q0 = stateStruct.quat[0]; |
q1 = stateStruct.quat[1]; |
q2 = stateStruct.quat[2]; |
q3 = stateStruct.quat[3]; |
magN = stateStruct.earth_magfield[0]; |
magE = stateStruct.earth_magfield[1]; |
magD = stateStruct.earth_magfield[2]; |
magXbias = stateStruct.body_magfield[0]; |
magYbias = stateStruct.body_magfield[1]; |
magZbias = stateStruct.body_magfield[2]; |
// rotate predicted earth components into body axes and calculate |
// predicted measurements |
DCM[0][0] = q0*q0 + q1*q1 - q2*q2 - q3*q3; |
DCM[0][1] = 2*(q1*q2 + q0*q3); |
DCM[0][2] = 2*(q1*q3-q0*q2); |
DCM[1][0] = 2*(q1*q2 - q0*q3); |
DCM[1][1] = q0*q0 - q1*q1 + q2*q2 - q3*q3; |
DCM[1][2] = 2*(q2*q3 + q0*q1); |
DCM[2][0] = 2*(q1*q3 + q0*q2); |
DCM[2][1] = 2*(q2*q3 - q0*q1); |
DCM[2][2] = q0*q0 - q1*q1 - q2*q2 + q3*q3; |
MagPred[0] = DCM[0][0]*magN + DCM[0][1]*magE + DCM[0][2]*magD + magXbias; |
MagPred[1] = DCM[1][0]*magN + DCM[1][1]*magE + DCM[1][2]*magD + magYbias; |
MagPred[2] = DCM[2][0]*magN + DCM[2][1]*magE + DCM[2][2]*magD + magZbias; |
// scale magnetometer observation error with total angular rate |
R_MAG = sq(constrain_float(frontend._magNoise, 0.01f, 0.5f)) + sq(frontend.magVarRateScale*imuDataDelayed.delAng.length() / dtIMUavg); |
// calculate observation jacobians |
SH_MAG[0] = sq(q0) - sq(q1) + sq(q2) - sq(q3); |
SH_MAG[1] = sq(q0) + sq(q1) - sq(q2) - sq(q3); |
SH_MAG[2] = sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3); |
SH_MAG[3] = 2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3; |
SH_MAG[4] = 2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2; |
SH_MAG[5] = 2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3; |
SH_MAG[6] = magE*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3); |
SH_MAG[7] = 2*q1*q3 - 2*q0*q2; |
SH_MAG[8] = 2*q0*q3; |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) H_MAG[i] = 0.0f; |
H_MAG[1] = SH_MAG[6] - magD*SH_MAG[2] - magN*SH_MAG[5]; |
H_MAG[2] = magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2); |
H_MAG[16] = SH_MAG[1]; |
H_MAG[17] = SH_MAG[4]; |
H_MAG[18] = SH_MAG[7]; |
H_MAG[19] = 1; |
// calculate Kalman gain |
varInnovMag[0] = (P[19][19] + R_MAG - P[1][19]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[16][19]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][19]*SH_MAG[4] + P[18][19]*SH_MAG[7] + P[2][19]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2)) - (magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5])*(P[19][1] - P[1][1]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[16][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][1]*SH_MAG[4] + P[18][1]*SH_MAG[7] + P[2][1]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2))) + SH_MAG[1]*(P[19][16] - P[1][16]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[16][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][16]*SH_MAG[4] + P[18][16]*SH_MAG[7] + P[2][16]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2))) + SH_MAG[4]*(P[19][17] - P[1][17]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[16][17]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][17]*SH_MAG[4] + P[18][17]*SH_MAG[7] + P[2][17]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2))) + SH_MAG[7]*(P[19][18] - P[1][18]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[16][18]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][18]*SH_MAG[4] + P[18][18]*SH_MAG[7] + P[2][18]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2))) + (magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2))*(P[19][2] - P[1][2]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[16][2]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][2]*SH_MAG[4] + P[18][2]*SH_MAG[7] + P[2][2]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2)))); |
if (varInnovMag[0] >= R_MAG) { |
SK_MX[0] = 1.0f / varInnovMag[0]; |
faultStatus.bad_xmag = false; |
} else { |
// the calculation is badly conditioned, so we cannot perform fusion on this step |
// we reset the covariance matrix and try again next measurement |
CovarianceInit(); |
obsIndex = 1; |
faultStatus.bad_xmag = true; |
return; |
} |
SK_MX[1] = magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2); |
SK_MX[2] = magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]; |
SK_MX[3] = SH_MAG[7]; |
Kfusion[0] = SK_MX[0]*(P[0][19] + P[0][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[0][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[0][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[0][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[0][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[1] = SK_MX[0]*(P[1][19] + P[1][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[1][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[1][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[1][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[1][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[2] = SK_MX[0]*(P[2][19] + P[2][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[2][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[2][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[2][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[2][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[3] = SK_MX[0]*(P[3][19] + P[3][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[3][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[3][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[3][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[3][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[4] = SK_MX[0]*(P[4][19] + P[4][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[4][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[4][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[4][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[4][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[5] = SK_MX[0]*(P[5][19] + P[5][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[5][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[5][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[5][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[5][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[6] = SK_MX[0]*(P[6][19] + P[6][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[6][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[6][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[6][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[6][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[7] = SK_MX[0]*(P[7][19] + P[7][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[7][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[7][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[7][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[7][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[8] = SK_MX[0]*(P[8][19] + P[8][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[8][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[8][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[8][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[8][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[9] = SK_MX[0]*(P[9][19] + P[9][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[9][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[9][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[9][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[9][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[10] = SK_MX[0]*(P[10][19] + P[10][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[10][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[10][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[10][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[10][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[11] = SK_MX[0]*(P[11][19] + P[11][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[11][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[11][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[11][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[11][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[12] = SK_MX[0]*(P[12][19] + P[12][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[12][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[12][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[12][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[12][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[13] = SK_MX[0]*(P[13][19] + P[13][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[13][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[13][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[13][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[13][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[14] = SK_MX[0]*(P[14][19] + P[14][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[14][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[14][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[14][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[14][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
// this term has been zeroed to improve stability of the Z accel bias |
Kfusion[15] = 0.0f;//SK_MX[0]*(P[15][19] + P[15][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[15][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[15][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[15][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[15][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit wind state estimation |
if (!inhibitWindStates) { |
Kfusion[22] = SK_MX[0]*(P[22][19] + P[22][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[22][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[22][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[22][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[22][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[23] = SK_MX[0]*(P[23][19] + P[23][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[23][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[23][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[23][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[23][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
} else { |
Kfusion[22] = 0.0f; |
Kfusion[23] = 0.0f; |
} |
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit magnetic field state estimation |
if (!inhibitMagStates) { |
Kfusion[16] = SK_MX[0]*(P[16][19] + P[16][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[16][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[16][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[16][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[16][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[17] = SK_MX[0]*(P[17][19] + P[17][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[17][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[17][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[17][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[18] = SK_MX[0]*(P[18][19] + P[18][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[18][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[18][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[18][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[18][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[19] = SK_MX[0]*(P[19][19] + P[19][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[19][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[19][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[19][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[19][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[20] = SK_MX[0]*(P[20][19] + P[20][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[20][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[20][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[20][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[20][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
Kfusion[21] = SK_MX[0]*(P[21][19] + P[21][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[21][17]*SH_MAG[4] - P[21][1]*SK_MX[2] + P[21][2]*SK_MX[1] + P[21][18]*SK_MX[3]); |
} else { |
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=21; i++) { |
Kfusion[i] = 0.0f; |
} |
} |
// reset the observation index to 0 (we start by fusing the X measurement) |
obsIndex = 0; |
// set flags to indicate to other processes that fusion has been performed and is required on the next frame |
// this can be used by other fusion processes to avoid fusing on the same frame as this expensive step |
magFusePerformed = true; |
magFuseRequired = true; |
} |
else if (obsIndex == 1) // we are now fusing the Y measurement |
{ |
// calculate observation jacobians |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) H_MAG[i] = 0.0f; |
H_MAG[0] = magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]; |
H_MAG[2] = - magE*SH_MAG[4] - magD*SH_MAG[7] - magN*SH_MAG[1]; |
H_MAG[16] = 2*q1*q2 - SH_MAG[8]; |
H_MAG[17] = SH_MAG[0]; |
H_MAG[18] = SH_MAG[3]; |
H_MAG[20] = 1; |
// calculate Kalman gain |
varInnovMag[1] = (P[20][20] + R_MAG + P[0][20]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[17][20]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][20]*SH_MAG[3] - (SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2)*(P[20][16] + P[0][16]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[17][16]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][16]*SH_MAG[3] - P[2][16]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) - P[16][16]*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2)) - P[2][20]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) + (magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5])*(P[20][0] + P[0][0]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[17][0]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][0]*SH_MAG[3] - P[2][0]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) - P[16][0]*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2)) + SH_MAG[0]*(P[20][17] + P[0][17]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[17][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][17]*SH_MAG[3] - P[2][17]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) - P[16][17]*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2)) + SH_MAG[3]*(P[20][18] + P[0][18]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[17][18]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][18]*SH_MAG[3] - P[2][18]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) - P[16][18]*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2)) - P[16][20]*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2) - (magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1])*(P[20][2] + P[0][2]*(magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]) + P[17][2]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][2]*SH_MAG[3] - P[2][2]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]) - P[16][2]*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2))); |
if (varInnovMag[1] >= R_MAG) { |
SK_MY[0] = 1.0f / varInnovMag[1]; |
faultStatus.bad_ymag = false; |
} else { |
// the calculation is badly conditioned, so we cannot perform fusion on this step |
// we reset the covariance matrix and try again next measurement |
CovarianceInit(); |
obsIndex = 2; |
faultStatus.bad_ymag = true; |
return; |
} |
SK_MY[1] = magE*SH_MAG[4] + magD*SH_MAG[7] + magN*SH_MAG[1]; |
SK_MY[2] = magD*SH_MAG[2] - SH_MAG[6] + magN*SH_MAG[5]; |
SK_MY[3] = SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2; |
Kfusion[0] = SK_MY[0]*(P[0][20] + P[0][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[0][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[0][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[0][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[0][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[1] = SK_MY[0]*(P[1][20] + P[1][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[1][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[1][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[1][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[1][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[2] = SK_MY[0]*(P[2][20] + P[2][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[2][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[2][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[2][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[2][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[3] = SK_MY[0]*(P[3][20] + P[3][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[3][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[3][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[3][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[3][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[4] = SK_MY[0]*(P[4][20] + P[4][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[4][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[4][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[4][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[4][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[5] = SK_MY[0]*(P[5][20] + P[5][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[5][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[5][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[5][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[5][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[6] = SK_MY[0]*(P[6][20] + P[6][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[6][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[6][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[6][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[6][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[7] = SK_MY[0]*(P[7][20] + P[7][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[7][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[7][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[7][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[7][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[8] = SK_MY[0]*(P[8][20] + P[8][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[8][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[8][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[8][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[8][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[9] = SK_MY[0]*(P[9][20] + P[9][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[9][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[9][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[9][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[9][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[10] = SK_MY[0]*(P[10][20] + P[10][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[10][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[10][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[10][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[10][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[11] = SK_MY[0]*(P[11][20] + P[11][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[11][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[11][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[11][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[11][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[12] = SK_MY[0]*(P[12][20] + P[12][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[12][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[12][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[12][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[12][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[13] = SK_MY[0]*(P[13][20] + P[13][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[13][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[13][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[13][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[13][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[14] = SK_MY[0]*(P[14][20] + P[14][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[14][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[14][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[14][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[14][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
// this term has been zeroed to improve stability of the Z accel bias |
Kfusion[15] = 0.0f;//SK_MY[0]*(P[15][20] + P[15][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[15][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[15][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[15][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[15][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit wind state estimation |
if (!inhibitWindStates) { |
Kfusion[22] = SK_MY[0]*(P[22][20] + P[22][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[22][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[22][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[22][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[22][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[23] = SK_MY[0]*(P[23][20] + P[23][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[23][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[23][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[23][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[23][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
} else { |
Kfusion[22] = 0.0f; |
Kfusion[23] = 0.0f; |
} |
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit magnetic field state estimation |
if (!inhibitMagStates) { |
Kfusion[16] = SK_MY[0]*(P[16][20] + P[16][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[16][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[16][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[16][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[16][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[17] = SK_MY[0]*(P[17][20] + P[17][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[17][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[17][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[17][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[17][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[18] = SK_MY[0]*(P[18][20] + P[18][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[18][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[18][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[18][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[19] = SK_MY[0]*(P[19][20] + P[19][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[19][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[19][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[19][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[19][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[20] = SK_MY[0]*(P[20][20] + P[20][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[20][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[20][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[20][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[20][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
Kfusion[21] = SK_MY[0]*(P[21][20] + P[21][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[21][18]*SH_MAG[3] + P[21][0]*SK_MY[2] - P[21][2]*SK_MY[1] - P[21][16]*SK_MY[3]); |
} else { |
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=21; i++) { |
Kfusion[i] = 0.0f; |
} |
} |
// set flags to indicate to other processes that fusion has been performede and is required on the next frame |
// this can be used by other fusion processes to avoid fusing on the same frame as this expensive step |
magFusePerformed = true; |
magFuseRequired = true; |
} |
else if (obsIndex == 2) // we are now fusing the Z measurement |
{ |
// calculate observation jacobians |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) H_MAG[i] = 0.0f; |
H_MAG[0] = magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2) - magD*SH_MAG[3] - magE*SH_MAG[0]; |
H_MAG[1] = magE*SH_MAG[4] + magN*SH_MAG[1] - magD*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3); |
H_MAG[16] = SH_MAG[5]; |
H_MAG[17] = 2*q2*q3 - 2*q0*q1; |
H_MAG[18] = SH_MAG[2]; |
H_MAG[21] = 1; |
// calculate Kalman gain |
varInnovMag[2] = (P[21][21] + R_MAG + P[16][21]*SH_MAG[5] + P[18][21]*SH_MAG[2] + SH_MAG[5]*(P[21][16] + P[16][16]*SH_MAG[5] + P[18][16]*SH_MAG[2] - P[0][16]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2)) - P[17][16]*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) + P[1][16]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magN*SH_MAG[1] - magD*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))) + SH_MAG[2]*(P[21][18] + P[16][18]*SH_MAG[5] + P[18][18]*SH_MAG[2] - P[0][18]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2)) - P[17][18]*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) + P[1][18]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magN*SH_MAG[1] - magD*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))) - P[0][21]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2)) - (magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2))*(P[21][0] + P[16][0]*SH_MAG[5] + P[18][0]*SH_MAG[2] - P[0][0]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2)) - P[17][0]*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) + P[1][0]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magN*SH_MAG[1] - magD*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))) - P[17][21]*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) - (2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3)*(P[21][17] + P[16][17]*SH_MAG[5] + P[18][17]*SH_MAG[2] - P[0][17]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2)) - P[17][17]*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) + P[1][17]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magN*SH_MAG[1] - magD*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))) + P[1][21]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magN*SH_MAG[1] - magD*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3)) + (magE*SH_MAG[4] + magN*SH_MAG[1] - magD*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))*(P[21][1] + P[16][1]*SH_MAG[5] + P[18][1]*SH_MAG[2] - P[0][1]*(magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2)) - P[17][1]*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) + P[1][1]*(magE*SH_MAG[4] + magN*SH_MAG[1] - magD*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3)))); |
if (varInnovMag[2] >= R_MAG) { |
SK_MZ[0] = 1.0f / varInnovMag[2]; |
faultStatus.bad_zmag = false; |
} else { |
// the calculation is badly conditioned, so we cannot perform fusion on this step |
// we reset the covariance matrix and try again next measurement |
CovarianceInit(); |
obsIndex = 3; |
faultStatus.bad_zmag = true; |
return; |
} |
SK_MZ[1] = magE*SH_MAG[4] + magN*SH_MAG[1] - magD*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3); |
SK_MZ[2] = magE*SH_MAG[0] + magD*SH_MAG[3] - magN*(SH_MAG[8] - 2*q1*q2); |
SK_MZ[3] = 2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3; |
Kfusion[0] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[0][21] + P[0][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[0][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[0][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[0][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[0][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[1] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[1][21] + P[1][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[1][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[1][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[1][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[1][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[2] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[2][21] + P[2][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[2][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[2][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[2][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[2][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[3] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[3][21] + P[3][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[3][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[3][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[3][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[3][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[4] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[4][21] + P[4][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[4][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[4][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[4][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[4][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[5] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[5][21] + P[5][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[5][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[5][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[5][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[5][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[6] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[6][21] + P[6][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[6][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[6][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[6][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[6][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[7] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[7][21] + P[7][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[7][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[7][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[7][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[7][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[8] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[8][21] + P[8][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[8][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[8][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[8][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[8][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[9] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[9][21] + P[9][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[9][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[9][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[9][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[9][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[10] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[10][21] + P[10][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[10][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[10][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[10][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[10][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[11] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[11][21] + P[11][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[11][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[11][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[11][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[11][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[12] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[12][21] + P[12][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[12][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[12][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[12][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[12][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[13] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[13][21] + P[13][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[13][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[13][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[13][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[13][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[14] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[14][21] + P[14][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[14][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[14][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[14][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[14][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
// this term has been zeroed to improve stability of the Z accel bias |
Kfusion[15] = 0.0f;//SK_MZ[0]*(P[15][21] + P[15][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[15][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[15][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[15][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[15][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit wind state estimation |
if (!inhibitWindStates) { |
Kfusion[22] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[22][21] + P[22][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[22][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[22][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[22][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[22][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[23] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[23][21] + P[23][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[23][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[23][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[23][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[23][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
} else { |
Kfusion[22] = 0.0f; |
Kfusion[23] = 0.0f; |
} |
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit magnetic field state estimation |
if (!inhibitMagStates) { |
Kfusion[16] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[16][21] + P[16][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[16][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[16][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[16][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[16][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[17] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[17][21] + P[17][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[17][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[17][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[17][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[17][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[18] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[18][21] + P[18][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[18][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[18][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[18][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[18][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[19] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[19][21] + P[19][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[19][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[19][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[19][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[19][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[20] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[20][21] + P[20][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[20][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[20][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[20][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[20][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
Kfusion[21] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[21][21] + P[21][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[21][16]*SH_MAG[5] - P[21][0]*SK_MZ[2] + P[21][1]*SK_MZ[1] - P[21][17]*SK_MZ[3]); |
} else { |
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=21; i++) { |
Kfusion[i] = 0.0f; |
} |
} |
// set flags to indicate to other processes that fusion has been performede and is required on the next frame |
// this can be used by other fusion processes to avoid fusing on the same frame as this expensive step |
magFusePerformed = true; |
magFuseRequired = false; |
} |
// calculate the measurement innovation |
innovMag[obsIndex] = MagPred[obsIndex] - magDataDelayed.mag[obsIndex]; |
// calculate the innovation test ratio |
magTestRatio[obsIndex] = sq(innovMag[obsIndex]) / (sq(frontend._magInnovGate) * varInnovMag[obsIndex]); |
// check the last values from all components and set magnetometer health accordingly |
magHealth = (magTestRatio[0] < 1.0f && magTestRatio[1] < 1.0f && magTestRatio[2] < 1.0f); |
// Don't fuse unless all componenets pass. The exception is if the bad health has timed out and we are not a fly forward vehicle |
// In this case we might as well try using the magnetometer, but with a reduced weighting |
if (magHealth || ((magTestRatio[obsIndex] < 1.0f) && !assume_zero_sideslip() && magTimeout)) { |
// zero the attitude error state - by definition it is assumed to be zero before each observaton fusion |
|; |
// correct the state vector |
for (uint8_t j= 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) { |
// If we are forced to use a bad compass in flight, we reduce the weighting by a factor of 4 |
if (!magHealth && !constPosMode) { |
Kfusion[j] *= 0.25f; |
} |
// If in the air and there is no other form of heading reference or we are yawing rapidly which creates larger inertial yaw errors, |
// we strengthen the magnetometer attitude correction |
if (filterArmed && (constPosMode || highYawRate) && j <= 3) { |
Kfusion[j] *= 4.0f; |
} |
statesArray[j] = statesArray[j] - Kfusion[j] * innovMag[obsIndex]; |
} |
// the first 3 states represent the angular misalignment vector. This is |
// is used to correct the estimated quaternion on the current time step |
stateStruct.quat.rotate(stateStruct.angErr); |
// correct the covariance P = (I - K*H)*P |
// take advantage of the empty columns in KH to reduce the |
// number of operations |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=2; j++) { |
KH[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * H_MAG[j]; |
} |
for (uint8_t j = 3; j<=15; j++) { |
KH[i][j] = 0.0f; |
} |
for (uint8_t j = 16; j<=21; j++) { |
if (!inhibitMagStates) { |
KH[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * H_MAG[j]; |
} else { |
KH[i][j] = 0.0f; |
} |
} |
for (uint8_t j = 22; j<=23; j++) { |
KH[i][j] = 0.0f; |
} |
} |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) { |
KHP[i][j] = 0; |
for (uint8_t k = 0; k<=2; k++) { |
KHP[i][j] = KHP[i][j] + KH[i][k] * P[k][j]; |
} |
if (!inhibitMagStates) { |
for (uint8_t k = 16; k<=21; k++) { |
KHP[i][j] = KHP[i][j] + KH[i][k] * P[k][j]; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) { |
P[i][j] = P[i][j] - KHP[i][j]; |
} |
} |
} |
// force the covariance matrix to be symmetrical and limit the variances to prevent |
// ill-condiioning. |
ForceSymmetry(); |
ConstrainVariances(); |
} |
// fuse true airspeed measurements |
void NavEKF2_core::FuseAirspeed() |
{ |
// start performance timer |
perf_begin(_perf_FuseAirspeed); |
// declarations |
float vn; |
float ve; |
float vd; |
float vwn; |
float vwe; |
float EAS2TAS = _ahrs->get_EAS2TAS(); |
const float R_TAS = sq(constrain_float(frontend._easNoise, 0.5f, 5.0f) * constrain_float(EAS2TAS, 0.9f, 10.0f)); |
Vector3 SH_TAS; |
float SK_TAS; |
Vector24 H_TAS; |
float VtasPred; |
// health is set bad until test passed |
tasHealth = false; |
// copy required states to local variable names |
vn = stateStruct.velocity.x; |
ve = stateStruct.velocity.y; |
vd = stateStruct.velocity.z; |
vwn = stateStruct.wind_vel.x; |
vwe = stateStruct.wind_vel.y; |
// calculate the predicted airspeed, compensating for bias in GPS velocity when we are pulling a glitch offset back in |
VtasPred = pythagorous3((ve - gpsVelGlitchOffset.y - vwe) , (vn - gpsVelGlitchOffset.x - vwn) , vd); |
// perform fusion of True Airspeed measurement |
if (VtasPred > 1.0f) |
{ |
// calculate observation jacobians |
SH_TAS[0] = 1/(sqrt(sq(ve - vwe) + sq(vn - vwn) + sq(vd))); |
SH_TAS[1] = (SH_TAS[0]*(2*ve - 2*vwe))/2; |
SH_TAS[2] = (SH_TAS[0]*(2*vn - 2*vwn))/2; |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=2; i++) H_TAS[i] = 0.0f; |
H_TAS[3] = SH_TAS[2]; |
H_TAS[4] = SH_TAS[1]; |
H_TAS[5] = vd*SH_TAS[0]; |
H_TAS[22] = -SH_TAS[2]; |
H_TAS[23] = -SH_TAS[1]; |
for (uint8_t i=6; i<=21; i++) H_TAS[i] = 0.0f; |
// calculate Kalman gains |
float temp = (R_TAS + SH_TAS[2]*(P[3][3]*SH_TAS[2] + P[4][3]*SH_TAS[1] - P[22][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[23][3]*SH_TAS[1] + P[5][3]*vd*SH_TAS[0]) + SH_TAS[1]*(P[3][4]*SH_TAS[2] + P[4][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[22][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[23][4]*SH_TAS[1] + P[5][4]*vd*SH_TAS[0]) - SH_TAS[2]*(P[3][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[4][22]*SH_TAS[1] - P[22][22]*SH_TAS[2] - P[23][22]*SH_TAS[1] + P[5][22]*vd*SH_TAS[0]) - SH_TAS[1]*(P[3][23]*SH_TAS[2] + P[4][23]*SH_TAS[1] - P[22][23]*SH_TAS[2] - P[23][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[5][23]*vd*SH_TAS[0]) + vd*SH_TAS[0]*(P[3][5]*SH_TAS[2] + P[4][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[22][5]*SH_TAS[2] - P[23][5]*SH_TAS[1] + P[5][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0])); |
if (temp >= R_TAS) { |
SK_TAS = 1.0f / temp; |
faultStatus.bad_airspeed = false; |
} else { |
// the calculation is badly conditioned, so we cannot perform fusion on this step |
// we reset the covariance matrix and try again next measurement |
CovarianceInit(); |
faultStatus.bad_airspeed = true; |
return; |
} |
Kfusion[0] = SK_TAS*(P[0][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[0][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[0][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[0][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[0][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[1] = SK_TAS*(P[1][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[1][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[1][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[1][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[1][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[2] = SK_TAS*(P[2][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[2][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[2][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[2][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[2][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[3] = SK_TAS*(P[3][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[3][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[3][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[3][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[3][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[4] = SK_TAS*(P[4][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[4][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[4][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[4][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[4][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[5] = SK_TAS*(P[5][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[5][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[5][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[5][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[5][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[6] = SK_TAS*(P[6][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[6][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[6][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[6][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[6][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[7] = SK_TAS*(P[7][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[7][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[7][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[7][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[7][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[8] = SK_TAS*(P[8][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[8][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[8][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[8][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[8][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[9] = SK_TAS*(P[9][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[9][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[9][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[9][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[9][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[10] = SK_TAS*(P[10][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[10][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[10][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[10][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[10][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[11] = SK_TAS*(P[11][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[11][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[11][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[11][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[11][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[12] = SK_TAS*(P[12][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[12][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[12][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[12][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[12][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[13] = SK_TAS*(P[13][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[13][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[13][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[13][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[13][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[14] = SK_TAS*(P[14][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[14][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[14][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[14][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[14][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
// this term has been zeroed to improve stability of the Z accel bias |
Kfusion[15] = 0.0f;// SK_TAS*(P[15][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[15][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[15][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[15][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[15][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[22] = SK_TAS*(P[22][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[22][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[22][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[22][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[22][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[23] = SK_TAS*(P[23][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[23][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[23][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[23][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[23][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit magnetic field state estimation |
if (!inhibitMagStates) { |
Kfusion[16] = SK_TAS*(P[16][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[16][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[16][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[16][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[16][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[17] = SK_TAS*(P[17][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[17][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[17][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[17][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[17][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[18] = SK_TAS*(P[18][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[18][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[18][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[18][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[18][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[19] = SK_TAS*(P[19][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[19][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[19][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[19][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[19][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[20] = SK_TAS*(P[20][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[20][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[20][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[20][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[20][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
Kfusion[21] = SK_TAS*(P[21][3]*SH_TAS[2] - P[21][22]*SH_TAS[2] + P[21][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[21][23]*SH_TAS[1] + P[21][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]); |
} else { |
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=21; i++) { |
Kfusion[i] = 0.0f; |
} |
} |
// calculate measurement innovation variance |
varInnovVtas = 1.0f/SK_TAS; |
// calculate measurement innovation |
innovVtas = VtasPred - tasDataDelayed.tas; |
// calculate the innovation consistency test ratio |
tasTestRatio = sq(innovVtas) / (sq(frontend._tasInnovGate) * varInnovVtas); |
// fail if the ratio is > 1, but don't fail if bad IMU data |
tasHealth = ((tasTestRatio < 1.0f) || badIMUdata); |
tasTimeout = (imuSampleTime_ms - lastTasPassTime) > frontend.tasRetryTime; |
// test the ratio before fusing data, forcing fusion if airspeed and position are timed out as we have no choice but to try and use airspeed to constrain error growth |
if (tasHealth || (tasTimeout && posTimeout)) { |
// restart the counter |
lastTasPassTime = imuSampleTime_ms; |
// zero the attitude error state - by definition it is assumed to be zero before each observaton fusion |
|; |
// correct the state vector |
for (uint8_t j= 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) { |
statesArray[j] = statesArray[j] - Kfusion[j] * innovVtas; |
} |
// the first 3 states represent the angular misalignment vector. This is |
// is used to correct the estimated quaternion on the current time step |
stateStruct.quat.rotate(stateStruct.angErr); |
// correct the covariance P = (I - K*H)*P |
// take advantage of the empty columns in KH to reduce the |
// number of operations |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=2; j++) { |
KH[i][j] = 0.0f; |
} |
for (uint8_t j = 3; j<=5; j++) { |
KH[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * H_TAS[j]; |
} |
for (uint8_t j = 6; j<=21; j++) { |
KH[i][j] = 0.0f; |
} |
for (uint8_t j = 22; j<=23; j++) { |
KH[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * H_TAS[j]; |
} |
} |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) { |
KHP[i][j] = 0; |
for (uint8_t k = 3; k<=5; k++) { |
KHP[i][j] = KHP[i][j] + KH[i][k] * P[k][j]; |
} |
for (uint8_t k = 22; k<=23; k++) { |
KHP[i][j] = KHP[i][j] + KH[i][k] * P[k][j]; |
} |
} |
} |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) { |
P[i][j] = P[i][j] - KHP[i][j]; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// force the covariance matrix to me symmetrical and limit the variances to prevent ill-condiioning. |
ForceSymmetry(); |
ConstrainVariances(); |
// stop performance timer |
perf_end(_perf_FuseAirspeed); |
} |
// fuse sythetic sideslip measurement of zero |
void NavEKF2_core::FuseSideslip() |
{ |
// start performance timer |
perf_begin(_perf_FuseSideslip); |
// declarations |
float q0; |
float q1; |
float q2; |
float q3; |
float vn; |
float ve; |
float vd; |
float vwn; |
float vwe; |
const float R_BETA = 0.03f; // assume a sideslip angle RMS of ~10 deg |
Vector10 SH_BETA; |
Vector5 SK_BETA; |
Vector3f vel_rel_wind; |
Vector24 H_BETA; |
float innovBeta; |
// copy required states to local variable names |
q0 = stateStruct.quat[0]; |
q1 = stateStruct.quat[1]; |
q2 = stateStruct.quat[2]; |
q3 = stateStruct.quat[3]; |
vn = stateStruct.velocity.x; |
ve = stateStruct.velocity.y; |
vd = stateStruct.velocity.z; |
vwn = stateStruct.wind_vel.x; |
vwe = stateStruct.wind_vel.y; |
// calculate predicted wind relative velocity in NED, compensating for offset in velcity when we are pulling a GPS glitch offset back in |
vel_rel_wind.x = vn - vwn - gpsVelGlitchOffset.x; |
vel_rel_wind.y = ve - vwe - gpsVelGlitchOffset.y; |
vel_rel_wind.z = vd; |
// rotate into body axes |
vel_rel_wind = prevTnb * vel_rel_wind; |
// perform fusion of assumed sideslip = 0 |
if (vel_rel_wind.x > 5.0f) |
{ |
// Calculate observation jacobians |
SH_BETA[0] = (vn - vwn)*(sq(q0) + sq(q1) - sq(q2) - sq(q3)) - vd*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3) + (ve - vwe)*(2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2); |
if (fabsf(SH_BETA[0]) <= 1e-9f) { |
faultStatus.bad_sideslip = true; |
return; |
} else { |
faultStatus.bad_sideslip = false; |
} |
SH_BETA[0] = (vn - vwn)*(sq(q0) + sq(q1) - sq(q2) - sq(q3)) - vd*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3) + (ve - vwe)*(2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2); |
SH_BETA[1] = (ve - vwe)*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) + sq(q2) - sq(q3)) + vd*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) - (vn - vwn)*(2*q0*q3 - 2*q1*q2); |
SH_BETA[2] = vd*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3)) - (ve - vwe)*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) + (vn - vwn)*(2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3); |
SH_BETA[3] = 1/sq(SH_BETA[0]); |
SH_BETA[4] = (sq(q0) - sq(q1) + sq(q2) - sq(q3))/SH_BETA[0]; |
SH_BETA[5] = sq(q0) + sq(q1) - sq(q2) - sq(q3); |
SH_BETA[6] = 1/SH_BETA[0]; |
SH_BETA[7] = 2*q0*q3; |
SH_BETA[8] = SH_BETA[7] + 2*q1*q2; |
SH_BETA[9] = SH_BETA[7] - 2*q1*q2; |
H_BETA[0] = SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[6]; |
H_BETA[1] = SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[3]; |
H_BETA[2] = - sq(SH_BETA[1])*SH_BETA[3] - 1; |
H_BETA[3] = - SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]; |
H_BETA[4] = SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]; |
H_BETA[5] = SH_BETA[6]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3); |
for (uint8_t i=6; i<=21; i++) { |
H_BETA[i] = 0.0f; |
} |
H_BETA[22] = SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]; |
H_BETA[23] = SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8] - SH_BETA[4]; |
// Calculate Kalman gains |
float temp = (R_BETA + (SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8])*(P[22][4]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[3][4]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[2][4]*(sq(SH_BETA[1])*SH_BETA[3] + 1) + P[5][4]*(SH_BETA[6]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3)) + P[4][4]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) - P[23][4]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[0][4]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[6] + P[1][4]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[3]) - (SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8])*(P[22][23]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[3][23]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[2][23]*(sq(SH_BETA[1])*SH_BETA[3] + 1) + P[5][23]*(SH_BETA[6]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3)) + P[4][23]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) - P[23][23]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[0][23]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[6] + P[1][23]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[3]) - (SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5])*(P[22][3]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[3][3]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[2][3]*(sq(SH_BETA[1])*SH_BETA[3] + 1) + P[5][3]*(SH_BETA[6]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3)) + P[4][3]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) - P[23][3]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[0][3]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[6] + P[1][3]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[3]) + (SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5])*(P[22][22]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[3][22]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[2][22]*(sq(SH_BETA[1])*SH_BETA[3] + 1) + P[5][22]*(SH_BETA[6]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3)) + P[4][22]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) - P[23][22]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[0][22]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[6] + P[1][22]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[3]) - (sq(SH_BETA[1])*SH_BETA[3] + 1)*(P[22][2]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[3][2]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[2][2]*(sq(SH_BETA[1])*SH_BETA[3] + 1) + P[5][2]*(SH_BETA[6]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3)) + P[4][2]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) - P[23][2]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[0][2]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[6] + P[1][2]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[3]) + (SH_BETA[6]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))*(P[22][5]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[3][5]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[2][5]*(sq(SH_BETA[1])*SH_BETA[3] + 1) + P[5][5]*(SH_BETA[6]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3)) + P[4][5]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) - P[23][5]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[0][5]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[6] + P[1][5]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[3]) + SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[6]*(P[22][0]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[3][0]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[2][0]*(sq(SH_BETA[1])*SH_BETA[3] + 1) + P[5][0]*(SH_BETA[6]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3)) + P[4][0]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) - P[23][0]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[0][0]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[6] + P[1][0]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[3]) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[3]*(P[22][1]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[3][1]*(SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]) - P[2][1]*(sq(SH_BETA[1])*SH_BETA[3] + 1) + P[5][1]*(SH_BETA[6]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3)) + P[4][1]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) - P[23][1]*(SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[0][1]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[6] + P[1][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[2]*SH_BETA[3])); |
if (temp >= R_BETA) { |
SK_BETA[0] = 1.0f / temp; |
faultStatus.bad_sideslip = false; |
} else { |
// the calculation is badly conditioned, so we cannot perform fusion on this step |
// we reset the covariance matrix and try again next measurement |
CovarianceInit(); |
faultStatus.bad_sideslip = true; |
return; |
} |
SK_BETA[1] = SH_BETA[6]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3); |
SK_BETA[2] = SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[5]; |
SK_BETA[3] = SH_BETA[4] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[8]; |
SK_BETA[4] = sq(SH_BETA[1])*SH_BETA[3] + 1; |
Kfusion[0] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[0][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[0][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[0][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[0][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[0][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[0][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[0][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[0][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[1] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[1][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[1][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[1][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[1][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[1][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[1][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[1][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[1][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[2] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[2][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[2][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[2][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[2][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[2][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[2][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[2][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[2][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[3] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[3][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[3][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[3][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[3][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[3][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[3][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[3][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[3][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[4] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[4][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[4][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[4][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[4][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[4][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[4][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[4][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[4][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[5] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[5][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[5][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[5][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[5][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[5][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[5][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[5][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[5][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[6] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[6][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[6][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[6][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[6][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[6][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[6][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[6][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[6][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[7] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[7][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[7][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[7][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[7][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[7][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[7][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[7][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[7][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[8] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[8][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[8][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[8][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[8][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[8][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[8][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[8][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[8][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[9] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[9][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[9][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[9][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[9][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[9][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[9][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[9][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[9][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[10] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[10][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[10][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[10][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[10][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[10][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[10][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[10][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[10][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[11] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[11][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[11][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[11][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[11][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[11][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[11][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[11][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[11][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[12] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[12][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[12][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[12][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[12][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[12][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[12][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[12][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[12][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[13] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[13][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[13][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[13][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[13][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[13][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[13][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[13][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[13][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[14] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[14][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[14][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[14][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[14][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[14][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[14][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[14][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[14][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
// this term has been zeroed to improve stability of the Z accel bias |
Kfusion[15] = 0.0f;//SK_BETA[0]*(P[15][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[15][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[15][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[15][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[15][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[15][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[15][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[15][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[22] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[22][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[22][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[22][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[22][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[22][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[22][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[22][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[22][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[23] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[23][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[23][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[23][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[23][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[23][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[23][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[23][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[23][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit magnetic field state estimation |
if (!inhibitMagStates) { |
Kfusion[16] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[16][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[16][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[16][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[16][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[16][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[16][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[16][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[16][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[17] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[17][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[17][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[17][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[17][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[17][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[17][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[17][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[17][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[18] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[18][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[18][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[18][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[18][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[18][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[18][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[18][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[18][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[19] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[19][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[19][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[19][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[19][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[19][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[19][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[19][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[19][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[20] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[20][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[20][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[20][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[20][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[20][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[20][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[20][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[20][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
Kfusion[21] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[21][5]*SK_BETA[1] - P[21][2]*SK_BETA[4] - P[21][3]*SK_BETA[2] + P[21][4]*SK_BETA[3] + P[21][22]*SK_BETA[2] - P[21][23]*SK_BETA[3] + P[21][0]*SH_BETA[6]*SH_BETA[2] + P[21][1]*SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[3]*SH_BETA[2]); |
} else { |
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=21; i++) { |
Kfusion[i] = 0.0f; |
} |
} |
// calculate predicted sideslip angle and innovation using small angle approximation |
innovBeta = vel_rel_wind.y / vel_rel_wind.x; |
// reject measurement if greater than 3-sigma inconsistency |
if (innovBeta > 0.5f) { |
return; |
} |
// zero the attitude error state - by definition it is assumed to be zero before each observaton fusion |
|; |
// correct the state vector |
for (uint8_t j= 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) { |
statesArray[j] = statesArray[j] - Kfusion[j] * innovBeta; |
} |
// the first 3 states represent the angular misalignment vector. This is |
// is used to correct the estimated quaternion on the current time step |
stateStruct.quat.rotate(stateStruct.angErr); |
// correct the covariance P = (I - K*H)*P |
// take advantage of the empty columns in KH to reduce the |
// number of operations |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=5; j++) { |
KH[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * H_BETA[j]; |
} |
for (uint8_t j = 6; j<=21; j++) { |
KH[i][j] = 0.0f; |
} |
for (uint8_t j = 22; j<=23; j++) { |
KH[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * H_BETA[j]; |
} |
} |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) { |
KHP[i][j] = 0; |
for (uint8_t k = 0; k<=5; k++) { |
KHP[i][j] = KHP[i][j] + KH[i][k] * P[k][j]; |
} |
for (uint8_t k = 22; k<=23; k++) { |
KHP[i][j] = KHP[i][j] + KH[i][k] * P[k][j]; |
} |
} |
} |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) { |
P[i][j] = P[i][j] - KHP[i][j]; |
} |
} |
} |
// force the covariance matrix to me symmetrical and limit the variances to prevent ill-condiioning. |
ForceSymmetry(); |
ConstrainVariances(); |
// stop the performance timer |
perf_end(_perf_FuseSideslip); |
} |
/* |
Fuse angular motion compensated optical flow rates into the main filter. |
Requires a valid terrain height estimate. |
*/ |
void NavEKF2_core::FuseOptFlow() |
{ |
Vector24 H_LOS; |
Vector3f velNED_local; |
Vector3f relVelSensor; |
Vector14 SH_LOS; |
Vector2 losPred; |
// Copy required states to local variable names |
float q0 = stateStruct.quat[0]; |
float q1 = stateStruct.quat[1]; |
float q2 = stateStruct.quat[2]; |
float q3 = stateStruct.quat[3]; |
float vn = stateStruct.velocity.x; |
float ve = stateStruct.velocity.y; |
float vd = stateStruct.velocity.z; |
float pd = stateStruct.position.z; |
// Correct velocities for GPS glitch recovery offset |
velNED_local.x = vn - gpsVelGlitchOffset.x; |
velNED_local.y = ve - gpsVelGlitchOffset.y; |
velNED_local.z = vd; |
// constrain height above ground to be above range measured on ground |
float heightAboveGndEst = max((terrainState - pd), rngOnGnd); |
float ptd = pd + heightAboveGndEst; |
// Calculate common expressions for observation jacobians |
SH_LOS[0] = sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3); |
SH_LOS[1] = vn*(sq(q0) + sq(q1) - sq(q2) - sq(q3)) - vd*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3) + ve*(2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2); |
SH_LOS[2] = ve*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) + sq(q2) - sq(q3)) + vd*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) - vn*(2*q0*q3 - 2*q1*q2); |
SH_LOS[3] = 1/(pd - ptd); |
SH_LOS[4] = vd*SH_LOS[0] - ve*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) + vn*(2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3); |
SH_LOS[5] = 2.0f*q0*q2 - 2.0f*q1*q3; |
SH_LOS[6] = 2.0f*q0*q1 + 2.0f*q2*q3; |
SH_LOS[7] = q0*q0; |
SH_LOS[8] = q1*q1; |
SH_LOS[9] = q2*q2; |
SH_LOS[10] = q3*q3; |
SH_LOS[11] = q0*q3*2.0f; |
SH_LOS[12] = pd-ptd; |
SH_LOS[13] = 1.0f/(SH_LOS[12]*SH_LOS[12]); |
// Fuse X and Y axis measurements sequentially assuming observation errors are uncorrelated |
for (uint8_t obsIndex=0; obsIndex<=1; obsIndex++) { // fuse X axis data first |
// calculate range from ground plain to centre of sensor fov assuming flat earth |
float range = constrain_float((heightAboveGndEst/Tnb_flow.c.z),rngOnGnd,1000.0f); |
// calculate relative velocity in sensor frame |
relVelSensor = Tnb_flow*velNED_local; |
// divide velocity by range to get predicted angular LOS rates relative to X and Y axes |
losPred[0] = relVelSensor.y/range; |
losPred[1] = -relVelSensor.x/range; |
// calculate observation jacobians and Kalman gains |
memset(&H_LOS[0], 0, sizeof(H_LOS)); |
if (obsIndex == 0) { |
H_LOS[0] = SH_LOS[3]*SH_LOS[2]*SH_LOS[6]-SH_LOS[3]*SH_LOS[0]*SH_LOS[4]; |
H_LOS[1] = SH_LOS[3]*SH_LOS[2]*SH_LOS[5]; |
H_LOS[2] = SH_LOS[3]*SH_LOS[0]*SH_LOS[1]; |
H_LOS[3] = SH_LOS[3]*SH_LOS[0]*(SH_LOS[11]-q1*q2*2.0f); |
H_LOS[4] = -SH_LOS[3]*SH_LOS[0]*(SH_LOS[7]-SH_LOS[8]+SH_LOS[9]-SH_LOS[10]); |
H_LOS[5] = -SH_LOS[3]*SH_LOS[0]*SH_LOS[6]; |
H_LOS[8] = SH_LOS[2]*SH_LOS[0]*SH_LOS[13]; |
float t2 = SH_LOS[3]; |
float t3 = SH_LOS[0]; |
float t4 = SH_LOS[2]; |
float t5 = SH_LOS[6]; |
float t100 = t2 * t3 * t5; |
float t6 = SH_LOS[4]; |
float t7 = t2*t3*t6; |
float t9 = t2*t4*t5; |
float t8 = t7-t9; |
float t10 = q0*q3*2.0f; |
float t21 = q1*q2*2.0f; |
float t11 = t10-t21; |
float t101 = t2 * t3 * t11; |
float t12 = pd-ptd; |
float t13 = 1.0f/(t12*t12); |
float t104 = t3 * t4 * t13; |
float t14 = SH_LOS[5]; |
float t102 = t2 * t4 * t14; |
float t15 = SH_LOS[1]; |
float t103 = t2 * t3 * t15; |
float t16 = q0*q0; |
float t17 = q1*q1; |
float t18 = q2*q2; |
float t19 = q3*q3; |
float t20 = t16-t17+t18-t19; |
float t105 = t2 * t3 * t20; |
float t22 = P[1][1]*t102; |
float t23 = P[3][0]*t101; |
float t24 = P[8][0]*t104; |
float t25 = P[1][0]*t102; |
float t26 = P[2][0]*t103; |
float t63 = P[0][0]*t8; |
float t64 = P[5][0]*t100; |
float t65 = P[4][0]*t105; |
float t27 = t23+t24+t25+t26-t63-t64-t65; |
float t28 = P[3][3]*t101; |
float t29 = P[8][3]*t104; |
float t30 = P[1][3]*t102; |
float t31 = P[2][3]*t103; |
float t67 = P[0][3]*t8; |
float t68 = P[5][3]*t100; |
float t69 = P[4][3]*t105; |
float t32 = t28+t29+t30+t31-t67-t68-t69; |
float t33 = t101*t32; |
float t34 = P[3][8]*t101; |
float t35 = P[8][8]*t104; |
float t36 = P[1][8]*t102; |
float t37 = P[2][8]*t103; |
float t70 = P[0][8]*t8; |
float t71 = P[5][8]*t100; |
float t72 = P[4][8]*t105; |
float t38 = t34+t35+t36+t37-t70-t71-t72; |
float t39 = t104*t38; |
float t40 = P[3][1]*t101; |
float t41 = P[8][1]*t104; |
float t42 = P[2][1]*t103; |
float t73 = P[0][1]*t8; |
float t74 = P[5][1]*t100; |
float t75 = P[4][1]*t105; |
float t43 = t22+t40+t41+t42-t73-t74-t75; |
float t44 = t102*t43; |
float t45 = P[3][2]*t101; |
float t46 = P[8][2]*t104; |
float t47 = P[1][2]*t102; |
float t48 = P[2][2]*t103; |
float t76 = P[0][2]*t8; |
float t77 = P[5][2]*t100; |
float t78 = P[4][2]*t105; |
float t49 = t45+t46+t47+t48-t76-t77-t78; |
float t50 = t103*t49; |
float t51 = P[3][5]*t101; |
float t52 = P[8][5]*t104; |
float t53 = P[1][5]*t102; |
float t54 = P[2][5]*t103; |
float t79 = P[0][5]*t8; |
float t80 = P[5][5]*t100; |
float t81 = P[4][5]*t105; |
float t55 = t51+t52+t53+t54-t79-t80-t81; |
float t56 = P[3][4]*t101; |
float t57 = P[8][4]*t104; |
float t58 = P[1][4]*t102; |
float t59 = P[2][4]*t103; |
float t83 = P[0][4]*t8; |
float t84 = P[5][4]*t100; |
float t85 = P[4][4]*t105; |
float t60 = t56+t57+t58+t59-t83-t84-t85; |
float t66 = t8*t27; |
float t82 = t100*t55; |
float t86 = t105*t60; |
float t61 = R_LOS+t33+t39+t44+t50-t66-t82-t86; |
float t62 = 1.0f/t61; |
// calculate innovation variance for X axis observation and protect against a badly conditioned calculation |
if (t61 > R_LOS) { |
t62 = 1.0f/t61; |
} else { |
t61 = 0.0f; |
t62 = 1.0f/R_LOS; |
} |
varInnovOptFlow[0] = t61; |
// calculate innovation for X axis observation |
innovOptFlow[0] = losPred[0] - ofDataDelayed.flowRadXYcomp.x; |
// calculate Kalman gains for X-axis observation |
Kfusion[0] = t62*(-P[0][0]*t8-P[0][5]*t100+P[0][3]*t101+P[0][1]*t102+P[0][2]*t103+P[0][8]*t104-P[0][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[1] = t62*(t22-P[1][0]*t8-P[1][5]*t100+P[1][3]*t101+P[1][2]*t103+P[1][8]*t104-P[1][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[2] = t62*(t48-P[2][0]*t8-P[2][5]*t100+P[2][3]*t101+P[2][1]*t102+P[2][8]*t104-P[2][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[3] = t62*(t28-P[3][0]*t8-P[3][5]*t100+P[3][1]*t102+P[3][2]*t103+P[3][8]*t104-P[3][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[4] = t62*(-t85-P[4][0]*t8-P[4][5]*t100+P[4][3]*t101+P[4][1]*t102+P[4][2]*t103+P[4][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[5] = t62*(-t80-P[5][0]*t8+P[5][3]*t101+P[5][1]*t102+P[5][2]*t103+P[5][8]*t104-P[5][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[6] = t62*(-P[6][0]*t8-P[6][5]*t100+P[6][3]*t101+P[6][1]*t102+P[6][2]*t103+P[6][8]*t104-P[6][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[7] = t62*(-P[7][0]*t8-P[7][5]*t100+P[7][3]*t101+P[7][1]*t102+P[7][2]*t103+P[7][8]*t104-P[7][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[8] = t62*(t35-P[8][0]*t8-P[8][5]*t100+P[8][3]*t101+P[8][1]*t102+P[8][2]*t103-P[8][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[9] = t62*(-P[9][0]*t8-P[9][5]*t100+P[9][3]*t101+P[9][1]*t102+P[9][2]*t103+P[9][8]*t104-P[9][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[10] = t62*(-P[10][0]*t8-P[10][5]*t100+P[10][3]*t101+P[10][1]*t102+P[10][2]*t103+P[10][8]*t104-P[10][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[11] = t62*(-P[11][0]*t8-P[11][5]*t100+P[11][3]*t101+P[11][1]*t102+P[11][2]*t103+P[11][8]*t104-P[11][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[12] = t62*(-P[12][0]*t8-P[12][5]*t100+P[12][3]*t101+P[12][1]*t102+P[12][2]*t103+P[12][8]*t104-P[12][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[13] = t62*(-P[13][0]*t8-P[13][5]*t100+P[13][3]*t101+P[13][1]*t102+P[13][2]*t103+P[13][8]*t104-P[13][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[14] = t62*(-P[14][0]*t8-P[14][5]*t100+P[14][3]*t101+P[14][1]*t102+P[14][2]*t103+P[14][8]*t104-P[14][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[15] = t62*(-P[15][0]*t8-P[15][5]*t100+P[15][3]*t101+P[15][1]*t102+P[15][2]*t103+P[15][8]*t104-P[15][4]*t105); |
if (!inhibitWindStates) { |
Kfusion[22] = t62*(-P[22][0]*t8-P[22][5]*t100+P[22][3]*t101+P[22][1]*t102+P[22][2]*t103+P[22][8]*t104-P[22][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[23] = t62*(-P[23][0]*t8-P[23][5]*t100+P[23][3]*t101+P[23][1]*t102+P[23][2]*t103+P[23][8]*t104-P[23][4]*t105); |
} else { |
Kfusion[22] = 0.0f; |
Kfusion[23] = 0.0f; |
} |
if (!inhibitMagStates) { |
Kfusion[16] = t62*(-P[16][0]*t8-P[16][5]*t100+P[16][3]*t101+P[16][1]*t102+P[16][2]*t103+P[16][8]*t104-P[16][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[17] = t62*(-P[17][0]*t8-P[17][5]*t100+P[17][3]*t101+P[17][1]*t102+P[17][2]*t103+P[17][8]*t104-P[17][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[18] = t62*(-P[18][0]*t8-P[18][5]*t100+P[18][3]*t101+P[18][1]*t102+P[18][2]*t103+P[18][8]*t104-P[18][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[19] = t62*(-P[19][0]*t8-P[19][5]*t100+P[19][3]*t101+P[19][1]*t102+P[19][2]*t103+P[19][8]*t104-P[19][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[20] = t62*(-P[20][0]*t8-P[20][5]*t100+P[20][3]*t101+P[20][1]*t102+P[20][2]*t103+P[20][8]*t104-P[20][4]*t105); |
Kfusion[21] = t62*(-P[21][0]*t8-P[21][5]*t100+P[21][3]*t101+P[21][1]*t102+P[21][2]*t103+P[21][8]*t104-P[21][4]*t105); |
} else { |
for (uint8_t i = 16; i <= 21; i++) { |
Kfusion[i] = 0.0f; |
} |
} |
} else { |
H_LOS[0] = -SH_LOS[3]*SH_LOS[6]*SH_LOS[1]; |
H_LOS[1] = -SH_LOS[3]*SH_LOS[0]*SH_LOS[4]-SH_LOS[3]*SH_LOS[1]*SH_LOS[5]; |
H_LOS[2] = SH_LOS[3]*SH_LOS[2]*SH_LOS[0]; |
H_LOS[3] = SH_LOS[3]*SH_LOS[0]*(SH_LOS[7]+SH_LOS[8]-SH_LOS[9]-SH_LOS[10]); |
H_LOS[4] = SH_LOS[3]*SH_LOS[0]*(SH_LOS[11]+q1*q2*2.0f); |
H_LOS[5] = -SH_LOS[3]*SH_LOS[0]*SH_LOS[5]; |
H_LOS[8] = -SH_LOS[0]*SH_LOS[1]*SH_LOS[13]; |
float t2 = SH_LOS[3]; |
float t3 = SH_LOS[0]; |
float t4 = SH_LOS[1]; |
float t5 = SH_LOS[5]; |
float t100 = t2 * t3 * t5; |
float t6 = SH_LOS[4]; |
float t7 = t2*t3*t6; |
float t8 = t2*t4*t5; |
float t9 = t7+t8; |
float t10 = q0*q3*2.0f; |
float t11 = q1*q2*2.0f; |
float t12 = t10+t11; |
float t101 = t2 * t3 * t12; |
float t13 = pd-ptd; |
float t14 = 1.0f/(t13*t13); |
float t104 = t3 * t4 * t14; |
float t15 = SH_LOS[6]; |
float t105 = t2 * t4 * t15; |
float t16 = SH_LOS[2]; |
float t102 = t2 * t3 * t16; |
float t17 = q0*q0; |
float t18 = q1*q1; |
float t19 = q2*q2; |
float t20 = q3*q3; |
float t21 = t17+t18-t19-t20; |
float t103 = t2 * t3 * t21; |
float t22 = P[0][0]*t105; |
float t23 = P[1][1]*t9; |
float t24 = P[8][1]*t104; |
float t25 = P[0][1]*t105; |
float t26 = P[5][1]*t100; |
float t64 = P[4][1]*t101; |
float t65 = P[2][1]*t102; |
float t66 = P[3][1]*t103; |
float t27 = t23+t24+t25+t26-t64-t65-t66; |
float t28 = t9*t27; |
float t29 = P[1][4]*t9; |
float t30 = P[8][4]*t104; |
float t31 = P[0][4]*t105; |
float t32 = P[5][4]*t100; |
float t67 = P[4][4]*t101; |
float t68 = P[2][4]*t102; |
float t69 = P[3][4]*t103; |
float t33 = t29+t30+t31+t32-t67-t68-t69; |
float t34 = P[1][8]*t9; |
float t35 = P[8][8]*t104; |
float t36 = P[0][8]*t105; |
float t37 = P[5][8]*t100; |
float t71 = P[4][8]*t101; |
float t72 = P[2][8]*t102; |
float t73 = P[3][8]*t103; |
float t38 = t34+t35+t36+t37-t71-t72-t73; |
float t39 = t104*t38; |
float t40 = P[1][0]*t9; |
float t41 = P[8][0]*t104; |
float t42 = P[5][0]*t100; |
float t74 = P[4][0]*t101; |
float t75 = P[2][0]*t102; |
float t76 = P[3][0]*t103; |
float t43 = t22+t40+t41+t42-t74-t75-t76; |
float t44 = t105*t43; |
float t45 = P[1][2]*t9; |
float t46 = P[8][2]*t104; |
float t47 = P[0][2]*t105; |
float t48 = P[5][2]*t100; |
float t63 = P[2][2]*t102; |
float t77 = P[4][2]*t101; |
float t78 = P[3][2]*t103; |
float t49 = t45+t46+t47+t48-t63-t77-t78; |
float t50 = P[1][5]*t9; |
float t51 = P[8][5]*t104; |
float t52 = P[0][5]*t105; |
float t53 = P[5][5]*t100; |
float t80 = P[4][5]*t101; |
float t81 = P[2][5]*t102; |
float t82 = P[3][5]*t103; |
float t54 = t50+t51+t52+t53-t80-t81-t82; |
float t55 = t100*t54; |
float t56 = P[1][3]*t9; |
float t57 = P[8][3]*t104; |
float t58 = P[0][3]*t105; |
float t59 = P[5][3]*t100; |
float t83 = P[4][3]*t101; |
float t84 = P[2][3]*t102; |
float t85 = P[3][3]*t103; |
float t60 = t56+t57+t58+t59-t83-t84-t85; |
float t70 = t101*t33; |
float t79 = t102*t49; |
float t86 = t103*t60; |
float t61 = R_LOS+t28+t39+t44+t55-t70-t79-t86; |
float t62 = 1.0f/t61; |
// calculate innovation variance for X axis observation and protect against a badly conditioned calculation |
if (t61 > R_LOS) { |
t62 = 1.0f/t61; |
} else { |
t61 = 0.0f; |
t62 = 1.0f/R_LOS; |
} |
varInnovOptFlow[1] = t61; |
// calculate innovation for Y observation |
innovOptFlow[1] = losPred[1] - ofDataDelayed.flowRadXYcomp.y; |
// calculate Kalman gains for the Y-axis observation |
Kfusion[0] = -t62*(t22+P[0][1]*t9+P[0][5]*t100-P[0][4]*t101-P[0][2]*t102-P[0][3]*t103+P[0][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[1] = -t62*(t23+P[1][5]*t100+P[1][0]*t105-P[1][4]*t101-P[1][2]*t102-P[1][3]*t103+P[1][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[2] = -t62*(-t63+P[2][1]*t9+P[2][5]*t100+P[2][0]*t105-P[2][4]*t101-P[2][3]*t103+P[2][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[3] = -t62*(-t85+P[3][1]*t9+P[3][5]*t100+P[3][0]*t105-P[3][4]*t101-P[3][2]*t102+P[3][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[4] = -t62*(-t67+P[4][1]*t9+P[4][5]*t100+P[4][0]*t105-P[4][2]*t102-P[4][3]*t103+P[4][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[5] = -t62*(t53+P[5][1]*t9+P[5][0]*t105-P[5][4]*t101-P[5][2]*t102-P[5][3]*t103+P[5][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[6] = -t62*(P[6][1]*t9+P[6][5]*t100+P[6][0]*t105-P[6][4]*t101-P[6][2]*t102-P[6][3]*t103+P[6][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[7] = -t62*(P[7][1]*t9+P[7][5]*t100+P[7][0]*t105-P[7][4]*t101-P[7][2]*t102-P[7][3]*t103+P[7][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[8] = -t62*(t35+P[8][1]*t9+P[8][5]*t100+P[8][0]*t105-P[8][4]*t101-P[8][2]*t102-P[8][3]*t103); |
Kfusion[9] = -t62*(P[9][1]*t9+P[9][5]*t100+P[9][0]*t105-P[9][4]*t101-P[9][2]*t102-P[9][3]*t103+P[9][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[10] = -t62*(P[10][1]*t9+P[10][5]*t100+P[10][0]*t105-P[10][4]*t101-P[10][2]*t102-P[10][3]*t103+P[10][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[11] = -t62*(P[11][1]*t9+P[11][5]*t100+P[11][0]*t105-P[11][4]*t101-P[11][2]*t102-P[11][3]*t103+P[11][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[12] = -t62*(P[12][1]*t9+P[12][5]*t100+P[12][0]*t105-P[12][4]*t101-P[12][2]*t102-P[12][3]*t103+P[12][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[13] = -t62*(P[13][1]*t9+P[13][5]*t100+P[13][0]*t105-P[13][4]*t101-P[13][2]*t102-P[13][3]*t103+P[13][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[14] = -t62*(P[14][1]*t9+P[14][5]*t100+P[14][0]*t105-P[14][4]*t101-P[14][2]*t102-P[14][3]*t103+P[14][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[15] = -t62*(P[15][1]*t9+P[15][5]*t100+P[15][0]*t105-P[15][4]*t101-P[15][2]*t102-P[15][3]*t103+P[15][8]*t104); |
if (!inhibitWindStates) { |
Kfusion[22] = -t62*(P[22][1]*t9+P[22][5]*t100+P[22][0]*t105-P[22][4]*t101-P[22][2]*t102-P[22][3]*t103+P[22][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[23] = -t62*(P[23][1]*t9+P[23][5]*t100+P[23][0]*t105-P[23][4]*t101-P[23][2]*t102-P[23][3]*t103+P[23][8]*t104); |
} else { |
Kfusion[22] = 0.0f; |
Kfusion[23] = 0.0f; |
} |
if (!inhibitMagStates) { |
Kfusion[16] = -t62*(P[16][1]*t9+P[16][5]*t100+P[16][0]*t105-P[16][4]*t101-P[16][2]*t102-P[16][3]*t103+P[16][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[17] = -t62*(P[17][1]*t9+P[17][5]*t100+P[17][0]*t105-P[17][4]*t101-P[17][2]*t102-P[17][3]*t103+P[17][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[18] = -t62*(P[18][1]*t9+P[18][5]*t100+P[18][0]*t105-P[18][4]*t101-P[18][2]*t102-P[18][3]*t103+P[18][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[19] = -t62*(P[19][1]*t9+P[19][5]*t100+P[19][0]*t105-P[19][4]*t101-P[19][2]*t102-P[19][3]*t103+P[19][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[20] = -t62*(P[20][1]*t9+P[20][5]*t100+P[20][0]*t105-P[20][4]*t101-P[20][2]*t102-P[20][3]*t103+P[20][8]*t104); |
Kfusion[21] = -t62*(P[21][1]*t9+P[21][5]*t100+P[21][0]*t105-P[21][4]*t101-P[21][2]*t102-P[21][3]*t103+P[21][8]*t104); |
} else { |
for (uint8_t i = 16; i <= 21; i++) { |
Kfusion[i] = 0.0f; |
} |
} |
} |
// calculate the innovation consistency test ratio |
flowTestRatio[obsIndex] = sq(innovOptFlow[obsIndex]) / (sq(frontend._flowInnovGate) * varInnovOptFlow[obsIndex]); |
// Check the innovation for consistency and don't fuse if out of bounds or flow is too fast to be reliable |
if ((flowTestRatio[obsIndex]) < 1.0f && (ofDataDelayed.flowRadXY.x < frontend._maxFlowRate) && (ofDataDelayed.flowRadXY.y < frontend._maxFlowRate)) { |
// record the last time observations were accepted for fusion |
prevFlowFuseTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
// zero the attitude error state - by definition it is assumed to be zero before each observaton fusion |
|; |
// correct the state vector |
for (uint8_t j= 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) { |
statesArray[j] = statesArray[j] - Kfusion[j] * innovOptFlow[obsIndex]; |
} |
// the first 3 states represent the angular misalignment vector. This is |
// is used to correct the estimated quaternion on the current time step |
stateStruct.quat.rotate(stateStruct.angErr); |
// correct the covariance P = (I - K*H)*P |
// take advantage of the empty columns in KH to reduce the |
// number of operations |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=5; j++) { |
KH[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * H_LOS[j]; |
} |
for (uint8_t j = 6; j<=7; j++) { |
KH[i][j] = 0.0f; |
} |
KH[i][8] = Kfusion[i] * H_LOS[8]; |
for (uint8_t j = 9; j<=23; j++) { |
KH[i][j] = 0.0f; |
} |
} |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) { |
KHP[i][j] = 0; |
for (uint8_t k = 0; k<=5; k++) { |
KHP[i][j] = KHP[i][j] + KH[i][k] * P[k][j]; |
} |
KHP[i][j] = KHP[i][j] + KH[i][8] * P[8][j]; |
} |
} |
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) { |
P[i][j] = P[i][j] - KHP[i][j]; |
} |
} |
} |
// fix basic numerical errors |
ForceSymmetry(); |
ConstrainVariances(); |
} |
} |
/* |
Estimation of terrain offset using a single state EKF |
The filter can fuse motion compensated optiocal flow rates and range finder measurements |
*/ |
void NavEKF2_core::EstimateTerrainOffset() |
{ |
// start performance timer |
perf_begin(_perf_OpticalFlowEKF); |
// constrain height above ground to be above range measured on ground |
float heightAboveGndEst = max((terrainState - stateStruct.position.z), rngOnGnd); |
// calculate a predicted LOS rate squared |
float velHorizSq = sq(stateStruct.velocity.x) + sq(stateStruct.velocity.y); |
float losRateSq = velHorizSq / sq(heightAboveGndEst); |
// don't update terrain offset state if there is no range finder and not generating enough LOS rate, or without GPS, as it is poorly observable |
if (!fuseRngData && (gpsNotAvailable || PV_AidingMode == AID_RELATIVE || velHorizSq < 25.0f || losRateSq < 0.01f || onGround)) { |
inhibitGndState = true; |
} else { |
inhibitGndState = false; |
// record the time we last updated the terrain offset state |
gndHgtValidTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
// propagate ground position state noise each time this is called using the difference in position since the last observations and an RMS gradient assumption |
// limit distance to prevent intialisation afer bad gps causing bad numerical conditioning |
float distanceTravelledSq = sq(stateStruct.position[0] - prevPosN) + sq(stateStruct.position[1] - prevPosE); |
distanceTravelledSq = min(distanceTravelledSq, 100.0f); |
prevPosN = stateStruct.position[0]; |
prevPosE = stateStruct.position[1]; |
// in addition to a terrain gradient error model, we also have a time based error growth that is scaled using the gradient parameter |
float timeLapsed = min(0.001f * (imuSampleTime_ms - timeAtLastAuxEKF_ms), 1.0f); |
float Pincrement = (distanceTravelledSq * sq(0.01f*float(frontend._gndGradientSigma))) + sq(float(frontend._gndGradientSigma) * timeLapsed); |
Popt += Pincrement; |
timeAtLastAuxEKF_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
// fuse range finder data |
if (fuseRngData) { |
// predict range |
float predRngMeas = max((terrainState - stateStruct.position[2]),rngOnGnd) / Tnb_flow.c.z; |
// Copy required states to local variable names |
float q0 = stateStruct.quat[0]; // quaternion at optical flow measurement time |
float q1 = stateStruct.quat[1]; // quaternion at optical flow measurement time |
float q2 = stateStruct.quat[2]; // quaternion at optical flow measurement time |
float q3 = stateStruct.quat[3]; // quaternion at optical flow measurement time |
// Set range finder measurement noise variance. TODO make this a function of range and tilt to allow for sensor, alignment and AHRS errors |
float R_RNG = 0.5f; |
// calculate Kalman gain |
float SK_RNG = sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3); |
float K_RNG = Popt/(SK_RNG*(R_RNG + Popt/sq(SK_RNG))); |
// Calculate the innovation variance for data logging |
varInnovRng = (R_RNG + Popt/sq(SK_RNG)); |
// constrain terrain height to be below the vehicle |
terrainState = max(terrainState, stateStruct.position[2] + rngOnGnd); |
// Calculate the measurement innovation |
innovRng = predRngMeas - rngMea; |
// calculate the innovation consistency test ratio |
auxRngTestRatio = sq(innovRng) / (sq(frontend._rngInnovGate) * varInnovRng); |
// Check the innovation for consistency and don't fuse if > 5Sigma |
if ((sq(innovRng)*SK_RNG) < 25.0f) |
{ |
// correct the state |
terrainState -= K_RNG * innovRng; |
// constrain the state |
terrainState = max(terrainState, stateStruct.position[2] + rngOnGnd); |
// correct the covariance |
Popt = Popt - sq(Popt)/(SK_RNG*(R_RNG + Popt/sq(SK_RNG))*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))); |
// prevent the state variance from becoming negative |
Popt = max(Popt,0.0f); |
} |
} |
if (fuseOptFlowData) { |
Vector3f vel; // velocity of sensor relative to ground in NED axes |
Vector3f relVelSensor; // velocity of sensor relative to ground in sensor axes |
float losPred; // predicted optical flow angular rate measurement |
float q0 = stateStruct.quat[0]; // quaternion at optical flow measurement time |
float q1 = stateStruct.quat[1]; // quaternion at optical flow measurement time |
float q2 = stateStruct.quat[2]; // quaternion at optical flow measurement time |
float q3 = stateStruct.quat[3]; // quaternion at optical flow measurement time |
float K_OPT; |
float H_OPT; |
// Correct velocities for GPS glitch recovery offset |
vel.x = stateStruct.velocity[0] - gpsVelGlitchOffset.x; |
vel.y = stateStruct.velocity[1] - gpsVelGlitchOffset.y; |
vel.z = stateStruct.velocity[2]; |
// predict range to centre of image |
float flowRngPred = max((terrainState - stateStruct.position[2]),rngOnGnd) / Tnb_flow.c.z; |
// constrain terrain height to be below the vehicle |
terrainState = max(terrainState, stateStruct.position[2] + rngOnGnd); |
// calculate relative velocity in sensor frame |
relVelSensor = Tnb_flow*vel; |
// divide velocity by range, subtract body rates and apply scale factor to |
// get predicted sensed angular optical rates relative to X and Y sensor axes |
losPred = relVelSensor.length()/flowRngPred; |
// calculate innovations |
auxFlowObsInnov = losPred - sqrtf(sq(flowRadXYcomp[0]) + sq(flowRadXYcomp[1])); |
// calculate observation jacobian |
float t3 = sq(q0); |
float t4 = sq(q1); |
float t5 = sq(q2); |
float t6 = sq(q3); |
float t10 = q0*q3*2.0f; |
float t11 = q1*q2*2.0f; |
float t14 = t3+t4-t5-t6; |
float t15 = t14*vel.x; |
float t16 = t10+t11; |
float t17 = t16*vel.y; |
float t18 = q0*q2*2.0f; |
float t19 = q1*q3*2.0f; |
float t20 = t18-t19; |
float t21 = t20*vel.z; |
float t2 = t15+t17-t21; |
float t7 = t3-t4-t5+t6; |
float t8 = stateStruct.position[2]-terrainState; |
float t9 = 1.0f/sq(t8); |
float t24 = t3-t4+t5-t6; |
float t25 = t24*vel.y; |
float t26 = t10-t11; |
float t27 = t26*vel.x; |
float t28 = q0*q1*2.0f; |
float t29 = q2*q3*2.0f; |
float t30 = t28+t29; |
float t31 = t30*vel.z; |
float t12 = t25-t27+t31; |
float t13 = sq(t7); |
float t22 = sq(t2); |
float t23 = 1.0f/(t8*t8*t8); |
float t32 = sq(t12); |
H_OPT = 0.5f*(t13*t22*t23*2.0f+t13*t23*t32*2.0f)/sqrtf(t9*t13*t22+t9*t13*t32); |
// calculate innovation variances |
auxFlowObsInnovVar = H_OPT*Popt*H_OPT + R_LOS; |
// calculate Kalman gain |
K_OPT = Popt*H_OPT/auxFlowObsInnovVar; |
// calculate the innovation consistency test ratio |
auxFlowTestRatio = sq(auxFlowObsInnov) / (sq(frontend._flowInnovGate) * auxFlowObsInnovVar); |
// don't fuse if optical flow data is outside valid range |
if (max(flowRadXY[0],flowRadXY[1]) < frontend._maxFlowRate) { |
// correct the state |
terrainState -= K_OPT * auxFlowObsInnov; |
// constrain the state |
terrainState = max(terrainState, stateStruct.position[2] + rngOnGnd); |
// correct the covariance |
Popt = Popt - K_OPT * H_OPT * Popt; |
// prevent the state variances from becoming negative |
Popt = max(Popt,0.0f); |
} |
} |
} |
// stop the performance timer |
perf_end(_perf_OpticalFlowEKF); |
} |
// zero specified range of rows in the state covariance matrix |
void NavEKF2_core::zeroRows(Matrix24 &covMat, uint8_t first, uint8_t last) |
{ |
uint8_t row; |
for (row=first; row<=last; row++) |
{ |
memset(&covMat[row][0], 0, sizeof(covMat[0][0])*24); |
} |
} |
// zero specified range of columns in the state covariance matrix |
void NavEKF2_core::zeroCols(Matrix24 &covMat, uint8_t first, uint8_t last) |
{ |
uint8_t row; |
for (row=0; row<=23; row++) |
{ |
memset(&covMat[row][first], 0, sizeof(covMat[0][0])*(1+last-first)); |
} |
} |
// store output data in the FIFO |
void NavEKF2_core::StoreOutput() |
{ |
storedOutput[fifoIndexNow] = outputDataNew; |
} |
// reset the output data to the current EKF state |
void NavEKF2_core::StoreOutputReset() |
{ |
outputDataNew.quat = stateStruct.quat; |
outputDataNew.velocity = stateStruct.velocity; |
outputDataNew.position = stateStruct.position; |
// write current measurement to entire table |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<IMU_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) { |
storedOutput[i] = outputDataNew; |
} |
outputDataDelayed = outputDataNew; |
} |
// Reset the stored output quaternion history to current EKF state |
void NavEKF2_core::StoreQuatReset() |
{ |
outputDataNew.quat = stateStruct.quat; |
// write current measurement to entire table |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<IMU_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) { |
storedOutput[i].quat = outputDataNew.quat; |
} |
outputDataDelayed.quat = outputDataNew.quat; |
} |
// recall output data from the FIFO |
void NavEKF2_core::RecallOutput() |
{ |
outputDataDelayed = storedOutput[fifoIndexDelayed]; |
} |
// store imu in the FIFO |
void NavEKF2_core::StoreIMU() |
{ |
fifoIndexDelayed = fifoIndexNow; |
fifoIndexNow = fifoIndexNow + 1; |
if (fifoIndexNow >= IMU_BUFFER_LENGTH) { |
fifoIndexNow = 0; |
} |
storedIMU[fifoIndexNow] = imuDataNew; |
} |
// reset the stored imu history and store the current value |
void NavEKF2_core::StoreIMU_reset() |
{ |
// write current measurement to entire table |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<IMU_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) { |
storedIMU[i] = imuDataNew; |
} |
imuDataDelayed = imuDataNew; |
fifoIndexDelayed = fifoIndexNow+1; |
if (fifoIndexDelayed >= IMU_BUFFER_LENGTH) { |
fifoIndexDelayed = 0; |
} |
} |
// recall IMU data from the FIFO |
void NavEKF2_core::RecallIMU() |
{ |
imuDataDelayed = storedIMU[fifoIndexDelayed]; |
} |
// store baro in a history array |
void NavEKF2_core::StoreBaro() |
{ |
if (baroStoreIndex >= OBS_BUFFER_LENGTH) { |
baroStoreIndex = 0; |
} |
storedBaro[baroStoreIndex] = baroDataNew; |
baroStoreIndex += 1; |
} |
// store TAS in a history array |
void NavEKF2_core::StoreTAS() |
{ |
if (tasStoreIndex >= OBS_BUFFER_LENGTH) { |
tasStoreIndex = 0; |
} |
storedTAS[tasStoreIndex] = tasDataNew; |
tasStoreIndex += 1; |
} |
// store OF data in a history array |
void NavEKF2_core::StoreOF() |
{ |
if (ofStoreIndex >= OBS_BUFFER_LENGTH) { |
ofStoreIndex = 0; |
} |
storedOF[ofStoreIndex] = ofDataNew; |
ofStoreIndex += 1; |
} |
// return newest un-used baro data that has fallen behind the fusion time horizon |
// if no un-used data is available behind the fusion horizon, return false |
bool NavEKF2_core::RecallBaro() |
{ |
baro_elements dataTemp; |
baro_elements dataTempZero; |
dataTempZero.time_ms = 0; |
uint32_t temp_ms = 0; |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<OBS_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) { |
dataTemp = storedBaro[i]; |
// find a measurement older than the fusion time horizon that we haven't checked before |
if (dataTemp.time_ms != 0 && dataTemp.time_ms <= imuDataDelayed.time_ms) { |
// zero the time stamp so we won't use it again |
storedBaro[i]=dataTempZero; |
// Find the most recent non-stale measurement that meets the time horizon criteria |
if (((imuDataDelayed.time_ms - dataTemp.time_ms) < 500) && dataTemp.time_ms > temp_ms) { |
baroDataDelayed = dataTemp; |
temp_ms = dataTemp.time_ms; |
} |
} |
} |
if (temp_ms != 0) { |
return true; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
} |
// return newest un-used true airspeed data that has fallen behind the fusion time horizon |
// if no un-used data is available behind the fusion horizon, return false |
bool NavEKF2_core::RecallTAS() |
{ |
tas_elements dataTemp; |
tas_elements dataTempZero; |
dataTempZero.time_ms = 0; |
uint32_t temp_ms = 0; |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<OBS_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) { |
dataTemp = storedTAS[i]; |
// find a measurement older than the fusion time horizon that we haven't checked before |
if (dataTemp.time_ms != 0 && dataTemp.time_ms <= imuDataDelayed.time_ms) { |
// zero the time stamp so we won't use it again |
storedTAS[i]=dataTempZero; |
// Find the most recent non-stale measurement that meets the time horizon criteria |
if (((imuDataDelayed.time_ms - dataTemp.time_ms) < 500) && dataTemp.time_ms > temp_ms) { |
tasDataDelayed = dataTemp; |
temp_ms = dataTemp.time_ms; |
} |
} |
} |
if (temp_ms != 0) { |
return true; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
} |
// return newest un-used optical flow data that has fallen behind the fusion time horizon |
// if no un-used data is available behind the fusion horizon, return false |
bool NavEKF2_core::RecallOF() |
{ |
of_elements dataTemp; |
of_elements dataTempZero; |
dataTempZero.time_ms = 0; |
uint32_t temp_ms = 0; |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<OBS_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) { |
dataTemp = storedOF[i]; |
// find a measurement older than the fusion time horizon that we haven't checked before |
if (dataTemp.time_ms != 0 && dataTemp.time_ms <= imuDataDelayed.time_ms) { |
// zero the time stamp so we won't use it again |
storedOF[i]=dataTempZero; |
// Find the most recent non-stale measurement that meets the time horizon criteria |
if (((imuDataDelayed.time_ms - dataTemp.time_ms) < 500) && dataTemp.time_ms > temp_ms) { |
ofDataDelayed = dataTemp; |
temp_ms = dataTemp.time_ms; |
} |
} |
} |
if (temp_ms != 0) { |
return true; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
} |
// store magnetometer data in a history array |
void NavEKF2_core::StoreMag() |
{ |
if (magStoreIndex >= OBS_BUFFER_LENGTH) { |
magStoreIndex = 0; |
} |
storedMag[magStoreIndex] = magDataNew; |
magStoreIndex += 1; |
} |
// return newest un-used magnetometer data that has fallen behind the fusion time horizon |
// if no un-used data is available behind the fusion horizon, return false |
bool NavEKF2_core::RecallMag() |
{ |
mag_elements dataTemp; |
mag_elements dataTempZero; |
dataTempZero.time_ms = 0; |
uint32_t temp_ms = 0; |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<OBS_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) { |
dataTemp = storedMag[i]; |
// find a measurement older than the fusion time horizon that we haven't checked before |
if (dataTemp.time_ms != 0 && dataTemp.time_ms <= imuDataDelayed.time_ms) { |
// zero the time stamp so we won't use it again |
storedMag[i]=dataTempZero; |
// Find the most recent non-stale measurement that meets the time horizon criteria |
if (((imuDataDelayed.time_ms - dataTemp.time_ms) < 500) && dataTemp.time_ms > temp_ms) { |
magDataDelayed = dataTemp; |
temp_ms = dataTemp.time_ms; |
} |
} |
} |
if (temp_ms != 0) { |
return true; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
} |
// store GPS data in a history array |
void NavEKF2_core::StoreGPS() |
{ |
if (gpsStoreIndex >= OBS_BUFFER_LENGTH) { |
gpsStoreIndex = 0; |
} |
storedGPS[gpsStoreIndex] = gpsDataNew; |
gpsStoreIndex += 1; |
} |
// return newest un-used GPS data that has fallen behind the fusion time horizon |
// if no un-used data is available behind the fusion horizon, return false |
bool NavEKF2_core::RecallGPS() |
{ |
gps_elements dataTemp; |
gps_elements dataTempZero; |
dataTempZero.time_ms = 0; |
uint32_t temp_ms = 0; |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<OBS_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++) { |
dataTemp = storedGPS[i]; |
// find a measurement older than the fusion time horizon that we haven't checked before |
if (dataTemp.time_ms != 0 && dataTemp.time_ms <= imuDataDelayed.time_ms) { |
// zero the time stamp so we won't use it again |
storedGPS[i]=dataTempZero; |
// Find the most recent non-stale measurement that meets the time horizon criteria |
if (((imuDataDelayed.time_ms - dataTemp.time_ms) < 500) && dataTemp.time_ms > temp_ms) { |
gpsDataDelayed = dataTemp; |
temp_ms = dataTemp.time_ms; |
} |
} |
} |
if (temp_ms != 0) { |
return true; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
} |
// calculate nav to body quaternions from body to nav rotation matrix |
void NavEKF2_core::quat2Tbn(Matrix3f &Tbn, const Quaternion &quat) const |
{ |
// Calculate the body to nav cosine matrix |
quat.rotation_matrix(Tbn); |
} |
// return the Euler roll, pitch and yaw angle in radians |
void NavEKF2_core::getEulerAngles(Vector3f &euler) const |
{ |
outputDataNew.quat.to_euler(euler.x, euler.y, euler.z); |
euler = euler - _ahrs->get_trim(); |
} |
// This returns the specific forces in the NED frame |
void NavEKF2_core::getAccelNED(Vector3f &accelNED) const { |
accelNED = velDotNED; |
accelNED.z -= GRAVITY_MSS; |
} |
// return NED velocity in m/s |
// |
void NavEKF2_core::getVelNED(Vector3f &vel) const |
{ |
vel = outputDataNew.velocity; |
} |
// Return the last calculated NED position relative to the reference point (m). |
// if a calculated solution is not available, use the best available data and return false |
bool NavEKF2_core::getPosNED(Vector3f &pos) const |
{ |
// The EKF always has a height estimate regardless of mode of operation |
pos.z = outputDataNew.position.z; |
// There are three modes of operation, absolute position (GPS fusion), relative position (optical flow fusion) and constant position (no position estimate available) |
nav_filter_status status; |
getFilterStatus(status); |
if (status.flags.horiz_pos_abs || status.flags.horiz_pos_rel) { |
// This is the normal mode of operation where we can use the EKF position states |
pos.x = outputDataNew.position.x; |
pos.y = outputDataNew.position.y; |
return true; |
} else { |
// In constant position mode the EKF position states are at the origin, so we cannot use them as a position estimate |
if(validOrigin) { |
if ((_ahrs->get_gps().status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D)) { |
// If the origin has been set and we have GPS, then return the GPS position relative to the origin |
const struct Location &gpsloc = _ahrs->get_gps().location(); |
Vector2f tempPosNE = location_diff(EKF_origin, gpsloc); |
pos.x = tempPosNE.x; |
pos.y = tempPosNE.y; |
return false; |
} else { |
// If no GPS fix is available, all we can do is provide the last known position |
pos.x = outputDataNew.position.x + lastKnownPositionNE.x; |
pos.y = outputDataNew.position.y + lastKnownPositionNE.y; |
return false; |
} |
} else { |
// If the origin has not been set, then we have no means of providing a relative position |
pos.x = 0.0f; |
pos.y = 0.0f; |
return false; |
} |
} |
return false; |
} |
// return body axis gyro bias estimates in rad/sec |
void NavEKF2_core::getGyroBias(Vector3f &gyroBias) const |
{ |
if (dtIMUavg < 1e-6f) { |
|; |
return; |
} |
gyroBias = stateStruct.gyro_bias / dtIMUavg; |
} |
// return body axis gyro scale factor estimates |
void NavEKF2_core::getGyroScale(Vector3f &gyroScale) const |
{ |
if (!statesInitialised) { |
gyroScale.x = gyroScale.y = gyroScale.z = 0; |
return; |
} |
gyroScale.x = 1.0f/stateStruct.gyro_scale.x - 1.0f; |
gyroScale.y = 1.0f/stateStruct.gyro_scale.y - 1.0f; |
gyroScale.z = 1.0f/stateStruct.gyro_scale.z - 1.0f; |
} |
// return tilt error convergence metric |
void NavEKF2_core::getTiltError(float &ang) const |
{ |
ang = tiltErrFilt; |
} |
// reset the body axis gyro bias states to zero and re-initialise the corresponding covariances |
void NavEKF2_core::resetGyroBias(void) |
{ |
|; |
zeroRows(P,9,11); |
zeroCols(P,9,11); |
P[9][9] = sq(radians(InitialGyroBiasUncertainty() * dtIMUavg)); |
P[10][10] = P[9][9]; |
P[11][11] = P[9][9]; |
} |
// Reset the baro so that it reads zero at the current height |
// Reset the EKF height to zero |
// Adjust the EKf origin height so that the EKF height + origin height is the same as before |
// Return true if the height datum reset has been performed |
// If using a range finder for height do not reset and return false |
bool NavEKF2_core::resetHeightDatum(void) |
{ |
// if we are using a range finder for height, return false |
if (frontend._altSource == 1) { |
return false; |
} |
// record the old height estimate |
float oldHgt = -stateStruct.position.z; |
// reset the barometer so that it reads zero at the current height |
_baro.update_calibration(); |
// reset the height state |
stateStruct.position.z = 0.0f; |
// adjust the height of the EKF origin so that the origin plus baro height before and afer the reset is the same |
if (validOrigin) { |
EKF_origin.alt += oldHgt*100; |
} |
return true; |
} |
// Commands the EKF to not use GPS. |
// This command must be sent prior to arming |
// This command is forgotten by the EKF each time the vehicle disarms |
// Returns 0 if command rejected |
// Returns 1 if attitude, vertical velocity and vertical position will be provided |
// Returns 2 if attitude, 3D-velocity, vertical position and relative horizontal position will be provided |
uint8_t NavEKF2_core::setInhibitGPS(void) |
{ |
if(!filterArmed) { |
return 0; |
} |
if (optFlowDataPresent()) { |
frontend._fusionModeGPS = 3; |
//#error writing to a tuning parameter |
return 2; |
} else { |
return 1; |
} |
} |
// return the horizontal speed limit in m/s set by optical flow sensor limits |
// return the scale factor to be applied to navigation velocity gains to compensate for increase in velocity noise with height when using optical flow |
void NavEKF2_core::getEkfControlLimits(float &ekfGndSpdLimit, float &ekfNavVelGainScaler) const |
{ |
if (PV_AidingMode == AID_RELATIVE) { |
// allow 1.0 rad/sec margin for angular motion |
ekfGndSpdLimit = max((frontend._maxFlowRate - 1.0f), 0.0f) * max((terrainState - stateStruct.position[2]), rngOnGnd); |
// use standard gains up to 5.0 metres height and reduce above that |
ekfNavVelGainScaler = 4.0f / max((terrainState - stateStruct.position[2]),4.0f); |
} else { |
ekfGndSpdLimit = 400.0f; //return 80% of max filter speed |
ekfNavVelGainScaler = 1.0f; |
} |
} |
// return weighting of first IMU in blending function |
void NavEKF2_core::getIMU1Weighting(float &ret) const |
{ |
ret = IMU1_weighting; |
} |
// return the individual Z-accel bias estimates in m/s^2 |
void NavEKF2_core::getAccelZBias(float &zbias1, float &zbias2) const { |
if (dtIMUavg > 0) { |
zbias1 = stateStruct.accel_zbias / dtIMUavg; |
zbias2 = 0; |
} else { |
zbias1 = 0; |
zbias2 = 0; |
} |
} |
// return the NED wind speed estimates in m/s (positive is air moving in the direction of the axis) |
void NavEKF2_core::getWind(Vector3f &wind) const |
{ |
wind.x = stateStruct.wind_vel.x; |
wind.y = stateStruct.wind_vel.y; |
wind.z = 0.0f; // currently don't estimate this |
} |
// return earth magnetic field estimates in measurement units / 1000 |
void NavEKF2_core::getMagNED(Vector3f &magNED) const |
{ |
magNED = stateStruct.earth_magfield * 1000.0f; |
} |
// return body magnetic field estimates in measurement units / 1000 |
void NavEKF2_core::getMagXYZ(Vector3f &magXYZ) const |
{ |
magXYZ = stateStruct.body_magfield*1000.0f; |
} |
// return magnetometer offsets |
// return true if offsets are valid |
bool NavEKF2_core::getMagOffsets(Vector3f &magOffsets) const |
{ |
// compass offsets are valid if we have finalised magnetic field initialisation and magnetic field learning is not prohibited and primary compass is valid |
if (secondMagYawInit && (frontend._magCal != 2) && _ahrs->get_compass()->healthy(0)) { |
magOffsets = _ahrs->get_compass()->get_offsets(0) - stateStruct.body_magfield*1000.0f; |
return true; |
} else { |
magOffsets = _ahrs->get_compass()->get_offsets(0); |
return false; |
} |
} |
// Return the last calculated latitude, longitude and height in WGS-84 |
// If a calculated location isn't available, return a raw GPS measurement |
// The status will return true if a calculation or raw measurement is available |
// The getFilterStatus() function provides a more detailed description of data health and must be checked if data is to be used for flight control |
bool NavEKF2_core::getLLH(struct Location &loc) const |
{ |
if(validOrigin) { |
// Altitude returned is an absolute altitude relative to the WGS-84 spherioid |
loc.alt = EKF_origin.alt - outputDataNew.position.z*100; |
loc.flags.relative_alt = 0; |
loc.flags.terrain_alt = 0; |
// there are three modes of operation, absolute position (GPS fusion), relative position (optical flow fusion) and constant position (no aiding) |
nav_filter_status status; |
getFilterStatus(status); |
if (status.flags.horiz_pos_abs || status.flags.horiz_pos_rel) { |
| =; |
loc.lng = EKF_origin.lng; |
location_offset(loc, outputDataNew.position.x, outputDataNew.position.y); |
return true; |
} else { |
// we could be in constant position mode becasue the vehicle has taken off without GPS, or has lost GPS |
// in this mode we cannot use the EKF states to estimate position so will return the best available data |
if ((_ahrs->get_gps().status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_2D)) { |
// we have a GPS position fix to return |
const struct Location &gpsloc = _ahrs->get_gps().location(); |
| =; |
loc.lng = gpsloc.lng; |
return true; |
} else { |
// if no GPS fix, provide last known position before entering the mode |
location_offset(loc, lastKnownPositionNE.x, lastKnownPositionNE.y); |
return false; |
} |
} |
} else { |
// If no origin has been defined for the EKF, then we cannot use its position states so return a raw |
// GPS reading if available and return false |
if ((_ahrs->get_gps().status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D)) { |
const struct Location &gpsloc = _ahrs->get_gps().location(); |
loc = gpsloc; |
loc.flags.relative_alt = 0; |
loc.flags.terrain_alt = 0; |
} |
return false; |
} |
} |
// return the estimated height above ground level |
bool NavEKF2_core::getHAGL(float &HAGL) const |
{ |
HAGL = terrainState - outputDataNew.position.z; |
// If we know the terrain offset and altitude, then we have a valid height above ground estimate |
return !hgtTimeout && gndOffsetValid && healthy(); |
} |
// return data for debugging optical flow fusion |
void NavEKF2_core::getFlowDebug(float &varFlow, float &gndOffset, float &flowInnovX, float &flowInnovY, float &auxInnov, float &HAGL, float &rngInnov, float &range, float &gndOffsetErr) const |
{ |
varFlow = max(flowTestRatio[0],flowTestRatio[1]); |
gndOffset = terrainState; |
flowInnovX = innovOptFlow[0]; |
flowInnovY = innovOptFlow[1]; |
auxInnov = auxFlowObsInnov; |
HAGL = terrainState - stateStruct.position.z; |
rngInnov = innovRng; |
range = rngMea; |
gndOffsetErr = sqrtf(Popt); // note Popt is constrained to be non-negative in EstimateTerrainOffset() |
} |
// calculate whether the flight vehicle is on the ground or flying from height, airspeed and GPS speed |
void NavEKF2_core::SetFlightAndFusionModes() |
{ |
// determine if the vehicle is manoevring |
if (accNavMagHoriz > 0.5f) { |
manoeuvring = true; |
} else { |
manoeuvring = false; |
} |
// if we are a fly forward type vehicle, then in-air mode can be determined through a combination of speed and height criteria |
if (assume_zero_sideslip()) { |
// Evaluate a numerical score that defines the likelihood we are in the air |
float gndSpdSq = sq(gpsDataDelayed.vel.x) + sq(gpsDataDelayed.vel.y); |
bool highGndSpd = false; |
bool highAirSpd = false; |
bool largeHgtChange = false; |
// trigger at 8 m/s airspeed |
if (_ahrs->airspeed_sensor_enabled()) { |
const AP_Airspeed *airspeed = _ahrs->get_airspeed(); |
if (airspeed->get_airspeed() * airspeed->get_EAS2TAS() > 10.0f) { |
highAirSpd = true; |
} |
} |
// trigger at 10 m/s GPS velocity, but not if GPS is reporting bad velocity errors |
if (gndSpdSq > 100.0f && gpsSpdAccuracy < 1.0f) { |
highGndSpd = true; |
} |
// trigger if more than 10m away from initial height |
if (fabsf(baroDataDelayed.hgt) > 10.0f) { |
largeHgtChange = true; |
} |
// to go to in-air mode we also need enough GPS velocity to be able to calculate a reliable ground track heading and either a lerge height or airspeed change |
if (onGround && highGndSpd && (highAirSpd || largeHgtChange)) { |
onGround = false; |
} |
// if is possible we are in flight, set the time this condition was last detected |
if (highGndSpd || highAirSpd || largeHgtChange) { |
airborneDetectTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
} |
// after 5 seconds of not detecting a possible flight condition, we transition to on-ground mode |
if(!onGround && ((imuSampleTime_ms - airborneDetectTime_ms) > 5000)) { |
onGround = true; |
} |
// perform a yaw alignment check against GPS if exiting on-ground mode, bu tonly if we have enough ground speed |
// this is done to protect against unrecoverable heading alignment errors due to compass faults |
if (!onGround && prevOnGround) { |
alignYawGPS(); |
} |
} |
// store current on-ground status for next time |
prevOnGround = onGround; |
// If we are on ground, or in constant position mode, or don't have the right vehicle and sensing to estimate wind, inhibit wind states |
inhibitWindStates = ((!useAirspeed() && !assume_zero_sideslip()) || onGround || constPosMode); |
// request mag calibration for both in-air and manoeuvre threshold options |
bool magCalRequested = ((frontend._magCal == 0) && !onGround) || ((frontend._magCal == 1) && manoeuvring) || (frontend._magCal == 3); |
// deny mag calibration request if we aren't using the compass, are in the pre-arm constant position mode or it has been inhibited by the user |
bool magCalDenied = !use_compass() || constPosMode || (frontend._magCal == 2); |
// inhibit the magnetic field calibration if not requested or denied |
inhibitMagStates = (!magCalRequested || magCalDenied); |
if (inhibitMagStates && inhibitWindStates) { |
stateIndexLim = 15; |
} else if (inhibitWindStates) { |
stateIndexLim = 21; |
} else { |
stateIndexLim = 23; |
} |
} |
// initialise the covariance matrix |
void NavEKF2_core::CovarianceInit() |
{ |
// zero the matrix |
for (uint8_t i=1; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) |
{ |
for (uint8_t j=0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) |
{ |
P[i][j] = 0.0f; |
} |
} |
// attitude error |
P[0][0] = 0.1f; |
P[1][1] = 0.1f; |
P[2][2] = 0.1f; |
// velocities |
P[3][3] = sq(0.7f); |
P[4][4] = P[3][3]; |
P[5][5] = sq(0.7f); |
// positions |
P[6][6] = sq(15.0f); |
P[7][7] = P[6][6]; |
P[8][8] = sq(frontend._baroAltNoise); |
// gyro delta angle biases |
P[9][9] = sq(radians(InitialGyroBiasUncertainty() * dtIMUavg)); |
P[10][10] = P[9][9]; |
P[11][11] = P[9][9]; |
// gyro scale factor biases |
P[12][12] = sq(1e-3); |
P[13][13] = P[12][12]; |
P[14][14] = P[12][12]; |
// Z delta velocity bias |
P[15][15] = sq(INIT_ACCEL_BIAS_UNCERTAINTY * dtIMUavg); |
// earth magnetic field |
P[16][16] = 0.0f; |
P[17][17] = P[16][16]; |
P[18][18] = P[16][16]; |
// body magnetic field |
P[19][19] = 0.0f; |
P[20][20] = P[19][19]; |
P[21][21] = P[19][19]; |
// wind velocities |
P[22][22] = 0.0f; |
P[23][23] = P[22][22]; |
// optical flow ground height covariance |
Popt = 0.25f; |
} |
// force symmetry on the covariance matrix to prevent ill-conditioning |
void NavEKF2_core::ForceSymmetry() |
{ |
for (uint8_t i=1; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) |
{ |
for (uint8_t j=0; j<=i-1; j++) |
{ |
float temp = 0.5f*(P[i][j] + P[j][i]); |
P[i][j] = temp; |
P[j][i] = temp; |
} |
} |
} |
// copy covariances across from covariance prediction calculation |
void NavEKF2_core::CopyCovariances() |
{ |
// copy predicted covariances |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
for (uint8_t j=0; j<=stateIndexLim; j++) |
{ |
P[i][j] = nextP[i][j]; |
} |
} |
} |
// constrain variances (diagonal terms) in the state covariance matrix to prevent ill-conditioning |
void NavEKF2_core::ConstrainVariances() |
{ |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=2; i++) P[i][i] = constrain_float(P[i][i],0.0f,1.0f); // attitude error |
for (uint8_t i=3; i<=5; i++) P[i][i] = constrain_float(P[i][i],0.0f,1.0e3f); // velocities |
for (uint8_t i=6; i<=8; i++) P[i][i] = constrain_float(P[i][i],0.0f,1.0e6f); // positions |
for (uint8_t i=9; i<=11; i++) P[i][i] = constrain_float(P[i][i],0.0f,sq(0.175f * dtIMUavg)); // delta angle biases |
for (uint8_t i=12; i<=14; i++) P[i][i] = constrain_float(P[i][i],0.0f,0.01f); // delta angle scale factors |
P[15][15] = constrain_float(P[15][15],0.0f,sq(10.0f * dtIMUavg)); // delta velocity bias |
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=18; i++) P[i][i] = constrain_float(P[i][i],0.0f,0.01f); // earth magnetic field |
for (uint8_t i=19; i<=21; i++) P[i][i] = constrain_float(P[i][i],0.0f,0.01f); // body magnetic field |
for (uint8_t i=22; i<=23; i++) P[i][i] = constrain_float(P[i][i],0.0f,1.0e3f); // wind velocity |
} |
// constrain states to prevent ill-conditioning |
void NavEKF2_core::ConstrainStates() |
{ |
// attitude errors are limited between +-1 |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=2; i++) statesArray[i] = constrain_float(statesArray[i],-1.0f,1.0f); |
// velocity limit 500 m/sec (could set this based on some multiple of max airspeed * EAS2TAS) |
for (uint8_t i=3; i<=5; i++) statesArray[i] = constrain_float(statesArray[i],-5.0e2f,5.0e2f); |
// position limit 1000 km - TODO apply circular limit |
for (uint8_t i=6; i<=7; i++) statesArray[i] = constrain_float(statesArray[i],-1.0e6f,1.0e6f); |
// height limit covers home alt on everest through to home alt at SL and ballon drop |
stateStruct.position.z = constrain_float(stateStruct.position.z,-4.0e4f,1.0e4f); |
// gyro bias limit ~6 deg/sec (this needs to be set based on manufacturers specs) |
for (uint8_t i=9; i<=11; i++) statesArray[i] = constrain_float(statesArray[i],-0.1f*dtIMUavg,0.1f*dtIMUavg); |
// gyro scale factor limit of +-5% (this needs to be set based on manufacturers specs) |
for (uint8_t i=12; i<=14; i++) statesArray[i] = constrain_float(statesArray[i],0.95f,1.05f); |
// Z accel bias limit 1.0 m/s^2 (this needs to be finalised from test data) |
stateStruct.accel_zbias = constrain_float(stateStruct.accel_zbias,-1.0f*dtIMUavg,1.0f*dtIMUavg); |
// earth magnetic field limit |
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=18; i++) statesArray[i] = constrain_float(statesArray[i],-1.0f,1.0f); |
// body magnetic field limit |
for (uint8_t i=19; i<=21; i++) statesArray[i] = constrain_float(statesArray[i],-0.5f,0.5f); |
// wind velocity limit 100 m/s (could be based on some multiple of max airspeed * EAS2TAS) - TODO apply circular limit |
for (uint8_t i=22; i<=23; i++) statesArray[i] = constrain_float(statesArray[i],-100.0f,100.0f); |
// constrain the terrain offset state |
terrainState = max(terrainState, stateStruct.position.z + rngOnGnd); |
} |
bool NavEKF2_core::readDeltaVelocity(uint8_t ins_index, Vector3f &dVel, float &dVel_dt) { |
const AP_InertialSensor &ins = _ahrs->get_ins(); |
if (ins_index < ins.get_accel_count()) { |
ins.get_delta_velocity(ins_index,dVel); |
dVel_dt = max(ins.get_delta_velocity_dt(ins_index),1.0e-4f); |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
bool NavEKF2_core::readDeltaAngle(uint8_t ins_index, Vector3f &dAng) { |
const AP_InertialSensor &ins = _ahrs->get_ins(); |
if (ins_index < ins.get_gyro_count()) { |
ins.get_delta_angle(ins_index,dAng); |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
// update IMU delta angle and delta velocity measurements |
void NavEKF2_core::readIMUData() |
{ |
const AP_InertialSensor &ins = _ahrs->get_ins(); |
// average IMU sampling rate |
dtIMUavg = 1.0f/ins.get_sample_rate(); |
// the imu sample time is used as a common time reference throughout the filter |
imuSampleTime_ms = hal.scheduler->millis(); |
// Get delta velocity data |
readDeltaVelocity(ins.get_primary_accel(), imuDataNew.delVel, imuDataNew.delVelDT); |
// Get delta angle data |
readDeltaAngle(ins.get_primary_gyro(), imuDataNew.delAng); |
imuDataNew.delAngDT = max(ins.get_delta_time(),1.0e-4f); |
// get current time stamp |
imuDataNew.time_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
// save data in the FIFO buffer |
StoreIMU(); |
// extract the oldest available data from the FIFO buffer |
imuDataDelayed = storedIMU[fifoIndexDelayed]; |
} |
// check for new valid GPS data and update stored measurement if available |
void NavEKF2_core::readGpsData() |
{ |
// check for new GPS data |
if ((_ahrs->get_gps().last_message_time_ms() != lastTimeGpsReceived_ms) && |
(_ahrs->get_gps().status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D)) |
{ |
// store fix time from previous read |
secondLastGpsTime_ms = lastTimeGpsReceived_ms; |
// get current fix time |
lastTimeGpsReceived_ms = _ahrs->get_gps().last_message_time_ms(); |
// estimate when the GPS fix was valid, allowing for GPS processing and other delays |
// ideally we should be using a timing signal from the GPS receiver to set this time |
gpsDataNew.time_ms = lastTimeGpsReceived_ms - frontend._msecGpsDelay; |
// read the NED velocity from the GPS |
gpsDataNew.vel = _ahrs->get_gps().velocity(); |
// Use the speed accuracy from the GPS if available, otherwise set it to zero. |
// Apply a decaying envelope filter with a 5 second time constant to the raw speed accuracy data |
float alpha = constrain_float(0.0002f * (lastTimeGpsReceived_ms - secondLastGpsTime_ms),0.0f,1.0f); |
gpsSpdAccuracy *= (1.0f - alpha); |
float gpsSpdAccRaw; |
if (!_ahrs->get_gps().speed_accuracy(gpsSpdAccRaw)) { |
gpsSpdAccuracy = 0.0f; |
} else { |
gpsSpdAccuracy = max(gpsSpdAccuracy,gpsSpdAccRaw); |
} |
// check if we have enough GPS satellites and increase the gps noise scaler if we don't |
if (_ahrs->get_gps().num_sats() >= 6 && !constPosMode) { |
gpsNoiseScaler = 1.0f; |
} else if (_ahrs->get_gps().num_sats() == 5 && !constPosMode) { |
gpsNoiseScaler = 1.4f; |
} else { // <= 4 satellites or in constant position mode |
gpsNoiseScaler = 2.0f; |
} |
// Check if GPS can output vertical velocity and set GPS fusion mode accordingly |
if (_ahrs->get_gps().have_vertical_velocity() && frontend._fusionModeGPS == 0) { |
useGpsVertVel = true; |
} else { |
useGpsVertVel = false; |
} |
// Monitor quality of the GPS velocity data for alignment |
gpsQualGood = calcGpsGoodToAlign(); |
// read latitutde and longitude from GPS and convert to local NE position relative to the stored origin |
// If we don't have an origin, then set it to the current GPS coordinates |
const struct Location &gpsloc = _ahrs->get_gps().location(); |
if (validOrigin) { |
gpsDataNew.pos = location_diff(EKF_origin, gpsloc); |
} else if (gpsQualGood) { |
// Set the NE origin to the current GPS position |
setOrigin(); |
// Now we know the location we have an estimate for the magnetic field declination and adjust the earth field accordingly |
alignMagStateDeclination(); |
// Set the height of the NED origin to ‘height of baro height datum relative to GPS height datum' |
EKF_origin.alt = gpsloc.alt - baroDataNew.hgt; |
// We are by definition at the origin at the instant of alignment so set NE position to zero |
|; |
// If the vehicle is in flight (use arm status to determine) and GPS useage isn't explicitly prohibited, we switch to absolute position mode |
if (filterArmed && frontend._fusionModeGPS != 3) { |
constPosMode = false; |
PV_AidingMode = AID_ABSOLUTE; |
gpsNotAvailable = false; |
// Initialise EKF position and velocity states |
ResetPosition(); |
ResetVelocity(); |
} |
} |
// calculate a position offset which is applied to NE position and velocity wherever it is used throughout code to allow GPS position jumps to be accommodated gradually |
decayGpsOffset(); |
// save measurement to buffer to be fused later |
StoreGPS(); |
// declare GPS available for use |
gpsNotAvailable = false; |
} |
// If not aiding we synthesise the GPS measurements at a zero position |
if (PV_AidingMode == AID_NONE) { |
gpsNotAvailable = true; |
if (imuSampleTime_ms - gpsDataNew.time_ms > 200) { |
|; |
gpsDataNew.time_ms = imuSampleTime_ms-frontend._msecGpsDelay; |
// save measurement to buffer to be fused later |
StoreGPS(); |
} |
} else if (PV_AidingMode == AID_RELATIVE) { |
gpsNotAvailable = true; |
} |
} |
// check for new altitude measurement data and update stored measurement if available |
void NavEKF2_core::readHgtData() |
{ |
// check to see if baro measurement has changed so we know if a new measurement has arrived |
if (_baro.get_last_update() != lastHgtReceived_ms) { |
// Don't use Baro height if operating in optical flow mode as we use range finder instead |
if (frontend._fusionModeGPS == 3 && frontend._altSource == 1) { |
if ((imuSampleTime_ms - rngValidMeaTime_ms) < 2000) { |
// adjust range finder measurement to allow for effect of vehicle tilt and height of sensor |
baroDataNew.hgt = max(rngMea * Tnb_flow.c.z, rngOnGnd); |
// calculate offset to baro data that enables baro to be used as a backup |
// filter offset to reduce effect of baro noise and other transient errors on estimate |
baroHgtOffset = 0.1f * (_baro.get_altitude() + stateStruct.position.z) + 0.9f * baroHgtOffset; |
} else if (filterArmed && takeOffDetected) { |
// use baro measurement and correct for baro offset - failsafe use only as baro will drift |
baroDataNew.hgt = max(_baro.get_altitude() - baroHgtOffset, rngOnGnd); |
} else { |
// If we are on ground and have no range finder reading, assume the nominal on-ground height |
baroDataNew.hgt = rngOnGnd; |
// calculate offset to baro data that enables baro to be used as a backup |
// filter offset to reduce effect of baro noise and other transient errors on estimate |
baroHgtOffset = 0.1f * (_baro.get_altitude() + stateStruct.position.z) + 0.9f * baroHgtOffset; |
} |
} else { |
// use baro measurement and correct for baro offset |
baroDataNew.hgt = _baro.get_altitude(); |
} |
// filtered baro data used to provide a reference for takeoff |
// it is is reset to last height measurement on disarming in performArmingChecks() |
if (!getTakeoffExpected()) { |
const float gndHgtFiltTC = 0.5f; |
const float dtBaro = frontend.msecHgtAvg*1.0e-3f; |
float alpha = constrain_float(dtBaro / (dtBaro+gndHgtFiltTC),0.0f,1.0f); |
meaHgtAtTakeOff += (baroDataDelayed.hgt-meaHgtAtTakeOff)*alpha; |
} else if (filterArmed && getTakeoffExpected()) { |
// If we are in takeoff mode, the height measurement is limited to be no less than the measurement at start of takeoff |
// This prevents negative baro disturbances due to copter downwash corrupting the EKF altitude during initial ascent |
baroDataNew.hgt = max(baroDataNew.hgt, meaHgtAtTakeOff); |
} |
// time stamp used to check for new measurement |
lastHgtReceived_ms = _baro.get_last_update(); |
// estimate of time height measurement was taken, allowing for delays |
hgtMeasTime_ms = lastHgtReceived_ms - frontend.msecHgtDelay; |
// save baro measurement to buffer to be fused later |
baroDataNew.time_ms = hgtMeasTime_ms; |
StoreBaro(); |
} |
} |
// check for new magnetometer data and update store measurements if available |
void NavEKF2_core::readMagData() |
{ |
if (use_compass() && _ahrs->get_compass()->last_update_usec() != lastMagUpdate) { |
// store time of last measurement update |
lastMagUpdate = _ahrs->get_compass()->last_update_usec(); |
// estimate of time magnetometer measurement was taken, allowing for delays |
magMeasTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms - frontend.msecMagDelay; |
// read compass data and scale to improve numerical conditioning |
magDataNew.mag = _ahrs->get_compass()->get_field() * 0.001f; |
// check if compass offsets have been changed and adjust EKF bias states to maintain consistent innovations |
if (_ahrs->get_compass()->healthy(0)) { |
Vector3f nowMagOffsets = _ahrs->get_compass()->get_offsets(0); |
bool changeDetected = (!is_equal(nowMagOffsets.x,lastMagOffsets.x) || !is_equal(nowMagOffsets.y,lastMagOffsets.y) || !is_equal(nowMagOffsets.z,lastMagOffsets.z)); |
// Ignore bias changes before final mag field and yaw initialisation, as there may have been a compass calibration |
if (changeDetected && secondMagYawInit) { |
stateStruct.body_magfield.x += (nowMagOffsets.x - lastMagOffsets.x) * 0.001f; |
stateStruct.body_magfield.y += (nowMagOffsets.y - lastMagOffsets.y) * 0.001f; |
stateStruct.body_magfield.z += (nowMagOffsets.z - lastMagOffsets.z) * 0.001f; |
} |
lastMagOffsets = nowMagOffsets; |
} |
// save magnetometer measurement to buffer to be fused later |
magDataNew.time_ms = magMeasTime_ms; |
StoreMag(); |
} |
} |
// check for new airspeed data and update stored measurements if available |
void NavEKF2_core::readAirSpdData() |
{ |
// if airspeed reading is valid and is set by the user to be used and has been updated then |
// we take a new reading, convert from EAS to TAS and set the flag letting other functions |
// know a new measurement is available |
const AP_Airspeed *aspeed = _ahrs->get_airspeed(); |
if (aspeed && |
aspeed->use() && |
aspeed->last_update_ms() != timeTasReceived_ms) { |
tasDataNew.tas = aspeed->get_airspeed() * aspeed->get_EAS2TAS(); |
timeTasReceived_ms = aspeed->last_update_ms(); |
tasDataNew.time_ms = timeTasReceived_ms - frontend.msecTasDelay; |
newDataTas = true; |
StoreTAS(); |
RecallTAS(); |
} else { |
newDataTas = false; |
} |
} |
// write the raw optical flow measurements |
// this needs to be called externally. |
void NavEKF2_core::writeOptFlowMeas(uint8_t &rawFlowQuality, Vector2f &rawFlowRates, Vector2f &rawGyroRates, uint32_t &msecFlowMeas) |
{ |
// The raw measurements need to be optical flow rates in radians/second averaged across the time since the last update |
// The PX4Flow sensor outputs flow rates with the following axis and sign conventions: |
// A positive X rate is produced by a positive sensor rotation about the X axis |
// A positive Y rate is produced by a positive sensor rotation about the Y axis |
// This filter uses a different definition of optical flow rates to the sensor with a positive optical flow rate produced by a |
// negative rotation about that axis. For example a positive rotation of the flight vehicle about its X (roll) axis would produce a negative X flow rate |
flowMeaTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
flowQuality = rawFlowQuality; |
// calculate bias errors on flow sensor gyro rates, but protect against spikes in data |
// reset the accumulated body delta angle and time |
// don't do the calculation if not enough time lapsed for a reliable body rate measurement |
if (delTimeOF > 0.01f) { |
flowGyroBias.x = 0.99f * flowGyroBias.x + 0.01f * constrain_float((rawGyroRates.x - delAngBodyOF.x/delTimeOF),-0.1f,0.1f); |
flowGyroBias.y = 0.99f * flowGyroBias.y + 0.01f * constrain_float((rawGyroRates.y - delAngBodyOF.y/delTimeOF),-0.1f,0.1f); |
|; |
delTimeOF = 0.0f; |
} |
// check for takeoff if relying on optical flow and zero measurements until takeoff detected |
// if we haven't taken off - constrain position and velocity states |
if (frontend._fusionModeGPS == 3) { |
detectOptFlowTakeoff(); |
} |
// calculate rotation matrices at mid sample time for flow observations |
stateStruct.quat.rotation_matrix(Tbn_flow); |
Tnb_flow = Tbn_flow.transposed(); |
// don't use data with a low quality indicator or extreme rates (helps catch corrupt sensor data) |
if ((rawFlowQuality > 0) && rawFlowRates.length() < 4.2f && rawGyroRates.length() < 4.2f) { |
// correct flow sensor rates for bias |
omegaAcrossFlowTime.x = rawGyroRates.x - flowGyroBias.x; |
omegaAcrossFlowTime.y = rawGyroRates.y - flowGyroBias.y; |
// write uncorrected flow rate measurements that will be used by the focal length scale factor estimator |
// note correction for different axis and sign conventions used by the px4flow sensor |
ofDataNew.flowRadXY = - rawFlowRates; // raw (non motion compensated) optical flow angular rate about the X axis (rad/sec) |
// write flow rate measurements corrected for body rates |
ofDataNew.flowRadXYcomp.x = ofDataNew.flowRadXY.x + omegaAcrossFlowTime.x; |
ofDataNew.flowRadXYcomp.y = ofDataNew.flowRadXY.y + omegaAcrossFlowTime.y; |
// record time last observation was received so we can detect loss of data elsewhere |
flowValidMeaTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
// estimate sample time of the measurement |
ofDataNew.time_ms = imuSampleTime_ms - frontend._msecFlowDelay - frontend.flowTimeDeltaAvg_ms/2; |
// Save data to buffer |
StoreOF(); |
// Check for data at the fusion time horizon |
newDataFlow = RecallOF(); |
} |
} |
// calculate the NED earth spin vector in rad/sec |
void NavEKF2_core::calcEarthRateNED(Vector3f &omega, int32_t latitude) const |
{ |
float lat_rad = radians(latitude*1.0e-7f); |
omega.x = earthRate*cosf(lat_rad); |
omega.y = 0; |
omega.z = -earthRate*sinf(lat_rad); |
} |
// initialise the earth magnetic field states using declination, suppled roll/pitch |
// and magnetometer measurements and return initial attitude quaternion |
// if no magnetometer data, do not update magnetic field states and assume zero yaw angle |
Quaternion NavEKF2_core::calcQuatAndFieldStates(float roll, float pitch) |
{ |
// declare local variables required to calculate initial orientation and magnetic field |
float yaw; |
Matrix3f Tbn; |
Vector3f initMagNED; |
Quaternion initQuat; |
if (use_compass()) { |
// calculate rotation matrix from body to NED frame |
Tbn.from_euler(roll, pitch, 0.0f); |
// read the magnetometer data |
readMagData(); |
// rotate the magnetic field into NED axes |
initMagNED = Tbn * magDataDelayed.mag; |
// calculate heading of mag field rel to body heading |
float magHeading = atan2f(initMagNED.y, initMagNED.x); |
// get the magnetic declination |
float magDecAng = use_compass() ? _ahrs->get_compass()->get_declination() : 0; |
// calculate yaw angle rel to true north |
yaw = magDecAng - magHeading; |
yawAligned = true; |
// calculate initial filter quaternion states using yaw from magnetometer if mag heading healthy |
// otherwise use existing heading |
if (!badMag) { |
// store the yaw change so that it can be retrieved externally for use by the control loops to prevent yaw disturbances following a reset |
Vector3f tempEuler; |
stateStruct.quat.to_euler(tempEuler.x, tempEuler.y, tempEuler.z); |
yawResetAngle = wrap_PI(yaw - tempEuler.z); |
// set the flag to indicate that an in-flight yaw reset has been performed |
// this will be cleared when the reset value is retrieved |
yawResetAngleWaiting = true; |
// calculate an initial quaternion using the new yaw value |
initQuat.from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw); |
} else { |
initQuat = stateStruct.quat; |
} |
// calculate initial Tbn matrix and rotate Mag measurements into NED |
// to set initial NED magnetic field states |
initQuat.rotation_matrix(Tbn); |
stateStruct.earth_magfield = Tbn * magDataDelayed.mag; |
// align the NE earth magnetic field states with the published declination |
alignMagStateDeclination(); |
// clear bad magnetometer status |
badMag = false; |
} else { |
initQuat.from_euler(roll, pitch, 0.0f); |
yawAligned = false; |
} |
// return attitude quaternion |
return initQuat; |
} |
// this function is used to do a forced alignment of the yaw angle to align with the horizontal velocity |
// vector from GPS. It is used to align the yaw angle after launch or takeoff. |
void NavEKF2_core::alignYawGPS() |
{ |
if ((sq(gpsDataDelayed.vel.x) + sq(gpsDataDelayed.vel.y)) > 25.0f) { |
float roll; |
float pitch; |
float oldYaw; |
float newYaw; |
float yawErr; |
// get quaternion from existing filter states and calculate roll, pitch and yaw angles |
stateStruct.quat.to_euler(roll, pitch, oldYaw); |
// calculate course yaw angle |
oldYaw = atan2f(stateStruct.velocity.y,stateStruct.velocity.x); |
// calculate yaw angle from GPS velocity |
newYaw = atan2f(gpsDataNew.vel.y,gpsDataNew.vel.x); |
// estimate the yaw error |
yawErr = wrap_PI(newYaw - oldYaw); |
// If the inertial course angle disagrees with the GPS by more than 45 degrees, we declare the compass as bad |
badMag = (fabsf(yawErr) > 0.7854f); |
// correct yaw angle using GPS ground course compass failed or if not previously aligned |
if (badMag || !yawAligned) { |
// correct the yaw angle |
newYaw = oldYaw + yawErr; |
// calculate new filter quaternion states from Euler angles |
stateStruct.quat.from_euler(roll, pitch, newYaw); |
// the yaw angle is now aligned so update its status |
yawAligned = true; |
// reset the position and velocity states |
ResetPosition(); |
ResetVelocity(); |
// reset the covariance for the quaternion, velocity and position states |
// zero the matrix entries |
zeroRows(P,0,9); |
zeroCols(P,0,9); |
// velocities - we could have a big error coming out of constant position mode due to GPS lag |
P[3][3] = 400.0f; |
P[4][4] = P[3][3]; |
P[5][5] = sq(0.7f); |
// positions - we could have a big error coming out of constant position mode due to GPS lag |
P[6][6] = 400.0f; |
P[7][7] = P[6][6]; |
P[8][8] = sq(5.0f); |
} |
// Update magnetic field states if the magnetometer is bad |
if (badMag) { |
Vector3f eulerAngles; |
getEulerAngles(eulerAngles); |
calcQuatAndFieldStates(eulerAngles.x, eulerAngles.y); |
} |
} |
} |
// return the transformation matrix from XYZ (body) to NED axes |
void NavEKF2_core::getRotationBodyToNED(Matrix3f &mat) const |
{ |
Vector3f trim = _ahrs->get_trim(); |
outputDataNew.quat.rotation_matrix(mat); |
mat.rotateXYinv(trim); |
} |
// return the innovations for the NED Pos, NED Vel, XYZ Mag and Vtas measurements |
void NavEKF2_core::getInnovations(Vector3f &velInnov, Vector3f &posInnov, Vector3f &magInnov, float &tasInnov, float &yawInnov) const |
{ |
velInnov.x = innovVelPos[0]; |
velInnov.y = innovVelPos[1]; |
velInnov.z = innovVelPos[2]; |
posInnov.x = innovVelPos[3]; |
posInnov.y = innovVelPos[4]; |
posInnov.z = innovVelPos[5]; |
magInnov.x = 1e3f*innovMag[0]; // Convert back to sensor units |
magInnov.y = 1e3f*innovMag[1]; // Convert back to sensor units |
magInnov.z = 1e3f*innovMag[2]; // Convert back to sensor units |
tasInnov = innovVtas; |
yawInnov = innovYaw; |
} |
// return the innovation consistency test ratios for the velocity, position, magnetometer and true airspeed measurements |
// this indicates the amount of margin available when tuning the various error traps |
// also return the current offsets applied to the GPS position measurements |
void NavEKF2_core::getVariances(float &velVar, float &posVar, float &hgtVar, Vector3f &magVar, float &tasVar, Vector2f &offset) const |
{ |
velVar = sqrtf(velTestRatio); |
posVar = sqrtf(posTestRatio); |
hgtVar = sqrtf(hgtTestRatio); |
magVar.x = sqrtf(magTestRatio.x); |
magVar.y = sqrtf(magTestRatio.y); |
magVar.z = sqrtf(magTestRatio.z); |
tasVar = sqrtf(tasTestRatio); |
offset = gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE; |
} |
// Use a function call rather than a constructor to initialise variables because it enables the filter to be re-started in flight if necessary. |
void NavEKF2_core::InitialiseVariables() |
{ |
// initialise time stamps |
imuSampleTime_ms = hal.scheduler->millis(); |
lastHealthyMagTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
TASmsecPrev = imuSampleTime_ms; |
BETAmsecPrev = imuSampleTime_ms; |
lastMagUpdate = 0; |
lastHgtReceived_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
lastVelPassTime = imuSampleTime_ms; |
lastPosPassTime = imuSampleTime_ms; |
lastPosFailTime = 0; |
lastHgtPassTime = imuSampleTime_ms; |
lastTasPassTime = imuSampleTime_ms; |
lastStateStoreTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
lastTimeGpsReceived_ms = 0; |
secondLastGpsTime_ms = 0; |
lastDecayTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
timeAtLastAuxEKF_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
flowValidMeaTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
rngValidMeaTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
flowMeaTime_ms = 0; |
prevFlowFuseTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
gndHgtValidTime_ms = 0; |
ekfStartTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
lastGpsVelFail_ms = 0; |
lastGpsAidBadTime_ms = 0; |
hgtMeasTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
magMeasTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
timeTasReceived_ms = 0; |
// initialise other variables |
gpsNoiseScaler = 1.0f; |
hgtTimeout = true; |
magTimeout = true; |
tasTimeout = true; |
badMag = false; |
badIMUdata = false; |
firstArmComplete = false; |
firstMagYawInit = false; |
secondMagYawInit = false; |
dtIMUavg = 0.0025f; |
dt = 0; |
|; |
|; |
|; |
|; |
|; |
|; |
|; |
|; |
|; |
|; |
memset(&P[0][0], 0, sizeof(P)); |
memset(&nextP[0][0], 0, sizeof(nextP)); |
memset(&processNoise[0], 0, sizeof(processNoise)); |
flowDataValid = false; |
newDataRng = false; |
flowFusePerformed = false; |
fuseOptFlowData = false; |
Popt = 0.0f; |
terrainState = 0.0f; |
prevPosN = stateStruct.position.x; |
prevPosE = stateStruct.position.y; |
fuseRngData = false; |
inhibitGndState = true; |
flowGyroBias.x = 0; |
flowGyroBias.y = 0; |
constVelMode = false; |
lastConstVelMode = false; |
|; |
PV_AidingMode = AID_NONE; |
posTimeout = true; |
velTimeout = true; |
|; |
filterArmed = false; |
prevFilterArmed = false; |
constPosMode = true; |
memset(&faultStatus, 0, sizeof(faultStatus)); |
hgtRate = 0.0f; |
mag_state.q0 = 1; |
mag_state.DCM.identity(); |
IMU1_weighting = 0.5f; |
onGround = true; |
manoeuvring = false; |
yawAligned = false; |
inhibitWindStates = true; |
inhibitMagStates = true; |
gndOffsetValid = false; |
flowXfailed = false; |
validOrigin = false; |
takeoffExpectedSet_ms = 0; |
expectGndEffectTakeoff = false; |
touchdownExpectedSet_ms = 0; |
expectGndEffectTouchdown = false; |
gpsSpdAccuracy = 0.0f; |
baroHgtOffset = 0.0f; |
gpsAidingBad = false; |
highYawRate = false; |
yawRateFilt = 0.0f; |
yawResetAngle = 0.0f; |
yawResetAngleWaiting = false; |
tiltErrFilt = 1.0f; |
tiltAlignComplete = false; |
yawAlignComplete = false; |
stateIndexLim = 23; |
imuDataNew.frame = 0; |
baroStoreIndex = 0; |
magStoreIndex = 0; |
gpsStoreIndex = 0; |
tasStoreIndex = 0; |
ofStoreIndex = 0; |
|; |
|; |
|; |
gpsQualGood = false; |
} |
// return true if we should use the airspeed sensor |
bool NavEKF2_core::useAirspeed(void) const |
{ |
return _ahrs->airspeed_sensor_enabled(); |
} |
// return true if we should use the range finder sensor |
bool NavEKF2_core::useRngFinder(void) const |
{ |
// TO-DO add code to set this based in setting of optical flow use parameter and presence of sensor |
return true; |
} |
// return true if optical flow data is available |
bool NavEKF2_core::optFlowDataPresent(void) const |
{ |
return (imuSampleTime_ms - flowMeaTime_ms < 200); |
} |
// return true if the filter to be ready to use gps |
bool NavEKF2_core::readyToUseGPS(void) const |
{ |
return validOrigin && tiltAlignComplete && yawAlignComplete; |
} |
// return true if we should use the compass |
bool NavEKF2_core::use_compass(void) const |
{ |
return _ahrs->get_compass() && _ahrs->get_compass()->use_for_yaw(); |
} |
// decay GPS horizontal position offset to close to zero at a rate of 1 m/s for copters and 5 m/s for planes |
// limit radius to a maximum of 50m |
void NavEKF2_core::decayGpsOffset() |
{ |
float offsetDecaySpd; |
if (assume_zero_sideslip()) { |
offsetDecaySpd = 5.0f; |
} else { |
offsetDecaySpd = 1.0f; |
} |
float lapsedTime = 0.001f*float(imuSampleTime_ms - lastDecayTime_ms); |
lastDecayTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
float offsetRadius = pythagorous2(gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.x, gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.y); |
// decay radius if larger than offset decay speed multiplied by lapsed time (plus a margin to prevent divide by zero) |
if (offsetRadius > (offsetDecaySpd * lapsedTime + 0.1f)) { |
// Calculate the GPS velocity offset required. This is necessary to prevent the position measurement being rejected for inconsistency when the radius is being pulled back in. |
gpsVelGlitchOffset = -gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE*offsetDecaySpd/offsetRadius; |
// calculate scale factor to be applied to both offset components |
float scaleFactor = constrain_float((offsetRadius - offsetDecaySpd * lapsedTime), 0.0f, 50.0f) / offsetRadius; |
gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.x *= scaleFactor; |
gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.y *= scaleFactor; |
} else { |
|; |
|; |
} |
} |
/* |
should we assume zero sideslip? |
*/ |
bool NavEKF2_core::assume_zero_sideslip(void) const |
{ |
// we don't assume zero sideslip for ground vehicles as EKF could |
// be quite sensitive to a rapid spin of the ground vehicle if |
// traction is lost |
return _ahrs->get_fly_forward() && _ahrs->get_vehicle_class() != AHRS_VEHICLE_GROUND; |
} |
/* |
vehicle specific initial gyro bias uncertainty in deg/sec |
*/ |
float NavEKF2_core::InitialGyroBiasUncertainty(void) const |
{ |
return 5.0f; |
} |
/* |
return the filter fault status as a bitmasked integer |
0 = quaternions are NaN |
1 = velocities are NaN |
2 = badly conditioned X magnetometer fusion |
3 = badly conditioned Y magnetometer fusion |
5 = badly conditioned Z magnetometer fusion |
6 = badly conditioned airspeed fusion |
7 = badly conditioned synthetic sideslip fusion |
7 = filter is not initialised |
*/ |
void NavEKF2_core::getFilterFaults(uint8_t &faults) const |
{ |
faults = (stateStruct.quat.is_nan()<<0 | |
stateStruct.velocity.is_nan()<<1 | |
faultStatus.bad_xmag<<2 | |
faultStatus.bad_ymag<<3 | |
faultStatus.bad_zmag<<4 | |
faultStatus.bad_airspeed<<5 | |
faultStatus.bad_sideslip<<6 | |
!statesInitialised<<7); |
} |
/* |
return filter timeout status as a bitmasked integer |
0 = position measurement timeout |
1 = velocity measurement timeout |
2 = height measurement timeout |
3 = magnetometer measurement timeout |
4 = true airspeed measurement timeout |
5 = unassigned |
6 = unassigned |
7 = unassigned |
*/ |
void NavEKF2_core::getFilterTimeouts(uint8_t &timeouts) const |
{ |
timeouts = (posTimeout<<0 | |
velTimeout<<1 | |
hgtTimeout<<2 | |
magTimeout<<3 | |
tasTimeout<<4); |
} |
/* |
return filter function status as a bitmasked integer |
0 = attitude estimate valid |
1 = horizontal velocity estimate valid |
2 = vertical velocity estimate valid |
3 = relative horizontal position estimate valid |
4 = absolute horizontal position estimate valid |
5 = vertical position estimate valid |
6 = terrain height estimate valid |
7 = constant position mode |
*/ |
void NavEKF2_core::getFilterStatus(nav_filter_status &status) const |
{ |
// init return value |
status.value = 0; |
bool doingFlowNav = (PV_AidingMode == AID_RELATIVE) && flowDataValid; |
bool doingWindRelNav = !tasTimeout && assume_zero_sideslip(); |
bool doingNormalGpsNav = !posTimeout && (PV_AidingMode == AID_ABSOLUTE); |
bool notDeadReckoning = !constVelMode && !constPosMode; |
bool someVertRefData = (!velTimeout && useGpsVertVel) || !hgtTimeout; |
bool someHorizRefData = !(velTimeout && posTimeout && tasTimeout) || doingFlowNav; |
bool optFlowNavPossible = flowDataValid && (frontend._fusionModeGPS == 3); |
bool gpsNavPossible = !gpsNotAvailable && (frontend._fusionModeGPS <= 2); |
bool filterHealthy = healthy() && tiltAlignComplete && yawAlignComplete; |
// set individual flags |
status.flags.attitude = !stateStruct.quat.is_nan() && filterHealthy; // attitude valid (we need a better check) |
status.flags.horiz_vel = someHorizRefData && notDeadReckoning && filterHealthy; // horizontal velocity estimate valid |
status.flags.vert_vel = someVertRefData && filterHealthy; // vertical velocity estimate valid |
status.flags.horiz_pos_rel = ((doingFlowNav && gndOffsetValid) || doingWindRelNav || doingNormalGpsNav) && notDeadReckoning && filterHealthy; // relative horizontal position estimate valid |
status.flags.horiz_pos_abs = !gpsAidingBad && doingNormalGpsNav && notDeadReckoning && filterHealthy; // absolute horizontal position estimate valid |
status.flags.vert_pos = !hgtTimeout && filterHealthy; // vertical position estimate valid |
status.flags.terrain_alt = gndOffsetValid && filterHealthy; // terrain height estimate valid |
status.flags.const_pos_mode = constPosMode && filterHealthy; // constant position mode |
status.flags.pred_horiz_pos_rel = (optFlowNavPossible || gpsNavPossible) && filterHealthy; // we should be able to estimate a relative position when we enter flight mode |
status.flags.pred_horiz_pos_abs = gpsNavPossible && filterHealthy; // we should be able to estimate an absolute position when we enter flight mode |
status.flags.takeoff_detected = takeOffDetected; // takeoff for optical flow navigation has been detected |
status.flags.takeoff = expectGndEffectTakeoff; // The EKF has been told to expect takeoff and is in a ground effect mitigation mode |
status.flags.touchdown = expectGndEffectTouchdown; // The EKF has been told to detect touchdown and is in a ground effect mitigation mode |
status.flags.using_gps = (imuSampleTime_ms - lastPosPassTime) < 4000; |
} |
// send an EKF_STATUS message to GCS |
void NavEKF2_core::send_status_report(mavlink_channel_t chan) |
{ |
// get filter status |
nav_filter_status filt_state; |
getFilterStatus(filt_state); |
// prepare flags |
uint16_t flags = 0; |
if (filt_state.flags.attitude) { |
flags |= EKF_ATTITUDE; |
} |
if (filt_state.flags.horiz_vel) { |
} |
if (filt_state.flags.vert_vel) { |
} |
if (filt_state.flags.horiz_pos_rel) { |
flags |= EKF_POS_HORIZ_REL; |
} |
if (filt_state.flags.horiz_pos_abs) { |
flags |= EKF_POS_HORIZ_ABS; |
} |
if (filt_state.flags.vert_pos) { |
flags |= EKF_POS_VERT_ABS; |
} |
if (filt_state.flags.terrain_alt) { |
flags |= EKF_POS_VERT_AGL; |
} |
if (filt_state.flags.const_pos_mode) { |
flags |= EKF_CONST_POS_MODE; |
} |
if (filt_state.flags.pred_horiz_pos_rel) { |
} |
if (filt_state.flags.pred_horiz_pos_abs) { |
} |
// get variances |
float velVar, posVar, hgtVar, tasVar; |
Vector3f magVar; |
Vector2f offset; |
getVariances(velVar, posVar, hgtVar, magVar, tasVar, offset); |
// send message |
mavlink_msg_ekf_status_report_send(chan, flags, velVar, posVar, hgtVar, magVar.length(), tasVar); |
} |
// Check arm status and perform required checks and mode changes |
void NavEKF2_core::performArmingChecks() |
{ |
// don't allow filter to arm until it has been running for long enough to stabilise |
prevFilterArmed = filterArmed; |
filterArmed = ((readyToUseGPS() || frontend._fusionModeGPS == 3) && (imuSampleTime_ms - ekfStartTime_ms) > 1000); |
// check to see if arm status has changed and reset states if it has |
if (filterArmed != prevFilterArmed) { |
// only reset the magnetic field and heading on the first arm. This prevents in-flight learning being forgotten for vehicles that do multiple short flights and disarm in-between. |
if (filterArmed && !firstArmComplete) { |
firstArmComplete = true; |
Vector3f eulerAngles; |
getEulerAngles(eulerAngles); |
stateStruct.quat = calcQuatAndFieldStates(eulerAngles.x, eulerAngles.y); |
StoreQuatReset(); |
} |
// store vertical position at arming to use as a reference for ground relative cehcks |
if (filterArmed) { |
posDownAtArming = stateStruct.position.z; |
} |
// zero stored velocities used to do dead-reckoning |
|; |
// reset the flag that indicates takeoff for use by optical flow navigation |
takeOffDetected = false; |
// set various useage modes based on the condition at arming. These are then held until the vehicle is disarmed. |
if (!filterArmed) { |
PV_AidingMode = AID_NONE; // When dis-armed, we only estimate orientation & height using the constant position mode |
posTimeout = true; |
velTimeout = true; |
constPosMode = true; |
constVelMode = false; // always clear constant velocity mode if constant position mode is active |
lastConstVelMode = false; |
// store the current position to be used to keep reporting the last known position when disarmed |
lastKnownPositionNE.x = stateStruct.position.x; |
lastKnownPositionNE.y = stateStruct.position.y; |
// initialise filtered altitude used to provide a takeoff reference to current baro on disarm |
// this reduces the time required for the filter to settle before the estimate can be used |
meaHgtAtTakeOff = baroDataDelayed.hgt; |
// reset the vertical position state to faster recover from baro errors experienced during touchdown |
stateStruct.position.z = -meaHgtAtTakeOff; |
} else if (frontend._fusionModeGPS == 3) { // arming when GPS useage has been prohibited |
if (optFlowDataPresent()) { |
hal.console->printf("EKF is using optical flow\n"); |
PV_AidingMode = AID_RELATIVE; // we have optical flow data and can estimate all vehicle states |
posTimeout = true; |
velTimeout = true; |
constPosMode = false; |
constVelMode = false; |
} else { |
hal.console->printf("EKF cannot use aiding\n"); |
PV_AidingMode = AID_NONE; // we don't have optical flow data and will only be able to estimate orientation and height |
posTimeout = true; |
velTimeout = true; |
constPosMode = true; |
constVelMode = false; // always clear constant velocity mode if constant position mode is active |
} |
// Reset the last valid flow measurement time |
flowValidMeaTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
// Reset the last valid flow fusion time |
prevFlowFuseTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
// this avoids issues casued by the time delay associated with arming that can trigger short timeouts |
rngValidMeaTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
// store the range finder measurement which will be used as a reference to detect when we have taken off |
rangeAtArming = rngMea; |
// set the time at which we arm to assist with takeoff detection |
timeAtArming_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
} else { // arming when GPS useage is allowed |
if (!gpsQualGood) { |
hal.console->printf("EKF cannot use aiding\n"); |
PV_AidingMode = AID_NONE; // we don't have have GPS data and will only be able to estimate orientation and height |
posTimeout = true; |
velTimeout = true; |
constPosMode = true; |
constVelMode = false; // always clear constant velocity mode if constant position mode is active |
} else { |
hal.console->printf("EKF is using GPS\n"); |
PV_AidingMode = AID_ABSOLUTE; // we have GPS data and can estimate all vehicle states |
posTimeout = false; |
velTimeout = false; |
constPosMode = false; |
constVelMode = false; |
// we need to reset the GPS timers to prevent GPS timeout logic being invoked on entry into GPS aiding |
// this is becasue the EKF can be interrupted for an arbitrary amount of time during vehicle arming checks |
lastTimeGpsReceived_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
secondLastGpsTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
// reset the last valid position fix time to prevent unwanted activation of GPS glitch logic |
lastPosPassTime = imuSampleTime_ms; |
// reset the fail time to prevent premature reporting of loss of position accruacy |
lastPosFailTime = 0; |
} |
} |
// Reset all position, velocity and covariance |
ResetVelocity(); |
ResetPosition(); |
CovarianceInit(); |
} else if (filterArmed && !firstMagYawInit && (stateStruct.position.z - posDownAtArming) < -1.5f && !assume_zero_sideslip()) { |
// Do the first in-air yaw and earth mag field initialisation when the vehicle has gained 1.5m of altitude after arming if it is a non-fly forward vehicle (vertical takeoff) |
// This is done to prevent magnetic field distoration from steel roofs and adjacent structures causing bad earth field and initial yaw values |
Vector3f eulerAngles; |
getEulerAngles(eulerAngles); |
stateStruct.quat = calcQuatAndFieldStates(eulerAngles.x, eulerAngles.y); |
StoreQuatReset(); |
firstMagYawInit = true; |
} else if (filterArmed && !secondMagYawInit && (stateStruct.position.z - posDownAtArming) < -5.0f && !assume_zero_sideslip()) { |
// Do the second and final yaw and earth mag field initialisation when the vehicle has gained 5.0m of altitude after arming if it is a non-fly forward vehicle (vertical takeoff) |
// This second and final correction is needed for flight from large metal structures where the magnetic field distortion can extend up to 5m |
Vector3f eulerAngles; |
getEulerAngles(eulerAngles); |
stateStruct.quat = calcQuatAndFieldStates(eulerAngles.x, eulerAngles.y); |
StoreQuatReset(); |
secondMagYawInit = true; |
} |
// Always turn aiding off when the vehicle is disarmed |
if (!filterArmed) { |
PV_AidingMode = AID_NONE; |
posTimeout = true; |
velTimeout = true; |
// set constant position mode if aiding is inhibited |
constPosMode = true; |
constVelMode = false; // always clear constant velocity mode if constant position mode is active |
lastConstVelMode = false; |
} |
} |
// Set the NED origin to be used until the next filter reset |
void NavEKF2_core::setOrigin() |
{ |
// assume origin at current GPS location (no averaging) |
EKF_origin = _ahrs->get_gps().location(); |
// define Earth rotation vector in the NED navigation frame at the origin |
calcEarthRateNED(earthRateNED, _ahrs->get_home().lat); |
validOrigin = true; |
hal.console->printf("EKF Origin Set\n"); |
} |
// return the LLH location of the filters NED origin |
bool NavEKF2_core::getOriginLLH(struct Location &loc) const |
{ |
if (validOrigin) { |
loc = EKF_origin; |
} |
return validOrigin; |
} |
// set the LLH location of the filters NED origin |
bool NavEKF2_core::setOriginLLH(struct Location &loc) |
{ |
if (filterArmed) { |
return false; |
} |
EKF_origin = loc; |
validOrigin = true; |
return true; |
} |
// determine if a takeoff is expected so that we can compensate for expected barometer errors due to ground effect |
bool NavEKF2_core::getTakeoffExpected() |
{ |
if (expectGndEffectTakeoff && imuSampleTime_ms - takeoffExpectedSet_ms > frontend.gndEffectTimeout_ms) { |
expectGndEffectTakeoff = false; |
} |
return expectGndEffectTakeoff; |
} |
// called by vehicle code to specify that a takeoff is happening |
// causes the EKF to compensate for expected barometer errors due to ground effect |
void NavEKF2_core::setTakeoffExpected(bool val) |
{ |
takeoffExpectedSet_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
expectGndEffectTakeoff = val; |
} |
// determine if a touchdown is expected so that we can compensate for expected barometer errors due to ground effect |
bool NavEKF2_core::getTouchdownExpected() |
{ |
if (expectGndEffectTouchdown && imuSampleTime_ms - touchdownExpectedSet_ms > frontend.gndEffectTimeout_ms) { |
expectGndEffectTouchdown = false; |
} |
return expectGndEffectTouchdown; |
} |
// called by vehicle code to specify that a touchdown is expected to happen |
// causes the EKF to compensate for expected barometer errors due to ground effect |
void NavEKF2_core::setTouchdownExpected(bool val) |
{ |
touchdownExpectedSet_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
expectGndEffectTouchdown = val; |
} |
// Monitor GPS data to see if quality is good enough to initialise the EKF |
// Monitor magnetometer innovations to to see if the heading is good enough to use GPS |
// Return true if all criteria pass for 10 seconds |
bool NavEKF2_core::calcGpsGoodToAlign(void) |
{ |
// calculate absolute difference between GPS vert vel and inertial vert vel |
float velDiffAbs; |
if (_ahrs->get_gps().have_vertical_velocity()) { |
velDiffAbs = fabsf(gpsDataDelayed.vel.z - stateStruct.velocity.z); |
} else { |
velDiffAbs = 0.0f; |
} |
// fail if velocity difference or reported speed accuracy greater than threshold |
bool gpsVelFail = (velDiffAbs > 1.0f) || (gpsSpdAccuracy > 1.0f); |
// fail if not enough sats |
bool numSatsFail = _ahrs->get_gps().num_sats() < 6; |
// fail if horiziontal position accuracy not sufficient |
float hAcc = 0.0f; |
bool hAccFail; |
if (_ahrs->get_gps().horizontal_accuracy(hAcc)) { |
hAccFail = hAcc > 5.0f; |
} else { |
hAccFail = false; |
} |
// fail if magnetometer innovations are outside limits indicating bad yaw |
// with bad yaw we are unable to use GPS |
bool yawFail; |
if (magTestRatio.x > 1.0f || magTestRatio.y > 1.0f) { |
yawFail = true; |
} else { |
yawFail = false; |
} |
// record time of fail |
// assume fail first time called |
if (gpsVelFail || numSatsFail || hAccFail || yawFail || lastGpsVelFail_ms == 0) { |
lastGpsVelFail_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
} |
// continuous period without fail required to return healthy |
if (imuSampleTime_ms - lastGpsVelFail_ms > 10000) { |
return true; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
} |
// Read the range finder and take new measurements if available |
// Read at 20Hz and apply a median filter |
void NavEKF2_core::readRangeFinder(void) |
{ |
uint8_t midIndex; |
uint8_t maxIndex; |
uint8_t minIndex; |
// get theoretical correct range when the vehicle is on the ground |
rngOnGnd = _rng.ground_clearance_cm() * 0.01f; |
if (_rng.status() == RangeFinder::RangeFinder_Good && (imuSampleTime_ms - lastRngMeasTime_ms) > 50) { |
// store samples and sample time into a ring buffer |
rngMeasIndex ++; |
if (rngMeasIndex > 2) { |
rngMeasIndex = 0; |
} |
storedRngMeasTime_ms[rngMeasIndex] = imuSampleTime_ms; |
storedRngMeas[rngMeasIndex] = _rng.distance_cm() * 0.01f; |
// check for three fresh samples and take median |
bool sampleFresh[3]; |
for (uint8_t index = 0; index <= 2; index++) { |
sampleFresh[index] = (imuSampleTime_ms - storedRngMeasTime_ms[index]) < 500; |
} |
if (sampleFresh[0] && sampleFresh[1] && sampleFresh[2]) { |
if (storedRngMeas[0] > storedRngMeas[1]) { |
minIndex = 1; |
maxIndex = 0; |
} else { |
maxIndex = 0; |
minIndex = 1; |
} |
if (storedRngMeas[2] > storedRngMeas[maxIndex]) { |
midIndex = maxIndex; |
} else if (storedRngMeas[2] < storedRngMeas[minIndex]) { |
midIndex = minIndex; |
} else { |
midIndex = 2; |
} |
rngMea = max(storedRngMeas[midIndex],rngOnGnd); |
newDataRng = true; |
rngValidMeaTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
} else if (!filterArmed) { |
// if not armed and no return, we assume on ground range |
rngMea = rngOnGnd; |
newDataRng = true; |
rngValidMeaTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
} else { |
newDataRng = false; |
} |
lastRngMeasTime_ms = imuSampleTime_ms; |
} |
} |
// Detect takeoff for optical flow navigation |
void NavEKF2_core::detectOptFlowTakeoff(void) |
{ |
if (filterArmed && !takeOffDetected && (imuSampleTime_ms - timeAtArming_ms) > 1000) { |
const AP_InertialSensor &ins = _ahrs->get_ins(); |
Vector3f angRateVec; |
Vector3f gyroBias; |
getGyroBias(gyroBias); |
bool dual_ins = ins.get_gyro_health(0) && ins.get_gyro_health(1); |
if (dual_ins) { |
angRateVec = (ins.get_gyro(0) + ins.get_gyro(1)) * 0.5f - gyroBias; |
} else { |
angRateVec = ins.get_gyro() - gyroBias; |
} |
takeOffDetected = (takeOffDetected || (angRateVec.length() > 0.1f) || (rngMea > (rangeAtArming + 0.1f))); |
} |
} |
// provides the height limit to be observed by the control loops |
// returns false if no height limiting is required |
// this is needed to ensure the vehicle does not fly too high when using optical flow navigation |
bool NavEKF2_core::getHeightControlLimit(float &height) const |
{ |
// only ask for limiting if we are doing optical flow navigation |
if (frontend._fusionModeGPS == 3) { |
// If are doing optical flow nav, ensure the height above ground is within range finder limits after accounting for vehicle tilt and control errors |
height = max(float(_rng.max_distance_cm()) * 0.007f - 1.0f, 1.0f); |
return true; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
} |
// provides the delta quaternion that was used by the INS calculation to rotate from the previous orientation to the orientation at the current time |
// the delta quaternion returned will be a zero rotation if the INS calculation was not performed on that time step |
Quaternion NavEKF2_core::getDeltaQuaternion(void) const |
{ |
// Note: correctedDelAngQuat is reset to a zero rotation at the start of every update cycle in UpdateFilter() |
return correctedDelAngQuat; |
} |
// return the quaternions defining the rotation from NED to XYZ (body) axes |
void NavEKF2_core::getQuaternion(Quaternion& ret) const |
{ |
ret = outputDataNew.quat; |
} |
// align the NE earth magnetic field states with the published declination |
void NavEKF2_core::alignMagStateDeclination() |
{ |
// get the magnetic declination |
float magDecAng = use_compass() ? _ahrs->get_compass()->get_declination() : 0; |
// rotate the NE values so that the declination matches the published value |
Vector3f initMagNED = stateStruct.earth_magfield; |
float magLengthNE = pythagorous2(initMagNED.x,initMagNED.y); |
stateStruct.earth_magfield.x = magLengthNE * cosf(magDecAng); |
stateStruct.earth_magfield.y = magLengthNE * sinf(magDecAng); |
} |
// return the amount of yaw angle change due to the last yaw angle reset in radians |
// returns true if a reset yaw angle has been updated and not queried |
// this function should not have more than one client |
bool NavEKF2_core::getLastYawResetAngle(float &yawAng) |
{ |
if (yawResetAngleWaiting) { |
yawAng = yawResetAngle; |
yawResetAngleWaiting = false; |
return true; |
} else { |
yawAng = yawResetAngle; |
return false; |
} |
} |
// Fuse compass measurements usinga simple declination observation model that doesn't use magnetic field states |
void NavEKF2_core::fuseCompass() |
{ |
float q0 = stateStruct.quat[0]; |
float q1 = stateStruct.quat[1]; |
float q2 = stateStruct.quat[2]; |
float q3 = stateStruct.quat[3]; |
float magX = magDataDelayed.mag.x; |
float magY = magDataDelayed.mag.y; |
float magZ = magDataDelayed.mag.z; |
// compass measurement error variance (rad^2) |
const float R_MAG = 3e-2f; |
// Calculate observation Jacobian |
float t2 = q0*q0; |
float t3 = q1*q1; |
float t4 = q2*q2; |
float t5 = q3*q3; |
float t6 = q0*q2*2.0f; |
float t7 = q1*q3*2.0f; |
float t8 = t6+t7; |
float t9 = q0*q3*2.0f; |
float t13 = q1*q2*2.0f; |
float t10 = t9-t13; |
float t11 = t2+t3-t4-t5; |
float t12 = magX*t11; |
float t14 = magZ*t8; |
float t19 = magY*t10; |
float t15 = t12+t14-t19; |
float t16 = t2-t3+t4-t5; |
float t17 = q0*q1*2.0f; |
float t24 = q2*q3*2.0f; |
float t18 = t17-t24; |
float t20 = 1.0f/t15; |
float t21 = magY*t16; |
float t22 = t9+t13; |
float t23 = magX*t22; |
float t28 = magZ*t18; |
float t25 = t21+t23-t28; |
float t29 = t20*t25; |
float t26 = tan(t29); |
float t27 = 1.0f/(t15*t15); |
float t30 = t26*t26; |
float t31 = t30+1.0f; |
float H_MAG[3]; |
H_MAG[0] = -t31*(t20*(magZ*t16+magY*t18)+t25*t27*(magY*t8+magZ*t10)); |
H_MAG[1] = t31*(t20*(magX*t18+magZ*t22)+t25*t27*(magX*t8-magZ*t11)); |
H_MAG[2] = t31*(t20*(magX*t16-magY*t22)+t25*t27*(magX*t10+magY*t11)); |
// Calculate innovation variance and Kalman gains, taking advantage of the fact that only the first 3 elements in H are non zero |
float PH[3]; |
float varInnov = R_MAG; |
for (uint8_t rowIndex=0; rowIndex<=2; rowIndex++) { |
PH[rowIndex] = 0.0f; |
for (uint8_t colIndex=0; colIndex<=2; colIndex++) { |
PH[rowIndex] += P[rowIndex][colIndex]*H_MAG[colIndex]; |
} |
varInnov += H_MAG[rowIndex]*PH[rowIndex]; |
} |
float varInnovInv = 1.0f / varInnov; |
for (uint8_t rowIndex=0; rowIndex<=stateIndexLim; rowIndex++) { |
Kfusion[rowIndex] = 0.0f; |
for (uint8_t colIndex=0; colIndex<=2; colIndex++) { |
Kfusion[rowIndex] += P[rowIndex][colIndex]*H_MAG[colIndex]; |
} |
Kfusion[rowIndex] *= varInnovInv; |
} |
// Calculate the innovation |
float innovation = calcMagHeadingInnov(); |
// Copy raw value to output variable used for data logging |
innovYaw = innovation; |
// limit the innovation so that initial corrections are not too large |
if (innovation > 0.5f) { |
innovation = 0.5f; |
} else if (innovation < -0.5f) { |
innovation = -0.5f; |
} |
// correct the state vector |
|; |
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=stateIndexLim; i++) { |
statesArray[i] -= Kfusion[i] * innovation; |
} |
// the first 3 states represent the angular misalignment vector. This is |
// is used to correct the estimated quaternion on the current time step |
stateStruct.quat.rotate(stateStruct.angErr); |
// correct the covariance using P = P - K*H*P taking advantage of the fact that only the first 3 elements in H are non zero |
float HP[24]; |
for (uint8_t colIndex=0; colIndex<=stateIndexLim; colIndex++) { |
HP[colIndex] = 0.0f; |
for (uint8_t rowIndex=0; rowIndex<=2; rowIndex++) { |
HP[colIndex] += H_MAG[rowIndex]*P[rowIndex][colIndex]; |
} |
} |
for (uint8_t rowIndex=0; rowIndex<=stateIndexLim; rowIndex++) { |
for (uint8_t colIndex=0; colIndex<=stateIndexLim; colIndex++) { |
P[rowIndex][colIndex] -= Kfusion[rowIndex] * HP[colIndex]; |
} |
} |
// force the covariance matrix to be symmetrical and limit the variances to prevent |
// ill-condiioning. |
ForceSymmetry(); |
ConstrainVariances(); |
} |
// Calculate magnetic heading innovation |
float NavEKF2_core::calcMagHeadingInnov() |
{ |
// rotate predicted earth components into body axes and calculate |
// predicted measurements |
Matrix3f Tbn_temp; |
stateStruct.quat.rotation_matrix(Tbn_temp); |
Vector3f magMeasNED = Tbn_temp*magDataDelayed.mag; |
// calculate the innovation where the predicted measurement is the angle wrt magnetic north of the horizontal component of the measured field |
float innovation = atan2f(magMeasNED.y,magMeasNED.x) - _ahrs->get_compass()->get_declination(); |
// wrap the innovation so it sits on the range from +-pi |
if (innovation > 3.1415927f) { |
innovation = innovation - 6.2831853f; |
} else if (innovation < -3.1415927f) { |
innovation = innovation + 6.2831853f; |
} |
return innovation; |
} |
#endif // HAL_CPU_CLASS